const dream_generate_callback = (evn, state) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas" && !blockNewImages) { const bb = getBoundingBox( evn.x, evn.y, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, state.snapToGrid && basePixelCount ); // Build request to the API const request = {}; Object.assign(request, stableDiffusionData); // Load prompt (maybe we should add some events so we don't have to do this) request.prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; request.negative_prompt = document.getElementById("negPrompt").value; // Don't allow another image until is finished blockNewImages = true; // Setup marching ants stopMarching = march(bb); // Setup some basic information for SD request.width = bb.w; request.height = bb.h; request.firstphase_width = bb.w / 2; request.firstphase_height = bb.h / 2; // Use txt2img if canvas is blank if (isCanvasBlank(bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, imgCanvas)) { // Dream dream(bb.x, bb.y, request, {method: "txt2img", stopMarching, bb}); } else { // Use img2img if not // Temporary canvas for init image and mask generation const auxCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); auxCanvas.width = request.width; auxCanvas.height = request.height; const auxCtx = auxCanvas.getContext("2d"); auxCtx.fillStyle = "#000F"; // Get init image auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); auxCtx.drawImage(imgCanvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); request.init_images = [auxCanvas.toDataURL()]; // Get mask image auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); auxCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in"; auxCtx.drawImage(imgCanvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); auxCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; auxCtx.drawImage( maskPaintCanvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h ); auxCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop"; auxCtx.fillStyle = "#FFFF"; auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); var currentMask = auxCanvas.toDataURL(); request.mask = state.overMaskPx > 0 ? applyOvermask(auxCanvas, auxCtx, state.overMaskPx, currentMask) : currentMask; // Dream dream(bb.x, bb.y, request, {method: "img2img", stopMarching, bb}); } } }; const dream_erase_callback = (evn, state) => { const bb = getBoundingBox( evn.x, evn.y, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, state.snapToGrid && basePixelCount ); commands.runCommand("eraseImage", "Erase Area", bb); }; function applyOvermask(canvas, ctx, px) { // :badpokerface: look it might be all placebo but i like overmask lol // yes it's crushingly inefficient i knooow :( must fix // was instrumental to this working or completely to blame for this disaster depending on your interpretation const tmpOvermaskCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); tmpOvermaskCanvas.width = canvas.width; tmpOvermaskCanvas.height = canvas.height; var ctxImgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); const omCtx = tmpOvermaskCanvas.getContext("2d"); omCtx.putImageData(ctxImgData, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i <; i += 4) { if ([i] == 255) { // white pixel? // just blotch all over the thing var rando = Math.floor(Math.random() * px); omCtx.beginPath(); omCtx.arc( (i / 4) % tmpOvermaskCanvas.width, Math.floor(i / 4 / tmpOvermaskCanvas.width), scaleFactor + rando + (rando > scaleFactor ? rando / scaleFactor : scaleFactor / rando), // was 4 * sf + rando, too big, but i think i want it more ... random 0, 2 * Math.PI, true ); omCtx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFFFF"; omCtx.fill(); } } return tmpOvermaskCanvas.toDataURL(); } /** * Image to Image */ const dream_img2img_callback = (evn, state) => { if ( === "overlayCanvas" && !blockNewImages) { const bb = getBoundingBox( evn.x, evn.y, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, state.snapToGrid && basePixelCount ); // Do nothing if no image exists if (isCanvasBlank(bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, imgCanvas)) return; // Build request to the API const request = {}; Object.assign(request, stableDiffusionData); request.denoising_strength = state.denoisingStrength; request.inpainting_fill = 1; // For img2img use original // Load prompt (maybe we should add some events so we don't have to do this) request.prompt = document.getElementById("prompt").value; request.negative_prompt = document.getElementById("negPrompt").value; // Don't allow another image until is finished blockNewImages = true; // Setup marching ants stopMarching = march(bb); // Setup some basic information for SD request.width = bb.w; request.height = bb.h; request.firstphase_width = bb.w / 2; request.firstphase_height = bb.h / 2; // Use img2img // Temporary canvas for init image and mask generation const auxCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); auxCanvas.width = request.width; auxCanvas.height = request.height; const auxCtx = auxCanvas.getContext("2d"); auxCtx.fillStyle = "#000F"; // Get init image auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); auxCtx.drawImage(imgCanvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); request.init_images = [auxCanvas.toDataURL()]; // Get mask image auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); auxCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; auxCtx.drawImage(maskPaintCanvas, bb.x, bb.y, bb.w, bb.h, 0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); // Border Mask if (state.borderMaskSize > 0) { auxCtx.fillStyle = "#000F"; auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, state.borderMaskSize, bb.h); auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, state.borderMaskSize); auxCtx.fillRect( bb.w - state.borderMaskSize, 0, state.borderMaskSize, bb.h ); auxCtx.fillRect( 0, bb.h - state.borderMaskSize, bb.w, state.borderMaskSize ); } auxCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop"; auxCtx.fillStyle = "#FFFF"; auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, bb.h); request.mask = auxCanvas.toDataURL(); request.inpainting_mask_invert = true; // Dream dream(bb.x, bb.y, request, {method: "img2img", stopMarching, bb}); } }; /** * Registers Tools */ const dreamTool = () => toolbar.registerTool( "res/icons/image-plus.svg", "Dream", (state, opt) => { // Draw new cursor immediately ovCtx.clearRect(0, 0, ovCanvas.width, ovCanvas.height); state.mousemovecb({ ...mouse.coords.canvas.pos, target: {id: "overlayCanvas"}, }); // Start Listeners mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.on(state.mousemovecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.onclick.on(state.dreamcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.on(state.erasecb); }, (state, opt) => { // Clear Listeners mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.clear(state.mousemovecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.onclick.clear(state.dreamcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.clear(state.erasecb); }, { init: (state) => { state.snapToGrid = true; state.overMaskPx = 0; state.mousemovecb = (evn) => _reticle_draw(evn, state.snapToGrid); state.dreamcb = (evn) => { dream_generate_callback(evn, state); }; state.erasecb = (evn) => dream_erase_callback(evn, state); }, populateContextMenu: (menu, state) => { if (!state.ctxmenu) { state.ctxmenu = {}; state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "snapToGrid", "Snap To Grid" ).label; state.ctxmenu.overMaskPxLabel = _toolbar_input.slider( state, "overMaskPx", "Overmask px", 0, 128, 1 ).slider; } menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel); menu.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.overMaskPxLabel); }, shortcut: "D", } ); const img2imgTool = () => toolbar.registerTool( "res/icons/image.svg", "Img2Img", (state, opt) => { // Draw new cursor immediately ovCtx.clearRect(0, 0, ovCanvas.width, ovCanvas.height); state.mousemovecb({ ...mouse.coords.canvas.pos, target: {id: "overlayCanvas"}, }); // Start Listeners mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.on(state.mousemovecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.onclick.on(state.dreamcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.on(state.erasecb); }, (state, opt) => { // Clear Listeners mouse.listen.canvas.onmousemove.clear(state.mousemovecb); mouse.listen.canvas.left.onclick.clear(state.dreamcb); mouse.listen.canvas.right.onclick.clear(state.erasecb); }, { init: (state) => { state.snapToGrid = true; state.denoisingStrength = 0.7; state.borderMaskSize = 64; state.mousemovecb = (evn) => { _reticle_draw(evn, state.snapToGrid); if ( === "overlayCanvas") { const bb = getBoundingBox( evn.x, evn.y, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, basePixelCount * scaleFactor, state.snapToGrid && basePixelCount ); // For displaying border mask const auxCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); auxCanvas.width = bb.w; auxCanvas.height = bb.h; const auxCtx = auxCanvas.getContext("2d"); if (state.borderMaskSize > 0) { auxCtx.fillStyle = "#FF6A6A50"; auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, state.borderMaskSize, bb.h); auxCtx.fillRect(0, 0, bb.w, state.borderMaskSize); auxCtx.fillRect( bb.w - state.borderMaskSize, 0, state.borderMaskSize, bb.h ); auxCtx.fillRect( 0, bb.h - state.borderMaskSize, bb.w, state.borderMaskSize ); } const tmp = ovCtx.globalAlpha; ovCtx.globalAlpha = 0.4; ovCtx.drawImage(auxCanvas, bb.x, bb.y); ovCtx.globalAlpha = tmp; } }; state.dreamcb = (evn) => { dream_img2img_callback(evn, state); }; state.erasecb = (evn) => dream_erase_callback(evn, state); }, populateContextMenu: (menu, state) => { if (!state.ctxmenu) { state.ctxmenu = {}; // Snap To Grid Checkbox state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "snapToGrid", "Snap To Grid" ).label; // Denoising Strength Slider state.ctxmenu.denoisingStrengthSlider = _toolbar_input.slider( state, "denoisingStrength", "Denoising Strength", 0, 1, 0.05 ).slider; // Border Mask Size Slider state.ctxmenu.borderMaskSlider = _toolbar_input.slider( state, "borderMaskSize", "Border Mask Size", 0, 128, 1 ).slider; } menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.snapToGridLabel); menu.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.denoisingStrengthSlider); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.borderMaskSlider); }, shortcut: "I", } );