//TODO FIND OUT WHY I HAVE TO RESIZE A TEXTBOX AND THEN START USING IT TO AVOID THE 1px WHITE LINE ON LEFT EDGES DURING IMG2IMG //...lmao did setting min width 200 on info div fix that accidentally? once the canvas is infinite and the menu bar is hideable it'll probably be a problem again /** * Workaround for Firefox bug #733698 * * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=733698 * * Workaround by https://github.com/subzey on https://gist.github.com/subzey/2030480 * * Replaces and handles NS_ERROR_FAILURE errors triggered by 733698. */ (function () { var FakeTextMetrics, proto, fontSetterNative, measureTextNative, fillTextNative, strokeTextNative; if ( !window.CanvasRenderingContext2D || !window.TextMetrics || !(proto = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype) || !proto.hasOwnProperty("font") || !proto.hasOwnProperty("mozTextStyle") || typeof proto.__lookupSetter__ !== "function" || !(fontSetterNative = proto.__lookupSetter__("font")) ) { return; } proto.__defineSetter__("font", function (value) { try { return fontSetterNative.call(this, value); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }); measureTextNative = proto.measureText; FakeTextMetrics = function () { this.width = 0; this.isFake = true; this.__proto__ = window.TextMetrics.prototype; }; proto.measureText = function ($0) { try { return measureTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } else { return new FakeTextMetrics(); } } }; fillTextNative = proto.fillText; proto.fillText = function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { try { fillTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }; strokeTextNative = proto.strokeText; proto.strokeText = function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { try { strokeTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }; })(); // Parse url parameters const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); window.onload = startup; var stableDiffusionData = { //includes img2img data but works for txt2img just fine prompt: "", negative_prompt: "", seed: -1, cfg_scale: null, sampler_index: "DDIM", steps: null, denoising_strength: 1, mask_blur: 0, batch_size: null, width: 512, height: 512, n_iter: null, // batch count mask: "", init_images: [], inpaint_full_res: false, inpainting_fill: 1, outpainting_fill: 2, enable_hr: false, restore_faces: false, //firstphase_width: 0, //firstphase_height: 0, //20230102 welp looks like the entire way HRfix is implemented has become bonkersly different hr_scale: 2.0, hr_upscaler: "None", hr_second_pass_steps: 0, hr_resize_x: 0, hr_resize_y: 0, hr_square_aspect: false, styles: [], // here's some more fields that might be useful // ---txt2img specific: // "enable_hr": false, // hires fix // "denoising_strength": 0, // ok this is in both txt and img2img but txt2img only applies it if enable_hr == true // "firstphase_width": 0, // hires fp w // "firstphase_height": 0, // see above s/w/h/ // ---img2img specific // "init_images": [ // imageS!??!? wtf maybe for batch img2img?? i just dump one base64 in here // "string" // ], // "resize_mode": 0, // "denoising_strength": 0.75, // yeah see // "mask": "string", // string is just a base64 image // "mask_blur": 4, // "inpainting_fill": 0, // 0- fill, 1- orig, 2- latent noise, 3- latent nothing // "inpaint_full_res": true, // "inpaint_full_res_padding": 0, // px // "inpainting_mask_invert": 0, // bool??????? wtf // "include_init_images": false // ?????? }; // stuff things use var host = ""; var url = "/sdapi/v1/"; const basePixelCount = 64; //64 px - ALWAYS 64 PX var focused = true; let defaultScripts = {}; let userScripts = {}; function startup() { testHostConfiguration(); loadSettings(); const hostEl = document.getElementById("host"); testHostConnection().then((checkConnection) => { hostEl.onchange = () => { host = hostEl.value.endsWith("/") ? hostEl.value.substring(0, hostEl.value.length - 1) : hostEl.value; hostEl.value = host; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/host", host); checkConnection(); }; }); drawBackground(); changeMaskBlur(); changeSmoothRendering(); changeSeed(); changeHiResFix(); changeHiResSquare(); changeRestoreFaces(); changeSyncCursorSize(); changeControlNetExtension(); checkFocus(); refreshScripts(); } function setFixedHost(h, changePromptMessage) { console.info(`[index] Fixed host to '${h}'`); const hostInput = document.getElementById("host"); host = h; hostInput.value = h; hostInput.readOnly = true; hostInput.style.cursor = "default"; hostInput.style.backgroundColor = "#ddd"; hostInput.addEventListener("dblclick", async () => { if (await notifications.dialog("Host is Locked", changePromptMessage)) { hostInput.style.backgroundColor = null; hostInput.style.cursor = null; hostInput.readOnly = false; hostInput.focus(); } }); } /** * Initial connection checks */ function testHostConfiguration() { /** * Check host configuration */ const hostEl = document.getElementById("host"); hostEl.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/host"); const requestHost = (prompt, def = "") => { let value = null; if (!urlParams.has("noprompt")) value = window.prompt(prompt, def); if (value === null) value = def; value = value.endsWith("/") ? value.substring(0, value.length - 1) : value; host = value; hostEl.value = host; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/host", host); }; const current = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/host"); if (current) { if (!current.match(/^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.]+[a-z0-9](:[0-9]+)?$/i)) requestHost( "Host seems to be invalid! Please fix your host here:", current ); else host = current.endsWith("/") ? current.substring(0, current.length - 1) : current; } else { requestHost( "This seems to be the first time you are using openOutpaint! Please set your host here:" ); } } async function testHostConnection() { class CheckInProgressError extends Error {} const connectionIndicator = document.getElementById( "connection-status-indicator" ); let connectionStatus = false; let firstTimeOnline = true; const setConnectionStatus = (status) => { const connectionIndicatorText = document.getElementById( "connection-status-indicator-text" ); const statuses = { online: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("online"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = connectionIndicator.title = "Connected"; connectionStatus = true; }, error: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("server-error"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "webui-issue" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Error"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but is returning an error response"; connectionStatus = false; }, corsissue: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("webui-issue"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "CORS"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but CORS is blocking our requests"; connectionStatus = false; }, apiissue: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("webui-issue"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "API"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but the API seems to be disabled"; connectionStatus = false; }, offline: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("offline"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "online", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Offline"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server seems to be offline. Please check the console for more information."; connectionStatus = false; }, before: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("before"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "online", "offline", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Waiting"; connectionIndicator.title = "Waiting for check to complete."; connectionStatus = false; }, }; statuses[status] && (() => { statuses[status](); global.connection = status; })(); }; setConnectionStatus("before"); let checkInProgress = false; const checkConnection = async ( notify = false, simpleProgressStatus = false ) => { const apiIssueResult = () => { setConnectionStatus("apiissue"); const message = `The host is online, but the API seems to be disabled.
Have you run the webui with the flag '--api', or is the flag '--gradio-debug' currently active?`; console.error(message); if (notify) notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.ERROR, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 2, }); }; const offlineResult = () => { setConnectionStatus("offline"); const message = `The connection with the host returned an error: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`; console.error(message); if (notify) notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.ERROR, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 2, }); }; if (checkInProgress) throw new CheckInProgressError( "Check is currently in progress, please try again" ); checkInProgress = true; var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/startup-events"; // Attempt normal request try { if (simpleProgressStatus) { const response = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/progress" // seems to be the "lightest" endpoint? ); switch (response.status) { case 200: { setConnectionStatus("online"); break; } case 404: { apiIssueResult(); break; } default: { offlineResult(); } } } else { // Check if API is available const response = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options" ); const optionsdata = await response.json(); if (optionsdata["use_scale_latent_for_hires_fix"]) { const message = `You are using an outdated version of A1111 webUI.
The HRfix options will not work until you update to at least commit ef27a18 or newer.
HRfix will fallback to half-resolution only.`; console.warn(message); if (notify) notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.WARN, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 4, }); // Hide all new hrfix options document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => (el.style.display = "none")); // We are using old HRFix global.isOldHRFix = true; stableDiffusionData.enable_hr = false; } switch (response.status) { case 200: { setConnectionStatus("online"); // Load data as soon as connection is first stablished if (firstTimeOnline) { getConfig(); getStyles(); getSamplers(); getUpscalers(); getModels(); extensions.getExtensions( controlNetModelAutoComplete, controlNetModuleAutoComplete ); // getLoras(); // getTIEmbeddings(); // getHypernets(); firstTimeOnline = false; } break; } case 404: { apiIssueResult(); break; } default: { offlineResult(); } } } } catch (e) { try { if (e instanceof DOMException) throw "offline"; // Tests if problem is CORS await fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); setConnectionStatus("corsissue"); const message = `CORS is blocking our requests. Try running the webui with the flag '--cors-allow-origins=${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/'`; console.error(message); if (notify) notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.ERROR, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 2, }); } catch (e) { setConnectionStatus("offline"); const message = `The server seems to be offline. Is host '${ document.getElementById("host").value }' correct?`; console.error(message); if (notify) notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.ERROR, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 2, }); } } checkInProgress = false; return status; }; if (focused || firstTimeOnline) { await checkConnection(!urlParams.has("noprompt")); } // On click, attempt to refresh connectionIndicator.onclick = async () => { try { await checkConnection(true); checked = true; } catch (e) { console.debug("Already refreshing"); } }; // Checks every 5 seconds if offline, 60 seconds if online const checkAgain = () => { checkFocus(); if (focused || firstTimeOnline) { setTimeout( async () => { let simple = !firstTimeOnline; await checkConnection(false, simple); checkAgain(); }, connectionStatus ? 60000 : 5000 ); } else { setTimeout(() => { checkAgain(); }, 60000); } }; checkAgain(); return () => { checkConnection().catch(() => {}); }; } function newImage(evt) { clearPaintedMask(); uil.layers.forEach(({layer}) => { commands.runCommand( "eraseImage", "Clear Canvas", { ...layer.bb, ctx: layer.ctx, }, { extra: { log: `Cleared Canvas`, }, } ); }); } function clearPaintedMask() { maskPaintLayer.clear(); } function march(bb, options = {}) { defaultOpt(options, { title: null, titleStyle: "#FFF5", style: "#FFFF", width: "2px", filter: null, }); const expanded = {...bb}; expanded.x--; expanded.y--; expanded.w += 2; expanded.h += 2; // Get temporary layer to draw marching ants const layer = imageCollection.registerLayer(null, { bb: expanded, category: "display", }); layer.canvas.style.imageRendering = "pixelated"; let offset = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { drawMarchingAnts(layer.ctx, bb, offset++, options); offset %= 12; }, 20); return () => { clearInterval(interval); imageCollection.deleteLayer(layer); }; } function drawMarchingAnts(ctx, bb, offset, options) { ctx.save(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bb.w + 2, bb.h + 2); // Draw Tool Name if (bb.h > 40 && options.title) { ctx.font = `bold 20px Open Sans`; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.fillStyle = options.titleStyle; ctx.fillText(options.title, 10, 30, bb.w); } ctx.strokeStyle = options.style; ctx.strokeWidth = options.width; ctx.filter = options.filter; ctx.setLineDash([4, 2]); ctx.lineDashOffset = -offset; ctx.strokeRect(1, 1, bb.w, bb.h); ctx.restore(); } const makeSlider = ( label, el, lsKey, min, max, step, defaultValue, textStep = null, valuecb = null ) => { const local = lsKey && localStorage.getItem(`openoutpaint/${lsKey}`); const def = parseFloat(local === null ? defaultValue : local); let cb = (v) => { stableDiffusionData[lsKey] = v; if (lsKey) localStorage.setItem(`openoutpaint/${lsKey}`, v); }; if (valuecb) { cb = (v) => { valuecb(v); localStorage.setItem(`openoutpaint/${lsKey}`, v); }; } return createSlider(label, el, { valuecb: cb, min, max, step, defaultValue: def, textStep, }); }; let modelAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Model", document.getElementById("models-ac-select"), {}, document.getElementById("refreshModelsBtn"), "refreshable" ); modelAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { /** * TODO implement optional API call to check model unet channel count * extension users guaranteed to have it as of * https://github.com/zero01101/openOutpaint-webUI-extension/commit/1f22f5ea5b860c6e91f77edfb47743a124596dec * but still need a fallback check like below */ if (value.toLowerCase().includes("inpainting")) document.querySelector( "#models-ac-select input.autocomplete-text" ).style.backgroundColor = "#cfc"; else document.querySelector( "#models-ac-select input.autocomplete-text" ).style.backgroundColor = "#fcc"; }); const samplerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Sampler", document.getElementById("sampler-ac-select") ); const upscalerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Upscaler", document.getElementById("upscaler-ac-select") ); const hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "HRfix Upscaler", document.getElementById("hrFixUpscaler") ); const controlNetModelAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "ControlNet Model", document.getElementById("controlNetModel-ac-select") ); const controlNetModuleAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "ControlNet Module", document.getElementById("controlNetModule-ac-select") ); // const extensionsAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( // "Extension", // document.getElementById("extension-ac-select") // ); hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { stableDiffusionData.hr_upscaler = value; localStorage.setItem(`openoutpaint/hr_upscaler`, value); }); const resSlider = makeSlider( "Resolution", document.getElementById("resolution"), "resolution", 128, 2048, 128, 512, 2, (v) => { stableDiffusionData.width = stableDiffusionData.height = v; toolbar.currentTool && toolbar.currentTool.redraw && toolbar.currentTool.redraw(); } ); makeSlider( "CFG Scale", document.getElementById("cfgScale"), "cfg_scale", localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.min-cfg") || 1, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-cfg") || 25, 0.5, 7.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "Batch Size", document.getElementById("batchSize"), "batch_size", 1, 8, 1, 2 ); makeSlider( "Iterations", document.getElementById("batchCount"), "n_iter", 1, 8, 1, 2 ); makeSlider( "Upscale X", document.getElementById("upscaleX"), "upscale_x", 1.0, 4.0, 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "Steps", document.getElementById("steps"), "steps", 1, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-steps") || 70, 5, 30, 1 ); // 20230102 grumble grumble const hrFixScaleSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Scale", document.getElementById("hrFixScale"), "hr_scale", 1.0, 4.0, 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "HRfix Denoising", document.getElementById("hrDenoising"), "hr_denoising_strength", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 0.7, 0.01 ); const lockPxSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Autoscale Lock Px.", document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx"), "hr_fix_lock_px", 0, 1024, 256, 0, 1 ); const hrStepsSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Steps", document.getElementById("hrFixSteps"), "hr_second_pass_steps", 0, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-steps") || 70, 5, 0, 1 ); function changeMaskBlur() { stableDiffusionData.mask_blur = parseInt( document.getElementById("maskBlur").value ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur", stableDiffusionData.mask_blur); } function changeSeed() { stableDiffusionData.seed = document.getElementById("seed").value; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/seed", stableDiffusionData.seed); } function changeHRFX() { stableDiffusionData.hr_resize_x = document.getElementById("hr_resize_x").value; } function changeHRFY() { stableDiffusionData.hr_resize_y = document.getElementById("hr_resize_y").value; } function changeDynamicPromptsExtension() { extensions.dynamicPromptsActive = document.getElementById("cbxDynPrompts").checked; } function changeControlNetExtension() { extensions.controlNetActive = document.getElementById("cbxControlNet").checked; if (extensions.controlNetActive) { document .querySelectorAll(".controlnetElement") .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("invisible")); } else { document .querySelectorAll(".controlnetElement") .forEach((el) => el.classList.add("invisible")); } } function changeHiResFix() { stableDiffusionData.enable_hr = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxHRFix").checked ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr", stableDiffusionData.enable_hr); // var hrfSlider = document.getElementById("hrFixScale"); // var hrfOpotions = document.getElementById("hrFixUpscaler"); // var hrfLabel = document.getElementById("hrFixLabel"); // var hrfDenoiseSlider = document.getElementById("hrDenoising"); // var hrfLockPxSlider = document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx"); if (stableDiffusionData.enable_hr) { document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("invisible")); } else { document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => el.classList.add("invisible")); } } function changeHiResSquare() { stableDiffusionData.hr_square_aspect = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxHRFSquare").checked ); } function changeRestoreFaces() { stableDiffusionData.restore_faces = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxRestoreFaces").checked ); localStorage.setItem( "openoutpaint/restore_faces", stableDiffusionData.restore_faces ); } function changeSyncCursorSize() { global.syncCursorSize = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxSyncCursorSize").checked ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size", global.syncCursorSize); } function changeSmoothRendering() { const layers = document.getElementById("layer-render"); if (localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.smooth") === "true") { layers.classList.remove("pixelated"); } else { layers.classList.add("pixelated"); } } function isCanvasBlank(x, y, w, h, canvas) { return !canvas .getContext("2d") .getImageData(x, y, w, h) .data.some((channel) => channel !== 0); } function drawBackground() { { // Existing Canvas BG const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = config.gridSize * 2; canvas.height = config.gridSize * 2; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = theme.grid.dark; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = theme.grid.light; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, config.gridSize, config.gridSize); ctx.fillRect( config.gridSize, config.gridSize, config.gridSize, config.gridSize ); canvas.toBlob((blob) => { const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); console.debug(url); bgLayer.canvas.style.backgroundImage = `url(${url})`; }); } } async function exportWorkspaceState() { return { defaultLayer: { id: uil.layerIndex.default.id, name: uil.layerIndex.default.name, }, bb: { x: imageCollection.bb.x, y: imageCollection.bb.y, w: imageCollection.bb.w, h: imageCollection.bb.h, }, history: await commands.export(), }; } async function importWorkspaceState(state) { // Start from zero, effectively await commands.clear(); // Setup initial layer const layer = uil.layerIndex.default; layer.deletable = true; await commands.runCommand( "addLayer", "Temporary Layer", {name: "Temporary Layer", key: "tmp"}, {recordHistory: false} ); await commands.runCommand( "deleteLayer", "Deleted Layer", { layer, }, {recordHistory: false} ); await commands.runCommand( "addLayer", "Initial Layer Creation", { id: state.defaultLayer.id, name: state.defaultLayer.name, key: "default", deletable: false, }, {recordHistory: false} ); await commands.runCommand( "deleteLayer", "Deleted Layer", { layer: uil.layerIndex.tmp, }, {recordHistory: false} ); // Resize canvas to match original size const sbb = new BoundingBox(state.bb); const bb = imageCollection.bb; let eleft = 0; if (bb.x > sbb.x) eleft = bb.x - sbb.x; let etop = 0; if (bb.y > sbb.y) etop = bb.y - sbb.y; let eright = 0; if (bb.tr.x < sbb.tr.x) eright = sbb.tr.x - bb.tr.x; let ebottom = 0; if (bb.br.y < sbb.br.y) ebottom = sbb.br.y - bb.br.y; imageCollection.expand(eleft, etop, eright, ebottom); // Run commands in order for (const command of state.history) { await commands.import(command); } } async function saveWorkspaceToFile() { const workspace = await exportWorkspaceState(); const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(workspace)], { type: "application/json", }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); var link = document.createElement("a"); // Or maybe get it from the current document link.href = url; link.download = `${new Date().toISOString()}_openOutpaint_workspace.json`; link.click(); } async function getUpscalers() { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/upscalers"; let upscalers = []; try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: "GET", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); const data = await response.json(); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].name.includes("None")) { continue; } upscalers.push(data[i].name); } } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch upscalers:"); console.warn(e); upscalers = [ "Lanczos", "Nearest", "LDSR", "SwinIR", "R-ESRGAN General 4xV3", "R-ESRGAN General WDN 4xV3", "R-ESRGAN AnimeVideo", "R-ESRGAN 4x+", "R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B", "R-ESRGAN 2x+", ]; } const upscalersPlusNone = [...upscalers]; upscalersPlusNone.unshift("None"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (antialiased)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (bicubic)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (bicubic, antialiased)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (nearest)"); upscalerAutoComplete.options = upscalers.map((u) => { return {name: u, value: u}; }); hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.options = upscalersPlusNone.map((u) => { return {name: u, value: u}; }); upscalerAutoComplete.value = upscalers[0]; hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_upscaler") === null ? "None" : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_upscaler"); } async function getModels(refresh = false) { const url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/sd-models"; let opt = null; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); opt = data.map((option) => ({ name: option.title, value: option.title, optionelcb: (el) => { if (option.title.toLowerCase().includes("inpainting")) el.classList.add("inpainting"); }, })); modelAutoComplete.options = opt; try { const optResponse = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options" ); const optData = await optResponse.json(); const model = optData.sd_model_checkpoint; console.log("Current model: " + model); if (modelAutoComplete.value !== model) modelAutoComplete.value = model; } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch current model:"); console.warn(e); } } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch models:"); console.warn(e); } if (!refresh) modelAutoComplete.onchange.on(async ({value}) => { console.log(`[index] Changing model to [${value}]`); const payload = { sd_model_checkpoint: value, }; const url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options/"; try { await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }); notifications.notify(`Model changed to [${value}]`, {type: "success"}); } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Error changing model"); console.warn(e); notifications.notify( "Error changing model, please check console for additional information", { type: NotificationType.ERROR, timeout: config.notificationTimeout * 2, } ); } }); // If first time running, ask if user wants to switch to an inpainting model if (global.firstRun && !modelAutoComplete.value.includes("inpainting")) { const inpainting = opt.find(({name}) => name.includes("inpainting")); let message = "It seems this is your first time using openOutpaint. It is highly recommended that you switch to an inpainting model. \ These are highlighted as green in the model selector."; if (inpainting) { message += `

We have found the inpainting model

- ${inpainting.name}

available in the webui. Do you want to switch to it?`; if (await notifications.dialog("Automatic Model Switch", message)) { modelAutoComplete.value = inpainting.value; } } else { message += `

No inpainting model seems to be available in the webui. It is recommended that you download an inpainting model, or outpainting results may not be optimal.`; notifications.notify(message, { type: NotificationType.WARN, timeout: null, }); } } } async function getConfig() { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options"; let message = "The following options for the AUTOMATIC1111's webui are not recommended to use with this software:"; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); let wrong = false; // Check if img2img color correction is disabled and inpainting mask weight is set to one // TODO: API Seems bugged for retrieving inpainting mask weight - returning 0 for all values different than 1.0 if (data.img2img_color_correction) { message += "
- Image to Image Color Correction: false recommended"; wrong = true; } if (data.inpainting_mask_weight < 1.0) { message += `
- Inpainting Conditioning Mask Strength: 1.0 recommended`; wrong = true; } message += "

Should these values be changed to the recommended ones?"; if (!wrong) { console.info("[index] WebUI Settings set as recommended."); return; } console.info( "[index] WebUI Settings not set as recommended. Prompting for changing settings automatically." ); if (!(await notifications.dialog("Recommended Settings", message))) return; try { await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ img2img_color_correction: false, inpainting_mask_weight: 1.0, }), }); } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch WebUI Configuration"); console.warn(e); } } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch WebUI Configuration"); console.warn(e); } } function changeStyles() { /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ const styleSelectEl = document.getElementById("styleSelect"); const selected = Array.from(styleSelectEl.options).filter( (option) => option.selected ); let selectedString = selected.map((option) => option.value); if (selectedString.find((selected) => selected === "None")) { selectedString = []; Array.from(styleSelectEl.options).forEach((option) => { if (option.value !== "None") option.selected = false; }); } localStorage.setItem( "openoutpaint/promptStyle", JSON.stringify(selectedString) ); // change the model if (selectedString.length > 0) console.log(`[index] Changing styles to ${selectedString.join(", ")}`); else console.log(`[index] Clearing styles`); stableDiffusionData.styles = selectedString; } async function getSamplers() { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/samplers"; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); samplerAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { stableDiffusionData.sampler_index = value; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sampler", value); }); samplerAutoComplete.options = data.map((sampler) => ({ name: sampler.name, value: sampler.name, })); // Initial sampler if (localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sampler") != null) { samplerAutoComplete.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sampler"); } else { samplerAutoComplete.value = data[0].name; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sampler", samplerAutoComplete.value); } stableDiffusionData.sampler_index = samplerAutoComplete.value; } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch samplers"); console.warn(e); } } async function upscaleAndDownload() { // Future improvements: some upscalers take a while to upscale, so we should show a loading bar or something, also a slider for the upscale amount // get cropped canvas, send it to upscaler, download result var upscale_factor = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/upscale_x") ? localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/upscale_x") : 2; var upscaler = upscalerAutoComplete.value; var croppedCanvas = cropCanvas( uil.getVisible({ x: 0, y: 0, w: imageCollection.size.w, h: imageCollection.size.h, }) ); if (croppedCanvas != null) { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/extra-single-image/"; var imgdata = croppedCanvas.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var data = { "resize-mode": 0, // 0 = just resize, 1 = crop and resize, 2 = resize and fill i assume based on theimg2img tabs options upscaling_resize: upscale_factor, upscaler_1: upscaler, image: imgdata, }; console.log(data); await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { console.log(data); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.download = new Date() .toISOString() .slice(0, 19) .replace("T", " ") .replace(":", " ") + " openOutpaint image upscaler_" + upscaler + "_x" + upscale_factor + ".png"; link.href = "data:image/png;base64," + data["image"]; link.click(); }); } } function loadSettings() { // set default values if not set var _mask_blur = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur") == null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur"); var _seed = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/seed") == null ? -1 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/seed"); let _enable_hr = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr") === null ? false : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr") === "true"; let _restore_faces = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/restore_faces") === null ? false : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/restore_faces") === "true"; let _sync_cursor_size = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size") === null ? true : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size") === "true"; let _hrfix_scale = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_scale") === null ? 2.0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_scale"); let _hrfix_denoising = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_denoising_strength") === null ? 0.7 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_denoising_strength"); let _hrfix_lock_px = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_fix_lock_px") === null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_fix_lock_px"); // set the values into the UI document.getElementById("maskBlur").value = Number(_mask_blur); document.getElementById("seed").value = Number(_seed); document.getElementById("cbxHRFix").checked = Boolean(_enable_hr); document.getElementById("cbxRestoreFaces").checked = Boolean(_restore_faces); document.getElementById("cbxSyncCursorSize").checked = Boolean(_sync_cursor_size); document.getElementById("hrFixScale").value = Number(_hrfix_scale); document.getElementById("hrDenoising").value = Number(_hrfix_denoising); document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx").value = Number(_hrfix_lock_px); } imageCollection.element.addEventListener( "wheel", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); }, {passive: false} ); imageCollection.element.addEventListener( "contextmenu", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); }, {passive: false} ); async function resetToDefaults() { if ( await notifications.dialog( "Clear Settings", "Are you sure you want to clear your settings?" ) ) { localStorage.clear(); } } document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { checkFocus(); }); window.addEventListener("blur", () => { checkFocus(); }); window.addEventListener("focus", () => { checkFocus(); }); function checkFocus() { let hasFocus = document.hasFocus(); if (document.hidden || !hasFocus) { focused = false; } else { focused = true; } } function refreshScripts() { selector = document.getElementById("script-selector"); selector.innerHTML = ""; createBaseScriptOptions(); loadDefaultScripts(); // loadUserScripts(); } function createBaseScriptOptions() { selector = document.getElementById("script-selector"); var noScript = document.createElement("option"); noScript.id = "no_selected_script"; noScript.value = ""; noScript.innerHTML = "(disabled)"; selector.appendChild(noScript); var customScript = document.createElement("option"); customScript.id = "custom"; customScript.value = "custom"; customScript.innerHTML = "Custom"; selector.appendChild(customScript); } async function loadDefaultScripts() { selector = document.getElementById("script-selector"); const response = await fetch("./defaultscripts.json"); const json = await response.json(); for (const key in json.defaultScripts) { var opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = opt.innerHTML = key; selector.appendChild(opt); } defaultScripts = json; } // async function loadUserScripts() { // selector = document.getElementById("script-selector"); // const response = await fetch("./userdefinedscripts.json"); // const json = await response.json(); // for (const key in json.userScripts) { // var opt = document.createElement("option"); // opt.value = opt.innerHTML = key; // selector.appendChild(opt); // } // userScripts = json; // } function changeScript(event) { let enable = () => { scriptName.disabled = false; // saveScriptButton.disabled = false; }; let disable = () => { scriptName.disabled = true; // saveScriptButton.disabled = true; }; let selected = event.target.value; let scriptName = document.getElementById("script-name-input"); let scriptArgs = document.getElementById("script-args-input"); // let saveScriptButton = document.getElementById("save-custom-script"); scriptName.value = selected; scriptArgs.title = ""; disable(); switch (selected) { case "custom": { let _script_name_input = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/script_name_input") === null ? "" : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/script_name_input"); let _script_args_input = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/script_args_input") === null ? "[]" : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/script_args_input"); scriptName.value = _script_name_input; scriptArgs.value = _script_args_input; scriptArgs.title = ""; enable(); break; } case "": { // specifically no selected script scriptArgs.value = ""; break; } default: { scriptName.value = selected; // check default scripts for selected script if (selected in defaultScripts.defaultScripts) { scriptArgs.value = defaultScripts.defaultScripts[selected].scriptValues; scriptArgs.title = defaultScripts.defaultScripts[selected].titleText; } // FURTHER TODO see if this is even plausible as i don't think JS can arbitrarily save data to files without downloading // if not found, check user scripts // TODO yknow what check userscripts first; if customizations have been made load those instead of defaults, i'm too stupid to do that right now // else if (selected in userScripts.userScripts) { // scriptArgs.value = userScripts.userScripts[selected].scriptValues; // enable(); // } // if not found, wtf } } } // async function saveCustomScript() { // let selector = document.getElementById("script-name-input"); // let selected = selector.value; // let args = document.getElementById("script-args-input").value; // if (selected.trim() != "") { // if (selected in userScripts.userScripts) { // userScripts.userScripts[selected].scriptValues = args; // } else { // } // } // } function togglePix2PixImgCfg(value) { // super hacky // actually doesn't work at all yet so i'm leaving it here to taunt and remind me of my failures // try { // if (value.toLowerCase().includes("pix2pix")) { // document // .querySelector(".instruct-pix2pix-img-cfg") // .classList.remove("invisible"); // } else { // document // .querySelector(".instruct-pix2pix-img-cfg") // .classList.add("invisible"); // } // } catch (e) { // // highly likely not currently using img2img tool, do nothing // } } function storeUserscriptVal(evt, type) { let currentScript = document.getElementById("script-selector").value; if (currentScript === "custom") { console.log(type); console.log(evt); let val = (currentScript = document.getElementById( "script-" + type + "-input" ).value); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/script_" + type + "_input", val); } }