/** * TODO: REFACTOR THIS WHOLE THING */ const selectTransformTool = () => toolbar.registerTool( "./res/icons/box-select.svg", "Select Image", (state, opt) => { // Draw new cursor immediately ovLayer.clear(); state.movecb(mouse.coords.world.pos); // Canvas left mouse handlers mouse.listen.world.onmousemove.on(state.movecb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.onclick.on(state.clickcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragstart.on(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondrag.on(state.dragcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragend.on(state.dragendcb); // Canvas right mouse handler mouse.listen.world.btn.right.onclick.on(state.cancelcb); // Keyboard click handlers keyboard.listen.onkeyclick.on(state.keyclickcb); keyboard.listen.onkeydown.on(state.keydowncb); // Layer system handlers uil.onactive.on(state.uilayeractivecb); // Registers keyboard shortcuts keyboard.onShortcut({ctrl: true, key: "KeyC"}, state.ctrlccb); keyboard.onShortcut({ctrl: true, key: "KeyV"}, state.ctrlvcb); keyboard.onShortcut({ctrl: true, key: "KeyX"}, state.ctrlxcb); state.selected = null; // Register Layer state.originalDisplayLayer = imageCollection.registerLayer(null, { after: uil.layer, category: "select-display", }); }, (state, opt) => { // Clear all those listeners and shortcuts we set up mouse.listen.world.onmousemove.clear(state.movecb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.onclick.clear(state.clickcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragstart.clear(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondrag.clear(state.dragcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragend.clear(state.dragendcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.right.onclick.clear(state.cancelcb); keyboard.listen.onkeyclick.clear(state.keyclickcb); keyboard.listen.onkeydown.clear(state.keydowncb); keyboard.deleteShortcut(state.ctrlccb, "KeyC"); keyboard.deleteShortcut(state.ctrlvcb, "KeyV"); keyboard.deleteShortcut(state.ctrlxcb, "KeyX"); uil.onactive.clear(state.uilayeractivecb); // Clear any selections state.reset(); // Resets cursor ovLayer.clear(); // Clears overlay imageCollection.inputElement.style.cursor = "auto"; // Delete Layer imageCollection.deleteLayer(state.originalDisplayLayer); state.originalDisplayLayer = null; }, { init: (state) => { state.clipboard = {}; state.snapToGrid = true; state.keepAspectRatio = true; state.block_res_change = true; state.useClipboard = !!( navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.write ); // Use it by default if supported state.selectionPeekOpacity = 40; state.original = null; state._selected = null; Object.defineProperty(state, "selected", { get: () => state._selected, set: (v) => { if (v) state.ctxmenu.enableButtons(); else state.ctxmenu.disableButtons(); return (state._selected = v); }, }); // Some things to easy request for a redraw state.lastMouseTarget = null; state.lastMouseMove = {x: 0, y: 0}; state.redraw = () => { ovLayer.clear(); state.movecb(state.lastMouseMove); }; state.uilayeractivecb = ({uilayer}) => { if (state.originalDisplayLayer) { state.originalDisplayLayer.moveAfter(uilayer.layer); } }; /** @type {{selected: Point, offset: Point} | null} */ let moving = null; /** @type {{handle: Point} | null} */ let scaling = null; let rotating = false; // Clears selection and make things right state.reset = (erase = false) => { if (state.selected && !erase) state.original.layer.ctx.drawImage( state.selected.canvas, state.original.x, state.original.y ); if (state.originalDisplayLayer) { state.originalDisplayLayer.clear(); } if (state.dragging) state.dragging = null; else state.selected = null; state.rotation = 0; state.original = null; moving = null; scaling = null; rotating = null; state.redraw(); }; // Selection Handlers const selection = _tool._draggable_selection(state); // UI Erasers let eraseSelectedBox = () => null; let eraseSelectedImage = () => null; let eraseCursor = () => null; let eraseSelection = () => null; // Redraw UI state.redrawui = () => { // Get cursor positions const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor( state.lastMouseMove, state.snapToGrid ); eraseSelectedBox(); if (state.selected) { eraseSelectedBox = state.selected.drawBox( uiCtx, {x, y}, viewport.c2v ); } }; // Mouse Move Handler state.movecb = (evn) => { state.lastMouseMove = evn; // Get cursor positions const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); // Erase Cursor eraseSelectedBox(); eraseSelectedImage(); eraseSelection(); eraseCursor(); imageCollection.inputElement.style.cursor = "default"; // Draw Box and Selected Image if (state.selected) { eraseSelectedBox = state.selected.drawBox( uiCtx, {x, y}, viewport.c2v ); if ( state.selected.hoveringBox(x, y) || state.selected.hoveringHandle(x, y, viewport.zoom).onHandle || state.selected.hoveringRotateHandle(x, y, viewport.zoom) ) { imageCollection.inputElement.style.cursor = "pointer"; } eraseSelectedImage = state.selected.drawImage( state.originalDisplayLayer.ctx, ovCtx, {opacity: state.selectionPeekOpacity / 100} ); } // Draw Selection if (selection.exists) { uiCtx.save(); uiCtx.setLineDash([2, 2]); uiCtx.lineWidth = 2; uiCtx.strokeStyle = "#FFF"; const bbvp = selection.bb.transform(viewport.c2v); uiCtx.beginPath(); uiCtx.strokeRect(bbvp.x, bbvp.y, bbvp.w, bbvp.h); uiCtx.stroke(); eraseSelection = () => uiCtx.clearRect( bbvp.x - 10, bbvp.y - 10, bbvp.w + 20, bbvp.h + 20 ); uiCtx.restore(); } // Draw cursor eraseCursor = _tool._cursor_draw(sx, sy); }; // Handles left mouse clicks state.clickcb = (evn) => { if ( state.selected && !( state.selected.rotation === 0 && state.selected.scale.x === 1 && state.selected.scale.y === 1 && state.selected.position.x === state.original.sx && state.selected.position.y === state.original.sy && state.original.layer === uil.layer ) ) { // Put original image back state.original.layer.ctx.drawImage( state.selected.canvas, state.original.x, state.original.y ); // Erase Original Selection Area commands.runCommand("eraseImage", "Transform Tool Erase", { ctx: state.original.layer.ctx, x: state.original.x, y: state.original.y, w: state.selected.canvas.width, h: state.selected.canvas.height, }); // Draw Image const {canvas, bb} = cropCanvas(state.originalDisplayLayer.canvas, { border: 10, }); commands.runCommand("drawImage", "Transform Tool Apply", { image: canvas, ...bb, }); state.reset(true); } else { state.reset(); } }; // Handles left mouse drag start events state.dragstartcb = (evn) => { const { x: ix, y: iy, sx: six, sy: siy, } = _tool._process_cursor({x: evn.ix, y: evn.iy}, state.snapToGrid); const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); if (state.selected) { const hoveringBox = state.selected.hoveringBox(ix, iy); const hoveringHandle = state.selected.hoveringHandle( ix, iy, viewport.zoom ); const hoveringRotateHandle = state.selected.hoveringRotateHandle( ix, iy, viewport.zoom ); if (hoveringBox) { // Start dragging moving = { selected: state.selected.position, offset: { x: six - state.selected.position.x, y: siy - state.selected.position.y, }, }; return; } else if (hoveringHandle.onHandle) { // Start scaling let handle = {x: 0, y: 0}; const lbb = new BoundingBox({ x: -state.selected.canvas.width / 2, y: -state.selected.canvas.height / 2, w: state.selected.canvas.width, h: state.selected.canvas.height, }); if (hoveringHandle.ontl) { handle = lbb.tl; } else if (hoveringHandle.ontr) { handle = lbb.tr; } else if (hoveringHandle.onbl) { handle = lbb.bl; } else { handle = lbb.br; } scaling = { handle, }; return; } else if (hoveringRotateHandle) { rotating = true; return; } } selection.dragstartcb(evn); }; const transform = (evn, x, y, sx, sy) => { if (moving) { state.selected.position = { x: sx - moving.offset.x, y: sy - moving.offset.y, }; } if (scaling) { /** @type {DOMMatrix} */ const m = state.selected.rtmatrix.invertSelf(); const lscursor = m.transformPoint({x: sx, y: sy}); const xs = lscursor.x / scaling.handle.x; const xy = lscursor.y / scaling.handle.y; if (!state.keepAspectRatio) state.selected.scale = {x: xs, y: xy}; else { const scale = Math.max(xs, xy); state.selected.scale = {x: scale, y: scale}; } } if (rotating) { const center = state.selected.matrix.transformPoint({x: 0, y: 0}); let angle = Math.atan2(x - center.x, center.y - y); if (evn.evn.shiftKey) angle = config.rotationSnappingAngles.find( (v) => Math.abs(v - angle) < config.rotationSnappingDistance ) || angle; state.selected.rotation = angle; } }; // Handles left mouse drag events state.dragcb = (evn) => { const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); if (state.selected) transform(evn, x, y, sx, sy); if (selection.exists) selection.dragcb(evn); }; // Handles left mouse drag end events state.dragendcb = (evn) => { const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); if (selection.exists) { selection.dragendcb(evn); const bb = selection.bb; state.reset(); if (selection.exists && bb.w !== 0 && bb.h !== 0) { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = bb.w; canvas.height = bb.h; canvas .getContext("2d") .drawImage( uil.canvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h ); uil.ctx.clearRect(bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h); state.original = { ...bb, sx: selection.bb.center.x, sy: selection.bb.center.y, layer: uil.layer, }; state.selected = new _tool.MarqueeSelection(canvas, bb.center); } selection.deselect(); } if (state.selected) transform(evn, x, y, sx, sy); moving = null; scaling = null; rotating = false; state.redraw(); }; // Handler for right clicks. Basically resets everything state.cancelcb = (evn) => { state.reset(); }; // Keyboard callbacks (For now, they just handle the "delete" key) state.keydowncb = (evn) => {}; state.keyclickcb = (evn) => { switch (evn.code) { case "Delete": // Deletes selected area state.selected && commands.runCommand("eraseImage", "Erase Area", state.selected); state.selected = null; state.redraw(); } }; // Register Ctrl-C/V Shortcut // Handles copying state.ctrlccb = (evn, cut = false) => { // We create a new canvas to store the data state.clipboard.copy = document.createElement("canvas"); state.clipboard.copy.width = state.selected.w; state.clipboard.copy.height = state.selected.h; const ctx = state.clipboard.copy.getContext("2d"); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, state.selected.w, state.selected.h); ctx.drawImage( state.selected.canvas, 0, 0, state.selected.canvas.width, state.selected.canvas.height, 0, 0, state.selected.w, state.selected.h ); // If cutting, we reverse the selection and erase the selection area if (cut) { const aux = state.original; state.reset(); commands.runCommand("eraseImage", "Cut Image", aux); } // Because firefox needs manual activation of the feature if (state.useClipboard) { // Send to clipboard state.clipboard.copy.toBlob((blob) => { const item = new ClipboardItem({"image/png": blob}); navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.write([item]).catch((e) => { console.warn("Error sending to clipboard"); console.warn(e); }); }); } }; // Handles pasting state.ctrlvcb = (evn) => { if (state.useClipboard) { // If we use the clipboard, do some proccessing of clipboard data (ugly but kind of minimum required) navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.read().then((items) => { for (const item of items) { for (const type of item.types) { if (type.startsWith("image/")) { item.getType(type).then(async (blob) => { // Converts blob to image const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL; const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = url.createObjectURL(blob); await image.decode(); tools.stamp.enable({ image, back: tools.selecttransform.enable, }); }); } } } }); } else if (state.clipboard.copy) { // Use internal clipboard const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = state.clipboard.copy.toDataURL(); // Send to stamp, as clipboard temporary data tools.stamp.enable({ image, back: tools.selecttransform.enable, }); } }; // Cut shortcut. Basically, send to copy handler state.ctrlxcb = (evn) => { state.ctrlccb(evn, true); }; }, populateContextMenu: (menu, state) => { if (!state.ctxmenu) { state.ctxmenu = {}; // Snap To Grid Checkbox state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "snapToGrid", "Snap To Grid", "icon-grid" ).checkbox; // Keep Aspect Ratio state.ctxmenu.keepAspectRatioLabel = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "keepAspectRatio", "Keep Aspect Ratio", "icon-maximize" ).checkbox; // Use Clipboard const clipboardCheckbox = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "useClipboard", "Use clipboard", "icon-clipboard-list" ); state.ctxmenu.useClipboardLabel = clipboardCheckbox.checkbox; if (!(navigator.clipboard && navigator.clipboard.write)) clipboardCheckbox.checkbox.disabled = true; // Disable if not available // Selection Peek Opacity state.ctxmenu.selectionPeekOpacitySlider = _toolbar_input.slider( state, "selectionPeekOpacity", "Peek Opacity", { min: 0, max: 100, step: 10, textStep: 1, cb: () => { state.redraw(); }, } ).slider; // Some useful actions to do with selection const actionArray = document.createElement("div"); actionArray.classList.add("button-array"); // Save button const saveSelectionButton = document.createElement("button"); saveSelectionButton.classList.add("button", "tool"); saveSelectionButton.textContent = "Save Sel."; saveSelectionButton.title = "Saves Selection"; saveSelectionButton.onclick = () => { downloadCanvas({ cropToContent: false, canvas: state.selected.canvas, }); }; // Save as Resource Button const createResourceButton = document.createElement("button"); createResourceButton.classList.add("button", "tool"); createResourceButton.textContent = "Resource"; createResourceButton.title = "Saves Selection as a Resource"; createResourceButton.onclick = () => { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = state.selected.canvas.toDataURL(); image.onload = () => { tools.stamp.state.addResource("Selection Resource", image); tools.stamp.enable(); }; }; actionArray.appendChild(saveSelectionButton); actionArray.appendChild(createResourceButton); // Some useful actions to do with selection const visibleActionArray = document.createElement("div"); visibleActionArray.classList.add("button-array"); // Save Visible button const saveVisibleSelectionButton = document.createElement("button"); saveVisibleSelectionButton.classList.add("button", "tool"); saveVisibleSelectionButton.textContent = "Save Vis."; saveVisibleSelectionButton.title = "Saves Visible Selection"; saveVisibleSelectionButton.onclick = () => { const canvas = uil.getVisible(state.selected, { categories: ["image", "user", "select-display"], }); downloadCanvas({ cropToContent: false, canvas, }); }; // Save Visible as Resource Button const createVisibleResourceButton = document.createElement("button"); createVisibleResourceButton.classList.add("button", "tool"); createVisibleResourceButton.textContent = "Vis. to Res."; createVisibleResourceButton.title = "Saves Visible Selection as a Resource"; createVisibleResourceButton.onclick = () => { const canvas = uil.getVisible(state.selected, { categories: ["image", "user", "select-display"], }); const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = canvas.toDataURL(); image.onload = () => { tools.stamp.state.addResource("Selection Resource", image); tools.stamp.enable(); }; }; visibleActionArray.appendChild(saveVisibleSelectionButton); visibleActionArray.appendChild(createVisibleResourceButton); // Disable buttons (if nothing is selected) state.ctxmenu.disableButtons = () => { saveSelectionButton.disabled = true; createResourceButton.disabled = true; saveVisibleSelectionButton.disabled = true; createVisibleResourceButton.disabled = true; }; // Disable buttons (if something is selected) state.ctxmenu.enableButtons = () => { saveSelectionButton.disabled = ""; createResourceButton.disabled = ""; saveVisibleSelectionButton.disabled = ""; createVisibleResourceButton.disabled = ""; }; state.ctxmenu.actionArray = actionArray; state.ctxmenu.visibleActionArray = visibleActionArray; } const array = document.createElement("div"); array.classList.add("checkbox-array"); array.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel); array.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.keepAspectRatioLabel); array.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.useClipboardLabel); menu.appendChild(array); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.selectionPeekOpacitySlider); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.actionArray); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.visibleActionArray); }, shortcut: "S", } );