--!strict local System = require(script.Parent) local Animations = System.Animations local Sounds = System.Sounds local Enums = System.Enums local Util = System.Util local Action = Enums.Action local ActionFlags = Enums.ActionFlags local ActionGroup = Enums.ActionGroups local MarioEyes = Enums.MarioEyes local GroundStep = Enums.GroundStep local InputFlags = Enums.InputFlags local MarioFlags = Enums.MarioFlags local SurfaceClass = Enums.SurfaceClass local ParticleFlags = Enums.ParticleFlags type Mario = System.Mario ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Landing Actions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type LandingAction = { NumFrames: number, JumpTimer: number, EndAction: number, APressedAction: number, } local sJumpLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 5, EndAction = Action.JUMP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.DOUBLE_JUMP, } local sFreefallLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 5, EndAction = Action.FREEFALL_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.DOUBLE_JUMP, } local sSideFlipLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 5, EndAction = Action.SIDE_FLIP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.DOUBLE_JUMP, } local sLongJumpLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 6, JumpTimer = 5, EndAction = Action.LONG_JUMP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.LONG_JUMP, } local sDoubleJumpLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 5, EndAction = Action.DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.JUMP, } local sTripleJumpLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 0, EndAction = Action.TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.UNINITIALIZED, } local sBackflipLandAction: LandingAction = { NumFrames = 4, JumpTimer = 0, EndAction = Action.BACKFLIP_LAND_STOP, APressedAction = Action.BACKFLIP, } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local DEF_ACTION: (number, (Mario) -> boolean) -> () = System.RegisterAction local sPunchingForwardVelocities = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 } local function tiltBodyRunning(m: Mario) local pitch = m:FindFloorSlope(0) pitch = pitch * m.ForwardVel / 40 return -pitch end local function playStepSound(m: Mario, frame1: number, frame2: number) if m:IsAnimPastFrame(frame1) or m:IsAnimPastFrame(frame2) then if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.METAL_CAP) then m:PlaySoundAndSpawnParticles(Sounds.ACTION_METAL_STEP, 0) else m:PlaySoundAndSpawnParticles(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_STEP, 0) end end end local function alignWithFloor(m: Mario) local pos = Util.SetY(m.Position, m.FloorHeight) m.Position = pos local radius = 40 local minY = -radius * 3 local yaw = m.FaceAngle.Y local p0_x = pos.X + radius * Util.Sins(yaw + 0x2AAA) local p0_z = pos.Z + radius * Util.Coss(yaw + 0x2AAA) local p1_x = pos.X + radius * Util.Sins(yaw + 0x8000) local p1_z = pos.Z + radius * Util.Coss(yaw + 0x8000) local p2_x = pos.X + radius * Util.Sins(yaw + 0xD555) local p2_z = pos.Z + radius * Util.Coss(yaw + 0xD555) local test0 = Vector3.new(p0_x, pos.Y + 150, p0_z) local test1 = Vector3.new(p1_x, pos.Y + 150, p1_z) local test2 = Vector3.new(p2_x, pos.Y + 150, p2_z) local p0_y = Util.FindFloor(test0) local p1_y = Util.FindFloor(test1) local p2_y = Util.FindFloor(test2) p0_y = p0_y - pos.Y < minY and pos.Y or p0_y p1_y = p1_y - pos.Y < minY and pos.Y or p1_y p2_y = p2_y - pos.Y < minY and pos.Y or p2_y local avgY = (p0_y + p1_y + p2_y) / 3 local forward = Vector3.new(Util.Sins(yaw), 0, Util.Coss(yaw)) if avgY >= pos.Y then pos = Util.SetY(pos, avgY) end local a = Vector3.new(p0_x, p0_y, p0_z) local b = Vector3.new(p1_x, p1_y, p1_z) local c = Vector3.new(p2_x, p2_y, p2_z) local yColumn = (b - a):Cross(c - a).Unit local xColumn = yColumn:Cross(forward).Unit m.ThrowMatrix = CFrame.fromMatrix(pos, xColumn, yColumn) end local function beginWalkingAction(m: Mario, forwardVel: number, action: number, actionArg: number?) m:SetForwardVel(forwardVel) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, m.IntendedYaw) return m:SetAction(action, actionArg) end local function checkLedgeClimbDown(m: Mario) if m.ForwardVel < 10 then local pos, wall = Util.FindWallCollisions(m.Position, -10, 10) if wall then local floorHeight, floor = Util.FindFloor(pos) if floor and pos.Y - floorHeight > 160 then local wallAngle = Util.Atan2s(wall.Normal.Z, wall.Normal.X) local wallDYaw = wallAngle - m.FaceAngle.Y if math.abs(wallDYaw) < 0x4000 then pos -= Vector3.new(20 * wall.Normal.X, 0, 20 * wall.Normal.Z) m.Position = pos m.FaceAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 1) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, wallAngle + 0x8000) m:SetAction(Action.LEDGE_CLIMB_DOWN) m:SetAnimation(Animations.CLIMB_DOWN_LEDGE) end end end end end local function slideBonk(m: Mario, fastAction: number, slowAction: number) if m.ForwardVel > 16 then m:BonkReflection(true) m:SetAction(fastAction) else m:SetForwardVel(0) m:SetAction(slowAction) end end local function setTripleJumpAction(m: Mario) if m.Flags:Has(MarioFlags.WING_CAP) then return m:SetAction(Action.FLYING_TRIPLE_JUMP) elseif m.ForwardVel > 20 then return m:SetAction(Action.TRIPLE_JUMP) else return m:SetAction(Action.JUMP) end end local function updateSlidingAngle(m: Mario, accel: number, lossFactor: number) local newFacingDYaw local facingDYaw local floor = m.Floor if not floor then return end assert(floor) local slopeAngle = Util.Atan2s(floor.Normal.Z, floor.Normal.X) local steepness = math.sqrt(floor.Normal.X ^ 2 + floor.Normal.Z ^ 2) m.SlideVelX += accel * steepness * Util.Sins(slopeAngle) m.SlideVelZ += accel * steepness * Util.Coss(slopeAngle) m.SlideVelX *= lossFactor m.SlideVelZ *= lossFactor m.SlideYaw = Util.Atan2s(m.SlideVelZ, m.SlideVelX) facingDYaw = Util.SignedShort(m.FaceAngle.Y - m.SlideYaw) newFacingDYaw = facingDYaw if newFacingDYaw > 0 and newFacingDYaw <= 0x4000 then newFacingDYaw -= 0x200 if newFacingDYaw < 0 then newFacingDYaw = 0 end elseif newFacingDYaw > -0x4000 and newFacingDYaw < 0 then newFacingDYaw += 0x200 if newFacingDYaw > 0 then newFacingDYaw = 0 end elseif newFacingDYaw > 0x4000 and newFacingDYaw < 0x8000 then newFacingDYaw += 0x200 if newFacingDYaw > 0x8000 then newFacingDYaw = 0x8000 end elseif newFacingDYaw > -0x8000 and newFacingDYaw < -0x4000 then newFacingDYaw -= 0x200 if newFacingDYaw < -0x8000 then newFacingDYaw = -0x8000 end end m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, m.SlideYaw + newFacingDYaw) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, 0, m.SlideVelZ) --! Speed is capped a frame late (butt slide HSG) m.ForwardVel = math.sqrt(m.SlideVelX ^ 2 + m.SlideVelZ ^ 2) if m.ForwardVel > 100 then m.SlideVelX = m.SlideVelX * 100 / m.ForwardVel m.SlideVelZ = m.SlideVelZ * 100 / m.ForwardVel end if math.abs(newFacingDYaw) > 0x4000 then m.ForwardVel *= -1 end end local function updateSliding(m: Mario, stopSpeed: number) local intendedDYaw = Util.SignedShort(m.IntendedYaw - m.SlideYaw) local forward = Util.Coss(intendedDYaw) local sideward = Util.Sins(intendedDYaw) --! 10k glitch if forward < 0 and m.ForwardVel > 0 then forward *= 0.5 + 0.5 * m.ForwardVel / 100 end local floorClass = m:GetFloorClass() local lossFactor local accel if floorClass == SurfaceClass.VERY_SLIPPERY then accel = 10 lossFactor = m.IntendedMag / 32 * forward * 0.02 + 0.98 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.SLIPPERY then accel = 8 lossFactor = m.IntendedMag / 32 * forward * 0.02 + 0.96 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.DEFAULT then accel = 7 lossFactor = m.IntendedMag / 32 * forward * 0.02 + 0.92 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.NOT_SLIPPERY then accel = 5 lossFactor = m.IntendedMag / 32 * forward * 0.02 + 0.92 end local oldSpeed = math.sqrt(m.SlideVelX ^ 2 + m.SlideVelZ ^ 2) --! This is attempting to use trig derivatives to rotate Mario's speed. -- It is slightly off/asymmetric since it uses the new X speed, but the old -- Z speed. m.SlideVelX += m.SlideVelZ * (m.IntendedMag / 32) * sideward * 0.05 m.SlideVelZ -= m.SlideVelX * (m.IntendedMag / 32) * sideward * 0.05 local newSpeed = math.sqrt(m.SlideVelX ^ 2 + m.SlideVelZ ^ 2) if oldSpeed > 0 and newSpeed > 0 then m.SlideVelX *= oldSpeed / newSpeed m.SlideVelZ *= oldSpeed / newSpeed end local stopped = false updateSlidingAngle(m, accel, lossFactor) if not m:FloorIsSlope() and m.ForwardVel ^ 2 < stopSpeed ^ 2 then m:SetForwardVel(0) stopped = true end return stopped end local function applySlopeAccel(m: Mario) local floor = m.Floor local floorNormal: Vector3 if floor then floorNormal = floor.Normal else floorNormal = Vector3.yAxis end local floorDYaw = m.FloorAngle - m.FaceAngle.Y local steepness = math.sqrt(floorNormal.X ^ 2 + floorNormal.Z ^ 2) if m:FloorIsSlope() then local slopeClass = 0 local slopeAccel if m.Action() ~= Action.SOFT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB then if m.Action() ~= Action.SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB then slopeClass = m:GetFloorClass() end end if slopeClass == SurfaceClass.VERY_SLIPPERY then slopeAccel = 5.3 elseif slopeClass == SurfaceClass.SLIPPERY then slopeAccel = 2.7 elseif slopeClass == SurfaceClass.DEFAULT then slopeAccel = 1.7 else slopeAccel = 0 end if floorDYaw > -0x4000 and floorDYaw < 0x4000 then m.ForwardVel += slopeAccel * steepness else m.ForwardVel -= slopeAccel * steepness end end m.SlideYaw = m.FaceAngle.Y m.SlideVelX = m.ForwardVel * Util.Sins(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.SlideVelZ = m.ForwardVel * Util.Coss(m.FaceAngle.Y) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, 0, m.SlideVelZ) end local function applyLandingAccel(m: Mario, frictionFactor: number) local stopped = false applySlopeAccel(m) if not m:FloorIsSlope() then m.ForwardVel *= frictionFactor if m.ForwardVel ^ 2 < 1 then m:SetForwardVel(0) stopped = true end end return stopped end local function applySlopeDecel(m: Mario, decelCoef: number) local decel local stopped = false local floorClass = m:GetFloorClass() if floorClass == SurfaceClass.VERY_SLIPPERY then decel = decelCoef * 0.2 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.SLIPPERY then decel = decelCoef * 0.7 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.DEFAULT then decel = decelCoef * 2 elseif floorClass == SurfaceClass.NOT_SLIPPERY then decel = decelCoef * 3 end m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 0, decel) if m.ForwardVel == 0 then stopped = true end applySlopeAccel(m) return stopped end local function updateDeceleratingSpeed(m: Mario) local stopped = false m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 0, 1) if m.ForwardVel == 0 then stopped = true end m:SetForwardVel(m.ForwardVel) return stopped end local function updateWalkingSpeed(m: Mario) local maxTargetSpeed = 32 local floor = m.Floor local targetSpeed = if m.IntendedMag < maxTargetSpeed then m.IntendedMag else maxTargetSpeed if m.ForwardVel < 0 then m.ForwardVel += 1.1 elseif m.ForwardVel <= targetSpeed then m.ForwardVel += 1.1 - m.ForwardVel / 43 elseif floor and floor.Normal.Y >= 0.95 then m.ForwardVel -= 1 end if m.ForwardVel > 48 then m.ForwardVel = 48 end local currY = Util.SignedShort(m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y) local faceY = m.IntendedYaw - Util.ApproachInt(currY, 0, 0x800) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, faceY) applySlopeAccel(m) end local function shouldBeginSliding(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then if m.ForwardVel < -1 or m:FacingDownhill() then return true end end return false end local function analogStickHeldBack(m: Mario) local intendedDYaw = Util.SignedShort(m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y) return math.abs(intendedDYaw) > 0x471C end local function checkGroundDiveOrPunch(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then --! Speed kick (shoutouts to SimpleFlips) if m.ForwardVel >= 29 and m.Controller.StickMag > 48 then m.Velocity = Util.SetY(m.Velocity, 20) return m:SetAction(Action.DIVE, 1) end return m:SetAction(Action.MOVE_PUNCHING) end return false end local function beginBrakingAction(m: Mario) if m.ActionState == 1 then m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, m.ActionArg) return m:SetAction(Action.STANDING_AGAINST_WALL) end if m.ForwardVel > 16 then local floor = m.Floor if floor and floor.Normal.Y >= 0.17364818 then return m:SetAction(Action.BRAKING) end end return m:SetAction(Action.DECELERATING) end local function animAndAudioForWalk(m: Mario) local baseAccel = if m.IntendedMag > m.ForwardVel then m.IntendedMag else m.ForwardVel if baseAccel < 4 then baseAccel = 4 end local targetPitch = 0 local accel while true do if m.ActionTimer == 0 then if baseAccel > 8 then m.ActionTimer = 2 else accel = baseAccel / 4 * 0x10000 if accel < 0x1000 then accel = 0x1000 end m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.START_TIPTOE, accel) playStepSound(m, 7, 22) if m:IsAnimPastFrame(23) then m.ActionTimer = 2 end break end elseif m.ActionTimer == 1 then if baseAccel > 8 then m.ActionTimer = 2 else accel = baseAccel * 0x10000 if accel < 0x1000 then accel = 0x1000 end m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.TIPTOE, accel) playStepSound(m, 14, 72) break end elseif m.ActionTimer == 2 then if baseAccel < 5 then m.ActionTimer = 1 elseif baseAccel > 22 then m.ActionTimer = 3 else accel = baseAccel / 4 * 0x10000 m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.WALKING, accel) playStepSound(m, 10, 49) break end elseif m.ActionTimer == 3 then if baseAccel < 18 then m.ActionTimer = 2 else accel = baseAccel / 4 * 0x10000 m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.RUNNING, accel) playStepSound(m, 9, 45) targetPitch = tiltBodyRunning(m) break end end end local walkingPitch = Util.ApproachInt(m.WalkingPitch, targetPitch, 0x800) walkingPitch = Util.SignedShort(walkingPitch) m.WalkingPitch = walkingPitch m.GfxAngle = Util.SetXint16(m.GfxAngle, walkingPitch) end local function pushOrSidleWall(m: Mario, startPos: Vector3) local wallAngle: number local dWallAngle: number local dx = m.Position.X - startPos.X local dz = m.Position.Z - startPos.Z local movedDist = math.sqrt(dx ^ 2 + dz ^ 2) local accel = movedDist * 2 * 0x10000 if m.ForwardVel > 6 then m:SetForwardVel(6) end local wall = m.Wall if wall then wallAngle = Util.Atan2s(wall.Normal.Z, wall.Normal.X) dWallAngle = Util.SignedShort(assert(wallAngle) - m.FaceAngle.Y) end if wall == nil or math.abs(dWallAngle) >= 0x71C8 then m:SetAnimation(Animations.PUSHING) playStepSound(m, 6, 18) else if dWallAngle < 0 then m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.SIDESTEP_RIGHT, accel) else m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.SIDESTEP_LEFT, accel) end if m.AnimFrame < 20 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end m.ActionState = 1 m.ActionArg = Util.SignedShort(wallAngle + 0x8000) m.GfxAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.GfxAngle, m.ActionArg) m.GfxAngle = Util.SetZint16(m.GfxAngle, m:FindFloorSlope(0x4000)) end end local function tiltBodyWalking(m: Mario, startYaw: number) local anim = m.AnimCurrent local bodyState = m.BodyState if anim == Animations.WALKING or anim == Animations.RUNNING then local dYaw = m.FaceAngle.Y - startYaw local tiltZ = -math.clamp(dYaw * m.ForwardVel / 12, -0x1555, 0x1555) local tiltX = math.clamp(m.ForwardVel * 170, 0, 0x1555) local torsoAngle = bodyState.TorsoAngle tiltZ = Util.ApproachInt(torsoAngle.Z, tiltZ, 0x400) tiltX = Util.ApproachInt(torsoAngle.X, tiltX, 0x400) bodyState.TorsoAngle = Vector3int16.new(tiltX, torsoAngle.Y, tiltZ) else bodyState.TorsoAngle *= Vector3int16.new(0, 1, 0) end end local function tiltBodyButtSlide(m: Mario) local intendedDYaw = m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y local bodyState = m.BodyState local tiltX = 5461.3335 * m.IntendedMag / 32 * Util.Coss(intendedDYaw) local tiltZ = -(5461.3335 * m.IntendedMag / 32 * Util.Sins(intendedDYaw)) local torsoAngle = bodyState.TorsoAngle bodyState.TorsoAngle = Vector3int16.new(tiltX, torsoAngle.Y, tiltZ) end local function commonSlideAction(m: Mario, endAction: number, airAction: number, anim: Animation) local pos = m.Position m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m:AdjustSoundForSpeed() local step = m:PerformGroundStep() if step == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(airAction) if math.abs(m.ForwardVel) >= 50 then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_HOOHOO) end elseif step == GroundStep.NONE then m:SetAnimation(anim) alignWithFloor(m) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) elseif step == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then local wall = m.Wall if not m:FloorIsSlippery() then if m.ForwardVel > 16 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) end slideBonk(m, Action.GROUND_BONK, endAction) elseif wall then local wallAngle = Util.Atan2s(wall.Normal.Z, wall.Normal.X) local slideSpeed = math.sqrt(m.SlideVelX ^ 2 + m.SlideVelZ ^ 2) * 0.9 if slideSpeed < 4 then slideSpeed = 4 end local slideYaw = Util.SignedShort(m.SlideYaw - wallAngle) m.SlideYaw = Util.SignedShort(wallAngle - slideYaw + 0x8000) m.SlideVelX = slideSpeed * Util.Sins(m.SlideYaw) m.SlideVelZ = slideSpeed * Util.Coss(m.SlideYaw) m.Velocity = Vector3.new(m.SlideVelX, m.Velocity.Y, m.SlideVelZ) end alignWithFloor(m) end end local function commonSlideActionWithJump(m: Mario, stopAction: number, airAction: number, anim: Animation) if m.ActionTimer == 5 then if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetJumpingAction(Action.JUMP) end else m.ActionTimer += 1 end if updateSliding(m, 4) then m:SetAction(stopAction) end commonSlideAction(m, stopAction, airAction, anim) return false end local function commonLandingCancels( m: Mario, landingAction: LandingAction, setAPressAction: (Mario, number, any) -> any ) local floor = m.Floor if floor and floor.Normal.Y < 0.2923717 then return m:PushOffSteepFloor(Action.FREEFALL) end m.DoubleJumpTimer = landingAction.JumpTimer if shouldBeginSliding(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then return m:SetAction(landingAction.EndAction) end m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.ActionTimer >= landingAction.NumFrames then return m:SetAction(landingAction.EndAction) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return setAPressAction(m, landingAction.APressedAction, 0) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.OFF_FLOOR) then return m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) end return false end local function stomachSlideAction(m: Mario, stopAction: number, airAction: number, anim: Animation) if m.ActionTimer == 5 then if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) and m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED, InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(if m.ForwardVel >= 0 then Action.FORWARD_ROLLOUT else Action.BACKWARD_ROLLOUT) end else m.ActionTimer += 1 end if updateSliding(m, 4) then return m:SetAction(stopAction) end commonSlideAction(m, stopAction, airAction, anim) return false end local function commonGroundKnockbackAction( m: Mario, anim: Animation, minFrame: number, playHeavyLanding: boolean, attacked: number ) local animFrame if playHeavyLanding then m:PlayHeavyLandingSoundOnce(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_BODY_HIT_GROUND) end if attacked > 0 then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_ATTACKED, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) else m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_OOOF, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) end m.ForwardVel = math.clamp(m.ForwardVel, -32, 32) animFrame = m:SetAnimation(anim) if animFrame < minFrame then applyLandingAccel(m, 0.9) elseif m.ForwardVel > 0 then m:SetForwardVel(0.1) else m:SetForwardVel(-0.1) end if m:PerformGroundStep() == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then if m.ForwardVel >= 0 then m:SetAction(Action.FORWARD_AIR_KB, attacked) else m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_AIR_KB, attacked) end elseif m:IsAnimAtEnd() then if m.Health < 0x100 then m:SetAction(Action.STANDING_DEATH) else if attacked > 0 then m.InvincTimer = 30 end m:SetAction(Action.IDLE) end end return animFrame end local function commonLandingAction(m: Mario, anim: Animation) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then applyLandingAccel(m, 0.98) elseif m.ForwardVel > 16 then applySlopeDecel(m, 2) else m.Velocity *= Vector3.new(1, 0, 1) end local stepResult = m:PerformGroundStep() if stepResult == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then m:SetAnimation(Animations.PUSHING) end if m.ForwardVel > 16 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end m:SetAnimation(anim) m:PlayLandingSoundOnce(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING) return stepResult end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEF_ACTION(Action.WALKING, function(m: Mario) local startPos local startYaw = m.FaceAngle.Y if shouldBeginSliding(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then return beginBrakingAction(m) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetJumpFromLanding() end if checkGroundDiveOrPunch(m) then return true end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.UNKNOWN_5) then return beginBrakingAction(m) end if analogStickHeldBack(m) and m.ForwardVel >= 16 then return m:SetAction(Action.TURNING_AROUND) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.CROUCH_SLIDE) end local step do m.ActionState = 0 startPos = m.Position updateWalkingSpeed(m) step = m:PerformGroundStep() end if step == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) m:SetAnimation(Animations.GENERAL_FALL) elseif step == GroundStep.NONE then animAndAudioForWalk(m) if m.IntendedMag - m.ForwardVel > 16 then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end elseif step == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then pushOrSidleWall(m, startPos) m.ActionTimer = 0 end checkLedgeClimbDown(m) tiltBodyWalking(m, startYaw) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.MOVE_PUNCHING, function(m: Mario) if shouldBeginSliding(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.ActionState == 0 and m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_DOWN) then return m:SetAction(Action.JUMP_KICK) end m.ActionState = 1 m:UpdatePunchSequence() if m.ForwardVel > 0 then applySlopeDecel(m, 0.5) else m.ForwardVel += 8 if m.ForwardVel >= 0 then m.ForwardVel = 0 end applySlopeAccel(m) end local step = m:PerformGroundStep() if step == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif step == GroundStep.NONE then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.TURNING_AROUND, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.SIDE_FLIP) end if not analogStickHeldBack(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.WALKING) end if applySlopeDecel(m, 2) then return beginWalkingAction(m, 8, Action.FINISH_TURNING_AROUND) end m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m:AdjustSoundForSpeed() local step = m:PerformGroundStep() if step == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif step == GroundStep.NONE then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) end if m.ForwardVel >= 18 then m:SetAnimation(Animations.TURNING_PART1) else m:SetAnimation(Animations.TURNING_PART2) m.GfxAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) if m:IsAnimAtEnd() then if m.ForwardVel > 0 then beginWalkingAction(m, -m.ForwardVel, Action.WALKING) else beginWalkingAction(m, 8, Action.WALKING) end end end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FINISH_TURNING_AROUND, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.SIDE_FLIP) end updateWalkingSpeed(m) m:SetAnimation(Animations.TURNING_PART2) if m:PerformGroundStep() == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) end if m:IsAnimAtEnd() then m:SetAction(Action.WALKING) m.AnimSkipInterp = 2 end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BRAKING, function(m: Mario) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG, InputFlags.A_PRESSED, InputFlags.OFF_FLOOR, InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then return m:CheckCommonActionExits() end end if applySlopeDecel(m, 2) then return m:SetAction(Action.BRAKING_STOP) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.MOVE_PUNCHING) end local stepResult = m:PerformGroundStep() if stepResult == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.NONE then m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then slideBonk(m, Action.BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, Action.BRAKING_STOP) end m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m:SetAnimation(Animations.SKID_ON_GROUND) m:AdjustSoundForSpeed() return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.DECELERATING, function(m: Mario) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then if shouldBeginSliding(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetJumpFromLanding() end if checkGroundDiveOrPunch(m) then return true end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then return m:SetAction(Action.WALKING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.CROUCH_SLIDE) end end if updateDeceleratingSpeed(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.IDLE) end local slopeClass = m:GetFloorClass() local stepResult = m:PerformGroundStep() if stepResult == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then if slopeClass == SurfaceClass.VERY_SLIPPERY then m:BonkReflection(true) else m:SetForwardVel(0) end end if slopeClass == SurfaceClass.VERY_SLIPPERY then m:SetAnimation(Animations.IDLE_HEAD_LEFT) m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m:AdjustSoundForSpeed() m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) else local accel = m.ForwardVel / 4 * 0x10000 if accel < 0x1000 then accel = 0x1000 end m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.WALKING, accel) playStepSound(m, 10, 49) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.CRAWLING, function(m: Mario) if shouldBeginSliding(m) then return m:SetAction(Action.BEGIN_SLIDING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then return m:SetAction(Action.STOP_CRAWLING) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetJumpingAction(Action.JUMP) end if checkGroundDiveOrPunch(m) then return true end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.UNKNOWN_5) then return m:SetAction(Action.STOP_CRAWLING) end if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_DOWN) then return m:SetAction(Action.STOP_CRAWLING) end m.IntendedMag *= 0.1 updateWalkingSpeed(m) local stepResult = m:PerformGroundStep() if stepResult == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then if m.ForwardVel > 10 then m:SetForwardVel(10) end alignWithFloor(m) elseif stepResult == GroundStep.NONE then alignWithFloor(m) end local accel = m.IntendedMag * 2 * 0x10000 m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.CRAWLING, accel) playStepSound(m, 26, 79) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BURNING_GROUND, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.BURNING_JUMP) end m.BurnTimer += 2 if m.BurnTimer > 160 then return m:SetAction(Action.WALKING) end if m.ForwardVel < 8 then m.ForwardVel = 8 end if m.ForwardVel > 48 then m.ForwardVel = 48 end m.ForwardVel = Util.ApproachFloat(m.ForwardVel, 32, 4, 1) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then local faceY = m.IntendedYaw - Util.ApproachFloat(m.IntendedYaw - m.FaceAngle.Y, 0, 0x600) m.FaceAngle = Util.SetYint16(m.FaceAngle, faceY) end applySlopeAccel(m) if m:PerformGroundStep() == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.BURNING_FALL) end local accel = m.ForwardVel / 2 * 0x10000 m:SetAnimationWithAccel(Animations.RUNNING, accel) playStepSound(m, 9, 45) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.FIRE) m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_LAVA_BURN) m.Health -= 10 if m.Health < 0x100 then m:SetAction(Action.STANDING_DEATH) end m.BodyState.EyeState = MarioEyes.DEAD return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BUTT_SLIDE, function(m: Mario) local cancel = commonSlideActionWithJump(m, Action.BUTT_SLIDE_STOP, Action.BUTT_SLIDE_AIR, Animations.SLIDE) tiltBodyButtSlide(m) return cancel end) DEF_ACTION(Action.CROUCH_SLIDE, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then return m:SetAction(Action.BUTT_SLIDE) end if m.ActionTimer < 30 then m.ActionTimer += 1 if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then if m.ForwardVel > 10 then return m:SetJumpingAction(Action.LONG_JUMP) end end end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then if m.ForwardVel >= 10 then return m:SetAction(Action.SLIDE_KICK) else return m:SetAction(Action.MOVE_PUNCHING, 9) end end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.JUMP) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.FIRST_PERSON) then return m:SetAction(Action.BRAKING) end return commonSlideActionWithJump(m, Action.CROUCHING, Action.FREEFALL, Animations.START_CROUCHING) end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE, function(m: Mario) local step if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(Action.FORWARD_ROLLOUT) end m:SetAnimation(Animations.SLIDE_KICK) if m:IsAnimAtEnd() and m.ForwardVel < 1 then return m:SetAction(Action.SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE_STOP) end updateSliding(m, 1) step = m:PerformGroundStep() if step == GroundStep.LEFT_GROUND then m:SetAction(Action.FREEFALL, 2) elseif step == GroundStep.HIT_WALL then m:BonkReflection(true) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.VERTICAL_STAR) m:SetAction(Action.BACKWARD_GROUND_KB) end m:PlaySound(Sounds.MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE) m.ParticleFlags:Add(ParticleFlags.DUST) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.STOMACH_SLIDE, function(m: Mario) if m.ActionTimer == 5 then if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) and m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED, InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(if m.ForwardVel >= 0 then Action.FORWARD_ROLLOUT else Action.BACKWARD_ROLLOUT) end else m.ActionTimer += 1 end if updateSliding(m, 4) then return m:SetAction(Action.STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP) end commonSlideAction(m, Action.STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP, Action.FREEFALL, Animations.SLIDE_DIVE) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.DIVE_SLIDE, function(m: Mario) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) and m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_PRESSED, InputFlags.B_PRESSED) then return m:SetAction(if m.ForwardVel >= 0 then Action.FORWARD_ROLLOUT else Action.BACKWARD_ROLLOUT) end m:PlayLandingSoundOnce(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_BODY_HIT_GROUND) if updateSliding(m, 8) and m:IsAnimAtEnd() then m:SetForwardVel(0) m:SetAction(Action.STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP) end commonSlideAction(m, Action.STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP, Action.FREEFALL, Animations.DIVE) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) local animFrame = commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.FALL_OVER_BACKWARDS, 43, true, m.ActionArg) if animFrame == 43 and m.Health < 0x100 then m:SetAction(Action.DEATH_ON_BACK) end if animFrame == 54 and m.PrevAction() == Action.SPECIAL_DEATH_EXIT then m:PlaySound(Sounds.MARIO_MAMA_MIA) end if animFrame == 69 then m:PlayLandingSoundOnce(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) local animFrame = commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.LAND_ON_STOMACH, 21, true, m.ActionArg) if animFrame == 23 and m.Health < 0x100 then m:SetAction(Action.DEATH_ON_STOMACH) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.BACKWARD_KB, 22, true, m.ActionArg) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FORWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.FORWARD_KB, 20, true, m.ActionArg) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SOFT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.SOFT_BACK_KB, 100, false, m.ActionArg) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, function(m: Mario) commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.SOFT_FRONT_KB, 100, false, m.ActionArg) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.GROUND_BONK, function(m: Mario) local animFrame = commonGroundKnockbackAction(m, Animations.GROUND_BONK, 32, true, m.ActionArg) if animFrame == 32 then m:PlayLandingSound(Sounds.ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.JUMP_LAND, function(m: Mario) if commonLandingCancels(m, sJumpLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end commonLandingAction(m, Animations.LAND_FROM_SINGLE_JUMP) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.FREEFALL_LAND, function(m: Mario) if commonLandingCancels(m, sFreefallLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end commonLandingAction(m, Animations.GENERAL_LAND) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.SIDE_FLIP_LAND, function(m: Mario) if commonLandingCancels(m, sSideFlipLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end if commonLandingAction(m, Animations.SLIDEFLIP_LAND) ~= GroundStep.HIT_WALL then --m.GfxAngle += Vector3int16.new(0, 0x8000, 0) end return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.LONG_JUMP_LAND, function(m: Mario) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_DOWN) then m.Input:Remove(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) end if commonLandingCancels(m, sLongJumpLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_UH, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) end commonLandingAction( m, if m.LongJumpIsSlow then Animations.CROUCH_FROM_FAST_LONGJUMP else Animations.CROUCH_FROM_SLOW_LONGJUMP ) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND, function(m: Mario) if commonLandingCancels(m, sDoubleJumpLandAction, setTripleJumpAction) then return true end commonLandingAction(m, Animations.LAND_FROM_DOUBLE_JUMP) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND, function(m: Mario) m.Input:Remove(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) if commonLandingCancels(m, sTripleJumpLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_HAHA, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) end commonLandingAction(m, Animations.TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.BACKFLIP_LAND, function(m: Mario) if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.Z_DOWN) then m.Input:Remove(InputFlags.A_PRESSED) end if commonLandingCancels(m, sBackflipLandAction, m.SetJumpingAction) then return true end if not m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG) then m:PlaySoundIfNoFlag(Sounds.MARIO_HAHA, MarioFlags.MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED) end commonLandingAction(m, Animations.TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND) return false end) DEF_ACTION(Action.PUNCHING, function(m: Mario) if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.STOMPED) then return m:SetAction(Action.SHOCKWAVE_BOUNCE) end if m.Input:Has(InputFlags.NONZERO_ANALOG, InputFlags.A_PRESSED, InputFlags.OFF_FLOOR, InputFlags.ABOVE_SLIDE) then return m:CheckCommonActionExits() end if m.ActionState and m.Input:Has(InputFlags.A_DOWN) then return m:SetAction(Action.JUMP_KICK) end m.ActionState = 1 if m.ActionArg == 0 then m.ActionTimer = 7 end m:SetForwardVel(sPunchingForwardVelocities[m.ActionTimer + 1]) if m.ActionTimer > 0 then m.ActionTimer -= 1 end m:UpdatePunchSequence() m:PerformGroundStep() return false end)