from direct.gui.DirectGui import * from panda3d.core import * from panda3d.physics import * from direct.directnotify import DirectNotifyGlobal from direct.interval.IntervalGlobal import * from direct.distributed import DistributedObject from direct.showutil import Rope import math from toontown.toonbase import ToontownGlobals from . import VineGameGlobals from . import VineSpider class SwingVine(NodePath): notify = DirectNotifyGlobal.directNotify.newCategory('SwingVine') defaultNormal = Vec3(1, 0, 0) SwingAnimPeriod = 6.0 SmallAnimAngle = 10 NonMovingAnimAngle = 2 SwingAnimFull = 0 SwingAnimSmall = 1 SwingAnimMinimal = 2 MaxNumberOfFramesInSwingAnim = 144 def __init__(self, vineIndex, x, y, z, length = 20, baseAngle = 40, period = 4, spiderPeriod = 0): NodePath.__init__(self, 'SwingVine') self.cableLength = length self.numLinks = 3 self.links = [] self.vineIndex = vineIndex self.spider = None self.spiderPeriod = spiderPeriod self.hasSpider = not spiderPeriod == 0 self.numTubes = self.numLinks * 3 self.tubeLength = float(self.cableLength) / self.numTubes self.tubeLength *= 1.25 self.tIncrement = 1.0 / self.numTubes self.tHalfIncrement = self.tIncrement / 2.0 self.baseAngle = baseAngle self.maxSwingAngle = deg2Rad(-90 + baseAngle) self.minSwingAngle = deg2Rad(-90 - baseAngle) self.period = period self.swingingForward = True self.swingT = 0 self.swingAngle = 0 self.setPos(x, y, z) self.load() self.attachedToons = {} self.ival = None self.spiderIval = None self.unloading = False self.spiderMovingDown = True return def load(self): self.root = self.attachNewNode('root') self.topLink = self.root.attachNewNode('topLink') self.setupCable() self.reparentTo(render) self.debugTangent = None nearBubble = CollisionSphere(0, 0, -self.cableLength / 2.0, self.cableLength / 2.0) nearBubble.setTangible(0) nearBubbleNode = CollisionNode('SwingVine') nearBubbleNode.setCollideMask(GeomNode.getDefaultCollideMask()) nearBubbleNode.addSolid(nearBubble) self.rope.setName('SwingVine-%d' % self.vineIndex) self.setupTubes() if self.hasSpider: self.spider = VineSpider.VineSpider() self.spiderT = 0.25 return def unload(self): self.unloading = True if self.ival: self.ival.finish() self.ival = None if self.spiderIval: self.spiderIval.finish() self.spiderIval = None if self.debugTangent: self.debugTangent.removeNode() for tube in self.tubes: tube.removeNode() self.tubes = [] for tube in self.tubes2: tube.removeNode() self.tubes2 = [] if self.hasSpider: self.spider.destroy() del self.spider for toonInfo in list(self.attachedToons.values()): attachNode = toonInfo[4] if attachNode: attachNode.removeNode() swingIval = toonInfo[6] if swingIval: swingIval.finish() self.removeNode() return def setupCable(self): self.links = [] self.links.append((self.topLink, Point3(0, 0, 0))) anchor = self.topLink for linkNum in range(self.numLinks): anchor = self.__makeLink(anchor, linkNum) self.bottomLink = self.links[-1][0] self.link1 = self.links[-2][0] self.rope = self.makeSpline() self.rope.reparentTo(self.root) myTexture = loader.loadTexture('phase_4/maps/swinging_vine.png') gameAssets = loader.loadModel('phase_4/models/minigames/vine_game') vine = gameAssets.find('**/vine1') self.cableTex = vine.findTexture('*') if self.cableTex: self.cableTex.setWrapV(Texture.WMRepeat) self.rope.setTexture(self.cableTex) ts = TextureStage.getDefault() self.rope.setTexScale(ts, 1.0, 0.15) self.rope.setTransparency(1) if self.vineIndex == VineGameGlobals.NumVines - 1: pass if self.cableTex: self.setupStaticPart(self.cableTex) def setupStaticPart(self, vineTexture): cm = CardMaker('card') cm.setFrame(-0.5, 0.5, -0.1, 8) self.staticVine = self.attachNewNode(cm.generate()) self.staticVine.setTexture(vineTexture) self.setTransparency(1) radius = 0.5 tubeIndex = 0 colNode = CollisionNode('StaticVine-%d-%d' % (self.vineIndex, tubeIndex)) bz = 0 az = 58 quad = CollisionPolygon(Point3(0.25, radius + 1, bz), Point3(0.25, radius + 1, az), Point3(0.25, -radius - 1, az), Point3(0.25, -radius - 1, bz)) colNode.addSolid(quad) colNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask) colNode.setBounds(BoundingSphere(Point3(0, 0, 0), 10)) self.staticVine.attachNewNode(colNode) colNode2 = CollisionNode('StaticVine-%d-%d' % (self.vineIndex, tubeIndex)) quad2 = CollisionPolygon(Point3(-0.25, -radius - 1, bz), Point3(-0.25, -radius - 1, az), Point3(-0.25, +radius + 1, az), Point3(-0.25, +radius + 1, bz)) colNode2.addSolid(quad2) colNode2.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask) colNode2.setBounds(BoundingSphere(Point3(0, 0, 0), 10)) self.staticVine.attachNewNode(colNode2) def setupTubes(self): self.tubes = [] self.tubes2 = [] radius = 0.5 for tubeIndex in range(self.numTubes): az = self.tubeLength / 2.0 bz = -self.tubeLength / 2.0 ct = CollisionTube(0, 0, az, 0, 0, bz, radius) ct.setTangible(0) colNode = CollisionNode('SwingVine-%d-%d' % (self.vineIndex, tubeIndex)) quad = CollisionPolygon(Point3(0.25, radius + 1, bz), Point3(0.25, radius + 1, az), Point3(0.25, -radius - 1, az), Point3(0.25, -radius - 1, bz)) colNode.addSolid(quad) colNode.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask) colNode.setBounds(BoundingSphere(Point3(0, 0, 0), 10)) colNode2 = CollisionNode('SwingVine-%d-%d' % (self.vineIndex, tubeIndex)) quad2 = CollisionPolygon(Point3(-0.25, -radius - 1, bz), Point3(-0.25, -radius - 1, az), Point3(-0.25, +radius + 1, az), Point3(-0.25, +radius + 1, bz)) colNode2.addSolid(quad2) colNode2.setCollideMask(ToontownGlobals.PieBitmask) colNode2.setBounds(BoundingSphere(Point3(0, 0, 0), 10)) newTube = render.attachNewNode(colNode) self.tubes.append(newTube) newTube2 = render.attachNewNode(colNode2) self.tubes2.append(newTube2) self.updateTubes() def __makeLink(self, anchor, linkNum): an = ActorNode('link%s' % linkNum) anp = NodePath(an) anp.reparentTo(self.root) z = float(linkNum + 1) / float(self.numLinks) * self.cableLength anp.setPos(self.topLink.getPos()) anp.setZ(anp.getZ() - z) self.links.append((anp, Point3(0, 0, 0))) return anp def makeSpline(self): rope = Rope.Rope() for i in range(len(self.links)): pass rope.setup(min(len(self.links), 4), self.links) for i in range(len(self.links)): pass rope.curve.normalizeKnots() self.notify.debug('after normalize Knots') for i in range(len(self.links)): pass rn = rope.ropeNode rn.setRenderMode(RopeNode.RMBillboard) rn.setNumSlices(3) rn.setTubeUp(Vec3(0, -1, 0)) rn.setUvMode(RopeNode.UVDistance) rn.setUvDirection(False) rn.setThickness(1.0) return rope def positionLink1(self, t, angleInRadians): degAngle = rad2Deg(angleInRadians) diffFrom90 = degAngle - -90.0 link1AngleDiff = diffFrom90 * 2 / 3.0 link1AngleToUse = deg2Rad(-90 + link1AngleDiff) lengthToUse = self.cableLength * 2.0 / 3.0 link1X = math.cos(link1AngleToUse) * lengthToUse link1Z = math.sin(link1AngleToUse) * lengthToUse self.link1.setPos(link1X, 0, link1Z) def swingForward(self, t): diffAngle = self.maxSwingAngle - self.minSwingAngle multiplier = t angleToUse = self.minSwingAngle + multiplier * diffAngle newX = math.cos(angleToUse) * self.cableLength newZ = math.sin(angleToUse) * self.cableLength self.bottomLink.setPos(newX, 0, newZ) self.positionLink1(t, angleToUse) oldSwingingForward = self.swingingForward self.swingingForward = True self.swingT = t self.swingAngle = angleToUse self.updateAttachedStuff() if not oldSwingingForward == self.swingingForward: self.updateSwingAnims() def swingBack(self, t): diffAngle = self.maxSwingAngle - self.minSwingAngle multiplier = t angleToUse = self.maxSwingAngle - multiplier * diffAngle newX = math.cos(angleToUse) * self.cableLength newZ = math.sin(angleToUse) * self.cableLength self.bottomLink.setPos(newX, 0, newZ) self.positionLink1(t, angleToUse) oldSwingingForward = self.swingingForward self.swingingForward = False self.swingT = t self.swingAngle = angleToUse self.updateAttachedStuff() if not oldSwingingForward == self.swingingForward: self.updateSwingAnims() def moveSpiderDown(self, t): self.spiderMovingDown = True self.spiderT = t def moveSpiderUp(self, t): self.spiderMovingDown = False self.spiderT = 1 - t def startSwing(self): forwardX = math.cos(self.maxSwingAngle) * self.cableLength forwardZ = math.sin(self.maxSwingAngle) * self.cableLength backX = math.cos(self.minSwingAngle) * self.cableLength backZ = math.sin(self.minSwingAngle) * self.cableLength self.bottomLink.setPos(backX, 0, backZ) self.ival = Sequence(LerpFunctionInterval(self.swingForward, duration=self.period / 2.0, blendType='easeInOut')) self.ival.append(LerpFunctionInterval(self.swingBack, duration=self.period / 2.0, blendType='easeInOut')) self.ival.loop() if self.hasSpider: self.spiderIval = Sequence(LerpFunctionInterval(self.moveSpiderDown, duration=self.spiderPeriod / 2.0, blendType='easeInOut')) self.spiderIval.append(LerpFunctionInterval(self.moveSpiderUp, duration=self.spiderPeriod / 2.0, blendType='easeInOut')) self.spiderIval.loop() def stopSwing(self): if self.ival: self.ival.pause() if self.hasSpider and self.spiderIval: self.spiderIval.pause() if self.hasSpider: self.spider.hide() def getAttachNode(self, toonId): retval = None if toonId in self.attachedToons: existingAttachNode = self.attachedToons[toonId][4] if existingAttachNode: retval = existingAttachNode else: retval = render.attachNewNode('vineAttachNode-%s-%s' % (self.vineIndex, toonId)) return retval def calcOffset(self, toonId): offset = Point3(0, 0, 0) toon = if toon: toon.pose('swing', 86) leftHand = toon.find('**/leftHand') if not leftHand.isEmpty(): offset = leftHand.getPos(toon) self.notify.debug('offset = %s' % offset) else: self.notify.warning('left hand not found for toon %d' % toonId) else: self.notify.warning('toon %d not found' % toonId) return offset def doubleCheckOffset(self, toonId): if toonId in self.attachedToons: curOffset = self.attachedToons[toonId][3] if curOffset == newOffset = self.calcOffset(toonId) self.attachedToons[toonId][3] = newOffset av ='correcting wrong offset %s and changing to %s' % (curOffset, newOffset)) if av: av.setPos(-newOffset) def attachToon(self, toonId, t, facingRight, setupAnim = True): self.notify.debug('attachToon toonId=%d vineIndex=%d' % (toonId, self.vineIndex)) temp = Vec3(self.defaultNormal) offset = self.calcOffset(toonId) attachNode = self.getAttachNode(toonId) if facingRight: attachNode.setH(-90) else: attachNode.setH(90) self.attachedToons[toonId] = [t, temp, Vec3(0, 0, 0), offset, attachNode, facingRight, None] av = if av: av.reparentTo(attachNode) if offset == self.notify.warning('calculated offset for %d is zero' % toonId) av.setPos(-offset) if setupAnim: self.setupSwingAnim(toonId) else: zDownTheVine = self.getPos().getZ() - t * self.cableLength attachNode.setPos(self.getPos()) attachNode.setZ(zDownTheVine) else: self.notify.warning('av %d not found' % toonId) return def changeAttachedToonT(self, toonId, t): if toonId in self.attachedToons: oldT = self.attachedToons[toonId][0] self.attachedToons[toonId][0] = t oldSwingType = self.calcSwingAnimType(oldT) newSwingType = self.calcSwingAnimType(t) if oldSwingType != newSwingType: self.setupSwingAnim(toonId) else: self.notify.warning('changeAttachedToonT avId %d was not in the dict' % toonId) self.attachToon(toonId, t, 1) def changeAttachedToonFacing(self, toonId, facing): if toonId in self.attachedToons: curT = self.attachedToons[toonId][0] self.detachToon(toonId) self.attachToon(toonId, curT, facing) else: self.notify.warning('changeAttachedToonFacing avId %d was not in the dict' % toonId) self.attachToon(toonId, VineGameGlobals.VineFellDownT, 1) def detachToon(self, toonId): self.notify.debug('detachToon toonId=%d vineIndex=%d' % (toonId, self.vineIndex)) if toonId in self.attachedToons: self.attachedToons[toonId][4].removeNode() swingIval = self.attachedToons[toonId][6] if swingIval: self.notify.debug('deleting swing ival %s' % swingIval) swingIval.finish() self.attachedToons[toonId][6] = None del swingIval del self.attachedToons[toonId] return def getAttachedToonInfo(self, toonId): if toonId in self.attachedToons: return self.attachedToons[toonId] else: return None return None def getCenterTForTube(self, tubeIndex): retval = self.tIncrement * tubeIndex + self.tHalfIncrement return retval def updateTubes(self): newPoint = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve = self.rope.ropeNode.getCurve().evaluate() for tubeIndex in range(self.numTubes): tube = self.tubes[tubeIndex] t = self.getCenterTForTube(tubeIndex) curve.evalPoint(t, newPoint) tube.setPos(newPoint) tangent = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalTangent(t, tangent) tangent.normalize() theta = math.atan2(tangent.getZ(), tangent.getX()) degrees = rad2Deg(theta) rAngle = -90 - degrees tube.setR(rAngle) for tubeIndex in range(self.numTubes): tube = self.tubes2[tubeIndex] t = self.getCenterTForTube(tubeIndex) curve.evalPoint(t, newPoint) tube.setPos(newPoint) tangent = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalTangent(t, tangent) tangent.normalize() theta = math.atan2(tangent.getZ(), tangent.getX()) degrees = rad2Deg(theta) rAngle = -90 - degrees tube.setR(rAngle) def updateSpiders(self): curve = self.rope.ropeNode.getCurve().evaluate() if self.hasSpider: t = self.spiderT newPoint = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalPoint(t, newPoint) newPoint.setY(-0.5) self.spider.setPos(newPoint) tangent = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalTangent(t, tangent) theta = math.atan2(tangent.getZ(), tangent.getX()) degrees = rad2Deg(theta) pAngle = degrees + 90 pAngle = -pAngle if self.spiderMovingDown: self.spider.setR(pAngle) else: self.spider.setR(pAngle - 180) def updateAttachedStuff(self): self.updateTubes() self.updateSpiders() self.updateAttachedToons() def updateAttachedToons(self): curve = self.rope.ropeNode.getCurve().evaluate() for avId in list(self.attachedToons.keys()): self.doubleCheckOffset(avId) t = self.attachedToons[avId][0] newPoint = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalPoint(t, newPoint) attachNode = self.attachedToons[avId][4] attachNode.setPos(newPoint) tangent = Vec3(0, 0, 0) curve.evalTangent(t, tangent) tangent.normalize() unitY = Vec3(0, 1, 0) normal = tangent.cross(unitY) theta = math.atan2(tangent.getZ(), tangent.getX()) degrees = rad2Deg(theta) pAngle = degrees + 90 pAngle *= 0.5 facingRight = self.attachedToons[avId][5] if facingRight: pass if self.debugTangent: self.debugTangent.setPos(newPoint + normal) self.attachedToons[avId][1] = newPoint self.attachedToons[avId][2] = normal def getAngularVelocity(self): return deg2Rad(self.baseAngle) / self.period / 4.0 def getLinearSpeed(self, t): retval = self.getAngularVelocity() * self.cableLength * t return retval def calcTFromTubeHit(self, colEntry): name = colEntry.getIntoNodePath().getName() parts = name.split('-') if len(parts) < 3: return tubeIndex = int(parts[2]) if tubeIndex < 0 or tubeIndex >= len(self.tubes): return if parts[0] == 'StaticVine': retval = 0 else: curve = self.rope.ropeNode.getCurve().evaluate() tangent = Vec3(0, 0, 0) centerT = self.getCenterTForTube(tubeIndex) curve.evalTangent(centerT, tangent) tangent.normalize() endPos = colEntry.getSurfacePoint(render) tubePos = self.tubes[tubeIndex].getPos() vector = endPos - tubePos projection = self.notify.debug('projection = %s' % projection) diffT = projection / self.tubeLength / 2.0 retval = centerT + diffT P1 = tubePos P2 = tubePos + tangent P3 = endPos u = (P3.getX() - P1.getX()) * (P2.getX() - P1.getX()) + (P3.getZ() - P1.getZ()) * (P2.getZ() - P1.getZ()) self.notify.debug('u=%s' % u) x = P1.getX() + u * (P2.getX() - P1.getX()) z = P1.getZ() + u * (P2.getZ() - P1.getZ()) perpPoint = Vec3(x, 0, z) distanceVector = perpPoint - tubePos distance = distanceVector.length() diffT = distance / self.cableLength retval = centerT + diffT if retval > 1: retval = 1 if retval < 0: retval = 0 self.notify.debug('retval = %s' % retval) return retval def setupSwingAnimFull(self, av, avId): toonT = self.attachedToons[avId][0] playRate = self.SwingAnimPeriod / self.period swingInterval = Sequence() duration = (1 - self.swingT) * self.period / 2.0 if duration < 0.001: duration = 0.001 facingRight = self.attachedToons[avId][5] if self.swingingForward and facingRight or not self.swingingForward and not facingRight: maxLeftFrame = 108 downFrame1 = 143 downFrame2 = 0 maxRightFrame = 35 numLeftFramesChoppedOff = (downFrame1 - maxLeftFrame) * (1 - toonT) numRightFramesChoppedOff = maxRightFrame * (1 - toonT) numLeftFramesChoppedOff = 0 numRightFramesChoppedOff = 0 maxLeftFrame += numLeftFramesChoppedOff maxRightFrame -= numRightFramesChoppedOff numFirstHalfFrames = downFrame1 - maxLeftFrame + 1 numSecondHalfFrames = maxRightFrame - downFrame2 + 1 numFrames = numFirstHalfFrames + numSecondHalfFrames framesToChopOff = numFrames * self.swingT if framesToChopOff < numFirstHalfFrames: startingFrame = maxLeftFrame + framesToChopOff halfDur = duration / 2.0 swing1Dur = (1 - framesToChopOff / numFirstHalfFrames) * halfDur toonSwing1 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=startingFrame, endFrame=downFrame1, playRate=playRate, name='swingForward1') toonSwing2 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=downFrame2, endFrame=maxRightFrame, playRate=playRate, name='swingForward2') swingInterval.append(toonSwing1) swingInterval.append(toonSwing2) else: secondHalfFramesToChopOff = framesToChopOff - numFirstHalfFrames startingFrame = downFrame2 + secondHalfFramesToChopOff toonSwing2 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=startingFrame, endFrame=maxRightFrame, playRate=playRate, name='swingForward2') swingInterval.append(toonSwing2) else: maxRightFrame = 35 maxLeftFrame = 107 midFrame = (maxLeftFrame + maxRightFrame) / 2.0 numLeftFramesChoppedOff = 0 numRightFramesChoppedOff = 0 maxLeftFrame -= numLeftFramesChoppedOff maxRightFrame += numRightFramesChoppedOff numFrames = maxLeftFrame - maxRightFrame + 1 framesToChopOff = numFrames * self.swingT startingFrame = maxRightFrame + framesToChopOff toonSwing = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=startingFrame, endFrame=maxLeftFrame, playRate=playRate) swingInterval.append(toonSwing) self.attachedToons[avId][6] = swingInterval swingInterval.start() def setupSwingAnimSmall(self, av, avId): swingInterval = Sequence() maxLeftFrame = 0 maxRightFrame = 20 startingLeftFrame = 5 numFrames = maxRightFrame - maxLeftFrame + 1 playRate = self.SwingAnimPeriod / self.period duration = (1 - self.swingT) * self.period / 2.0 if duration == 0: return toonT = self.attachedToons[avId][0] framesPerSecondBase = self.MaxNumberOfFramesInSwingAnim / self.SwingAnimPeriod desiredFramesPerSecond = numFrames / duration slowedPlayRate = desiredFramesPerSecond / framesPerSecondBase facingRight = self.attachedToons[avId][5] if self.swingingForward and facingRight or not self.swingingForward and not facingRight: toonSwing1 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=startingLeftFrame, endFrame=maxLeftFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) toonSwing2 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=maxLeftFrame + 1, endFrame=maxRightFrame - startingLeftFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) swingInterval.append(toonSwing1) swingInterval.append(toonSwing2) else: toonSwing1 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=maxRightFrame - startingLeftFrame, endFrame=maxRightFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) toonSwing2 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=maxRightFrame, endFrame=startingLeftFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) swingInterval.append(toonSwing1) swingInterval.append(toonSwing2) self.attachedToons[avId][6] = swingInterval swingInterval.start() def setupSwingAnimMinimal(self, av, avId): swingInterval = Sequence() maxLeftFrame = 88 maxRightFrame = 84 duration = (1 - self.swingT) * self.period / 2.0 if duration < 0.001: duration = 0.001 numFrames = maxLeftFrame - maxRightFrame + 1 numFrames *= 2 framesPerSecondBase = self.MaxNumberOfFramesInSwingAnim / self.SwingAnimPeriod desiredFramesPerSecond = numFrames / duration slowedPlayRate = desiredFramesPerSecond / framesPerSecondBase toonSwing1 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=maxLeftFrame, endFrame=maxRightFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) toonSwing2 = ActorInterval(av, 'swing', startFrame=maxRightFrame, endFrame=maxLeftFrame, playRate=slowedPlayRate) swingInterval.append(toonSwing1) swingInterval.append(toonSwing2) self.attachedToons[avId][6] = swingInterval swingInterval.start() def setupSwingAnim(self, avId): if avId not in self.attachedToons: return av = if not av: return prevIval = self.attachedToons[avId][6] if prevIval: prevIval.pause() del prevIval toonT = self.attachedToons[avId][0] swingAnimType = self.calcSwingAnimType(toonT) if swingAnimType == self.SwingAnimFull: self.setupSwingAnimFull(av, avId) elif swingAnimType == self.SwingAnimSmall: self.setupSwingAnimSmall(av, avId) else: self.setupSwingAnimMinimal(av, avId) def calcSwingAnimType(self, toonT): angleInDegrees = toonT * self.baseAngle retval = self.SwingAnimFull if angleInDegrees > 10: retval = self.SwingAnimFull elif angleInDegrees > 2: retval = self.SwingAnimSmall else: retval = self.SwingAnimMinimal return retval def updateSwingAnims(self): if self.unloading: return for avId in list(self.attachedToons.keys()): self.setupSwingAnim(avId)