const selectTransformTool = () => toolbar.registerTool( "res/icons/box-select.svg", "Select Image", (state, opt) => { // Draw new cursor immediately ovCtx.clearRect(0, 0, ovCanvas.width, ovCanvas.height); state.movecb({...mouse.coords.canvas.pos, target: {id: "overlayCanvas"}}); mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.on(state.movecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.ondragstart.on(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.ondragend.on(state.dragendcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.on(state.cancelcb); }, (state, opt) => { mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.clear(state.movecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.ondragstart.clear(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.ondragend.clear(state.dragendcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.clear(state.cancelcb); }, { init: (state) => { state.snapToGrid = true; state.dragging = null; const selectionBB = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => { return { x: Math.min(x1, x2), y: Math.min(y1, y2), w: Math.abs(x1 - x2), h: Math.abs(y1 - y2), }; }; state.movecb = (evn) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas") { let x = evn.x; let y = evn.y; if (state.snapToGrid) { x += snap(evn.x, true, 64); y += snap(evn.y, true, 64); } // Draw dragging box if (state.dragging) { ovCtx.setLineDash([2, 2]); ovCtx.lineWidth = 1; ovCtx.strokeStyle = "#FFF"; const ix = state.dragging.ix; const iy = state.dragging.iy; const bb = selectionBB(ix, iy, x, y); ovCtx.strokeRect(bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h); ovCtx.setLineDash([]); } // Draw selection box if (state.selected) { ovCtx.lineWidth = 1; ovCtx.strokeStyle = "#FFF"; ovCtx.setLineDash([4, 2]); ovCtx.strokeRect( state.selected.x, state.selected.y, state.selected.w, state.selected.h ); ovCtx.setLineDash([]); } // Draw cuttent cursor location ovCtx.lineWidth = 3; ovCtx.strokeStyle = "#FFF"; ovCtx.beginPath(); ovCtx.moveTo(x, y + 10); ovCtx.lineTo(x, y - 10); ovCtx.moveTo(x + 10, y); ovCtx.lineTo(x - 10, y); ovCtx.stroke(); } }; state.dragstartcb = (evn) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas") { let ix = evn.ix; let iy = evn.iy; if (state.snapToGrid) { ix += snap(evn.ix, true, 64); iy += snap(evn.iy, true, 64); } state.dragging = {ix, iy}; } }; state.dragendcb = (evn) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas" && state.dragging) { let x = evn.x; let y = evn.y; if (state.snapToGrid) { x += snap(evn.x, true, 64); y += snap(evn.y, true, 64); } state.selected = selectionBB( state.dragging.ix, state.dragging.iy, x, y ); state.dragging = null; } }; state.cancelcb = (evn) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas") { if (state.dragging) state.dragging = null; else state.selected = null; ovCtx.clearRect(0, 0, ovCanvas.width, ovCanvas.height); state.movecb(evn); } }; // Keyboard callbacks state.keydowncb = (evn) => { console.debug(evn); }; state.keyclickcb = (evn) => { console.debug(evn); }; }, populateContextMenu: (menu, state) => { if (!state.ctxmenu) { state.ctxmenu = {}; // Snap To Grid Checkbox state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "snapToGrid", "Snap To Grid" ).label; } menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel); }, } );