--!strict local Players = game:GetService("Players") local character: Instance = assert(script.Parent) assert(character:IsA("Model"), "Not a character") local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) assert(player, "No player!") local userId = player.UserId local hDesc: HumanoidDescription? local metalPointers = {} :: { [MeshPart]: { Metal: SurfaceAppearance?, }, } local function updateMetal(part: MeshPart) local isMetal = character:GetAttribute("Metal") local ptr = metalPointers[part] if ptr == nil then ptr = {} metalPointers[part] = ptr end if isMetal and not ptr.Metal then local surface = script.METAL_MARIO:Clone() surface.Parent = part ptr.Metal = surface elseif ptr.Metal and not isMetal then ptr.Metal:Destroy() ptr.Metal = nil end end local function onMetalChanged() for meshPart in metalPointers do updateMetal(meshPart) end end local function onDescendantAdded(desc: Instance) if desc:IsA("BasePart") then if desc.CollisionGroup ~= "Player" then local canCollide = desc:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CanCollide") desc.CollisionGroup = "Player" desc.CanQuery = true desc.CanTouch = true desc.Massless = true canCollide:Connect(function() desc.CanCollide = true end) desc.CanCollide = true end if desc:IsA("MeshPart") then updateMetal(desc) end end end local function onDescendantRemoving(desc: Instance) if desc:IsA("MeshPart") then metalPointers[desc] = nil end end local metalListener = character:GetAttributeChangedSignal("Metal") metalListener:Connect(onMetalChanged) for i, desc in character:GetDescendants() do task.spawn(onDescendantAdded, desc) end character:SetAttribute("TimeScale", 1) character.DescendantAdded:Connect(onDescendantAdded) character.DescendantRemoving:Connect(onDescendantRemoving) local function reload() character:ScaleTo(1) task.spawn(function() for i = 1, 5 do --character:PivotTo(CFrame.new(0, 100, 0)) task.wait() end end) for retry = 1, 10 do local success, result = pcall(function() return Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userId) end) if success then hDesc = result break else task.wait(retry / 2) end end if hDesc then hDesc.HeadScale = 1.8 hDesc.WidthScale = 1.3 hDesc.DepthScale = 1.4 hDesc.HeightScale = 1.2 hDesc.BodyTypeScale = 0 hDesc.ProportionScale = 0 else return end local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") assert(hDesc) if humanoid:IsA("Humanoid") then while not humanoid.RootPart do humanoid.Changed:Wait() end local rootPart = humanoid.RootPart assert(rootPart, "No HumanoidRootPart??") local particles = rootPart:FindFirstChild("Particles") humanoid:ApplyDescription(hDesc) if particles and particles:IsA("Attachment") then local floorDec = humanoid.HipHeight + (rootPart.Size.Y / 2) local pos = Vector3.new(0, -floorDec, 0) rootPart.PivotOffset = CFrame.new(pos) particles.Position = pos end end end local reset = Instance.new("RemoteEvent") reset.Parent = character reset.Name = "Reset" reset.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) if player == Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) then reload() end end) task.spawn(reload)