right-click erase, ensure webUI is running on startup
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 268 additions and 244 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>openOutpaint 0.0.5</title>
<link href="css/index.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<input type="file" id="preloadImage" onchange="preloadImage()" accept="image/*" /><br />
<button onclick="downloadCanvas()">dl canvas</button>
<div id="canvasHolder" class="canvasHolder">
<div id="canvasHolder" class="canvasHolder" oncontextmenu="return false;">
<canvas id="backgroundCanvas" class="mainCanvases backgroundCanvas" width="2560" height="1440"
style="z-index: 0;">
<!-- gray grid bg canvas -->
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ const bgCanvas = document.getElementById("backgroundCanvas"); // gray bg grid
const bgCtx = bgCanvas.getContext("2d");
function startup() {
@ -396,63 +397,47 @@ function mouseMove(evt) {
function mouseDown(evt) {
const rect = ovCanvas.getBoundingClientRect()
if (placingArbitraryImage) {
var nextBox = {};
nextBox.x = evt.clientX - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.left; //origin is middle of the frame
nextBox.y = evt.clientY - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.top; //TODO make a way to set the origin to numpad dirs?
nextBox.w = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
nextBox.h = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
} else if (paintMode) {
//const rect = ovCanvas.getBoundingClientRect() // not-quite pixel offset was driving me insane
const canvasOffsetX = rect.left;
const canvasOffsetY = rect.top;
prevMouseX = mouseX = evt.clientX - canvasOffsetX;
prevMouseY = mouseY = evt.clientY - canvasOffsetY;
clicked = true;
} else {
//const rect = ovCanvas.getBoundingClientRect()
var nextBox = {};
nextBox.x = evt.clientX - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.left; //origin is middle of the frame
nextBox.y = evt.clientY - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.top; //TODO make a way to set the origin to numpad dirs?
nextBox.w = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
nextBox.h = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
if (evt.button == 0) { // left click
if (placingArbitraryImage) {
var nextBox = {};
nextBox.x = evt.clientX - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.left; //origin is middle of the frame
nextBox.y = evt.clientY - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.top; //TODO make a way to set the origin to numpad dirs?
nextBox.w = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
nextBox.h = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
} else if (paintMode) {
//const rect = ovCanvas.getBoundingClientRect() // not-quite pixel offset was driving me insane
const canvasOffsetX = rect.left;
const canvasOffsetY = rect.top;
prevMouseX = mouseX = evt.clientX - canvasOffsetX;
prevMouseY = mouseY = evt.clientY - canvasOffsetY;
clicked = true;
} else {
//const rect = ovCanvas.getBoundingClientRect()
var nextBox = {};
nextBox.x = evt.clientX - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.left; //origin is middle of the frame
nextBox.y = evt.clientY - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2) - rect.top; //TODO make a way to set the origin to numpad dirs?
nextBox.w = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
nextBox.h = basePixelCount * scaleFactor;
} else if (evt.button == 2 && !paintMode) { // right click, also gotta make sure mask blob isn't being used as it's visually inconsistent with behavior of erased region
// erase the canvas underneath the cursor,
ctx = imgCanvas.getContext('2d');
if (snapToGrid) {
ctx.clearRect(canvasX + snap(canvasX) - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2), canvasY + snap(canvasY) - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2), basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor);
} else {
ctx.clearRect(canvasX - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2), canvasY - ((basePixelCount * scaleFactor) / 2), basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor);
function mouseUp(evt) {
if (placingArbitraryImage) {
// jeez i REALLY need to refactor tons of this to not be duplicated all over, that's definitely my next chore after figuring out that razza frazza overmask fade
var target = dropTargets[dropTargets.length - 1]; //get the last one... why am i storing all of them?
snapOffsetX = 0;
snapOffsetY = 0;
if (snapToGrid) {
snapOffsetX = snap(target.x);
snapOffsetY = snap(target.y);
finalX = snapOffsetX + target.x;
finalY = snapOffsetY + target.y;
drawThis.x = finalX;
drawThis.y = finalY;
drawThis.w = target.w;
drawThis.h = target.h;
drawIt = drawThis; // i still think this is really stupid and redundant and unnecessary and redundant
} else if (paintMode) {
clicked = false;
} else {
if (!blockNewImages) {
//TODO seriously, refactor this
blockNewImages = true;
tgtCtx.strokeStyle = "#55000077";
var drawIt = {}; //why am i doing this????
var target = drawTargets[drawTargets.length - 1]; //get the last one... why am i storing all of them?
if (evt.button == 0) { // left click
if (placingArbitraryImage) {
// jeez i REALLY need to refactor tons of this to not be duplicated all over, that's definitely my next chore after figuring out that razza frazza overmask fade
var target = dropTargets[dropTargets.length - 1]; //get the last one... why am i storing all of them?
snapOffsetX = 0;
snapOffsetY = 0;
if (snapToGrid) {
@ -466,219 +451,247 @@ function mouseUp(evt) {
drawThis.y = finalY;
drawThis.w = target.w;
drawThis.h = target.h;
tgtCtx.strokeRect(finalX, finalY, target.w, target.h);
drawIt = drawThis; //TODO this is WRONG but also explicitly only draws the last image ... i think
//check if there's image data already there
// console.log(downX + ":" + downY + " :: " + this.isCanvasBlank(downX, downY));
if (!isCanvasBlank(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h, imgCanvas)) {
// img2img
var mainCanvasCtx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
const imgChunk = mainCanvasCtx.getImageData(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h); // imagedata object of the image being outpainted
const imgChunkData = imgChunk.data; // imagedata.data object, a big inconvenient uint8clampedarray
// these are the 3 mask monitors on the bottom of the page
var maskCanvas = document.getElementById("maskCanvasMonitor");
var maskCanvasCtx = maskCanvas.getContext("2d");
var initImgCanvas = document.getElementById("initImgCanvasMonitor");
var initImgCanvasCtx = initImgCanvas.getContext("2d");
var overMaskCanvas = document.getElementById("overMaskCanvasMonitor");
var overMaskCanvasCtx = overMaskCanvas.getContext("2d");
// get blank pixels to use as mask
const maskImgData = maskCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const initImgData = mainCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const overMaskImgData = overMaskCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
// cover entire masks in black before adding masked areas
drawIt = drawThis; // i still think this is really stupid and redundant and unnecessary and redundant
} else if (paintMode) {
clicked = false;
} else {
if (!blockNewImages) {
//TODO seriously, refactor this
blockNewImages = true;
tgtCtx.strokeStyle = "#55000077";
var drawIt = {}; //why am i doing this????
var target = drawTargets[drawTargets.length - 1]; //get the last one... why am i storing all of them?
for (let i = 0; i < imgChunkData.length; i += 4) {
// l->r, top->bottom, R G B A pixel values in a big ol array
// make a simple mask
if (imgChunkData[i + 3] == 0) { // rgba pixel values, 4th one is alpha, if it's 0 there's "nothing there" in the image display canvas and its time to outpaint
maskImgData.data[i] = 255; // white mask gets painted over
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 255; //lets just set this up now
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
initImgData.data[i] = 0; // null area on initial image becomes opaque black pixels
initImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
initImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
initImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
} else { // leave these pixels alone
maskImgData.data[i] = 0; // black mask gets ignored for in/outpainting
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255; // but it still needs an opaque alpha channel
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
initImgData.data[i] = imgChunkData[i]; // put the original picture back in the painted area
initImgData.data[i + 1] = imgChunkData[i + 1];
initImgData.data[i + 2] = imgChunkData[i + 2];
initImgData.data[i + 3] = imgChunkData[i + 3]; //it's still RGBA so we can handily do this in nice chunks'o'4
snapOffsetX = 0;
snapOffsetY = 0;
if (snapToGrid) {
snapOffsetX = snap(target.x);
snapOffsetY = snap(target.y);
// make a list of all the white pixels to expand so we don't waste time on non-mask pixels
let pix = { x: [], y: [], index: [] };
var x, y, index;
for (y = 0; y < drawIt.h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < drawIt.w; x++) {
index = ((y * drawIt.w + x) * 4);
if (overMaskImgData.data[index] > 0) {
finalX = snapOffsetX + target.x;
finalY = snapOffsetY + target.y;
drawThis.x = finalX;
drawThis.y = finalY;
drawThis.w = target.w;
drawThis.h = target.h;
tgtCtx.strokeRect(finalX, finalY, target.w, target.h);
drawIt = drawThis; //TODO this is WRONG but also explicitly only draws the last image ... i think
//check if there's image data already there
// console.log(downX + ":" + downY + " :: " + this.isCanvasBlank(downX, downY));
if (!isCanvasBlank(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h, imgCanvas)) {
// img2img
var mainCanvasCtx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
const imgChunk = mainCanvasCtx.getImageData(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h); // imagedata object of the image being outpainted
const imgChunkData = imgChunk.data; // imagedata.data object, a big inconvenient uint8clampedarray
// these are the 3 mask monitors on the bottom of the page
var maskCanvas = document.getElementById("maskCanvasMonitor");
var maskCanvasCtx = maskCanvas.getContext("2d");
var initImgCanvas = document.getElementById("initImgCanvasMonitor");
var initImgCanvasCtx = initImgCanvas.getContext("2d");
var overMaskCanvas = document.getElementById("overMaskCanvasMonitor");
var overMaskCanvasCtx = overMaskCanvas.getContext("2d");
// get blank pixels to use as mask
const maskImgData = maskCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const initImgData = mainCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const overMaskImgData = overMaskCanvasCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
// cover entire masks in black before adding masked areas
for (let i = 0; i < imgChunkData.length; i += 4) {
// l->r, top->bottom, R G B A pixel values in a big ol array
// make a simple mask
if (imgChunkData[i + 3] == 0) { // rgba pixel values, 4th one is alpha, if it's 0 there's "nothing there" in the image display canvas and its time to outpaint
maskImgData.data[i] = 255; // white mask gets painted over
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 255; //lets just set this up now
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
initImgData.data[i] = 0; // null area on initial image becomes opaque black pixels
initImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
initImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
initImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
} else { // leave these pixels alone
maskImgData.data[i] = 0; // black mask gets ignored for in/outpainting
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255; // but it still needs an opaque alpha channel
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 0;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
initImgData.data[i] = imgChunkData[i]; // put the original picture back in the painted area
initImgData.data[i + 1] = imgChunkData[i + 1];
initImgData.data[i + 2] = imgChunkData[i + 2];
initImgData.data[i + 3] = imgChunkData[i + 3]; //it's still RGBA so we can handily do this in nice chunks'o'4
for (i = 0; i < pix.index.length; i++) {
// get the index in the stupid array
// why? it's unused
// var currentMaskPixelIndex = pix.index[i];
// make a list of all the white pixels to expand so we don't waste time on non-mask pixels
let pix = { x: [], y: [], index: [] };
var x, y, index;
for (y = 0; y < drawIt.h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < drawIt.w; x++) {
index = ((y * drawIt.w + x) * 4);
if (overMaskImgData.data[index] > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < pix.index.length; i++) {
// get the index in the stupid array
// why? it's unused
// var currentMaskPixelIndex = pix.index[i];
// for any horizontal expansion, we need to ensure that the target pixel is in the same Y row
// horizontal left (west) is index-4 per pixel
// horizontal right (east) is index+4 per pixel
var currentMaskPixelY = pix.y[i];
// for any horizontal expansion, we need to ensure that the target pixel is in the same Y row
// horizontal left (west) is index-4 per pixel
// horizontal right (east) is index+4 per pixel
var currentMaskPixelY = pix.y[i];
// for any vertical expansion, we need to ensure that the target pixel is in the same X column
// vertical up (north) is index-(imagedata.width) per pixel
// vertical down (south) is index+(imagedata.width) per pixel
var currentMaskPixelX = pix.x[i];
// for any vertical expansion, we need to ensure that the target pixel is in the same X column
// vertical up (north) is index-(imagedata.width) per pixel
// vertical down (south) is index+(imagedata.width) per pixel
var currentMaskPixelX = pix.x[i];
// i hate uint8clampedarray and math
// primarily math
// actually just my brain
// ok so now lets check neighbors to see if they're in the same row/column
for (j = overMaskPx; j > 0; j--) { // set a variable to the extreme end of the overmask size and work our way back inwards
// i hate uint8clampedarray and math
// this is so inefficient but i warned you all i'm bad at this
//TODO refactor like all of this, it's horrible and shameful
// but it is crushingly inefficient i'm sure
// BUT IT WORKS and i came up with it all by myself because i'm a big boy
// primarily math
// actually just my brain
// ok so now lets check neighbors to see if they're in the same row/column
for (j = overMaskPx; j > 0; j--) { // set a variable to the extreme end of the overmask size and work our way back inwards
// i hate uint8clampedarray and math
// this is so inefficient but i warned you all i'm bad at this
//TODO refactor like all of this, it's horrible and shameful
// but it is crushingly inefficient i'm sure
// BUT IT WORKS and i came up with it all by myself because i'm a big boy
// ... sigh it doesn't work _well_
// just moves the seam
//TODO find a way to fade/gradient the edge without making weird artifacts or literally crashing the browser with inefficient data storage
// ... sigh it doesn't work _well_
// just moves the seam
//TODO find a way to fade/gradient the edge without making weird artifacts or literally crashing the browser with inefficient data storage
// west
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) - (j * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
// west/east: ENSURE SAME ROW using the y axis unintuitively
if (potentialPixelY == currentMaskPixelY) {
// ok then
// ensure it's not already a mask pixel
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
// welp fingers crossed
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// west
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) - (j * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
// west/east: ENSURE SAME ROW using the y axis unintuitively
if (potentialPixelY == currentMaskPixelY) {
// ok then
// ensure it's not already a mask pixel
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
// welp fingers crossed
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// east
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) + (j * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
if (potentialPixelY == currentMaskPixelY) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// east
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) + (j * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
if (potentialPixelY == currentMaskPixelY) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// north
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) - ((j * drawIt.w) * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
// north/south: ENSURE SAME COLUMN using the x axis unintuitively
if (potentialPixelX == currentMaskPixelX) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// north
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) - ((j * drawIt.w) * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
// north/south: ENSURE SAME COLUMN using the x axis unintuitively
if (potentialPixelX == currentMaskPixelX) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// south
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) + ((j * drawIt.w) * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
if (potentialPixelX == currentMaskPixelX) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// south
var potentialPixelIndex = ((currentMaskPixelY * drawIt.w + currentMaskPixelX) * 4) + ((j * drawIt.w) * 4);
var potentialPixelX = (potentialPixelIndex / 4) % drawIt.w;
var potentialPixelY = Math.floor((potentialPixelIndex / 4) / drawIt.w);
if (potentialPixelX == currentMaskPixelX) {
if (overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] != 255) {
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[potentialPixelIndex + 3] = 255;
// also check for painted masks in region, add them as white pixels to mask canvas
const maskChunk = maskPaintCtx.getImageData(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const maskChunkData = maskChunk.data;
for (let i = 0; i < maskChunkData.length; i += 4) {
if (maskChunkData[i + 3] != 0) {
maskImgData.data[i] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
// also check for painted masks in region, add them as white pixels to mask canvas
const maskChunk = maskPaintCtx.getImageData(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
const maskChunkData = maskChunk.data;
for (let i = 0; i < maskChunkData.length; i += 4) {
if (maskChunkData[i + 3] != 0) {
maskImgData.data[i] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
maskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 1] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 2] = 255;
overMaskImgData.data[i + 3] = 255;
// backup any painted masks ingested then them, replacable if user doesn't like resultant image
var clearArea = maskPaintCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
backupMaskChunk = maskChunk;
backupMaskX = drawIt.x;
backupMaskY = drawIt.y;
// backup any painted masks ingested then them, replacable if user doesn't like resultant image
var clearArea = maskPaintCtx.createImageData(drawIt.w, drawIt.h);
backupMaskChunk = maskChunk;
backupMaskX = drawIt.x;
backupMaskY = drawIt.y;
var clearD = clearArea.data;
for (let i = 0; i < clearD.length; i++) {
clearD[i] = 0; // just null it all out
var clearD = clearArea.data;
for (let i = 0; i < clearD.length; i++) {
clearD[i] = 0; // just null it all out
maskPaintCtx.putImageData(clearArea, drawIt.x, drawIt.y);
// mask monitors
maskCanvasCtx.putImageData(maskImgData, 0, 0);
var maskBase64 = maskCanvas.toDataURL();
overMaskCanvasCtx.putImageData(overMaskImgData, 0, 0); // :pray:
var overMaskBase64 = overMaskCanvas.toDataURL();
initImgCanvasCtx.putImageData(initImgData, 0, 0);
var initImgBase64 = initImgCanvas.toDataURL();
// img2img
endpoint = "img2img";
var selectedMask = overMask ? overMaskBase64 : maskBase64;
stableDiffusionData.mask = selectedMask;
// stableDiffusionData.mask = maskBase64;
stableDiffusionData.init_images = [initImgBase64];
// slightly more involved than txt2img
} else {
// txt2img
endpoint = "txt2img";
// easy enough
maskPaintCtx.putImageData(clearArea, drawIt.x, drawIt.y);
// mask monitors
maskCanvasCtx.putImageData(maskImgData, 0, 0);
var maskBase64 = maskCanvas.toDataURL();
overMaskCanvasCtx.putImageData(overMaskImgData, 0, 0); // :pray:
var overMaskBase64 = overMaskCanvas.toDataURL();
initImgCanvasCtx.putImageData(initImgData, 0, 0);
var initImgBase64 = initImgCanvas.toDataURL();
// img2img
endpoint = "img2img";
var selectedMask = overMask ? overMaskBase64 : maskBase64;
stableDiffusionData.mask = selectedMask;
// stableDiffusionData.mask = maskBase64;
stableDiffusionData.init_images = [initImgBase64];
// slightly more involved than txt2img
} else {
// txt2img
endpoint = "txt2img";
// easy enough
stableDiffusionData.prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value;
stableDiffusionData.negative_prompt = document.getElementById("negPrompt").value;
stableDiffusionData.width = drawIt.w;
stableDiffusionData.height = drawIt.h;
stableDiffusionData.firstphase_height = (drawIt.h / 2);
stableDiffusionData.firstphase_width = (drawIt.w / 2);
dream(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, stableDiffusionData);
stableDiffusionData.prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value;
stableDiffusionData.negative_prompt = document.getElementById("negPrompt").value;
stableDiffusionData.width = drawIt.w;
stableDiffusionData.height = drawIt.h;
stableDiffusionData.firstphase_height = (drawIt.h / 2);
stableDiffusionData.firstphase_width = (drawIt.w / 2);
dream(drawIt.x, drawIt.y, stableDiffusionData);
@ -857,6 +870,17 @@ function cropCanvas(sourceCanvas) {
return cutCanvas;
function checkIfWebuiIsRunning() {
var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/startup-events"
fetch(url).then(response => {
if (response.status == 200) {
console.log("webui is running");
}).catch(error => {
alert("WebUI doesnt seem to be running, please start it and try again\nCheck console for additional info\n" + error);
function loadSettings() {
// set default values if not set DEFAULTS
var _sampler = localStorage.getItem("sampler") == null ? "DDIM" : localStorage.getItem("sampler");
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