for dragging, add original target to avoid paint intermitence when dragging windows too fast. Signed-off-by: Victor Seiji Hariki <victorseijih@gmail.com>
303 lines
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303 lines
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const inputConfig = {
clickRadius: 10, // Radius to be considered a click (pixels). If farther, turns into a drag
clickTiming: 500, // Timing window to be considered a click (ms). If longer, turns into a drag
dClickTiming: 500, // Timing window to be considered a double click (ms).
* Mouse input processing
// Base object generator functions
function _context_coords() {
return {
dragging: {
left: null,
middle: null,
right: null,
prev: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
pos: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
function _mouse_observers() {
return {
// Simple click handlers
onclick: new Observer(),
// Double click handlers (will still trigger simple click handler as well)
ondclick: new Observer(),
// Drag handler
ondragstart: new Observer(),
ondrag: new Observer(),
ondragend: new Observer(),
// Paint handler (like drag handler, but with no delay); will trigger during clicks too
onpaintstart: new Observer(),
onpaint: new Observer(),
onpaintend: new Observer(),
function _context_observers() {
return {
onmousemove: new Observer(),
left: _mouse_observers(),
middle: _mouse_observers(),
right: _mouse_observers(),
const mouse = {
buttons: {
right: null,
left: null,
middle: null,
// Mouse Actions in Window Coordinates
window: _context_coords(),
// Mouse Actions in Canvas Coordinates
canvas: _context_coords(),
// Mouse Actions in World Coordinates
world: _context_coords(),
listen: {
window: _context_observers(),
canvas: _context_observers(),
world: _context_observers(),
function _mouse_state_snapshot() {
return {
buttons: window.structuredClone(mouse.buttons),
window: window.structuredClone(mouse.window),
canvas: window.structuredClone(mouse.canvas),
world: window.structuredClone(mouse.world),
const _double_click_timeout = {};
const _drag_start_timeout = {};
window.onmousedown = (evn) => {
const time = new Date();
// Processes for a named button
const onhold = (key) => () => {
if (_double_click_timeout[key]) {
// ondclick event
["window", "canvas", "world"].forEach((ctx) =>
target: evn.target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
} else {
// Start timer
_double_click_timeout[key] = setTimeout(
() => delete _double_click_timeout[key],
// Set drag start timeout
_drag_start_timeout[key] = setTimeout(() => {
["window", "canvas", "world"].forEach((ctx) => {
target: evn.target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
if (mouse[ctx].dragging[key]) mouse[ctx].dragging[key].drag = true;
delete _drag_start_timeout[key];
}, inputConfig.clickTiming);
["window", "canvas", "world"].forEach((ctx) => {
mouse.buttons[key] = time;
mouse[ctx].dragging[key] = {target: evn.target};
Object.assign(mouse[ctx].dragging[key], mouse[ctx].pos);
// onpaintstart event
target: evn.target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
// Runs the correct handler
const buttons = [onhold("left"), onhold("middle"), onhold("right")];
buttons[evn.button] && buttons[evn.button]();
window.onmouseup = (evn) => {
const time = new Date();
// Processes for a named button
const onrelease = (key) => () => {
["window", "canvas", "world"].forEach((ctx) => {
const start = {
x: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].x,
y: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].y,
// onclick event
const dx = mouse[ctx].pos.x - start.x;
const dy = mouse[ctx].pos.y - start.y;
if (
time.getTime() - mouse.buttons[key].getTime() <
inputConfig.clickTiming &&
dx * dx + dy * dy < inputConfig.clickRadius * inputConfig.clickRadius
target: evn.target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
// onpaintend event
target: evn.target,
initialTarget: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
// ondragend event
if (mouse[ctx].dragging[key].drag)
target: evn.target,
initialTarget: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].target,
buttonId: evn.button,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
mouse[ctx].dragging[key] = null;
if (_drag_start_timeout[key] !== undefined) {
delete _drag_start_timeout[key];
mouse.buttons[key] = null;
// Runs the correct handler
const buttons = [onrelease("left"), onrelease("middle"), onrelease("right")];
buttons[evn.button] && buttons[evn.button]();
window.onmousemove = (evn) => {
// Set Window Coordinates
Object.assign(mouse.window.prev, mouse.window.pos);
mouse.window.pos = {x: evn.clientX, y: evn.clientY};
// Set Canvas Coordinates (using overlay canvas as reference)
if (evn.target.id === "overlayCanvas") {
Object.assign(mouse.canvas.prev, mouse.canvas.pos);
mouse.canvas.pos = {x: evn.layerX, y: evn.layerY};
// Set World Coordinates (For now the same as canvas coords; Will be useful with infinite canvas)
if (evn.target.id === "overlayCanvas") {
Object.assign(mouse.world.prev, mouse.world.pos);
mouse.world.pos = {x: evn.layerX, y: evn.layerY};
["window", "canvas", "world"].forEach((ctx) => {
target: evn.target,
px: mouse[ctx].prev.x,
py: mouse[ctx].prev.y,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
["left", "middle", "right"].forEach((key) => {
// ondrag event
if (mouse[ctx].dragging[key] && mouse[ctx].dragging[key].drag)
target: evn.target,
initialTarget: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].target,
px: mouse[ctx].prev.x,
py: mouse[ctx].prev.y,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
// onpaint event
if (mouse[ctx].dragging[key])
target: evn.target,
initialTarget: mouse[ctx].dragging[key].target,
px: mouse[ctx].prev.x,
py: mouse[ctx].prev.y,
x: mouse[ctx].pos.x,
y: mouse[ctx].pos.y,
timestamp: new Date(),
mouse.listen.window.right.onclick.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.ondclick.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.ondragstart.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.ondrag.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.ondragend.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.onpaintstart.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.onpaint.on(() =>
mouse.listen.window.right.onpaintend.on(() =>
* Mouse input processing