--!strict local System = require(script.Parent) local Animations = System.Animations local Sounds = System.Sounds local Enums = System.Enums local Util = System.Util local Action = Enums.Action local ActionFlags = Enums.ActionFlags local ActionGroup = Enums.ActionGroups local AirStep = Enums.AirStep local MarioEyes = Enums.MarioEyes local InputFlags = Enums.InputFlags local MarioFlags = Enums.MarioFlags local ParticleFlags = Enums.ParticleFlags type Mario = System.Mario ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function stopRising(m: Mario) if m.Velocity.Y > 0 then m.Velocity *= Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) end end local function playFlipSounds(m: Mario, frame1: number, frame2: number, frame3: number) local animFrame = m.AnimFrame if animFrame == frame1 or animFrame == frame2 or animFrame == frame3 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end end local function playFarFallSound(m: Mario) if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.FALLING_FAR) then return end local action = m.Action if action() == Action.TWIRLING then return end if action() == Action.FLYING then return end if action:Has(ActionFlags.INVULNERABLE) then return end if m.PeakHeight - m.Position.Y > 1150 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_WAAAOOOW) m.Flags:Add(MarioFlags.FALLING_FAR) end end local function playKnockbackSound(m: Mario) if m.ActionArg == 0 and math.abs(m.ForwardVel) >= 28 then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_DOH, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) else m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_UH, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) end end local function lavaBoostOnWall(m: Mario) local wall = m.Wall if wall then local angle = Util.Atan2s(wall.Normal.Z, wall.Normal.X) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, angle) end if m.ForwardVel < 24 then m.ForwardVel = 24 end if not m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.METAL_CAP) then m.HurtCounter += if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.CAP_ON_HEAD) then 12 else 18 end m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_ON_FIRE) m:SetAction(Action.LAVA_BOOST, 1) end local function checkFallDamage(m: Mario, hardFallAction: number): boolean local fallHeight = m.PeakHeight - m.Position.Y local damageHeight = 1150 if m.Action() == Action.TWIRLING then return false end if m.Velocity.Y < -55 and fallHeight > 3000 then m.HurtCounter += if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.CAP_ON_HEAD) then 16 else 24 m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_ATTACKED) m:SetAction(hardFallAction, 4) elseif fallHeight > damageHeight and not m:FloorIsSlippery() then m.HurtCounter += if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.CAP_ON_HEAD) then 8 else 12 m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_ATTACKED) m.SquishTimer = 30 end return false end local function checkKickOrDiveInAir(m: Mario): boolean if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then m:SetAction(if m.ForwardVel > 28 then Action.DIVE else Action.JUMP_KICK) end return false end local function updateAirWithTurn(m: Mario) local dragThreshold = if m.Action() == Action.LONG_JUMP then 48 else 32 m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 0, 0.35) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then local intendedDYaw = m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y local intendedMag = m.IntendedMag / 32 m.ForwardVel += 1.5 * Util.Coss(intendedDYaw) * intendedMag m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 512 * Util.Sins(intendedDYaw) * intendedMag, 0) end if m.ForwardVel > dragThreshold then m.ForwardVel -= 1 end if m.ForwardVel < -16 then m.ForwardVel += 2 end m.SlideVelX = m.ForwardVel * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelZ = m.ForwardVel * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, m.Velocity.Y, m.SlideVelZ) end local function updateAirWithoutTurn(m: Mario) local dragThreshold = 32 if m.Action() == Action.LONG_JUMP then dragThreshold = 48 end local sidewaysSpeed = 0 m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 0, 0.35) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then local intendedDYaw = m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y local intendedMag = m.IntendedMag / 32 m.ForwardVel += intendedMag * Util.Coss(intendedDYaw) * 1.5 sidewaysSpeed = intendedMag * Util.Sins(intendedDYaw) * 10 end --! Uncapped air speed. Net positive when moving forward. if m.ForwardVel > dragThreshold then m.ForwardVel -= 1 end if m.ForwardVel < -16 then m.ForwardVel += 2 end m.SlideVelX = m.ForwardVel * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelZ = m.ForwardVel * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelX += sidewaysSpeed * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y + 0x4000) m.SlideVelZ += sidewaysSpeed * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y + 0x4000) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, m.Velocity.Y, m.SlideVelZ) end local function updateLavaBoostOrTwirling(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then local intendedDYaw = m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y local intendedMag = m.IntendedMag / 32 m.ForwardVel += Util.Coss(intendedDYaw) * intendedMag m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, Util.Sins(intendedDYaw) * intendedMag * 1024, 0) if m.ForwardVel < 0 then m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) m.ForwardVel *= -1 end if m.ForwardVel > 32 then m.ForwardVel -= 2 end end m.SlideVelX = m.ForwardVel * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelZ = m.ForwardVel * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, m.Velocity.Y, m.SlideVelZ) end local function updateFlyingYaw(m: Mario) local targetYawVel = -Util.SignedShort(m.Controller.StickX * (m.ForwardVel / 4)) if targetYawVel > 0 then if m.AngleVel.Y < 0 then m.AngleVel += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x40, 0) if m.AngleVel.Y > 0x10 then m.AngleVel = Util.SetYint16(m.AngleVel, 0x10) end else local y = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.Y, targetYawVel, 0x10, 0x20) m.AngleVel = Util.SetYint16(m.AngleVel, y) end elseif targetYawVel < 0 then if m.AngleVel.Y > 0 then m.AngleVel -= Vector3int16.new(0, 0x40, 0) if m.AngleVel.Y < -0x10 then m.AngleVel = Util.SetYint16(m.AngleVel, -0x10) end else local y = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.Y, targetYawVel, 0x20, 0x10) m.AngleVel = Util.SetYint16(m.AngleVel, y) end end m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, m.AngleVel.Y, 0) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetZint16(m.FaceAngle, 20 * -m.AngleVel.Y) end local function updateFlyingPitch(m: Mario) local targetPitchVel = -Util.SignedShort(m.Controller.StickY * (m.ForwardVel / 5)) if targetPitchVel > 0 then if m.AngleVel.X < 0 then m.AngleVel += Vector3int16.new(0x40, 0, 0) if m.AngleVel.X > 0x20 then m.AngleVel = Util.SetXint16(m.AngleVel, 0x20) end else local x = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.X, targetPitchVel, 0x20, 0x40) m.AngleVel = Util.SetXint16(m.AngleVel, x) end elseif targetPitchVel < 0 then if m.AngleVel.X > 0 then m.AngleVel -= Vector3int16.new(0x40, 0, 0) if m.AngleVel.X < -0x20 then m.AngleVel = Util.SetXint16(m.AngleVel, -0x20) end else local x = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.X, targetPitchVel, 0x40, 0x20) m.AngleVel = Util.SetXint16(m.AngleVel, x) end else local x = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.X, targetPitchVel, 0x40) m.AngleVel = Util.SetXint16(m.AngleVel, x) end end local function updateFlying(m: Mario) updateFlyingPitch(m) updateFlyingYaw(m) m.ForwardVel -= 2 * (m.FaceAngle.X / 0x4000) + 0.1 m.ForwardVel -= 0.5 * (1 - Util.Coss(m.AngleVel.Y)) if m.ForwardVel < 0 then m.ForwardVel = 0 end if m.ForwardVel > 16 then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, (m.ForwardVel - 32) * 6) elseif m.ForwardVel > 4 then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, (m.ForwardVel - 32) * 10) else m.FaceAngle -= Vector3int16.new(0x400, 0, 0) end m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(m.AngleVel.X, 0, 0) if m.FaceAngle.X > 0x2AAA then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, 0x2AAA) end if m.FaceAngle.X < -0x2AAA then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, -0x2AAA) end local velX = Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.X) * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelX = velX local velZ = Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.X) * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelZ = velZ local velY = Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.X) m.Velocity = m.ForwardVel * Vector3.new(velX, velY, velZ) end local function commonAirActionStep(m: Mario, landAction: number, anim: Animation, stepArg: number): number -- stylua: ignore local stepResult do updateAirWithoutTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep(stepArg) end if stepResult == AirStep.NONE then m:SetAnimation(anim) elseif stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) then m:SetAction(landAction) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetAnimation(anim) if m.ForwardVel > 16 then m:BonkReflection() m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) if m.Wall then m:SetAction(Action.AIR_HIT_WALL) else stopRising(m) if m.ForwardVel >= 38 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) else if m.ForwardVel > 8 then m:SetForwardVel(-8) end m:SetAction(Action.SOFT_BONK) end end else m:SetForwardVel(0) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.GRABBED_LEDGE then m:SetAnimation(Animations.IDLE_ON_LEDGE) m:SetAction(Action.LEDGE_GRAB) elseif stepResult == AirStep.GRABBED_CEILING then m:SetAction(Action.START_HANGING) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end return stepResult end local function commonRolloutStep(m: Mario, anim: Animation) local stepResult if m.ActionState == 0 then m.Velocity = Util.SetY(m.Velocity, 30) m.ActionState = 1 end m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) updateAirWithoutTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.NONE then if m.ActionState == 1 then if m:SetAnimation(anim) == 4 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end else m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_FALL) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL_LAND_STOP) m:PlayLandingSound() elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetForwardVel(0) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end if m.ActionState == 1 and m:IsAnimPastEnd() then m.ActionState = 2 end end local function commonAirKnockbackStep( m: Mario, landAction: number, hardFallAction: number, anim: Animation, speed: number ) -- stylua: ignore local stepResult do m:SetForwardVel(speed) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() end if stepResult == AirStep.NONE then m:SetAnimation(anim) elseif stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, hardFallAction) then local action = m.Action() if action == Action.THROWN_FORWARD or action == Action.THROWN_BACKWARD then m:SetAction(landAction, m.HurtCounter) else m:SetAction(landAction, m.ActionArg) end end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetAnimation(Animations.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) m:BonkReflection() stopRising(m) m:SetForwardVel(-speed) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end return stepResult end local function checkWallKick(m: Mario) if m.WallKickTimer ~= 0 then if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then if m.PrevAction() == Action.AIR_HIT_WALL then m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) end end end return false end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local AIR_STEP_CHECK_BOTH = bit32.bor(AirStep.CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB, AirStep.CHECK_HANG) local DEF_ACTION: (number, (Mario) -> boolean) -> () = System.RegisterAction DEF_ACTION(Action.JUMP, function(m: Mario) if checkKickOrDiveInAir(m) then return true end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.JUMP_LAND, Animations.SINGLE_JUMP, AIR_STEP_CHECK_BOTH) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.DOUBLE_JUMP, function(m: Mario) local anim = if m.Velocity.Y >= 0 then Animations.DOUBLE_JUMP_RISE else Animations.DOUBLE_JUMP_FALL if checkKickOrDiveInAir(m) then return true end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP, Sounds.MARIO_HOOHOO) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND, anim, AIR_STEP_CHECK_BOTH) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.TRIPLE_JUMP, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND, Animations.TRIPLE_JUMP, 0) playFlipSounds(m, 2, 8, 20) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BACKFLIP, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP, Sounds.MARIO_YAH_WAH_HOO) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.BACKFLIP_LAND, Animations.BACKFLIP, 0) playFlipSounds(m, 2, 3, 17) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FREEFALL, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end local anim if m.ActionArg == 0 then anim = Animations.GENERAL_FALL elseif m.ActionArg == 1 then anim = Animations.FALL_FROM_SLIDE elseif m.ActionArg == 2 then anim = Animations.FALL_FROM_SLIDE_KICK end commonAirActionStep(m, Action.FREEFALL_LAND, anim, AirStep.CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SIDE_FLIP, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.SIDE_FLIP_LAND, Animations.SLIDEFLIP, AirStep.CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB) if m.AnimFrame == 6 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SIDE_FLIP) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.WALL_KICK_AIR, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayJumpSound() commonAirActionStep(m, Action.JUMP_LAND, Animations.SLIDEJUMP, AirStep.CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.LONG_JUMP, function(m: Mario) local anim = if m.LongJumpIsSlow then Animations.SLOW_LONGJUMP else Animations.FAST_LONGJUMP m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP, Sounds.MARIO_YAHOO) commonAirActionStep(m, Action.LONG_JUMP_LAND, anim, AirStep.CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.TWIRLING, function(m: Mario) local startTwirlYaw = m.TwirlYaw local yawVelTarget = 0x1000 if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_DOWN) then yawVelTarget = 0x2000 end local yVel = Util.ApproachInt(m.AngleVel.Y, yawVelTarget, 0x200) m.AngleVel = Util.SetYint16(m.AngleVel, yVel) m.TwirlYaw += yVel m:SetAnimation(if m.ActionArg == 0 then Animations.START_TWIRL else Animations.TWIRL) if m:IsAnimPastEnd() then m.ActionArg = 1 end if startTwirlYaw > m.TwirlYaw then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_TWIRL) end local step = m:PerformAirStep() if step == AirStep.LANDED then m:SetAction(Action.TWIRL_LAND) elseif step == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:BonkReflection(false) elseif step == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end m.GfxAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, m.TwirlYaw, 0) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.DIVE, function(m: Mario) local airStep if m.ActionArg == 0 then m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_THROW, Sounds.MARIO_HOOHOO) else m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.DIVE) updateAirWithoutTurn(m) airStep = m:PerformAirStep() if airStep == AirStep.NONE then if m.Velocity.Y < 0 and m.FaceAngle.X > -0x2AAA then m.FaceAngle -= Vector3int16.new(0x200, 0, 0) if m.FaceAngle.X < -0x2AAA then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, -0x2AAA) end end m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, -m.FaceAngle.X) elseif airStep == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB) then m:SetAction(Action.DIVE_SLIDE) end m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) elseif airStep == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:BonkReflection(true) m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) stopRising(m) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) elseif airStep == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.STEEP_JUMP, function(m: Mario) local airStep if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) m:SetForwardVel(0.98 * m.ForwardVel) airStep = m:PerformAirStep() if airStep == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) then m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) m:SetAction(if m.ForwardVel < 0 then Action.BEGIN_SLIDING else Action.JUMP_LAND) end elseif airStep == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetForwardVel(0) elseif airStep == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.SINGLE_JUMP) m.GfxAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.GfxAngle, m.SteepJumpYaw) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.GROUND_POUND, function(m: Mario) local stepResult local yOffset m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.ACTION_THROW, MarioFlags.ACTION_SOUND_PLAYED) if m.ActionState == 0 then if m.ActionTimer < 10 then yOffset = 20 - 2 * m.ActionTimer if m.Position.Y + yOffset + 160 < m.CeilHeight then m.Position += Vector3.new(0, yOffset, 0) m.PeakHeight = m.Position.Y end end m.Velocity = Util.SetY(m.Velocity, -50) m:SetForwardVel(0) -- stylua: ignore m:SetAnimation(if m.ActionArg == 0 then Animations.START_GROUND_POUND else Animations.TRIPLE_JUMP_GROUND_POUND) if m.ActionTimer == 0 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end m.ActionTimer += 1 m.GfxAngle = Vector3int16.new(0, m.FaceAngle.Y, 0) if m.ActionTimer >= m.AnimFrameCount + 4 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_GROUND_POUND_WAH) m.ActionState = 1 end else m:SetAnimation(Animations.GROUND_POUND) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then m:PlayHeavyLandingSound(Sounds.ACTION_HEAVY_LANDING) if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.MIST_CIRCLE, ParticleFlags.HORIZONTAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND_LAND) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetForwardVel(-16) stopRising(m) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) end end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BURNING_JUMP, function(m: Mario) m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP) m:SetForwardVel(m.ForwardVel) if m:PerformAirStep() == AirStep.LANDED then m:PlayLandingSound() m:SetAction(Action.BURNING_GROUND) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_FALL) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.FIRE) m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_LAVA_BURN) m.BurnTimer += 3 m.Health -= 10 if m.Health < 0x100 then m.Health = 0xFF end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BURNING_FALL, function(m: Mario) m:SetForwardVel(m.ForwardVel) if m:PerformAirStep() == AirStep.LANDED then m:PlayLandingSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING) m:SetAction(Action.BURNING_GROUND) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_FALL) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.FIRE) m.BurnTimer += 3 m.Health -= 10 if m.Health < 0x100 then m.Health = 0xFF end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB, function(m: Mario) if checkWallKick(m) then return true end playKnockbackSound(m) commonAirKnockbackStep( m, Action.BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.BACKWARD_AIR_KB, -16 ) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FORWARD_AIR_KB, function(m: Mario) if checkWallKick(m) then return true end playKnockbackSound(m) commonAirKnockbackStep(m, Action.FORWARD_GROUND_KB, Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.FORWARD_AIR_KB, 16) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.HARD_BACKWARD_AIR_KB, function(m: Mario) if checkWallKick(m) then return true end playKnockbackSound(m) commonAirKnockbackStep( m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.BACKWARD_AIR_KB, -16 ) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.HARD_FORWARD_AIR_KB, function(m: Mario) if checkWallKick(m) then return true end playKnockbackSound(m) commonAirKnockbackStep( m, Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.FORWARD_AIR_KB, 16 ) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.THROWN_BACKWARD, function(m: Mario) local landAction = if m.ActionArg ~= 0 then Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB else Action.BACKWARD_GROUND_KB m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_WAAAOOOW, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) commonAirKnockbackStep(m, landAction, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.BACKWARD_AIR_KB, m.ForwardVel) m.ForwardVel *= 0.98 return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.THROWN_FORWARD, function(m: Mario) local landAction = if m.ActionArg ~= 0 then Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB else Action.FORWARD_GROUND_KB m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_WAAAOOOW, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) if commonAirKnockbackStep(m, landAction, Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.FORWARD_AIR_KB, m.ForwardVel) == AirStep.NONE then local pitch = Util.Atan2s(m.ForwardVel, -m.Velocity.Y) if pitch > 0x1800 then pitch = 0x1800 end m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, pitch + 0x1800) end m.ForwardVel *= 0.98 return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SOFT_BONK, function(m: Mario) if checkWallKick(m) then return true end playKnockbackSound(m) commonAirKnockbackStep( m, Action.FREEFALL_LAND, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Animations.GENERAL_FALL, m.ForwardVel ) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.AIR_HIT_WALL, function(m: Mario) m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.ActionTimer <= 2 then if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then m.Velocity = Util.SetY(m.Velocity, 52) m.FaceAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) return m:SetAction(Action.WALL_KICK_AIR) end else m.WallKickTimer = 5 stopRising(m) if m.ForwardVel >= 38 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) return m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) elseif m.ForwardVel > 8 then m:SetForwardVel(-8) return m:SetAction(Action.SOFT_BONK) end end m:SetAnimation(Animations.START_WALLKICK) return true end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FORWARD_ROLLOUT, function(m: Mario) commonRolloutStep(m, Animations.FORWARD_SPINNING) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BACKWARD_ROLLOUT, function(m: Mario) commonRolloutStep(m, Animations.BACKWARD_SPINNING) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BUTT_SLIDE_AIR, function(m: Mario) local stepResult m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.ActionTimer > 30 and m.Position.Y - m.FloorHeight > 500 then return m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL, 1) end updateAirWithTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if m.ActionState == 0 and m.Velocity.Y < 0 then local floor = m.Floor if floor and floor.Normal.Y > 0.9848077 then m.Velocity *= Vector3.new(1, -0.5, 1) m.ActionState = 1 else m:SetAction(Action.BUTT_SLIDE) end else m:SetAction(Action.BUTT_SLIDE) end m:PlayLandingSound() elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then stopRising(m) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.SLIDE) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.LAVA_BOOST, function(m: Mario) local stepResult m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_ON_FIRE, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 0, 0.35) end updateLavaBoostOrTwirling(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then local floor = m.Floor local floorType: Enum.Material? if floor then floorType = floor.Material end if floorType == Enum.Material.CrackedLava then m.ActionState = 0 if not m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.METAL_CAP) then m.HurtCounter += if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.CAP_ON_HEAD) then 12 else 18 end m.Velocity = Util.SetY(m.Velocity, 84) m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_ON_FIRE) else m:PlayHeavyLandingSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_BODY_HIT_GROUND) if m.ActionState < 2 and m.Velocity.Y < 0 then m.Velocity *= Vector3.new(1, -0.4, 1) m:SetForwardVel(m.ForwardVel / 2) m.ActionState += 1 else m:SetAction(Action.LAVA_BOOST_LAND) end end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:BonkReflection() elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.FIRE_LAVA_BURN) if not m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.METAL_CAP) and m.Velocity.Y > 0 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.FIRE) if m.ActionState == 0 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_LAVA_BURN) end end m.BodyState.EyeState = MarioEyes.DEAD return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SLIDE_KICK, function(m: Mario) local stepResult if m.ActionState == 0 and m.ActionTimer == 0 then m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP, Sounds.MARIO_HOOHOO) m:SetAnimation(Animations.SLIDE_KICK) end m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.ActionTimer > 30 and m.Position.Y - m.FloorHeight > 500 then return m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL, 2) end updateAirWithoutTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.NONE then if m.ActionState == 0 then local tilt = Util.Atan2s(m.ForwardVel, -m.Velocity.Y) if tilt > 0x1800 then tilt = 0x1800 end m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, tilt) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if m.ActionState == 0 and m.Velocity.Y < 0 then m.Velocity *= Vector3.new(1, -0.5, 1) m.ActionState = 1 m.ActionTimer = 0 else m:SetAction(Action.SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE) end m:PlayLandingSound() elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then stopRising(m) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.JUMP_KICK, function(m: Mario) local stepResult if m.ActionState == 0 then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_PUNCH_HOO, MarioFlags.ACTION_SOUND_PLAYED) m.AnimReset = true m:SetAnimation(Animations.AIR_KICK) m.ActionState = 1 end local animFrame = m.AnimFrame if animFrame == 0 then m.BodyState.PunchType = 2 m.BodyState.PunchTimer = 6 end if animFrame >= 0 and animFrame < 8 then m.Flags:Add(MarioFlags.KICKING) end updateAirWithoutTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() if stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL_LAND) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetForwardVel(0) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FLYING, function(m: Mario) local startPitch = m.FaceAngle.X if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end if not m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.WING_CAP) then return m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) end if m.ActionState == 0 then if m.ActionArg == 0 then m:SetAnimation(Animations.FLY_FROM_CANNON) else m:SetAnimation(Animations.FORWARD_SPINNING_FLIP) if m.AnimFrame == 1 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end end if m:IsAnimAtEnd() then m:SetAnimation(Animations.WING_CAP_FLY) m.ActionState = 1 end end local stepResult do updateFlying(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() end if stepResult == AirStep.NONE then local faceAngle = m.FaceAngle m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, -m.FaceAngle.X) m.GfxAngle = Util.SetZint16(m.GfxAngle, m.FaceAngle.Z) m.ActionTimer = 0 elseif stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then m:SetAction(Action.DIVE_SLIDE) m:SetAnimation(Animations.DIVE) m:SetAnimToFrame(7) m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then if m.Wall then m:SetForwardVel(-16) m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) stopRising(m) m:PlaySound(if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.METAL_CAP) then Sounds.ACTION_METAL_BONK else Sounds.ACTION_BONK) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB) else m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.ActionTimer == 0 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_HIT) end if m.ActionTimer == 30 then m.ActionTimer = 0 end m.FaceAngle -= Vector3int16.new(0x200, 0, 0) if m.FaceAngle.X < -0x2AAA then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.FaceAngle, -0x2AAA) end m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, -m.FaceAngle.X) m.GfxAngle = Util.SetZint16(m.GfxAngle, m.FaceAngle.Z) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end if m.FaceAngle.X > 0x800 and m.ForwardVel >= 48 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end if startPitch <= 0 and m.FaceAngle.X > 0 and m.ForwardVel >= 48 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_FLYING_FAST) m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_YAHOO_WAHA_YIPPEE) end m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_FLYING) m:AdjustSoundForSpeed() return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FLYING_TRIPLE_JUMP, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.GROUND_POUND) end m:PlayMarioSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP, Sounds.MARIO_YAHOO) if m.ActionState == 0 then m:SetAnimation(Animations.TRIPLE_JUMP_FLY) if m.AnimFrame == 7 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end if m:IsAnimPastEnd() then m:SetAnimation(Animations.FORWARD_SPINNING) m.ActionState = 1 end end if m.ActionState == 1 and m.AnimFrame == 1 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end if m.Velocity.Y < 4 then if m.ForwardVel < 32 then m:SetForwardVel(32) end m:SetAction(Action.FLYING, 1) end m.ActionTimer += 1 local stepResult do updateAirWithoutTurn(m) stepResult = m:PerformAirStep() end if stepResult == AirStep.LANDED then if not checkFallDamage(m, Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) then m:SetAction(Action.DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND) end elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_WALL then m:BonkReflection() elseif stepResult == AirStep.HIT_LAVA_WALL then lavaBoostOnWall(m) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SPAWN_SPIN_AIRBORNE, function(m: Mario) m:SetForwardVel(m.ForwardVel) if m:PerformAirStep() == AirStep.LANDED then m:PlayLandingSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING) m:SetAction(Action.SPAWN_SPIN_LANDING) end if m.ActionState == 0 and m.Position.Y - m.FloorHeight > 300 then if m:SetAnimation(Animations.FORWARD_SPINNING) == 0 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.ACTION_SPIN) end else m.ActionState = 1 m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_FALL) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SPAWN_SPIN_LANDING, function(m: Mario) m:StopAndSetHeightToFloor() m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_LAND) if m:IsAnimAtEnd() then m:SetAction(Action.IDLE) end return false end) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------