--!strict local Validators: { [string]: (Player, ...any) -> boolean } = {} type Echo = () -> () local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Core = script.Parent.Parent local Shared = require(Core.Shared) local Sounds = Shared.Sounds local lazy = Instance.new("RemoteEvent") lazy.Parent = ReplicatedStorage lazy.Name = "LazyNetwork" lazy.Archivable = false function Validators.PlaySound(player: Player, name: string) local sound: Instance? = Sounds[name] if sound and sound:IsA("Sound") then return true end return false end function Validators.SetParticle(player: Player, name: string, set: boolean?) if typeof(name) ~= "string" then return false end local character = player.Character local rootPart = character and character.PrimaryPart if rootPart then local particles = rootPart:FindFirstChild("Particles") local particle = particles and particles:FindFirstChild(name) if particle then return true end end return false end function Validators.SetAngle(player: Player, angle: Vector3int16) return typeof(angle) == "Vector3int16" end local function onNetworkReceive(player: Player, cmd: string, ...) local validate = Validators[cmd] if validate and validate(player, ...) then lazy:FireAllClients(player, cmd, ...) end end lazy.OnServerEvent:Connect(onNetworkReceive)