//TODO FIND OUT WHY I HAVE TO RESIZE A TEXTBOX AND THEN START USING IT TO AVOID THE 1px WHITE LINE ON LEFT EDGES DURING IMG2IMG //...lmao did setting min width 200 on info div fix that accidentally? once the canvas is infinite and the menu bar is hideable it'll probably be a problem again /** * Workaround for Firefox bug #733698 * * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=733698 * * Workaround by https://github.com/subzey on https://gist.github.com/subzey/2030480 * * Replaces and handles NS_ERROR_FAILURE errors triggered by 733698. */ (function () { var FakeTextMetrics, proto, fontSetterNative, measureTextNative, fillTextNative, strokeTextNative; if ( !window.CanvasRenderingContext2D || !window.TextMetrics || !(proto = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype) || !proto.hasOwnProperty("font") || !proto.hasOwnProperty("mozTextStyle") || typeof proto.__lookupSetter__ !== "function" || !(fontSetterNative = proto.__lookupSetter__("font")) ) { return; } proto.__defineSetter__("font", function (value) { try { return fontSetterNative.call(this, value); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }); measureTextNative = proto.measureText; FakeTextMetrics = function () { this.width = 0; this.isFake = true; this.__proto__ = window.TextMetrics.prototype; }; proto.measureText = function ($0) { try { return measureTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } else { return new FakeTextMetrics(); } } }; fillTextNative = proto.fillText; proto.fillText = function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { try { fillTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }; strokeTextNative = proto.strokeText; proto.strokeText = function ($0, $1, $2, $3) { try { strokeTextNative.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { if (e.name !== "NS_ERROR_FAILURE") { throw e; } } }; })(); // Parse url parameters const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); window.onload = startup; var stableDiffusionData = { //includes img2img data but works for txt2img just fine prompt: "", negative_prompt: "", seed: -1, cfg_scale: null, sampler_index: "DDIM", steps: null, denoising_strength: 1, mask_blur: 0, batch_size: null, width: 512, height: 512, n_iter: null, // batch count mask: "", init_images: [], inpaint_full_res: false, inpainting_fill: 1, outpainting_fill: 2, enable_hr: false, restore_faces: false, //firstphase_width: 0, //firstphase_height: 0, //20230102 welp looks like the entire way HRfix is implemented has become bonkersly different hr_scale: 2.0, hr_upscaler: "None", hr_second_pass_steps: 0, hr_resize_x: 0, hr_resize_y: 0, hr_square_aspect: false, styles: [], // here's some more fields that might be useful // ---txt2img specific: // "enable_hr": false, // hires fix // "denoising_strength": 0, // ok this is in both txt and img2img but txt2img only applies it if enable_hr == true // "firstphase_width": 0, // hires fp w // "firstphase_height": 0, // see above s/w/h/ // ---img2img specific // "init_images": [ // imageS!??!? wtf maybe for batch img2img?? i just dump one base64 in here // "string" // ], // "resize_mode": 0, // "denoising_strength": 0.75, // yeah see // "mask": "string", // string is just a base64 image // "mask_blur": 4, // "inpainting_fill": 0, // 0- fill, 1- orig, 2- latent noise, 3- latent nothing // "inpaint_full_res": true, // "inpaint_full_res_padding": 0, // px // "inpainting_mask_invert": 0, // bool??????? wtf // "include_init_images": false // ?????? }; // stuff things use var host = ""; var url = "/sdapi/v1/"; const basePixelCount = 64; //64 px - ALWAYS 64 PX var focused = true; function getSDData() { const w = workspaces.current.settings; w.ste; return { prompt: w.prompt, negative_prompt: w.neg_prompt, seed: w.seed, cfg_scale: w.cfg_scale, steps: w.steps, }; } function startup() { testHostConfiguration(); loadSettings(); const hostEl = document.getElementById("host"); testHostConnection().then((checkConnection) => { hostEl.onchange = () => { host = hostEl.value.endsWith("/") ? hostEl.value.substring(0, hostEl.value.length - 1) : hostEl.value; hostEl.value = host; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/host", host); checkConnection(); }; }); drawBackground(); changeMaskBlur(); changeSmoothRendering(); changeSeed(); changeHiResFix(); changeHiResSquare(); changeRestoreFaces(); changeSyncCursorSize(); checkFocus(); } function setFixedHost(h, changePromptMessage) { console.info(`[index] Fixed host to '${h}'`); const hostInput = document.getElementById("host"); host = h; hostInput.value = h; hostInput.readOnly = true; hostInput.style.cursor = "default"; hostInput.style.backgroundColor = "#ddd"; hostInput.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { if (confirm(changePromptMessage)) { hostInput.style.backgroundColor = null; hostInput.style.cursor = null; hostInput.readOnly = false; hostInput.focus(); } }); } /** * Initial connection checks */ function testHostConfiguration() { /** * Check host configuration */ const hostEl = document.getElementById("host"); hostEl.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/host"); const requestHost = (prompt, def = "") => { let value = null; if (!urlParams.has("noprompt")) value = window.prompt(prompt, def); if (value === null) value = def; value = value.endsWith("/") ? value.substring(0, value.length - 1) : value; host = value; hostEl.value = host; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/host", host); testHostConfiguration(); }; const current = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/host"); if (current) { if (!current.match(/^https?:\/\/[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.]+[a-z0-9](:[0-9]+)?$/i)) requestHost( "Host seems to be invalid! Please fix your host here:", current ); else host = current.endsWith("/") ? current.substring(0, current.length - 1) : current; } else { requestHost( "This seems to be the first time you are using openOutpaint! Please set your host here:" ); } } async function testHostConnection() { class CheckInProgressError extends Error {} const connectionIndicator = document.getElementById( "connection-status-indicator" ); let connectionStatus = false; let firstTimeOnline = true; const setConnectionStatus = (status) => { const connectionIndicatorText = document.getElementById( "connection-status-indicator-text" ); const statuses = { online: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("online"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = connectionIndicator.title = "Connected"; connectionStatus = true; }, error: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("server-error"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "webui-issue" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Error"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but is returning an error response"; connectionStatus = false; }, corsissue: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("webui-issue"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "CORS"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but CORS is blocking our requests"; connectionStatus = false; }, apiissue: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("webui-issue"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "online", "offline", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "API"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server is online, but the API seems to be disabled"; connectionStatus = false; }, offline: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("offline"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "online", "before", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Offline"; connectionIndicator.title = "Server seems to be offline. Please check the console for more information."; connectionStatus = false; }, before: () => { connectionIndicator.classList.add("before"); connectionIndicator.classList.remove( "webui-issue", "online", "offline", "server-error" ); connectionIndicatorText.textContent = "Waiting"; connectionIndicator.title = "Waiting for check to complete."; connectionStatus = false; }, }; statuses[status] && (() => { statuses[status](); global.connection = status; })(); }; setConnectionStatus("before"); let checkInProgress = false; const checkConnection = async ( notify = false, simpleProgressStatus = false ) => { const apiIssueResult = () => { setConnectionStatus("apiissue"); const message = `The host is online, but the API seems to be disabled.\nHave you run the webui with the flag '--api', or is the flag '--gradio-debug' currently active?`; console.error(message); if (notify) alert(message); }; const offlineResult = () => { setConnectionStatus("offline"); const message = `The connection with the host returned an error: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`; console.error(message); if (notify) alert(message); }; if (checkInProgress) throw new CheckInProgressError( "Check is currently in progress, please try again" ); checkInProgress = true; var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/startup-events"; // Attempt normal request try { if (simpleProgressStatus) { const response = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/progress" // seems to be the "lightest" endpoint? ); switch (response.status) { case 200: { setConnectionStatus("online"); break; } case 404: { apiIssueResult(); break; } default: { offlineResult(); } } } else { // Check if API is available const response = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options" ); const optionsdata = await response.json(); if (optionsdata["use_scale_latent_for_hires_fix"]) { const message = `You are using an outdated version of A1111 webUI.\nThe HRfix options will not work until you update to at least commit ef27a18 or newer.\n(https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/commit/ef27a18b6b7cb1a8eebdc9b2e88d25baf2c2414d)\nHRfix will fallback to half-resolution only.`; console.warn(message); if (notify) alert(message); // Hide all new hrfix options document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => (el.style.display = "none")); // We are using old HRFix global.isOldHRFix = true; stableDiffusionData.enable_hr = false; } switch (response.status) { case 200: { setConnectionStatus("online"); // Load data as soon as connection is first stablished if (firstTimeOnline) { getConfig(); getStyles(); getSamplers(); getUpscalers(); getModels(); firstTimeOnline = false; } break; } case 404: { apiIssueResult(); break; } default: { offlineResult(); } } } } catch (e) { try { if (e instanceof DOMException) throw "offline"; // Tests if problem is CORS await fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); setConnectionStatus("corsissue"); const message = `CORS is blocking our requests. Try running the webui with the flag '--cors-allow-origins=${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/'`; console.error(message); if (notify) alert(message); } catch (e) { setConnectionStatus("offline"); const message = `The server seems to be offline. Is host '${ document.getElementById("host").value }' correct?`; console.error(message); if (notify) alert(message); } } checkInProgress = false; return status; }; if (focused || firstTimeOnline) { await checkConnection(!urlParams.has("noprompt")); } // On click, attempt to refresh connectionIndicator.onclick = async () => { try { await checkConnection(true); checked = true; } catch (e) { console.debug("Already refreshing"); } }; // Checks every 5 seconds if offline, 60 seconds if online const checkAgain = () => { checkFocus(); if (focused || firstTimeOnline) { setTimeout( async () => { let simple = !firstTimeOnline; await checkConnection(false, simple); checkAgain(); }, connectionStatus ? 60000 : 5000 ); } else { setTimeout(() => { checkAgain(); }, 60000); } }; checkAgain(); return () => { checkConnection().catch(() => {}); }; } function newImage(evt) { clearPaintedMask(); uil.layers.forEach(({layer}) => { commands.runCommand("eraseImage", "Clear Canvas", { ...layer.bb, ctx: layer.ctx, }); }); } function clearPaintedMask() { maskPaintLayer.clear(); } function march(bb, options = {}) { defaultOpt(options, { title: null, titleStyle: "#FFF5", style: "#FFFF", width: "2px", filter: null, }); const expanded = {...bb}; expanded.x--; expanded.y--; expanded.w += 2; expanded.h += 2; // Get temporary layer to draw marching ants const layer = imageCollection.registerLayer(null, { bb: expanded, category: "display", }); layer.canvas.style.imageRendering = "pixelated"; let offset = 0; const interval = setInterval(() => { drawMarchingAnts(layer.ctx, bb, offset++, options); offset %= 12; }, 20); return () => { clearInterval(interval); imageCollection.deleteLayer(layer); }; } function drawMarchingAnts(ctx, bb, offset, options) { ctx.save(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bb.w + 2, bb.h + 2); // Draw Tool Name if (bb.h > 40 && options.title) { ctx.font = `bold 20px Open Sans`; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.fillStyle = options.titleStyle; ctx.fillText(options.title, 10, 30, bb.w); } ctx.strokeStyle = options.style; ctx.strokeWidth = options.width; ctx.filter = options.filter; ctx.setLineDash([4, 2]); ctx.lineDashOffset = -offset; ctx.strokeRect(1, 1, bb.w, bb.h); ctx.restore(); } const makeSlider = ( label, el, lsKey, min, max, step, defaultValue, textStep = null, valuecb = null ) => { const local = lsKey && workspaces.current.settings[lsKey]; const def = parseFloat(local === null ? defaultValue : local); let cb = (v) => { stableDiffusionData[lsKey] = v; if (lsKey) workspaces.current.settings[lsKey] = v; }; if (valuecb) { cb = (v) => { valuecb(v); if (lsKey) workspaces.current.settings[lsKey] = v; }; } return createSlider(label, el, { valuecb: cb, min, max, step, defaultValue: def, textStep, }); }; const modelAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Model", document.getElementById("models-ac-select") ); modelAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { if (value.toLowerCase().includes("inpainting")) document.querySelector( "#models-ac-select input.autocomplete-text" ).style.backgroundColor = "#cfc"; else document.querySelector( "#models-ac-select input.autocomplete-text" ).style.backgroundColor = "#fcc"; }); const samplerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Sampler", document.getElementById("sampler-ac-select") ); const upscalerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "Upscaler", document.getElementById("upscaler-ac-select") ); const hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete = createAutoComplete( "HRfix Upscaler", document.getElementById("hrFixUpscaler") ); hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { stableDiffusionData.hr_upscaler = value; localStorage.setItem(`openoutpaint/hr_upscaler`, value); }); const resSlider = makeSlider( "Resolution", document.getElementById("resolution"), "resolution", 128, 2048, 128, 512, 2, (v) => { stableDiffusionData.width = stableDiffusionData.height = v; toolbar.currentTool && toolbar.currentTool.redraw && toolbar.currentTool.redraw(); } ); makeSlider( "CFG Scale", document.getElementById("cfgScale"), "cfg_scale", localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.min-cfg") || 1, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-cfg") || 25, 0.5, 7.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "Batch Size", document.getElementById("batchSize"), "batch_size", 1, 8, 1, 2 ); makeSlider( "Iterations", document.getElementById("batchCount"), "n_iter", 1, 8, 1, 2 ); makeSlider( "Upscale X", document.getElementById("upscaleX"), "upscale_x", 1.0, 4.0, 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "Steps", document.getElementById("steps"), "steps", 1, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-steps") || 70, 5, 30, 1 ); // 20230102 grumble grumble const hrFixScaleSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Scale", document.getElementById("hrFixScale"), "hr_scale", 1.0, 4.0, 0.1, 2.0, 0.1 ); makeSlider( "HRfix Denoising", document.getElementById("hrDenoising"), "hr_denoising_strength", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 0.7, 0.01 ); const lockPxSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Autoscale Lock Px.", document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx"), "hr_fix_lock_px", 0, 1024, 256, 0, 1 ); const hrStepsSlider = makeSlider( "HRfix Steps", document.getElementById("hrFixSteps"), "hr_second_pass_steps", 0, localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/settings.max-steps") || 70, 5, 0, 1 ); function changeMaskBlur() { stableDiffusionData.mask_blur = parseInt( document.getElementById("maskBlur").value ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur", stableDiffusionData.mask_blur); } function changeSeed() { stableDiffusionData.seed = document.getElementById("seed").value; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/seed", stableDiffusionData.seed); } function changeHRFX() { stableDiffusionData.hr_resize_x = document.getElementById("hr_resize_x").value; } function changeHRFY() { stableDiffusionData.hr_resize_y = document.getElementById("hr_resize_y").value; } function changeHiResFix() { stableDiffusionData.enable_hr = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxHRFix").checked ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr", stableDiffusionData.enable_hr); // var hrfSlider = document.getElementById("hrFixScale"); // var hrfOpotions = document.getElementById("hrFixUpscaler"); // var hrfLabel = document.getElementById("hrFixLabel"); // var hrfDenoiseSlider = document.getElementById("hrDenoising"); // var hrfLockPxSlider = document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx"); if (stableDiffusionData.enable_hr) { document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("invisible")); } else { document .querySelectorAll(".hrfix") .forEach((el) => el.classList.add("invisible")); } } function changeHiResSquare() { stableDiffusionData.hr_square_aspect = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxHRFSquare").checked ); } function changeRestoreFaces() { stableDiffusionData.restore_faces = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxRestoreFaces").checked ); localStorage.setItem( "openoutpaint/restore_faces", stableDiffusionData.restore_faces ); } function changeSyncCursorSize() { global.syncCursorSize = Boolean( document.getElementById("cbxSyncCursorSize").checked ); localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size", global.syncCursorSize); } function changeSmoothRendering() { const layers = document.getElementById("layer-render"); if (document.getElementById("cbxSmooth").checked) { layers.classList.remove("pixelated"); } else { layers.classList.add("pixelated"); } } function isCanvasBlank(x, y, w, h, canvas) { return !canvas .getContext("2d") .getImageData(x, y, w, h) .data.some((channel) => channel !== 0); } function drawBackground() { // Checkerboard let darkTileColor = "#333"; let lightTileColor = "#555"; for ( var x = -bgLayer.origin.x - 64; x < bgLayer.canvas.width - bgLayer.origin.x; x += 64 ) { for ( var y = -bgLayer.origin.y - 64; y < bgLayer.canvas.height - bgLayer.origin.y; y += 64 ) { bgLayer.ctx.fillStyle = (x + y) % 128 === 0 ? lightTileColor : darkTileColor; bgLayer.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 64, 64); } } } async function getUpscalers() { /* so for some reason when upscalers request returns upscalers, the real-esrgan model names are incorrect, and need to be fetched from /sdapi/v1/realesrgan-models also the realesrgan models returned are not all correct, extra fun! LDSR seems to have problems so we dont add that either -> RuntimeError: Number of dimensions of repeat dims can not be smaller than number of dimensions of tensor need to figure out why that is, if you dont get this error then you can add it back in Hacky way to get the correct list all in one go is to purposefully make an incorrect request, which then returns { detail: "Invalid upscaler, needs to be on of these: None , Lanczos , Nearest , LDSR , BSRGAN , R-ESRGAN General 4xV3 , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR_4x" } from which we can extract the correct list of upscalers */ // hacky way to get the correct list of upscalers var extras_url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/extra-single-image/"; // endpoint for upscaling, needed for the hacky way to get the correct list of upscalers var empty_image = new Image(1, 1); var purposefully_incorrect_data = { "resize-mode": 0, // 0 = just resize, 1 = crop and resize, 2 = resize and fill i assume based on theimg2img tabs options upscaling_resize: 2, upscaler_1: "fake_upscaler", image: empty_image.src, }; try { const response = await fetch(extras_url, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(purposefully_incorrect_data), }); const data = await response.json(); console.log( "[index] purposefully_incorrect_data response, ignore above error" ); // result = purposefully_incorrect_data response: Invalid upscaler, needs to be on of these: None , Lanczos , Nearest , LDSR , BSRGAN , R-ESRGAN General 4xV3 , R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B , ScuNET , ScuNET PSNR , SwinIR_4x const upscalersPlusNone = data.detail .split(": ")[1] .split(",") .map((v) => v.trim()); // need "None" for stupid hrfix changes razza frazza const upscalers = upscalersPlusNone.filter((v) => v !== "None"); // converting the result to a list of upscalers // upscalersPlusNone.push([ // "Latent", // "Latent (antialiased)", // "Latent (bicubic)", // "Latent (bicubic, antialiased)", // "Latent (nearest)", // ]); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (antialiased)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (bicubic)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (bicubic, antialiased)"); upscalersPlusNone.push("Latent (nearest)"); // GRUMBLE GRUMBLE upscalerAutoComplete.options = upscalers.map((u) => { return {name: u, value: u}; }); hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.options = upscalersPlusNone.map((u) => { return {name: u, value: u}; }); upscalerAutoComplete.value = upscalers[0]; hrFixUpscalerAutoComplete.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_upscaler") === null ? "None" : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_upscaler"); } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch upscalers:"); console.warn(e); } /* THE NON HACKY WAY THAT I SIMPLY COULD NOT GET TO PRODUCE A LIST WITHOUT NON WORKING UPSCALERS, FEEL FREE TO TRY AND FIGURE IT OUT var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/upscalers"; var realesrgan_url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/realesrgan-models"; // get upscalers fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { console.log(data); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); if (data[i].name.includes("ESRGAN") || data[i].name.includes("LDSR")) { continue; } option.text = data[i].name; upscalerSelect.add(option); } }) .catch((error) => { alert( "Error getting upscalers, please check console for additional info\n" + error ); }); // fetch realesrgan models separately fetch(realesrgan_url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { var model = data; for(var i = 0; i < model.length; i++){ let option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = model[i].name; option.value = model[i].name; upscalerSelect.add(option); } }) */ } async function getModels() { const url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/sd-models"; let opt = null; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); opt = data.map((option) => ({ name: option.title, value: option.title, optionelcb: (el) => { if (option.title.toLowerCase().includes("inpainting")) el.classList.add("inpainting"); }, })); modelAutoComplete.options = opt; try { const optResponse = await fetch( document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options" ); const optData = await optResponse.json(); const model = optData.sd_model_checkpoint; console.log("Current model: " + model); modelAutoComplete.value = model; } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch current model:"); console.warn(e); } } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch models:"); console.warn(e); } modelAutoComplete.onchange.on(async ({value}) => { console.log(`[index] Changing model to [${value}]`); const payload = { sd_model_checkpoint: value, }; const url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options/"; try { await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(payload), }); alert(`Model changed to [${value}]`); } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Error changing model"); console.warn(e); alert( "Error changing model, please check console for additional information" ); } }); // If first time running, ask if user wants to switch to an inpainting model if (global.firstRun && !modelAutoComplete.value.includes("inpainting")) { const inpainting = opt.find(({name}) => name.includes("inpainting")); let message = "It seems this is your first time using openOutpaint. It is highly recommended that you switch to an inpainting model. \ These are highlighted as green in the model selector."; if (inpainting) { message += `\n\nWe have found the inpainting model\n\n - ${inpainting.name}\n\navailable in the webui. Do you want to switch to it?`; if (confirm(message)) { modelAutoComplete.value = inpainting.value; } } else { message += `\n\nNo inpainting model seems to be available in the webui. It is recommended that you download an inpainting model, or outpainting results may not be optimal.`; alert(message); } } } async function getConfig() { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/options"; let message = "The following options for the AUTOMATIC1111's webui are not recommended to use with this software:"; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); let wrong = false; // Check if img2img color correction is disabled and inpainting mask weight is set to one // TODO: API Seems bugged for retrieving inpainting mask weight - returning 0 for all values different than 1.0 if (data.img2img_color_correction) { message += "\n - Image to Image Color Correction: false recommended"; wrong = true; } if (data.inpainting_mask_weight < 1.0) { message += `\n - Inpainting Conditioning Mask Strength: 1.0 recommended`; wrong = true; } message += "\n\nShould these values be changed to the recommended ones?"; if (!wrong) { console.info("[index] WebUI Settings set as recommended."); return; } console.info( "[index] WebUI Settings not set as recommended. Prompting for changing settings automatically." ); if (!confirm(message)) return; try { await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ img2img_color_correction: false, inpainting_mask_weight: 1.0, }), }); } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch WebUI Configuration"); console.warn(e); } } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch WebUI Configuration"); console.warn(e); } } function changeStyles() { /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ const styleSelectEl = document.getElementById("styleSelect"); const selected = Array.from(styleSelectEl.options).filter( (option) => option.selected ); let selectedString = selected.map((option) => option.value); if (selectedString.find((selected) => selected === "None")) { selectedString = []; Array.from(styleSelectEl.options).forEach((option) => { if (option.value !== "None") option.selected = false; }); } localStorage.setItem( "openoutpaint/promptStyle", JSON.stringify(selectedString) ); // change the model if (selectedString.length > 0) console.log(`[index] Changing styles to ${selectedString.join(", ")}`); else console.log(`[index] Clearing styles`); stableDiffusionData.styles = selectedString; } async function getSamplers() { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/samplers"; try { const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); samplerAutoComplete.onchange.on(({value}) => { stableDiffusionData.sampler_index = value; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sampler", value); }); samplerAutoComplete.options = data.map((sampler) => ({ name: sampler.name, value: sampler.name, })); // Initial sampler if (localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sampler") != null) { samplerAutoComplete.value = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sampler"); } else { samplerAutoComplete.value = data[0].name; localStorage.setItem("openoutpaint/sampler", samplerAutoComplete.value); } stableDiffusionData.sampler_index = samplerAutoComplete.value; } catch (e) { console.warn("[index] Failed to fetch samplers"); console.warn(e); } } async function upscaleAndDownload() { // Future improvements: some upscalers take a while to upscale, so we should show a loading bar or something, also a slider for the upscale amount // get cropped canvas, send it to upscaler, download result var upscale_factor = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/upscale_x") ? localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/upscale_x") : 2; var upscaler = upscalerAutoComplete.value; var croppedCanvas = cropCanvas( uil.getVisible({ x: 0, y: 0, w: imageCollection.size.w, h: imageCollection.size.h, }) ); if (croppedCanvas != null) { var url = document.getElementById("host").value + "/sdapi/v1/extra-single-image/"; var imgdata = croppedCanvas.canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var data = { "resize-mode": 0, // 0 = just resize, 1 = crop and resize, 2 = resize and fill i assume based on theimg2img tabs options upscaling_resize: upscale_factor, upscaler_1: upscaler, image: imgdata, }; console.log(data); await fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { console.log(data); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.download = new Date() .toISOString() .slice(0, 19) .replace("T", " ") .replace(":", " ") + " openOutpaint image upscaler_" + upscaler + "_x" + upscale_factor + ".png"; link.href = "data:image/png;base64," + data["image"]; link.click(); }); } } function loadSettings() { // set default values if not set var _mask_blur = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur") == null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/mask_blur"); let _enable_hr = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr") === null ? false : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/enable_hr") === "true"; let _restore_faces = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/restore_faces") === null ? false : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/restore_faces") === "true"; let _sync_cursor_size = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size") === null ? true : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/sync_cursor_size") === "true"; let _hrfix_scale = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_scale") === null ? 2.0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_scale"); let _hrfix_denoising = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_denoising_strength") === null ? 0.7 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_denoising_strength"); let _hrfix_lock_px = localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_fix_lock_px") === null ? 0 : localStorage.getItem("openoutpaint/hr_fix_lock_px"); // set the values into the UI document.getElementById("maskBlur").value = Number(_mask_blur); document.getElementById("seed").value = workspaces.current.settings.seed; document.getElementById("cbxHRFix").checked = Boolean(_enable_hr); document.getElementById("cbxRestoreFaces").checked = Boolean(_restore_faces); document.getElementById("cbxSyncCursorSize").checked = Boolean(_sync_cursor_size); document.getElementById("hrFixScale").value = Number(_hrfix_scale); document.getElementById("hrDenoising").value = Number(_hrfix_denoising); document.getElementById("hrFixLockPx").value = Number(_hrfix_lock_px); } imageCollection.element.addEventListener( "wheel", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); }, {passive: false} ); imageCollection.element.addEventListener( "contextmenu", (evn) => { evn.preventDefault(); }, {passive: false} ); function resetToDefaults() { if (confirm("Are you sure you want to clear your settings?")) { localStorage.clear(); } } document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { checkFocus(); }); window.addEventListener("blur", () => { checkFocus(); }); window.addEventListener("focus", () => { checkFocus(); }); function checkFocus() { let hasFocus = document.hasFocus(); if (document.hidden || !hasFocus) { focused = false; } else { focused = true; } }