diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 1b18b7e..85a22f4 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
- Alpha release v0.0.14.2
+ Alpha release v0.0.15
diff --git a/js/ui/tool/dream.js b/js/ui/tool/dream.js
index aa71bdd..917a7de 100644
--- a/js/ui/tool/dream.js
+++ b/js/ui/tool/dream.js
@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
/** @type {Array} */
const images = [null];
const seeds = [-1];
+ const markedImages=[null]; //A sparse array of booleans indicating which images have been marked, by index
/** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
let imageSelectMenu = null;
// Layer for the images
@@ -491,28 +492,47 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
if (at < 0) at = images.length - 1;
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
- var seed = seeds[at];
- seedbtn.title = "Use seed " + seed;
- redraw();
+ activateImgAt(at);
+ const prevImgEvent = (evn) => {
+ if (evn.shiftKey) {
+ prevMarkedImg();
+ } else {
+ prevImg();
+ }
+ }
const nextImg = () => {
if (at >= images.length) at = 0;
highestNavigatedImageIndex = Math.max(at, highestNavigatedImageIndex);
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
- var seed = seeds[at];
- seedbtn.title = "Use seed " + seed;
- redraw();
+ activateImgAt(at);
if (needMoreGenerations() && !isGenerationPending()) {
+ const nextImgEvent = (evn) => {
+ if (evn.shiftKey) {
+ nextMarkedImg();
+ } else {
+ nextImg();
+ }
+ }
+ const activateImgAt = (at) => {
+ updateImageIndexText();
+ var seed = seeds[at];
+ seedbtn.title = "Use seed " + seed;
+ redraw();
+ }
const applyImg = async () => {
if (!images[at]) return;
@@ -599,14 +619,79 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
if (!images[at]) return;
images.splice(at, 1);
seeds.splice(at, 1);
+ markedImages.splice(at,1);
if (at > images.length - 1) prevImg();
if (images.length - 1 === 0) discardImg();
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
+ updateImageIndexText();
var seed = seeds[at];
seedbtn.title = "Use seed " + seed;
+ const toggleMarkedImg = async () => {
+ markedImages[at] = markedImages[at] == true ? null : true;
+ activateImgAt(at); //redraw just to update caption
+ };
+ const nextMarkedImg = () => {
+ var nextIndex = getNextMarkedImage(at);
+ if (nextIndex == null) {
+ //If no next marked image, and we're not currently on a marked image, then return the last marked image in the list, if any, rather than doing nothing
+ if (markedImages[at] == true) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ nextIndex = getPrevMarkedImage(at);
+ if (nextIndex == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ at = nextIndex;
+ activateImgAt(at);
+ }
+ const prevMarkedImg = () => {
+ var nextIndex = getPrevMarkedImage(at);
+ if (nextIndex == null) {
+ //If no previous marked image, and we're not currently on a marked image, then return the next image in the list, if any, rather than doing nothing
+ if (markedImages[at] == true) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ nextIndex = getNextMarkedImage(at);
+ if (nextIndex == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ at = nextIndex;
+ activateImgAt(at);
+ }
+ const getNextMarkedImage = (at) => {
+ for (let i = at+1; i < markedImages.length; i++) {
+ if (markedImages[i] != null) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ const getPrevMarkedImage = (at) => {
+ for (let i = at-1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (markedImages[i] != null) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ const updateImageIndexText = () => {
+ var markedImageIndicator = markedImages[at] == true ? "*" : "";
+ imageindextxt.textContent = `${markedImageIndicator}${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
+ }
const makeMore = async () => {
const moreQ = await waitQueue();
try {
@@ -621,7 +706,7 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
dreamData = await _dream(endpoint, requestCopy);
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
+ updateImageIndexText();
} catch (e) {
if (alertCount < 2) {
@@ -693,13 +778,16 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
case "-":
+ case "*":
+ toggleMarkedImg();
switch (evn.code) {
case "ArrowRight":
- nextImg();
+ nextImgEvent(evn.evn);
case "ArrowLeft":
- prevImg();
+ prevImgEvent(evn.evn);
case "Enter":
@@ -781,8 +869,10 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
const onwheelhandler = mouse.listen.world.onwheel.on(
(evn, state) => {
if (!state.dream_processed && bb.contains(evn.x, evn.y)) {
- if (evn.delta < 0) nextImg();
- else prevImg();
+ if (evn.delta < 0) {
+ nextImgEvent(evn.evn);
+ } else prevImgEvent(evn.evn);
state.dream_processed = true;
@@ -817,25 +907,25 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
imageSelectMenu = makeElement("div", bb.x, bb.y + bb.h);
const imageindextxt = document.createElement("button");
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
+ updateImageIndexText();
imageindextxt.addEventListener("click", () => {
at = 0;
- imageindextxt.textContent = `${at}/${images.length - 1}`;
+ updateImageIndexText();
const backbtn = document.createElement("button");
backbtn.textContent = "<";
backbtn.title = "Previous Image";
- backbtn.addEventListener("click", prevImg);
+ backbtn.addEventListener("click", prevImgEvent);
const nextbtn = document.createElement("button");
nextbtn.textContent = ">";
nextbtn.title = "Next Image";
- nextbtn.addEventListener("click", nextImg);
+ nextbtn.addEventListener("click", nextImgEvent);
const morebtn = document.createElement("button");
@@ -898,6 +988,12 @@ const _generate = async (endpoint, request, bb, options = {}) => {
+ const toggleMarkedButton = document.createElement("button");
+ toggleMarkedButton.textContent = "*";
+ toggleMarkedButton.title = "Mark/Unmark";
+ toggleMarkedButton.addEventListener("click", toggleMarkedImg);
+ imageSelectMenu.appendChild(toggleMarkedButton);
//Start the next batch after the initial generation