from direct.showbase.DirectObject import DirectObject from direct.interval.MetaInterval import Parallel from direct.interval.LerpInterval import LerpPosInterval, LerpHprInterval from direct.showbase.RandomNumGen import RandomNumGen from pandac.PandaModules import Point3, WaitInterval from pandac.PandaModules import CollisionSphere, CollisionNode from toontown.suit import Suit from toontown.suit import SuitDNA from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from . import MazeGameGlobals class MazeSuit(DirectObject): COLL_SPHERE_NAME = 'MazeSuitSphere' COLLISION_EVENT_NAME = 'MazeSuitCollision' MOVE_IVAL_NAME = 'moveMazeSuit' DIR_UP = 0 DIR_DOWN = 1 DIR_LEFT = 2 DIR_RIGHT = 3 oppositeDirections = [DIR_DOWN, DIR_UP, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_LEFT] directionHs = [0, 180, 90, 270] DEFAULT_SPEED = 4.0 SUIT_Z = 0.1 def __init__(self, serialNum, maze, randomNumGen, cellWalkPeriod, difficulty, suitDnaName = 'f', startTile = None, ticFreq = MazeGameGlobals.SUIT_TIC_FREQ, walkSameDirectionProb = MazeGameGlobals.WALK_SAME_DIRECTION_PROB, walkTurnAroundProb = MazeGameGlobals.WALK_TURN_AROUND_PROB, uniqueRandomNumGen = True, walkAnimName = None): self.serialNum = serialNum self.maze = maze if uniqueRandomNumGen: self.rng = RandomNumGen(randomNumGen) else: self.rng = randomNumGen self.difficulty = difficulty self._walkSameDirectionProb = walkSameDirectionProb self._walkTurnAroundProb = walkTurnAroundProb self._walkAnimName = walkAnimName or 'walk' self.suit = Suit.Suit() d = SuitDNA.SuitDNA() d.newSuit(suitDnaName) self.suit.setDNA(d) if startTile is None: defaultStartPos = MazeGameGlobals.SUIT_START_POSITIONS[self.serialNum] self.startTile = (defaultStartPos[0] * self.maze.width, defaultStartPos[1] * self.maze.height) else: self.startTile = startTile self.ticFreq = ticFreq self.ticPeriod = int(cellWalkPeriod) self.cellWalkDuration = float(self.ticPeriod) / float(self.ticFreq) self.turnDuration = 0.6 * self.cellWalkDuration return def destroy(self): self.suit.delete() def uniqueName(self, str): return str + repr((self.serialNum)) def gameStart(self, gameStartTime): self.gameStartTime = gameStartTime self.initCollisions() self.startWalkAnim() self.occupiedTiles = [(self.nextTX, self.nextTY)] n = 20 self.nextThinkTic = self.serialNum * self.ticFreq / n self.fromPos = Point3(0, 0, 0) self.toPos = Point3(0, 0, 0) self.fromHpr = Point3(0, 0, 0) self.toHpr = Point3(0, 0, 0) self.moveIval = WaitInterval(1.0) def gameEnd(self): self.moveIval.pause() del self.moveIval self.shutdownCollisions() self.suit.loop('neutral') def initCollisions(self): self.collSphere = CollisionSphere(0, 0, 0, 2.0) self.collSphere.setTangible(0) self.collNode = CollisionNode(self.uniqueName(self.COLL_SPHERE_NAME)) self.collNode.setIntoCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.WallBitmask) self.collNode.addSolid(self.collSphere) self.collNodePath = self.suit.attachNewNode(self.collNode) self.collNodePath.hide() self.accept(self.uniqueName('enter' + self.COLL_SPHERE_NAME), self.handleEnterSphere) def shutdownCollisions(self): self.ignore(self.uniqueName('enter' + self.COLL_SPHERE_NAME)) del self.collSphere self.collNodePath.removeNode() del self.collNodePath del self.collNode def handleEnterSphere(self, collEntry): messenger.send(self.COLLISION_EVENT_NAME, [self.serialNum]) def __getWorldPos(self, sTX, sTY): wx, wy = self.maze.tile2world(sTX, sTY) return Point3(wx, wy, self.SUIT_Z) def onstage(self): sTX = int(self.startTile[0]) sTY = int(self.startTile[1]) c = 0 lim = 0 toggle = 0 direction = 0 while not self.maze.isWalkable(sTX, sTY): if 0 == direction: sTX -= 1 elif 1 == direction: sTY -= 1 elif 2 == direction: sTX += 1 elif 3 == direction: sTY += 1 c += 1 if c > lim: c = 0 direction = (direction + 1) % 4 toggle += 1 if not toggle & 1: lim += 1 self.TX = sTX self.TY = sTY self.direction = self.DIR_DOWN self.lastDirection = self.direction self.nextTX = self.TX self.nextTY = self.TY self.suit.setPos(self.__getWorldPos(self.TX, self.TY)) self.suit.setHpr(self.directionHs[self.direction], 0, 0) self.suit.reparentTo(render) self.suit.pose(self._walkAnimName, 0) self.suit.loop('neutral') def offstage(self): self.suit.reparentTo(hidden) def startWalkAnim(self): self.suit.loop(self._walkAnimName) speed = float(self.maze.cellWidth) / self.cellWalkDuration self.suit.setPlayRate(speed / self.DEFAULT_SPEED, self._walkAnimName) def __applyDirection(self, dir, TX, TY): if self.DIR_UP == dir: TY += 1 elif self.DIR_DOWN == dir: TY -= 1 elif self.DIR_LEFT == dir: TX -= 1 elif self.DIR_RIGHT == dir: TX += 1 return (TX, TY) def __chooseNewWalkDirection(self, unwalkables): if not self.rng.randrange(self._walkSameDirectionProb): newTX, newTY = self.__applyDirection(self.direction, self.TX, self.TY) if self.maze.isWalkable(newTX, newTY, unwalkables): return self.direction if self.difficulty >= 0.5: if not self.rng.randrange(self._walkTurnAroundProb): oppositeDir = self.oppositeDirections[self.direction] newTX, newTY = self.__applyDirection(oppositeDir, self.TX, self.TY) if self.maze.isWalkable(newTX, newTY, unwalkables): return oppositeDir candidateDirs = [self.DIR_UP, self.DIR_DOWN, self.DIR_LEFT, self.DIR_RIGHT] candidateDirs.remove(self.oppositeDirections[self.direction]) while len(candidateDirs): dir = self.rng.choice(candidateDirs) newTX, newTY = self.__applyDirection(dir, self.TX, self.TY) if self.maze.isWalkable(newTX, newTY, unwalkables): return dir candidateDirs.remove(dir) return self.oppositeDirections[self.direction] def getThinkTimestampTics(self, curTic): if curTic < self.nextThinkTic: return [] else: r = list(range(int(self.nextThinkTic), curTic + 1, self.ticPeriod)) self.lastTicBeforeRender = r[-1] return r def prepareToThink(self): self.occupiedTiles = [(self.nextTX, self.nextTY)] def think(self, curTic, curT, unwalkables): self.TX = self.nextTX self.TY = self.nextTY self.lastDirection = self.direction self.direction = self.__chooseNewWalkDirection(unwalkables) self.nextTX, self.nextTY = self.__applyDirection(self.direction, self.TX, self.TY) self.occupiedTiles = [(self.TX, self.TY), (self.nextTX, self.nextTY)] if curTic == self.lastTicBeforeRender: fromCoords = self.maze.tile2world(self.TX, self.TY) toCoords = self.maze.tile2world(self.nextTX, self.nextTY) self.fromPos.set(fromCoords[0], fromCoords[1], self.SUIT_Z) self.toPos.set(toCoords[0], toCoords[1], self.SUIT_Z) self.moveIval = LerpPosInterval(self.suit, self.cellWalkDuration, self.toPos, startPos=self.fromPos, name=self.uniqueName(self.MOVE_IVAL_NAME)) if self.direction != self.lastDirection: self.fromH = self.directionHs[self.lastDirection] toH = self.directionHs[self.direction] if self.fromH == 270 and toH == 0: self.fromH = -90 elif self.fromH == 0 and toH == 270: self.fromH = 360 self.fromHpr.set(self.fromH, 0, 0) self.toHpr.set(toH, 0, 0) turnIval = LerpHprInterval(self.suit, self.turnDuration, self.toHpr, startHpr=self.fromHpr, name=self.uniqueName('turnMazeSuit')) self.moveIval = Parallel(self.moveIval, turnIval, name=self.uniqueName(self.MOVE_IVAL_NAME)) else: self.suit.setH(self.directionHs[self.direction]) moveStartT = float(self.nextThinkTic) / float(self.ticFreq) self.moveIval.start(curT - (moveStartT + self.gameStartTime)) self.nextThinkTic += self.ticPeriod @staticmethod def thinkSuits(suitList, startTime, ticFreq = MazeGameGlobals.SUIT_TIC_FREQ): curT = globalClock.getFrameTime() - startTime curTic = int(curT * float(ticFreq)) suitUpdates = [] for i in range(len(suitList)): updateTics = suitList[i].getThinkTimestampTics(curTic) suitUpdates.extend(list(zip(updateTics, [i] * len(updateTics)))) suitUpdates.sort(lambda a, b: a[0] - b[0]) if len(suitUpdates) > 0: curTic = 0 for i in range(len(suitUpdates)): update = suitUpdates[i] tic = update[0] suitIndex = update[1] suit = suitList[suitIndex] if tic > curTic: curTic = tic j = i + 1 while j < len(suitUpdates): if suitUpdates[j][0] > tic: break suitList[suitUpdates[j][1]].prepareToThink() j += 1 unwalkables = [] for si in range(suitIndex): unwalkables.extend(suitList[si].occupiedTiles) for si in range(suitIndex + 1, len(suitList)): unwalkables.extend(suitList[si].occupiedTiles) suit.think(curTic, curT, unwalkables)