import os, sys, socket, random from urllib.parse import quote_plus from pandac.PandaModules import HTTPClient from pandac.PandaModules import HTTPCookie from pandac.PandaModules import URLSpec from pandac.PandaModules import Ramfile from pandac.PandaModules import Ostream from pandac.PandaModules import HTTPDate from pandac.PandaModules import DocumentSpec from direct.task.Task import Task from direct.directnotify.DirectNotifyGlobal import directNotify notify = directNotify.newCategory('UserFunnel') class UserFunnel: def __init__(self): self.hitboxAcct = 'DM53030620EW' self.language = 'en-us' self.cgRoot = 'ToonTown_Online' self.cgBeta = 'Beta' self.cgRelease = 'Release' self.cgLocation = 'US' self.campaignID = '' self.cfCookieFile = 'cf.txt' self.dynamicVRFunnel = '' self.hostDict = {0: 'Internal Disney PHP Collector Site', 1: '', 2: '', 3: ''} self.CurrentHost = '' self.URLtoSend = '' self.gameName = 'ToonTown' self.browserName = 'Panda3D%20(' + self.gameName + ';%20' + sys.platform + ')' self.HTTPUserHeader = [('User-agent', 'Panda3D')] self.osMajorver = '' self.osMinorver = '' self.osRevver = '' self.osBuild = '' self.osType = '' self.osComments = '' self.msWinTypeDict = {0: 'Win32s on Windows 3.1', 1: 'Windows 95/98/ME', 2: 'Windows NT/2000/XP', 3: 'Windows CE'} self.milestoneDict = {0: 'New User', 1: 'Create Account', 2: 'View EULA', 3: 'Accept EULA', 4: 'Download Start', 5: 'Download End', 6: 'Installer Run', 7: 'Launcher Start', 8: 'Launcher Login', 9: 'Client Opens', 10: 'Create Pirate Loads', 11: 'Create Pirate Exit', 12: 'Cutscene One Start', 13: 'Cutscene One Ends', 14: 'Cutscene Two Start', 15: 'Cutscene Thee Start', 16: 'Cutscene Three Ends', 17: 'Access Cannon', 18: 'Cutscene Four Starts', 19: 'Cutscene Four Ends', 20: 'Dock - Start Game'} self.macTypeDict = {2: 'Jaguar', 1: 'Puma', 3: 'Panther', 4: 'Tiger', 5: 'Lepard'} self.milestone = '' self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = [] self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = [] self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM = [] self.checkForCFfile() self.httpSession = HTTPClient() self.whatOSver() def checkForCFfile(self): if firstRun() == True: pass elif os.path.isfile(self.cfCookieFile) == False: firstRun('write', True) def whatOSver(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': self.osMajorver = str(sys.getwindowsversion()[0]) self.osMinorver = str(sys.getwindowsversion()[1]) self.osBuild = str(sys.getwindowsversion()[2]) self.osType = str(sys.getwindowsversion()[3]) self.osComments = str(sys.getwindowsversion()[4]) return if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.osMajorver = '10' osxcmd = '/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType |/usr/bin/grep "System Version"' infopipe = os.popen(osxcmd, 'r') parseLine = infopipe.close() del infopipe'parseLine = %s' % str(parseLine)) versionStringStart = parseLine.find('10.')'versionStringStart = %s' % str(versionStringStart)) testPlist = False try: self.osMinorver = parseLine[versionStringStart + 3] self.osRevver = parseLine[versionStringStart + 5:versionStringStart + 7].strip(' ') self.osBuild = parseLine[int(parseLine.find('(')) + 1:parseLine.find(')')] except:"couldn't parse the system_profiler output, using zeros") self.osMinorver = '0' self.osRevver = '0' self.osBuild = '0000' testPlist = True del versionStringStart del parseLine del osxcmd if testPlist: try: import plistlib pl = plistlib.readPlist('/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist')'pl=%s' % str(pl)) parseLine = pl['ProductVersion'] numbers = parseLine.split('.')'parseline =%s numbers =%s' % (parseLine, numbers)) self.osMinorver = numbers[1] self.osRevver = numbers[2] self.osBuild = pl['ProductBuildVersion'] except:'tried plist but still got exception') self.osMinorver = '0' self.osRevver = '0' self.osBuild = '0000' return def setmilestone(self, ms): if firstRun() == False: self.milestone = ms else: self.milestone = '%s_INITIAL' % ms def setgamename(self, gamename): self.gameName = gamename def printosComments(self): return self.osComments def setHost(self, hostID): self.CurrentHost = hostID def getFunnelURL(self): if patcherVer() == ['OFFLINE']: return if patcherVer() == []: patcherHTTP = HTTPClient() if checkParamFile() == None: patcherDoc = patcherHTTP.getDocument(URLSpec('')) vconGroup('w', self.cgRelease) else: patcherDoc = patcherHTTP.getDocument(URLSpec(checkParamFile())) vconGroup('w', self.cgBeta) rf = Ramfile() patcherDoc.downloadToRam(rf) self.patcherURL = rf.getData() if self.patcherURL.find('FUNNEL_LOG') == -1: patcherVer('w', 'OFFLINE') return self.patcherURL = self.patcherURL.split('\n') del rf del patcherDoc del patcherHTTP while self.patcherURL: self.confLine = self.patcherURL.pop() if self.confLine.find('FUNNEL_LOG=') != -1 and self.confLine.find('#FUNNEL_LOG=') == -1: self.dynamicVRFunnel = self.confLine[11:].strip('\n') patcherVer('w', self.confLine[11:].strip('\n')) else: self.dynamicVRFunnel = patcherVer()[0] return def isVarSet(self, varInQuestion): try: tempvar = type(varInQuestion) return 1 except NameError: return 0 def buildURL(self): if sys.platform == 'win32': hitboxOSType = 'c3' else: hitboxOSType = 'c4' if self.CurrentHost == 1: self.URLtoSend = 'http://' + self.hostDict[self.CurrentHost] + 'hb=' + str(self.hitboxAcct) + '&n=' + str(self.milestone) + '&ln=' + self.language + '&gp=STARTGAME&fnl=TOONTOWN_FUNNEL&vcon=/' + self.cgRoot + '/' + self.cgLocation + '/' + str(vconGroup()) + '&c1=' + str(sys.platform) + '&' + str(hitboxOSType) + '=' + str(self.osMajorver) + '_' + str(self.osMinorver) + '_' + str(self.osRevver) + '_' + str(self.osBuild) if self.CurrentHost == 2: self.URLtoSend = 'http://' + self.hostDict[self.CurrentHost] + 'hb=' + str(self.hitboxAcct) + '&n=' + str(self.milestone) + '&ln=' + self.language + '&vcon=/' + self.cgRoot + '/' + self.cgLocation + '/' + str(vconGroup()) + '&c1=' + str(sys.platform) + '&' + str(hitboxOSType) + '=' + str(self.osMajorver) + '_' + str(self.osMinorver) + '_' + str(self.osRevver) + '_' + str(self.osBuild) if self.CurrentHost == 0: localMAC = str(getMAC()) self.URLtoSend = str(self.dynamicVRFunnel) + '?funnel=' + str(self.milestone) + '&platform=' + str(sys.platform) + '&sysver=' + str(self.osMajorver) + '_' + str(self.osMinorver) + '_' + str(self.osRevver) + '_' + str(self.osBuild) + '&mac=' + localMAC + '&username=' + str(loggingSubID()) + '&id=' + str(loggingAvID()) def readInPandaCookie(self): thefile = open(self.cfCookieFile, 'r') thedata ='\n') thefile.close() del thefile if thedata[0].find('Netscape HTTP Cookie File') != -1: return thedata.pop() try: while thedata: temp = thedata.pop() temp = temp.split('\t') domain = temp[0] loc = temp[1] variable = temp[2] value = temp[3] if variable == 'CTG': self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = [domain, loc, variable, value] self.setTheHTTPCookie(self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG) if variable == self.hitboxAcct + 'V6': self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM = [domain, loc, variable, value] self.setTheHTTPCookie(self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM) if variable == 'WSS_GW': self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = [domain, loc, variable, value] self.setTheHTTPCookie(self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS) except IndexError: print('UserFunnel(Warning): Cookie Data file bad') del thedata def updateInstanceCookieValues(self): a = self.httpSession.getCookie(HTTPCookie('WSS_GW', '/', '')) if a.getName(): self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS = ['', '/', 'WSS_GW', a.getValue()] b = self.httpSession.getCookie(HTTPCookie('CTG', '/', '')) if b.getName(): self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG = ['', '/', 'CTG', b.getValue()] c = self.httpSession.getCookie(HTTPCookie(self.hitboxAcct + 'V6', '/', '')) if c.getName(): self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM = ['', '/', self.hitboxAcct + 'V6', c.getValue()] del a del b del c def setTheHTTPCookie(self, cookieParams): c = HTTPCookie(cookieParams[2], cookieParams[1], cookieParams[0]) c.setValue(cookieParams[3]) self.httpSession.setCookie(c) def writeOutPandaCookie(self): try: thefile = open(self.cfCookieFile, 'w') if len(self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS) == 4: thefile.write(self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS[0] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS[1] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS[2] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarWSS[3] + '\n') if len(self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG) == 4: thefile.write(self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG[0] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG[1] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG[2] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarCTG[3] + '\n') if len(self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM) == 4: thefile.write(self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM[0] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM[1] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM[2] + '\t' + self.pandaHTTPClientVarDM[3] + '\n') thefile.close() except IOError: return def prerun(self): self.getFunnelURL() self.buildURL() if os.path.isfile(self.cfCookieFile) == True: if self.CurrentHost == 1 or self.CurrentHost == 2: self.readInPandaCookie() def run(self): if self.CurrentHost == 0 and patcherVer() == ['OFFLINE']: return self.nonBlock = self.httpSession.makeChannel(False) self.nonBlock.beginGetDocument(DocumentSpec(self.URLtoSend)) instanceMarker = str(random.randint(1, 1000)) instanceMarker = 'FunnelLoggingRequest-%s' % instanceMarker self.startCheckingAsyncRequest(instanceMarker) def startCheckingAsyncRequest(self, name): taskMgr.remove(name) taskMgr.doMethodLater(0.5, self.pollFunnelTask, name) def stopCheckingFunnelTask(self, name): taskMgr.remove('pollFunnelTask') def pollFunnelTask(self, task): result = if result == 0: self.stopCheckingFunnelTask(task) if self.CurrentHost == 1 or self.CurrentHost == 2: self.updateInstanceCookieValues() self.writeOutPandaCookie() else: return Task.again def logSubmit(setHostID, setMileStone): if __dev__: return trackItem = UserFunnel() trackItem.setmilestone(quote_plus(setMileStone)) trackItem.setHost(setHostID) trackItem.prerun() def getVRSFunnelURL(): a = UserFunnel() a.getFunnelURL() class HitBoxCookie: def __init__(self): self.ieCookieDir = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') + '\\Cookies' self.pythonCookieFile = 'cf.txt' self.hitboxCookieFile = None self.ehgdigCookieFile = None self.hitboxAcct = 'DM53030620EW' self.ctg = None self.wss_gw = None self.dmAcct = None self.pythonCookieHeader = ' # Netscape HTTP Cookie File\n #\n # This is a generated file! Do not edit.\n\n' return def returnIECookieDir(self): return self.ieCookieDir def findIECookieFiles(self): try: sdir = os.listdir(self.ieCookieDir) except WindowsError: print('Dir does not exist, do nothing') return while sdir: temp = sdir.pop() if temp.find('@hitbox[') != -1: self.hitboxCookieFile = temp if temp.find('@ehg-dig.hitbox[') != -1: self.ehgdigCookieFile = temp if self.hitboxCookieFile != None and self.ehgdigCookieFile != None: return 1 if self.hitboxCookieFile == None and self.ehgdigCookieFile == None: return 0 else: return -1 return def openHitboxFile(self, filename, type = 'python'): if type == 'ie': fullfile = self.ieCookieDir + '\\' + filename else: fullfile = filename cf = open(fullfile, 'r') data = cf.close() return data def splitIECookie(self, filestream): return filestream.split('*\n') def sortIECookie(self, filestreamListElement): return [filestreamListElement.split('\n')[2], filestreamListElement.split('\n')[0], filestreamListElement.split('\n')[1]] def sortPythonCookie(self, filestreamListElement): return [filestreamListElement.split('\t')[0], filestreamListElement.split('\t')[5], filestreamListElement.split('\t')[6]] def writeIEHitBoxCookies(self): if self.ctg == None or self.wss_gw == None or self.dmAcct == None: return if sys.platform != 'win32': return self.findIECookieFiles() iecData = self.openHitboxFile(self.ehgdigCookieFile, 'ie') iecData = iecData.split('*\n') x = 0 while x < len(iecData): if iecData[x].find(self.hitboxAcct) != -1: iecData.pop(x) print('Removed it from the list') break x += 1 iecWrite = open(self.ieCookieDir + '\\' + self.ehgdigCookieFile, 'w') while iecData: iecBuffer = iecData.pop() + '*\n' iecBuffer = iecBuffer.strip('/') if iecBuffer[0] == '.': iecBuffer = iecBuffer[1:] iecWrite.write(iecBuffer) tempDMBUFFER = self.dmAcct[0] if tempDMBUFFER[0].find('.') == 0: tempDMBUFFER = tempDMBUFFER[1:] iecWrite.write(self.dmAcct[1] + '\n' + self.dmAcct[2] + '\n' + tempDMBUFFER + '/\n*\n') iecWrite.close() del iecData del iecWrite del iecBuffer iecWrite = open(self.ieCookieDir + '\\' + self.hitboxCookieFile, 'w') iecBuffer = self.ctg[0] if iecBuffer[0] == '.': iecBuffer = iecBuffer[1:] if iecBuffer.find('/') == -1: iecBuffer = iecBuffer + '/' iecWrite.write(self.ctg[1] + '\n' + self.ctg[2] + '\n' + iecBuffer + '\n*\n') iecWrite.write(self.wss_gw[1] + '\n' + self.wss_gw[2] + '\n' + iecBuffer + '\n*\n') iecWrite.close() return def OLDwritePythonHitBoxCookies(self, filename = 'cf.txt'): if self.ctg == None or self.wss_gw == None or self.dmAcct == None: return outputfile = open(filename, 'w') outputfile.write(self.pythonCookieHeader) outputfile.write('.' + self.dmAcct[0].strip('/') + '\tTRUE\t/\tFALSE\t9999999999\t' + self.dmAcct[1] + '\t' + self.dmAcct[2] + '\n') outputfile.write('.' + self.ctg[0].strip('/') + '\tTRUE\t/\tFALSE\t9999999999\t' + self.ctg[1] + '\t' + self.ctg[2] + '\n') outputfile.write('.' + self.wss_gw[0].strip('/') + '\tTRUE\t/\tFALSE\t9999999999\t' + self.wss_gw[1] + '\t' + self.wss_gw[2] + '\n') outputfile.close() return def writePythonHitBoxCookies(self, filename = 'cf.txt'): if self.ctg == None or self.wss_gw == None or self.dmAcct == None: return outputfile = open(filename, 'w') outputfile.write('.' + self.dmAcct[0].strip('/') + '\t/\t' + self.dmAcct[1] + '\t' + self.dmAcct[2] + '\n') outputfile.write('.' + self.ctg[0].strip('/') + '\t/\t' + self.ctg[1] + '\t' + self.ctg[2] + '\n') outputfile.write('.' + self.wss_gw[0].strip('/') + '\t/\t' + self.wss_gw[1] + '\t' + self.wss_gw[2] + '\n') outputfile.close() return def loadPythonHitBoxCookies(self): if os.path.isfile(self.pythonCookieFile) != 1: return pythonStandard = self.openHitboxFile(self.pythonCookieFile, 'python') pythonStandard = pythonStandard.split('\n\n').pop(1) pythonStandard = pythonStandard.split('\n') for x in pythonStandard: if x.find('\t' + self.hitboxAcct) != -1: self.dmAcct = self.sortPythonCookie(x) if x.find('\tCTG\t') != -1: self.ctg = self.sortPythonCookie(x) if x.find('\tWSS_GW\t') != -1: self.wss_gw = self.sortPythonCookie(x) def loadIEHitBoxCookies(self): if self.findIECookieFiles() != 1: return if sys.platform != 'win32': return hitboxStandard = self.openHitboxFile(self.hitboxCookieFile, 'ie') hitboxDIG = self.openHitboxFile(self.ehgdigCookieFile, 'ie') hitboxStandard = self.splitIECookie(hitboxStandard) hitboxDIG = self.splitIECookie(hitboxDIG) ctg = None wss = None for x in hitboxStandard: if x.find('CTG\n') != -1: ctg = x if x.find('WSS_GW\n') != -1: wss = x if ctg == None or wss == None: return DM = None for x in hitboxDIG: if x.find(self.hitboxAcct) != -1: DM = x if DM == None: return self.ctg = self.sortIECookie(ctg) self.wss_gw = self.sortIECookie(wss) self.dm560804E8WD = self.sortIECookie(DM) return def convertHitBoxIEtoPython(): if sys.platform != 'win32': print('Cookie Converter: Warning: System is not MS-Windows. I have not been setup to work with other systems yet. Sorry ' + sys.platform + ' user. The game client will create a cookie.') return if __dev__: return a = HitBoxCookie() a.loadIEHitBoxCookies() a.writePythonHitBoxCookies() del a def convertHitBoxPythontoIE(): if sys.platform != 'win32': print('System is not MS-Windows. I have not been setup to work with other systems yet. Sorry ' + sys.platform + ' user.') return if os.path.isfile('cf.txt') == True: return a = HitBoxCookie() a.loadPythonHitBoxCookies() a.writeIEHitBoxCookies() del a def getreg(regVar): if sys.platform != 'win32': print("System is not MS-Windows. I haven't been setup yet to work with systems other than MS-Win using MS-Internet Explorer Cookies") return '' siteName = '' cookiedir = os.getenv('USERPROFILE') + '\\Cookies' sdir = os.listdir(cookiedir) wholeCookie = None while sdir: temp = sdir.pop() if temp.find(siteName) != -1: wholeCookie = temp break if wholeCookie == None: print('Cookie not found for site name: ' + siteName) return '' CompleteCookiePath = cookiedir + '\\' + wholeCookie cf = open(CompleteCookiePath, 'r') data = cf.close() del cf data = data.replace('%3D', '=') data = data.replace('%26', '&') regNameStart = data.find(regVar) if regNameStart == -1: return '' regVarStart = data.find('=', regNameStart + 1) regVarEnd = data.find('&', regNameStart + 1) return data[regVarStart + 1:regVarEnd] def getMAC(staticMAC = [None]): if staticMAC[0] == None: if sys.platform == 'win32': correctSection = 0 try: ipconfdata = os.popen('/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ipconfig /all').readlines() except: staticMAC[0] = 'NO_MAC' return staticMAC[0] for line in ipconfdata: if line.find('Local Area Connection') >= 0: correctSection = 1 if line.find('Physical Address') >= 0 and correctSection == 1: pa = line.split(':')[-1].strip() correctSection = 0 staticMAC[0] = pa return pa if sys.platform == 'darwin': macconfdata = os.popen('/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPNetworkDataType |/usr/bin/grep MAC').readlines() result = '-1' if macconfdata: if macconfdata[0].find('MAC Address') != -1: pa = macconfdata[0][macconfdata[0].find(':') + 2:macconfdata[0].find(':') + 22].strip('\n') staticMAC[0] = pa.replace(':', '-') result = staticMAC[0] return result if sys.platform != 'darwin' and sys.platform != 'win32': print('System is not running OSX or MS-Windows.') return '-2' else: return staticMAC[0] return def firstRun(operation = 'read', newPlayer = None, newPlayerBool = [False]): if operation != 'read': if len(newPlayerBool) != 0: newPlayerBool.pop() newPlayerBool.append(newPlayer) return newPlayerBool[0] def patcherVer(operation = 'read', url = None, patchfile = []): if operation != 'read': if len(patchfile) != 0: patchfile.pop() patchfile.append(url) return patchfile def loggingAvID(operation = 'read', newId = None, localAvId = [None]): if operation == 'write': localAvId[0] = newId else: return localAvId[0] def loggingSubID(operation = 'read', newId = None, localSubId = [None]): if operation == 'write': localSubId[0] = newId else: return localSubId[0] def vconGroup(operation = 'read', group = None, staticStore = []): if operation != 'read': if len(staticStore) != 0: staticStore.pop() staticStore.append(group) try: return staticStore[0] except IndexError: return None return None def printUnreachableLen(): import gc gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) gc.collect() unreachableL = [] for it in gc.garbage: unreachableL.append(it) return len(str(unreachableL)) def printUnreachableNum(): import gc gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) gc.collect() return len(gc.garbage) def reportMemoryLeaks(): if printUnreachableNum() == 0: return import bz2, gc gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_SAVEALL) gc.collect() uncompressedReport = '' for s in gc.garbage: try: uncompressedReport += str(s) + '&' except TypeError: pass reportdata = bz2.compress(uncompressedReport, 9) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-bzip2', 'Accept': 'text/plain'} try: baseURL = patcherVer()[0].split('/lo')[0] except IndexError: print('Base URL not available for leak submit') return basePort = 80 if baseURL.count(':') == 2: basePort = baseURL[-4:] baseURL = baseURL[:-5] baseURL = baseURL[7:] if basePort != 80: finalURL = 'http://' + baseURL + ':' + str(basePort) + '/logging/memory_leak.php?leakcount=' + str(printUnreachableNum()) else: finalURL = 'http://' + baseURL + '/logging/memory_leak.php?leakcount=' + str(printUnreachableNum()) reporthttp = HTTPClient() reporthttp.postForm(URLSpec(finalURL), reportdata) def checkParamFile(): if os.path.exists('parameters.txt') == 1: paramfile = open('parameters.txt', 'r') contents = paramfile.close() del paramfile contents = contents.split('\n') newURL = '' while contents: checkLine = contents.pop() if checkLine.find('PATCHER_BASE_URL=') != -1 and checkLine[0] == 'P': newURL = checkLine.split('=')[1] newURL = newURL.replace(' ', '') break if newURL == '': return else: return newURL + 'patcher.ver'