📱 scrcpy appimage
An unofficial AppImage build for scrcpy
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Original project
> **NOTE**: These appimages are far from complete. This is a patched version of
`scrcpy` which gets integrated into the GUI of scrcpy `guiscrcpy`.
See [`guiscrcpy`](/srevinsaju/guiscrcpy) for more details and usage.
An unofficial AppImage for the open source android screen mirroring software
Continuous Integration to create preconfigured AppImages of scrcpy.
## Getting Started
* Go to [Releases](https://github.com/srevinsaju/scrcpy-appimage/releases)
* Download the latest the scrcpy-x.x.x.AppImage.
### Executing
#### File Manager
Just double click the `*.AppImage` file and you are done!
> In normal cases, the above method should work, but in some rare cases
the `+x` permissisions. So, right click > Properties > Allow Execution
#### Terminal
chmod +x scrcpy-*.AppImage