/** * Generic wheel handler */ let _stamp_wheel_accum = 0; const _stamp_onwheel = (evn, state) => { if (evn.mode !== WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL) { // We don't really handle non-pixel scrolling return; } let delta = evn.delta; if (evn.evn.shiftKey) delta *= 0.01; // A simple but (I hope) effective fix for mouse wheel behavior _stamp_wheel_accum += delta; if ( !evn.evn.shiftKey && Math.abs(_stamp_wheel_accum) > config.wheelTickSize ) { // Snap to next or previous position const v = state.scale - 0.1 * (_stamp_wheel_accum / Math.abs(_stamp_wheel_accum)); state.setScale(v + snap(v, 0, 0.1)); state.redraw(evn); _stamp_wheel_accum = 0; // Zero accumulation } else if (evn.evn.shiftKey && Math.abs(_stamp_wheel_accum) >= 1) { const v = state.scale - _stamp_wheel_accum * 0.01; state.setScale(v); state.redraw(evn); _stamp_wheel_accum = 0; // Zero accumulation } }; const stampTool = () => toolbar.registerTool( "./res/icons/file-up.svg", "Stamp Image", (state, opt) => { state.loaded = true; // Draw new cursor immediately ovLayer.clear(); state.movecb({...mouse.coords.world.pos}); // Start Listeners mouse.listen.world.onmousemove.on(state.movecb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.onclick.on(state.drawcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.right.onclick.on(state.cancelcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragstart.on(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondrag.on(state.dragcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragend.on(state.dragendcb); mouse.listen.world.onwheel.on(state.onwheelcb); keyboard.onShortcut({key: "Equal"}, state.togglemirror); // For calls from other tools to paste image if (opt && opt.image) { state.addResource( opt.name || "Clipboard", opt.image, opt.temporary === undefined ? true : opt.temporary, false ); state.ctxmenu.uploadButton.disabled = true; state.back = opt.back || null; toolbar.lock(); } else if (opt) { throw Error( "Pasting from other tools must be in format {image, name?, temporary?, back?}" ); } else { state.ctxmenu.uploadButton.disabled = ""; } }, (state, opt) => { state.loaded = false; // Clear Listeners mouse.listen.world.onmousemove.clear(state.movecb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.onclick.clear(state.drawcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.right.onclick.clear(state.cancelcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragstart.clear(state.dragstartcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondrag.clear(state.dragcb); mouse.listen.world.btn.left.ondragend.clear(state.dragendcb); mouse.listen.world.onwheel.clear(state.onwheelcb); keyboard.deleteShortcut(state.togglemirror, "Equal"); ovLayer.clear(); }, { init: (state) => { state.loaded = false; state.snapToGrid = true; state.resources = []; state.selected = null; state.back = null; state.lastMouseMove = {x: 0, y: 0}; state.block_res_change = true; // Current Rotation let rotation = 0; let rotating = null; // Current Scale state.scale = 1; state.togglemirror = () => { state.mirrorSetValue(!state.mirrorStamp); state.redraw(); }; state.selectResource = (resource, nolock = true, deselect = true) => { rotation = 0; state.setScale(1); if (nolock && state.ctxmenu.uploadButton.disabled) return; state.mirrorSetValue(false); console.debug( `[stamp] Selecting Resource '${resource && resource.name}'[${ resource && resource.id }]` ); const resourceWrapper = resource && resource.dom.wrapper; const wasSelected = resourceWrapper && resourceWrapper.classList.contains("active"); Array.from(state.ctxmenu.resourceList.children).forEach((child) => { child.classList.remove("active"); }); // Select if (!wasSelected) { resourceWrapper && resourceWrapper.classList.add("active"); state.selected = resource; } // If already selected, clear selection (if deselection is enabled) else if (deselect) { resourceWrapper.classList.remove("active"); state.selected = null; } ovLayer.clear(); if (state.loaded) state.redraw(); }; // Open IndexedDB connection // Synchronizes resources array with the DOM and Local Storage const syncResources = () => { // Saves to IndexedDB const resources = db .transaction("resources", "readwrite") .objectStore("resources"); try { const FetchKeysQuery = resources.getAllKeys(); FetchKeysQuery.onsuccess = () => { const keys = FetchKeysQuery.result; keys.forEach((key) => { if (!state.resources.find((resource) => resource.id === key)) resources.delete(key); }); }; state.resources .filter((resource) => !resource.temporary && resource.dirty) .forEach((resource) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = resource.image.width; canvas.height = resource.image.height; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(resource.image, 0, 0); resources.put({ id: resource.id, name: resource.name, src: canvas.toDataURL(), }); resource.dirty = false; }); } catch (e) { console.warn( "[stamp] Failed to synchronize resources with IndexedDB" ); console.warn(e); } // Creates DOM elements when needed state.resources.forEach((resource) => { if ( !state.ctxmenu.resourceList.querySelector( `#resource-${resource.id}` ) ) { console.debug( `[stamp] Creating Resource Element [resource-${resource.id}]` ); const resourceWrapper = document.createElement("div"); resourceWrapper.id = `resource-${resource.id}`; resourceWrapper.title = resource.name; resourceWrapper.classList.add("resource", "list-item"); const resourceTitle = document.createElement("input"); resourceTitle.value = resource.name; resourceTitle.style.pointerEvents = "none"; resourceTitle.addEventListener("change", () => { resource.name = resourceTitle.value; resource.dirty = true; resourceWrapper.title = resourceTitle.value; syncResources(); }); resourceTitle.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) { if (event.key === "Enter") { resourceTitle.blur(); } }); resourceTitle.addEventListener("blur", () => { resourceTitle.style.pointerEvents = "none"; }); resourceTitle.classList.add("resource-title", "title"); resourceWrapper.appendChild(resourceTitle); resourceWrapper.addEventListener("click", () => state.selectResource(resource) ); resourceWrapper.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { resourceTitle.style.pointerEvents = "auto"; resourceTitle.focus(); resourceTitle.select(); }); resourceWrapper.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { state.ctxmenu.previewPane.style.display = "block"; state.ctxmenu.previewPane.style.backgroundImage = `url(${resource.image.src})`; }); resourceWrapper.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => { state.ctxmenu.previewPane.style.display = "none"; }); // Add action buttons const actionArray = document.createElement("div"); actionArray.classList.add("actions"); const saveButton = document.createElement("button"); saveButton.addEventListener( "click", (evn) => { evn.stopPropagation(); const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = resource.image.width; canvas.height = resource.image.height; canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(resource.image, 0, 0); downloadCanvas({ canvas, filename: `openOutpaint - resource '${resource.name}'.png`, }); }, {passive: false} ); saveButton.title = "Download Resource"; saveButton.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); saveButton.classList.add("download-btn"); const trashButton = document.createElement("button"); trashButton.addEventListener( "click", (evn) => { evn.stopPropagation(); state.ctxmenu.previewPane.style.display = "none"; state.deleteResource(resource.id); }, {passive: false} ); trashButton.title = "Delete Resource"; trashButton.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); trashButton.classList.add("delete-btn"); actionArray.appendChild(saveButton); actionArray.appendChild(trashButton); resourceWrapper.appendChild(actionArray); state.ctxmenu.resourceList.appendChild(resourceWrapper); resource.dom = {wrapper: resourceWrapper}; } }); // Removes DOM elements when needed const elements = Array.from(state.ctxmenu.resourceList.children); if (elements.length > state.resources.length) elements.forEach((element) => { let remove = true; state.resources.some((resource) => { if (element.id.endsWith(resource.id)) { remove = false; } }); if (remove) { console.debug(`[stamp] Sync Removing Element [${element.id}]`); state.ctxmenu.resourceList.removeChild(element); } }); }; // Adds a image resource (temporary allows only one draw, used for pasting) state.addResource = (name, image, temporary = false, nolock = true) => { const id = guid(); const resource = { id, name, image, dirty: true, temporary, }; console.info(`[stamp] Adding Resource '${name}'[${id}]`); state.resources.push(resource); syncResources(); // Select this resource state.selectResource(resource, nolock, false); return resource; }; // Used for temporary images too state.deleteResource = (id) => { const resourceIndex = state.resources.findIndex((v) => v.id === id); const resource = state.resources[resourceIndex]; if (state.selected === resource) state.selected = null; console.info( `[stamp] Deleting Resource '${resource.name}'[${resource.id}]` ); state.resources.splice(resourceIndex, 1); syncResources(); }; state.onwheelcb = (evn) => { _stamp_onwheel(evn, state); }; state.dragstartcb = (evn) => { const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); rotating = {x: sx, y: sy}; }; state.dragcb = (evn) => { if (rotating) { rotation = Math.atan2(rotating.x - evn.x, evn.y - rotating.y); if (evn.evn.shiftKey) rotation = config.rotationSnappingAngles.find( (v) => Math.abs(v - rotation) < config.rotationSnappingDistance ) ?? rotation; } }; state.dragendcb = (evn) => { rotating = null; }; let erasePrevCursor = () => null; state.movecb = (evn) => { const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); // Erase Previous Cursors erasePrevCursor(); state.lastMouseMove = evn; ovLayer.clear(); let px = sx; let py = sy; if (rotating) { px = rotating.x; py = rotating.y; } // Draw selected image if (state.selected) { ovCtx.save(); ovCtx.translate(px, py); ovCtx.scale( state.scale * (state.mirrorStamp ? -1 : 1), state.scale ); ovCtx.rotate(rotation * (state.mirrorStamp ? -1 : 1)); ovCtx.drawImage(state.selected.image, 0, 0); ovCtx.restore(); } // Draw current cursor location erasePrevCursor = _tool._cursor_draw(px, py); }; state.redraw = () => { state.movecb(state.lastMouseMove); }; state.drawcb = (evn) => { const {x, y, sx, sy} = _tool._process_cursor(evn, state.snapToGrid); const resource = state.selected; if (resource) { const {canvas, bb} = cropCanvas(ovCanvas, {border: 10}); let commandLog = ""; const addline = (v, newline = true) => { commandLog += v; if (newline) commandLog += "\n"; }; addline( `Stamped image '${resource.name}' to x: ${bb.x} and y: ${bb.y}` ); addline(` - scaling : ${state.scale}`); addline( ` - rotation: ${ Math.round(1000 * ((180 * rotation) / Math.PI)) / 1000 } degrees`, false ); commands.runCommand( "drawImage", "Image Stamp", { image: canvas, x: bb.x, y: bb.y, }, { extra: { log: commandLog, }, } ); if (resource.temporary) { state.deleteResource(resource.id); } } if (state.back) { toolbar.unlock(); const backfn = state.back; state.back = null; backfn({message: "Returning from stamp", pasted: true}); } }; state.cancelcb = (evn) => { state.selectResource(null); if (state.back) { toolbar.unlock(); const backfn = state.back; state.back = null; backfn({message: "Returning from stamp", pasted: false}); } }; /** * Creates context menu */ if (!state.ctxmenu) { state.ctxmenu = {}; // Snap To Grid Checkbox const array = document.createElement("div"); array.classList.add("checkbox-array"); array.appendChild( _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "snapToGrid", "Snap To Grid", "icon-grid" ).checkbox ); // Mirror Stamp Checkbox const {checkbox: mirrorCheckbox, setValue: mirrorSetValue} = _toolbar_input.checkbox( state, "mirrorStamp", "Mirror Stamp", "icon-flip-horizontal" ); array.appendChild(mirrorCheckbox); state.mirrorSetValue = mirrorSetValue; state.ctxmenu.buttonArray = array; // Scale Slider const scaleSlider = _toolbar_input.slider(state, "scale", "Scale", { min: 0.01, max: 10, step: 0.1, textStep: 0.001, }); state.ctxmenu.scaleSlider = scaleSlider.slider; state.setScale = scaleSlider.setValue; // Create resource list const uploadButtonId = `upload-btn-${guid()}`; const resourceManager = document.createElement("div"); resourceManager.classList.add("resource-manager"); const resourceList = document.createElement("div"); resourceList.classList.add("list"); const previewPane = document.createElement("div"); previewPane.classList.add("preview-pane"); const uploadLabel = document.createElement("label"); uploadLabel.classList.add("upload-button"); uploadLabel.classList.add("button"); uploadLabel.classList.add("tool"); uploadLabel.textContent = "Upload Image"; uploadLabel.htmlFor = uploadButtonId; const uploadButton = document.createElement("input"); uploadButton.id = uploadButtonId; uploadButton.type = "file"; uploadButton.accept = "image/*"; uploadButton.multiple = true; uploadButton.style.display = "none"; uploadButton.addEventListener("change", (evn) => { [...uploadButton.files].forEach((file) => { if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) { console.info("Uploading Image " + file.name); const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL; const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = url.createObjectURL(file); image.onload = () => state.addResource(file.name, image, false); } }); uploadButton.value = null; }); uploadLabel.appendChild(uploadButton); resourceManager.appendChild(resourceList); resourceManager.appendChild(uploadLabel); resourceManager.appendChild(previewPane); resourceManager.addEventListener( "drop", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); resourceManager.classList.remove("dragging"); if (evn.dataTransfer.items) { Array.from(evn.dataTransfer.items).forEach((item) => { if (item.kind === "file" && item.type.startsWith("image/")) { const file = item.getAsFile(); const url = window.URL || window.webkitURL; const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = url.createObjectURL(file); state.addResource(file.name, image, false); } }); } }, {passive: false} ); resourceManager.addEventListener( "dragover", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); }, {passive: false} ); resourceManager.addEventListener("dragover", (evn) => { resourceManager.classList.add("dragging"); }); resourceManager.addEventListener("dragover", (evn) => { resourceManager.classList.remove("dragging"); }); state.ctxmenu.uploadButton = uploadButton; state.ctxmenu.previewPane = previewPane; state.ctxmenu.resourceManager = resourceManager; state.ctxmenu.resourceList = resourceList; // Performs resource fetch from IndexedDB const loadResources = async () => { console.debug("[stamp] Connected to IndexedDB"); /** @type {IDBRequest<{id: string, name: string, src: string}[]>} */ const FetchAllTransaction = db .transaction("resources") .objectStore("resources") .getAll(); FetchAllTransaction.onsuccess = async () => { const data = FetchAllTransaction.result; state.resources.push( ...(await Promise.all( data.map((resource) => { const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = resource.src; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { image.onload = () => resolve({ id: resource.id, name: resource.name, image, }); }); }) )) ); syncResources(); }; }; if (db) loadResources(); else ondatabaseload.on(loadResources); } }, populateContextMenu: (menu, state) => { menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.buttonArray); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.scaleSlider); menu.appendChild(state.ctxmenu.resourceManager); }, shortcut: "U", } );