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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">Lime3DS is a free and open source 3DS emulator licensed under GPLv2.0 or any later version.</span></p>
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">This software should not be used to play games you have not legally obtained.</span></p></body></html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "">
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">„Lime3DS“ yra nemokamas ir atvirojo kodo 3DS emuliatorius, licencijuotas GPL v2.0 arba aukščiau.</span></p>
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<p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2'; font-size:12pt;">Ši programa neturėtų būti naudojama žaisti žaidimus, kurių jūs nesate įsigijęs legaliai.</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Website</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Discord</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Source Code</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Main Contributors</span></a> | <a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">License</span></a></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">"3DS" is a trademark of Nintendo. Lime3DS is not affiliated with Nintendo in any way.</span></p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">"3DS" yra „Nintendo“ prekės ženklas. „Lime3DS“ jokiu būdu nėra susijusi su „Nintendo“.</span></p></body></html>BreakPointModelPica command loaded„Pica“ komanda įkrautaPica command processed„Pica“ komanda apdorotaIncoming primitive batchĮeinanti primityvi partijaFinished primitive batchPrimityvi partija užbaigtaVertex shader invocationVertekso šešėliuoklės iškvietimasIncoming display transferĮeinantis vaizdo perdavimasGSP command processedGSP komanda apdorotaBuffers swappedBuferiai apkeistiUnknown debug context eventNežinomas derinimo konteksto įvykisCalibrationConfigurationDialogCommunicating with the server...Susisiekiama su serveriu...CancelAtšauktiTouch the top left corner <br>of your touchpad.Palieskite viršutinį kairįjį kampą <br> jūsų jutikliniame kilimėlyje.Now touch the bottom right corner <br>of your touchpad.Dabar palieskite apatinįjį dešinįjį kampą <br> jūsų jutikliniame kilimėlyje.Configuration completed!Konfigūracija baigta!OKGeraiChatRoomRoom WindowServerio langasSend Chat MessageSiųsti pokalbio žinutęSend MessageSiųsti žinutęMembersNariai%1 has joined%1 prisijungė%1 has left%1 atsijungė %1 has been kicked%1 buvo išmestas%1 has been banned%1 has been unbannedView ProfilePeržiūrėti ProfilįBlock PlayerUžblokuoti žaidėjąWhen you block a player, you will no longer receive chat messages from them.<br><br>Are you sure you would like to block %1?Kai jūs užblokuosite žaidėją, jūs nebegausite naujų pranešimų nuo jo. <br><br>Ar tikrai norite užblokuoti %1?KickIšmestiBanKick PlayerIšmesti ŽaidėjąAre you sure you would like to <b>kick</b> %1?Ar tikrai norite <b>išmesti</b> %1?Ban PlayerAre you sure you would like to <b>kick and ban</b> %1?
This would ban both their forum username and their IP address.ClientRoomRoom WindowServerio langasRoom DescriptionServerio aprašymasModeration...Leave RoomPalikti serverįClientRoomWindowConnectedPrisijungtaDisconnectedAtsijungta%1 (%2/%3 members) - connected%1 (%2/%3 vartotojai) - prisijungtaConfigureAudioOutputEmulation:Emuliacija:HLE (fast)HLE (greitas)LLE (accurate)LLE (tikslus)LLE multi-coreLLE multi-coreOutput TypeOutput DeviceThis post-processing effect adjusts audio speed to match emulation speed and helps prevent audio stutter. This however increases audio latency.Šis efektas suderina garso greitį su emuliacijos greičiu ir padeda išvengti garso trūkinėjimų. Bet tai kartu pailgina garso latenciją.Enable audio stretchingĮjungti garso tęstinumąScales audio playback speed to account for drops in emulation framerate. This means that audio will play at full speed even while the game framerate is low. May cause audio desync issues.Enable realtime audioUse global volumeSet volume:Volume:Garsumas:0 %0 %MicrophoneMikrofonasInput TypeĮvesties TipasInput DeviceĮvesties ĮrenginysAuto%1%Volume percentage (e.g. 50%)%1%ConfigureCameraFormFormaCameraKameraSelect the camera to configurePasirinkite, kurią kamerą konfigūruotiCamera to configure:Kamera, kurią konfigūruosite:FrontPriekinėRearGalinėSelect the camera mode (single or double)Pasirinkite kameros režimą (vienguba arba dviguba)Camera mode:Kameros režimas:Single (2D)Viengubas (2D)Double (3D)Dvigubas (3D)Select the position of camera to configurePasirinkite kameros poziciją konfigūracijaiCamera position:Kameros pozicija:LeftKairinėRightDešininėConfigurationKonfigūracijaSelect where the image of the emulated camera comes from. It may be an image or a real camera.Pasirinkite kameros įvestį. Tai gali būti paveikslėlis arba tikra kamera.Camera Image Source:Kameros įvestis:Blank (blank)TuščiaStill Image (image)Nejudantis atvaizdas (paveikslėlis)System Camera (qt)Kompiuterio kamera (Qt)File:Failas:......Select the system camera to usePasirinkite, kurią sistemos kamerą naudotiCamera:Kamera:<Default><Default>Select the image flip to applyPasirinkite, kurį vaizdo apvertimo būdą naudotiFlip:Apvertimas:NoneNėraHorizontalHorizontalusVerticalVertikalusReverseAtvirkščiasSelect an image file every time before the camera is loadedPasirinkite paveikslėlį kiekvieną kartą prieš kameros įkrovimąPrompt before loadPaklausti prieš įkrovimąPreviewPeržiūraResolution: 512*384Skiriamoji geba: 512*384Click to previewPaspauskite, kad peržiūrėtiResolution: %1*%2Supported image files (%1)Palaikomi paveikslėlių tipai (%1)Open FileAtidaryti failąConfigureCheatsCheatsAdd CheatAvailable Cheats:NameTypeSaveDeleteName:Notes:Code:Would you like to save the current cheat?Save CheatPlease enter a cheat name.Please enter the cheat code.Cheat code line %1 is not valid.
Would you like to ignore the error and continue?[new cheat]ConfigureDebugFormFormaGDBGDBEnable GDB StubĮjungti GDB „kelmą“Port:Įvadas:LoggingŽurnalasGlobal Log FilterŽurnalo filtrasShow Log Console (Windows Only)Rodyti žurnalo langą (tik Windows sistemoms)Open Log LocationAtidaryti žurnalo vietąCPUUse global clock speedSet clock speed:CPU Clock Speed<html><body>Changes the emulated CPU clock frequency.<br>Underclocking can increase performance but may cause the game to freeze.<br>Overclocking may reduce in game lag but also might cause freezes</body></html><html><head/><body><p>Enables the use of the ARM JIT compiler for emulating the 3DS CPUs. Don't disable unless for debugging purposes</p></body></html>Enable CPU JITĮjungti procesoriaus JITEnable debug rendererDump command buffersMiscellaneus<html><head/><body><p>Introduces a delay to the first ever launched app thread if LLE modules are enabled, to allow them to initialize.</p></body></html>Delay app start for LLE module initialization<html><head/><body><p>CPU Clock Speed Information<br/>Underclocking can increase performance but may cause the game to freeze.<br/>Overclocking may reduce in game lag but also might cause freezes</p></body></html>Validation layer not availableUnable to enable debug renderer because the layer <strong>VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation</strong> is missing. Please install the Vulkan SDK or the appropriate package of your distributionCommand buffer dumping not availableUnable to enable command buffer dumping because the layer <strong>VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump</strong> is missing. Please install the Vulkan SDK or the appropriate package of your distributionConfigureDialogLime3DS Configuration„Lime3DS“ konfigūracijaGeneralPagrindinisSystemSistemaInputĮvestisHotkeysSpartieji klavišaiGraphicsGrafikaEnhancementsLayoutAudioGarsasCameraKameraDebugDerinimasStorageWebTinklo tarnybaUINS (naudotojo sąsaja)ControlsValdymasAdvancedConfigureEnhancementsFormRendererInternal ResolutionAuto (Window Size)Native (400x240)2x Native (800x480)3x Native (1200x720)4x Native (1600x960)5x Native (2000x1200)6x Native (2400x1440)7x Native (2800x1680)8x Native (3200x1920)9x Native (3600x2160)10x Native (4000x2400)Enable Linear FilteringPost-Processing ShaderTexture FilterNoneAnime4KBicubicScaleForcexBRZMMPXStereoscopyStereoscopic 3D ModeOffSide by SideReverse Side by SideAnaglyphInterlacedReverse InterlacedDepth%Eye to Render in Monoscopic ModeLeft Eye (default)Right EyeUtility<html><head/><body><p>Replace textures with PNG files.</p><p>Textures are loaded from load/textures/[Title ID]/.</p></body></html>Use Custom Textures<html><head/><body><p>Dump textures to PNG files.</p><p>Textures are dumped to dump/textures/[Title ID]/.</p></body></html>Dump Textures<html><head/><body><p>Load all custom textures into memory on boot, instead of loading them when the game requires them.</p></body></html>Preload Custom Textures<html><head/><body><p>Load custom textures asynchronously with background threads to reduce loading stutter</p></body></html>Async Custom Texture LoadingConfigureGeneralFormFormaGeneralPagrindinisConfirm exit while emulation is runningPatvirtinti išėjimą veikiant emuliacijaiPause emulation when in backgroundMute audio when in backgroundHide mouse on inactivityEnable GamemodeUpdatesAtnaujinimaiCheck for updates on startPaieškoti atnaujinimų paleidžiant programąSilently auto update after closingTyliai atsinaujinti išjungus programąEmulationEmuliacijaRegion:Regionas:Auto-selectAutomatiškai pasirinktiUse global emulation speedSet emulation speed:Emulation Speed:ScreenshotsUse global screenshot pathSet screenshot path:Save Screenshots To...Reset All SettingsAtstatyti visus nustatymusunthrottledSelect Screenshot DirectoryLime3DSAre you sure you want to <b>reset your settings</b> and close Lime3DS?ConfigureGraphicsFormFormaGraphicsAPI SettingsGraphics APISoftwareOpenGLVulkanPhysical DeviceOpenGL RendererSPIR-V Shader GenerationRendererVaizdo generatorius<html><head/><body><p>Use the selected graphics API to accelerate shader emulation.</p><p>Requires a relatively powerful GPU for better performance.</p></body></html>Enable Hardware ShaderĮjungti techninės įrangos šešėliuoklę<html><head/><body><p>Correctly handle all edge cases in multiplication operation in shaders. </p><p>Some games requires this to be enabled for the hardware shader to render properly.</p><p>However this would reduce performance in most games.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ši funkcija kuo tiksliau atlieka įvairias funkcijas šešėliuoklėje. </p><p>Keletas žaidimų reikalauja šios funkcijos dėl tinkamo atvaizdo. </p><p> Tačiau ši funkcija sumažina greitį daugelyje žaidimų.</p></body></html>Accurate MultiplicationTiksli multiplikacija<html><head/><body><p>Use the JIT engine instead of the interpreter for software shader emulation. </p><p>Enable this for better performance.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Naudoti JIT, o ne interpretatorių šešėliuoklei. </p><p>Įjunkite šią funkciją geriausiems greičio rezultatams. </p></body>Enable Shader JITĮjungti šešėliuoklės JIT<html><head/><body><p>Compile shaders using background threads to avoid shader compilation stutter. Expect temporary graphical glitches</p></body></html>Enable Async Shader Compilation<html><head/><body><p>Perform presentation on separate threads. Improves performance when using Vulkan in most games.</p></body></html>Enable Async PresentationAdvanced<html><head/><body><p>Overrides the sampling filter used by games. This can be useful in certain cases with poorly behaved games when upscaling. If unsure set this to Game Controlled</p></body></html>Texture SamplingGame ControlledNearest NeighborLinear<html><head/><body><p>Reduce stuttering by storing and loading generated shaders to disk.</p></body></html>Use Disk Shader CacheVSync prevents the screen from tearing, but some graphics cards have lower performance with VSync enabled. Keep it enabled if you don't notice a performance difference.Enable VSyncConfigureHotkeysHotkey SettingsSparčiųjų klavišų nustatymaiDouble-click on a binding to change it.Clear AllRestore DefaultsActionVeiksmasHotkeySpartusis klavišasConflicting Key SequenceThe entered key sequence is already assigned to: %1A 3ds buttonRestore DefaultClearThe default key sequence is already assigned to: %1ConfigureInputConfigureInputKonfigūruoti įvestįProfileProfilisNewNaujasDeleteIštrintiRenamePervadintiShoulder ButtonsGaliniai mygtukaiZR:ZR:L:L:ZL:ZL:R:R:Face ButtonsPriekiniai mygtukaiY:Y:X:X:B:B:A:A:Directional PadValdymo mygtukaiUp:Aukštyn:Down:Žemyn:Left:Kairėn:Right:Dešinėn:Misc.ĮvairūsStart:Pradėti:Select:Pasirinkti:Home:Meniu mygtukas:Power:Circle Mod:Sumažinti valdiklių jautrą:GPIO14:GPIO14:Debug:Derinimas:Circle PadJudesių apskritimasUp Left:Deadzone: 0Set Analog StickNustatyti analoginį valdiklįUp Right:DiagonalsDown Right:Down Left:C-StickApžvalgos valdiklisMotion / Touch...Judesiai / lietimas...Auto MapClear AllIšvalyti viskąRestore DefaultsAtkurti numatytuosiusUse Artic Controller when connected to Artic Base ServerClearIšvalyti[not set][nenustatyta]Restore DefaultAtkurti numatytuosiusInformationInformacijaAfter pressing OK, first move your joystick horizontally, and then vertically.Kai paspausite OK, pajudinkite savo valdiklio lazdelę horizontaliai, ir paskui vertikaliai.Deadzone: %1%Modifier Scale: %1%WarningAuto mapping failed. Your controller may not have a corresponding mappingAfter pressing OK, press any button on your joystick[press key][paspauskite klavišą]Error!Klaida!You're using a key that's already bound.New ProfileNaujas ProfilisEnter the name for the new profile.Delete ProfileIštrinti ProfilįDelete profile %1?Ištrinti profilį %1?Rename ProfilePervadinti ProfilįNew name:Naujas pavadinimas:Duplicate profile nameProfile name already exists. Please choose a different name.ConfigureLayoutFormScreensScreen LayoutDefaultSingle ScreenLarge ScreenSide by SideSeparate WindowsHybrid ScreenCustom LayoutSwap ScreensRotate Screens UprightLarge Screen ProportionSmall Screen PositionUpper RightMiddle RightBottom Right (default)Upper LeftMiddle LeftBottom LeftAbove large screenBelow large screenBackground ColorTop ScreenX PositionpxY PositionWidthHeightBottom Screen<html><head/><body><p>Bottom Screen Opacity % (OpenGL Only)</p></body></html>Single Screen LayoutStretchLeft/Right PaddingTop/Bottom PaddingNote: These settings affect the Single Screen and Separate Windows layoutsConfigureMotionTouchConfigure Motion / TouchKonfigūruoti judesius / lietimąMotionJudesiaiMotion Provider:Judesių daviklis:Sensitivity:Jautrumas:Controller:ConfigureKonfigūruotiTouchLietimasTouch Provider:Lietimo daviklis:Calibration:Kalibracija:(100, 50) - (1800, 850)(100, 50) - (1800, 850)Use button mapping:CemuhookUDP ConfigCemuhookUDP konfigūracijaYou may use any Cemuhook compatible UDP input source to provide motion and touch input.Jūs galite naudoti bet kokį suderinamą CemuhookUDP įvesties šaltinį perduodant judesius ir lietimą.Server:Serveris:Port:Įvadas:Pad:Įvestis:Pad 1Įvestis 1Pad 2Įvestis 2Pad 3Įvestis 3Pad 4Įvestis 4Learn MoreSužinokite daugiauTestTestuotiMouse (Right Click)Pelė (dešinysis klavišas)CemuhookUDPCemuhookUDPSDLEmulator WindowEmuliatoriaus langas<a'><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">Learn More</span></a>InformationAfter pressing OK, press a button on the controller whose motion you want to track.[press button]TestingTestuojamaConfiguringKonfigūruojamaTest SuccessfulTestavimas pavykoSuccessfully received data from the server.Sėkmingai gauti duomenys iš serverio.Test FailedTestavimas nepavykoCould not receive valid data from the server.<br>Please verify that the server is set up correctly and the address and port are correct.Nepavyko gauti duomenų iš serverio. <br> Prašome patikrinti, ar serveris yra teisingai sukonfigūruotas ir adresas / įvadas yra teisingi.Lime3DSUDP Test or calibration configuration is in progress.<br>Please wait for them to finish.Vyksta UDP testavimas ar kalibracija. <br> Prašome palaukti kol procesai bus užbaigti.ConfigurePerGameDialogInfoSizeFormatNameFilepathTitle IDReset Game SettingsUse global configuration (%1)GeneralSystemEnhancementsLayoutGraphicsAudioDebugCheatsPropertiesLime3DSAre you sure you want to <b>reset your settings for this game</b>?ConfigureStorageFormStorageUse Virtual SDCustom StorageUse Custom StorageNAND DirectoryOpenNOTE: This does not move the contents of the previous directory to the new one.ChangeSDMC DirectorySelect NAND DirectorySelect SDMC DirectoryConfigureSystemFormFormaSystem SettingsSistemos nustatymaiEnable New 3DS modeUse LLE applets (if installed)UsernameVartotojo vardasBirthdayGimtadienisJanuarySausioFebruaryVasarioMarchKovoAprilBalandžioMayGegužėsJuneBirželioJulyLieposAugustRugpjūčioSeptemberRugsėjoOctoberSpalioNovemberLapkričioDecemberGruodžioLanguageKalbaNote: this can be overridden when region setting is auto-selectPastaba: šis nustatymas bus ignoruojamas jeigu regionas nustatytas į "Automatiškai pasirinkti"Japanese (日本語)Japonų (日本語)EnglishAnglų (English)French (français)Prancūzų (français)German (Deutsch)Vokiečių (Deutsch)Italian (italiano)Italų (italiano)Spanish (español)Ispanų (español)Simplified Chinese (简体中文)Supaprastinta kinų (简体中文)Korean (한국어)Korėjiečių (한국어)Dutch (Nederlands)Olandų (Nederlands)Portuguese (português)Portugalų (português)Russian (Русский)Rusų (Русский)Traditional Chinese (正體中文)Tradicinė kinų (正體中文)Sound output modeGarso išvesties režimasMonoMonoStereoStereoSurroundErdvinisCountryŠalisClockLaikrodisSystem ClockSistemos laikrodisFixed TimeNustatytas laikasStartup timeUžkrovimo laikasyyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssmetai-MĖNESIAI-dienaTVALANDA:minutė:sekundėOffset time daysHH:mm:ssInitial System TicksRandomFixedInitial System Ticks OverridePlay Coins:Žaidimų pinigų kiekis:Run System Setup when Home Menu is launchedConsole ID:Konsolės ID:RegenerateRegeneruoti3GX Plugin Loader:Enable 3GX plugin loaderAllow games to change plugin loader stateDownload System Files from Nitendo serversMinimalOld 3DSNew 3DSJPNUSAEURAUSCHNKORTWNDownloadReal Console Unique DataSecureInfo_A/BChooseLocalFriendCodeSeed_A/BCTCertSystem settings are available only when game is not running.Sistemos nustatymai yra prieinami, tik kai žaidimai nepaleisti.JapanJaponijaAnguillaAngilijaAntigua and BarbudaAntigva ir BarbudaArgentinaArgentinaArubaArubaBahamasBahamosBarbadosBarbadosasBelizeBelizasBoliviaBolivijaBrazilBrazilijaBritish Virgin IslandsMergelių salosCanadaKanadaCayman IslandsKaimanų salosChileČilėColombiaKolumbijaCosta RicaKosta RikaDominicaDominikaDominican RepublicDominikos respublikaEcuadorEkvadorasEl SalvadorEl SalvadorasFrench GuianaPrancūzų GvianaGrenadaGrenadaGuadeloupeGvadelupaGuatemalaGvatemalaGuyanaGajanaHaitiHaitisHondurasHondūrasJamaicaJamaikaMartiniqueMartinikaMexicoMeksikaMontserratMontseratasNetherlands AntillesNyderlandų AntilaiNicaraguaNikaragvaPanamaPanamaParaguayParagvajusPeruPeruSaint Kitts and NevisSent Kitsas ir NevisSaint LuciaSent LusijaSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSent Vinsentas ir GrenadinaiSurinameSurinamasTrinidad and TobagoTrinidadas ir TobagasTurks and Caicos IslandsTerksas ir KaikosasUnited StatesJungtinės Amerikos ValstijosUruguayUrugvajusUS Virgin IslandsAmerikos Mergelių salosVenezuelaVenesuelaAlbaniaAlbanijaAustraliaAustralijaAustriaAustrijaBelgiumBelgijaBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnija ir HercegovinaBotswanaBotsvanaBulgariaBulgarijaCroatiaKroatijaCyprusKiprasCzech RepublicČekijaDenmarkDanijaEstoniaEstijaFinlandSuomijaFrancePrancūzijaGermanyVokietijaGreeceGraikijaHungaryVengrijaIcelandIslandijaIrelandAirijaItalyItalijaLatviaLatvijaLesothoLesotasLiechtensteinLichtenšteinasLithuaniaLietuvaLuxembourgLiuksemburgasMacedoniaMakedonijaMaltaMaltaMontenegroJuodkalnijaMozambiqueMozambikasNamibiaNamibijaNetherlandsNyderlandaiNew ZealandNaujoji ZelandijaNorwayNorvegijaPolandLenkijaPortugalPortugalijaRomaniaRumunijaRussiaRusijaSerbiaSerbijaSlovakiaSlovakijaSloveniaSlovėnijaSouth AfricaPietų AfrikaSpainIspanijaSwazilandSvazilandasSwedenŠvedijaSwitzerlandŠveicarijaTurkeyTurkijaUnited KingdomJungtinė KaralystėZambiaZambijaZimbabweZimbabvėAzerbaijanAzerbaidžanasMauritaniaMauritanijaMaliMalisNigerNigerisChadČadasSudanSudanasEritreaEritrėjaDjiboutiDžibutisSomaliaSomalisAndorraAndoraGibraltarGibraltarasGuernseyGernsisIsle of ManMeno salaJerseyDžersisMonacoMonakasTaiwanTaivanasSouth KoreaPietų KorėjaHong KongHong KongasMacauMakaoIndonesiaIndonezijaSingaporeSingapūrasThailandTailandasPhilippinesFilipinaiMalaysiaMalaizijaChinaKinijaUnited Arab EmiratesJungtiniai Arabų EmyrataiIndiaIndijaEgyptEgiptasOmanOmanasQatarKatarasKuwaitKuveitasSaudi ArabiaSaudo ArabijaSyriaSirijaBahrainBahreinasJordanJordanijaSan MarinoSan MarinasVatican CityVatikanasBermudaBermudaiSelect SecureInfo_A/BSecureInfo_A/B (SecureInfo_A SecureInfo_B);;All Files (*.*)Select LocalFriendCodeSeed_A/BLocalFriendCodeSeed_A/B (LocalFriendCodeSeed_A LocalFriendCodeSeed_B);;All Files (*.*)Select CTCertCTCert.bin (*.bin);;All Files (*.*)Download System Files from Nintendo serversLime3DS is missing keys to download system files. <br><a href=''><span style="text-decoration: underline; color:#039be5;">How to get keys?</span></a>Console ID: 0x%1Konsolės ID: 0x%1This will replace your current virtual 3DS with a new one. Your current virtual 3DS will not be recoverable. This might have unexpected effects in games. This might fail, if you use an outdated config savegame. Continue?Tai pakeis jūsų dabartinį virtualų 3DS nauju. Jūsų dabartinis virtualus 3DS bus nebeatkuriamas. Tai gali padaryti netikėtų pokyčių žaidimuose. Tęsti?WarningĮspėjimasDownloading files...CancelLime3DSDownloading system files failed.Successfully downloaded system files.ConfigureTouchFromButtonConfigure Touchscreen MappingsMapping:NewDeleteRenameClick the bottom area to add a point, then press a button to bind.
Drag points to change position, or double-click table cells to edit values.Delete PointButtonXX axisYY axisNew ProfileEnter the name for the new profile.Delete ProfileDelete profile %1?Rename ProfileNew name:[press key]ConfigureUiFormFormaGeneralPagrindinisNote: Changing language will apply your configuration.Interface language:Sąsajos kalba:Theme:Tema:Game ListŽaidimų sąrašo nustatymaiIcon Size:Žaidimo paveikslėlio dydis:NoneNėraSmall (24x24)Mažas (24x24)Large (48x48)Didelis (48x48)Row 1 Text:1 eilutės tekstas:File NameFailo pavadinimasFull PathPilnas adresasTitle Name (short)Title IDProgramos IDTitle Name (long)Row 2 Text:2 eilutės tekstas:Hide Titles without IconPaslėpti programas be paveikslėlioSingle Line Mode<System><System>EnglishAnglų k.ConfigureWebFormFormaDiscord PresenceDiscord nustatymaiShow Current Game in your Discord StatusRodyti jūsų žaidžiamą žaidimą Discord'eDirectConnectDirect ConnectTiesioginis prisijungimasServer Address<html><head/><body><p>Server address of the host</p></body></html>PortPrievadas<html><head/><body><p>Port number the host is listening on</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Prievado numeris, kuris klauso serverio</p></body></html>2487224872NicknameVartotojo vardasPasswordSlaptažodisConnectPrisijungtiDirectConnectWindowConnectingJungiamasiConnectPrisijungtiDumpingDialogDump VideoOutputFormat:Options:...Path:VideoEncoder:Bitrate:bpsAudioLime3DSPlease specify the output path.output formatsvideo encodersaudio encodersCould not find any available %1.
Please check your FFmpeg installation used for compilation.%1 (%2)Select Video Output PathGMainWindowNo Suitable Vulkan Devices DetectedVulkan initialization failed during boot.<br/>Your GPU may not support Vulkan 1.1, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Current Artic Base traffic speed. Higher values indicate bigger transfer loads.Current emulation speed. Values higher or lower than 100% indicate emulation is running faster or slower than a 3DS.Dabartinės emuliacijos greitis. Reikšmės žemiau ar aukščiau 100% parodo, kad emuliacija veikia greičiau ar lėčiau negu 3DS.How many frames per second the game is currently displaying. This will vary from game to game and scene to scene.Kiek FPS žaidimas šiuo metu atvaizduoja. Tai gali keistis nuo žaidimo ir scenos.Time taken to emulate a 3DS frame, not counting framelimiting or v-sync. For full-speed emulation this should be at most 16.67 ms.Laikas, kuris buvo sunaudotas atvaizduoti 1 3DS kadrą, neskaičiuojant FPS ribojimo ar V-Sync. Pilno greičio emuliacijai reikalinga daugiausia 16.67 ms reikšmė.Clear Recent FilesPravalyti neseniai įkrautus failus&Continue&PauseUpdate AvailablePasiekiamas atnaujinimasAn update is available. Would you like to install it now?Atnaujinimas yra pasiekiamas. Ar dabar norite jį įdiegti?No Update FoundAtnaujinimų nerastaNo update is found.Atnaujinimų nerastaMigrationLime3DS has moved to a new data directory.
Would you like to migrate your Citra data to this new location?
(This may take a while; The old data will not be deleted)You can manually re-trigger this prompt by deleting the new user data directory:
%1Data was migrated successfully. Lime3DS will now start.
If you wish to clean up the files which were left in the old data location, you can do so by deleting the following directory:
%1Lime3DS is running a gameTRANSLATORS: This string is shown to the user to explain why Lime3DS needs to prevent the computer from sleepingInvalid ROM FormatKlaidingas ROM formatasYour ROM format is not supported.<br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>.ROM CorruptedPažeistas ROM failasYour ROM is corrupted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>.ROM EncryptedUžšifruotas ROM failasYour ROM is encrypted. <br/>Please follow the guides to redump your <a href=''>game cartridges</a> or <a href=''>installed titles</a>.Unsupported ROMGBA Virtual Console ROMs are not supported by Lime3DS.Artic Base ServerError while loading ROM!Klaida įkraunant ROM!An unknown error occurred. Please see the log for more details.CIA must be installed before usageBefore using this CIA, you must install it. Do you want to install it now?Slot %1Slot %1 - %2 %3Error Opening %1 FolderKlaida atidarant %1 aplankąFolder does not exist!Aplankas neegzistuoja!Remove Play Time DataReset play time?Create ShortcutDo you want to launch the game in fullscreen?Successfully created a shortcut to %1This will create a shortcut to the current AppImage. This may not work well if you update. Continue?Failed to create a shortcut to %1Create IconCannot create icon file. Path "%1" does not exist and cannot be created.Dumping...CancelLime3DS„Lime3DS“Could not dump base RomFS.
Refer to the log for details.Error Opening %1Klaida atidarant %1Select DirectoryPasirinkti katalogąPropertiesThe game properties could not be loaded.3DS Executable (%1);;All Files (*.*)%1 is an identifier for the 3DS executable file extensions.3DS programa (%1);;Visi failai (*.*)Load FileĮkrauti failąLoad FilesĮkrauti failus3DS Installation File (*.CIA*)3DS instaliacijos failas (*.cia*)All Files (*.*)Visi failai (*.*)Connect to Artic BaseEnter Artic Base server address:%1 has been installed successfully.%1 buvo įdiegtas sėkmingai.Unable to open FileNegalima atverti failoCould not open %1Nepavyko atverti %1Installation abortedInstaliacija nutrauktaThe installation of %1 was aborted. Please see the log for more detailsFailo %1 instaliacija buvo nutraukta. Pasižiūrėkite į žurnalą dėl daugiau informacijosInvalid FileKlaidingas failas%1 is not a valid CIA%1 nėra tinkamas CIAEncrypted FileŠifruotas failas%1 must be decrypted before being used with Lime3DS. A real 3DS is required.Unable to find FileCould not find %1Uninstalling '%1'...Failed to uninstall '%1'.Successfully uninstalled '%1'.File not foundFailas nerastasFile "%1" not foundFailas "%1" nerastasSavestatesWarning: Savestates are NOT a replacement for in-game saves, and are not meant to be reliable.
Use at your own risk!Error opening amiibo data fileA tag is already in use.Game is not looking for amiibos.Amiibo File (%1);; All Files (*.*)„Amiibo“ failas (%1);; Visi failai (*.*)Load AmiiboĮkrauti „Amiibo“Unable to open amiibo file "%1" for reading.Record MovieĮrašyti įvesčių vaizdo įrašąMovie recording cancelled.Įrašo įrašymas nutrauktas.Movie SavedĮrašas išsaugotasThe movie is successfully saved.Filmas sėkmingai išsaugotas.Invalid Screenshot DirectoryCannot create specified screenshot directory. Screenshot path is set back to its default value.Could not load video dumperFFmpeg could not be loaded. Make sure you have a compatible version installed.
To install FFmpeg to Lime, press Open and select your FFmpeg directory.
To view a guide on how to install FFmpeg, press Help.Select FFmpeg DirectoryThe provided FFmpeg directory is missing %1. Please make sure the correct directory was selected.FFmpeg has been sucessfully installed.Installation of FFmpeg failed. Check the log file for details.Could not start video dumping.<br>Please ensure that the video encoder is configured correctly.<br>Refer to the log for details.Recording %1Playing %1 / %2Movie Finished(Accessing SharedExtData)(Accessing SystemSaveData)(Accessing BossExtData)(Accessing ExtData)(Accessing SaveData)MB/sKB/sArtic Base Traffic: %1 %2%3Speed: %1%Greitis: %1%Speed: %1% / %2%Greitis: %1% / %2%Game: %1 FPSŽaidimas: %1 kadr./sFrame: %1 msKadras: %1 msVOLUME: MUTEVOLUME: %1%Volume percentage (e.g. 50%)%1 is missing. Please <a'>dump your system archives</a>.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.A system archiveSystem Archive Not FoundSisteminis archyvas nerastasSystem Archive MissingSave/load ErrorFatal ErrorNepataisoma klaidaA fatal error occurred. <a href='https://'>Check the log</a> for details.<br/>Continuing emulation may result in crashes and bugs.Fatal Error encounteredContinueTęstiQuit GameOKWould you like to exit now?Ar norite išeiti?The game is still running. Would you like to stop emulation?Žaidimas vis dar veikia. Ar norite sustabdyti emuliaciją?Playback CompletedAtkūrimas užbaigtasMovie playback completed.Įrašo atkūrimas užbaigtas.Primary WindowSecondary WindowGPUCommandListModelCommand NameKomandos pavadinimasRegisterRegistrasMaskKaukėNew ValueNauja vertėGPUCommandListWidgetPica Command List„Pica“ komandų sąrašasStart TracingPradėti sektiCopy AllKopijuoti viskąFinish TracingUžbaigti sekimąGPUCommandStreamWidgetGraphics DebuggerGrafikos derinimasGRenderWindowOpenGL not available!OpenGL shared contexts are not supported.Error while initializing OpenGL!Your GPU may not support OpenGL, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.Error while initializing OpenGL 4.3!Your GPU may not support OpenGL 4.3, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1Error while initializing OpenGL ES 3.2!Your GPU may not support OpenGL ES 3.2, or you do not have the latest graphics driver.<br><br>GL Renderer:<br>%1GameListCompatibilitySuderinamumasRegionRegionasFile typeFailo tipasSizeDydisPlay timeFavoriteOpenApplication LocationSave Data LocationExtra Data LocationUpdate Data LocationDLC Data LocationTexture Dump LocationCustom Texture LocationMods LocationDump RomFSDisk Shader CacheOpen Shader Cache LocationDelete OpenGL Shader CacheUninstallEverythingGameUpdateDLCRemove Play Time DataCreate ShortcutAdd to DesktopAdd to Applications MenuPropertiesLime3DSAre you sure you want to completely uninstall '%1'?
This will delete the game if installed, as well as any installed updates or DLC.%1 (Update)%1 (DLC)Are you sure you want to uninstall '%1'?Are you sure you want to uninstall the update for '%1'?Are you sure you want to uninstall all DLC for '%1'?Scan SubfoldersIeškoti poaplankiusRemove Game DirectoryPašalinti žaidimo katalogąMove UpMove DownOpen Directory LocationAtidaryti katalogo vietąClearNamePavadinimasGameListItemCompatPerfectTobulasGame functions flawless with no audio or graphical glitches, all tested functionality works as intended without
any workarounds needed.Žaidimas veikia nuostabiai be jokių garso ar vaizdo trikdžių, visos išbandytos funkcijos veikia kaip numatyta be problemų apėjimų.GreatPuikusGame functions with minor graphical or audio glitches and is playable from start to finish. May require some
workarounds.Žaidimas veikia su smulkiais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais ir gali būti pereitas nuo pradžios iki galo. Gali reikalauti keleto problemų apėjimų.OkayGerasGame functions with major graphical or audio glitches, but game is playable from start to finish with
workarounds.Žaidimas veikia su dideliais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais, bet žaidimas gali būti pereitas nuo pradžios iki galo su problemų apėjimais.BadBlogasGame functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches
even with workarounds.Žaidimas veikia, bet su dideliais garso arba vaizdo trikdžiais. Neįmanoma pereiti keleto vietų net su problemų apėjimais.Intro/MenuRodo tik pradžios ekranąGame is completely unplayable due to major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress past the Start
Screen.Žaidimas yra visiškai negalimas žaisti dėl didelių garso ar vaizdo trikdžių. Neįmanoma pratęsti žaidimo toliau negu pradžios ekranas.Won't BootNepasileidžiaThe game crashes when attempting to startup.Žaidimas netikėtai išsijungia pasileidžiant.Not TestedNetestuotaThe game has not yet been tested.Žaidimas dar nebuvo išbandytas.GameListPlaceholderDouble-click to add a new folder to the game listGameListSearchFieldofišresultrezultatųresultsrezultataiFilter:Filtras:Enter pattern to filterĮveskite raktinius žodžius filtravimuiGameRegionJapanNorth AmericaEuropeAustraliaChinaKoreaTaiwanInvalid regionRegion freeGraphicsBreakPointsWidgetPica Breakpoints„Pica“ nutrūkimo taškaiEmulation runningEmuliacija veikiaResumePratęstiEmulation halted at breakpointEmuliacija sustabdyta nutrūkimo taškeGraphicsSurfaceWidgetPica Surface Viewer„Pica“ pagrindo žiūryklėColor BufferSpalvos buferisDepth BufferGylio buferisStencil BufferŠablono buferisTexture 0Tekstūra 0Texture 1Tekstūra 1Texture 2Tekstūra 2CustomPasirinktinisUnknownNežinomaSaveIšsaugotiSource:Šaltinis:Physical Address:Fizinis adresas:Width:Plotis:Height:Aukštis:Format:Formatas:X:X:Y:Y:Pixel out of boundsPikseliai už ribų(unable to access pixel data)(negalima pasiekti pikselių duomenų)(invalid surface address)(netinkamas paviršiaus adresas)(unknown surface format)(nežinomas paviršiaus formatas)Portable Network Graphic (*.png)Kilnojama tinklo grafika (*.png)Binary data (*.bin)Dvejetainiai duomenys (*.bin)Save SurfaceIšsaugoti paviršiųErrorFailed to open file '%1'Failed to save surface data to file '%1'Failed to completely write surface data to file. The saved data will likely be corrupt.GraphicsTracingWidgetCiTrace RecorderCiTrace įrašymasStart RecordingPradėti įrašymąStop and SaveSustabdyti ir išsaugotiAbort RecordingNutraukti įrašymąSave CiTraceIšsaugoti CiTraceCiTrace File (*.ctf)CiTrace failas (*.ctf)CiTracing still activeCiTracing vis dar veikiaA CiTrace is still being recorded. Do you want to save it? If not, all recorded data will be discarded.CiTrace vis dar įrašomas. Ar norite išsaugoti įrašymą? Jeigu ne, visi įrašyti duomenys bus atmesti.GraphicsVertexShaderModelOffsetOfsetasRawNeapdorotasDisassemblyIšardymasGraphicsVertexShaderWidgetSave Shader DumpIšsaugoti šešėliuoklės kopijąShader Binary (*.shbin)Šešėliuoklės kodas (*.shbin)Pica Vertex Shader(data only available at vertex shader invocation breakpoints)(duomenys prieinami tik vertekso šešėliuoklės iškvietimo sustabdymo taškuose)DumpKopijuotiInput DataĮvesties duomenysAttribute %1Atributas %1Cycle Index:Rato indeksas:SRC1: %1, %2, %3, %4
SRC1: %1, %2, %3, %4
SRC2: %1, %2, %3, %4
SRC2: %1, %2, %3, %4
SRC3: %1, %2, %3, %4
SRC3: %1, %2, %3, %4
DEST_IN: %1, %2, %3, %4
DEST_IN: %1, %2, %3, %4
DEST_OUT: %1, %2, %3, %4
DEST_OUT: %1, %2, %3, %4
Address Registers: %1, %2
Adreso registrai: %1, %2
Compare Result: %1, %2
Palyginti rezultatus: %1, %2
Static Condition: %1
Statinė sąlyga %1
Dynamic Conditions: %1, %2
Dinaminės sąlygos: %1, %2
Loop Parameters: %1 (repeats), %2 (initializer), %3 (increment), %4
Ciklo parametrai: %1 (pasikartoja), %2 (inicijuoja), %3 (didina), %4
Instruction offset: 0x%1Instrukcijos ofsetas: 0x%1 -> 0x%2-> 0x%2 (last instruction)(paskutinė instrukcija)HostRoomCreate RoomSukurti serverįRoom NameServerio pavadinimasPreferred GamePageidautinas žaidimasMax PlayersDaugiausia žaidėjųUsernameVartotojo vardas(Leave blank for open game)(palikite tuščią, jei nesvarbu)PasswordSlaptažodisPortPrievadasRoom DescriptionServerio aprašymasLoad Previous Ban ListPublicViešasUnlistedNematomasHost RoomPaskelbti serverįHostRoomWindowErrorFailed to announce the room to the public lobby. In order to host a room publicly, you must have a valid Lime3DS account configured in Emulation -> Configure -> Web. If you do not want to publish a room in the public lobby, then select Unlisted instead.
Debug Message: IPCRecorderIPC RecorderEnable RecordingFilter:Leave empty to disable filtering#StatusServiceFunctionClearIPCRecorderWidgetInvalidSentHandlingSuccessErrorHLE UnimplementedHLELLEUnknownLLEServiceModulesWidgetToggle LLE Service ModulesĮjungti žemo lygio emuliacijos sisteminius moduliusLoadingScreenLoading Shaders 387 / 1628Loading Shaders %v out of %mEstimated Time 5m 4sLoading...Preloading Textures %1 / %2Preparing Shaders %1 / %2Loading Shaders %1 / %2Launching...Now Loading
%1Estimated Time %1LobbyPublic Room BrowserViešų serverių naršyklėNicknameVartotojo vardasFiltersFiltraiSearchPaieškaGames I OwnŽaidimai, kuriuos turiuHide Empty RoomsHide Full RoomsSlėpti pilnus serveriusRefresh LobbyAtnaujinti sąrašąPassword Required to JoinReikalingas slaptažodisPassword:Slaptažodis:Room NameServerio pavadinimasPreferred GamePageidautinas žaidimasHostVartotojasPlayersŽaidėjų skaičiusRefreshingAtnaujinamaRefresh ListAtnaujinti sąrašąMainWindowLime&File&FailasBoot Home MenuRecent FilesNeseniai įkrauti failaiAmiibo„Amiibo“ &Emulation&EmuliacijaSave StateLoad State&View&ŽiūrėtiDebuggingDerinimasScreen LayoutEkranų išdėstymasSmall Screen PositionMultiplayerKelių žaidėjų režimasToolsĮrankiaiMovieĮvesčių įrašai&Help&PagalbaLoad File...Įkrauti failą...Install CIA...Diegti CIA...Connect to Artic Base...JPNUSAEURAUSCHNKORTWNE&xitĮ&šeiti&Pause&Pauzė&Stop&SustabdytiSaveLoadDiscordAbout Lime3DSSingle Window ModeVieno lango režimasSave to Oldest SlotLoad from Newest SlotConfigure...Konfigūruoti...Display Dock Widget HeadersRodyti ikonėles apačiojeShow Filter BarRodyti paieškos juostąShow Status BarRodyti būsenos juostąCreate Pica Surface ViewerSukurti „Pica“ pagrindo žiūryklęRecord...Play...CloseSave without ClosingRead-Only ModeAdvance FramePereiti į kitą kadrąCapture ScreenshotDump VideoBrowse Public Game LobbyPeržiūrėti viešus žaidimų serveriusCreate RoomSukurti serverįLeave RoomPalikti serverįDirect Connect to RoomTiesioginis prisijungimas prie serverioShow Current RoomRodyti dabartinį serverįFullscreenPer visą ekranąOpen Log FolderOpens the Lime3DS log folderModify Lime3DS InstallModifikuoti „Lime3DS“ instaliacijąOpens the maintenance tool to modify your Lime3DS installationAtidaro priežiūros įrankį modifikuoti jūsų „Lime3DS“ instaliacijąDefaultNumatytasisSingle ScreenVienas ekranasLarge ScreenDidelis ekranasSide by SideVienas prie kito šonuSeparate WindowsHybrid ScreenCustom LayoutTop RightMiddle RightBottom RightTop LeftMiddle LeftBottom LeftAboveBelowSwap ScreensApkeisti ekranusRotate UprightCheck for UpdatesTikrinti, ar yra naujinimųReport CompatibilityPranešti suderinamumąRestartPersirautiLoad...Įkrauti...RemovePašalintiOpen Lime3DS FolderAtidaryti „Lime3DS“ aplankąConfigure Current Game...MicroProfileDialogMicroProfileMikroprofilisModerationDialogModerationBan ListRefreshingAtnaujinamaUnbanSubjectTemaTypeTipasForum UsernameForumo Vartotojo vardasIP AddressIP adresasRefreshAtnaujintiMoviePlayDialogPlay MovieFile:...InfoGame:Author:Rerecord Count:Length:Current running game will be stopped.<br>Current recording will be discarded.Lime3DS TAS Movie (*.ctm)Invalid movie file.Revision dismatch, playback may desync.Indicated length is incorrect, file may be corrupted.(unknown)Game used in this movie is not in game list.(>1 day)MovieRecordDialogRecord MovieFile:...Author:Current running game will be restarted.<br>Current recording will be discarded.Recording will start once you boot a game.Lime3DS TAS Movie (*.ctm)MultiplayerStateCurrent connection statusDabartinis ryšio statusasNot Connected. Click here to find a room!Neprisijungta. Paspauskite čia, kad susirastumėte serverį!ConnectedPrisijungtaNot ConnectedNeprisijungtaErrorKlaidaFailed to update the room information. Please check your Internet connection and try hosting the room again.
Debug Message: New Messages ReceivedGauti nauji pranešimaiNetworkMessageLeave RoomPalikti serverįYou are about to close the room. Any network connections will be closed.Jūs netrukus uždarysite serverį. Visa su serveriu susijusi informacija bus prarasta.DisconnectAtsijungtiYou are about to leave the room. Any network connections will be closed.Jūs netrukus paliksite serverį. Visa su serveriu susijusi informacija bus prarasta.NetworkMessage::ErrorManagerUsername is not valid. Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters.Room name is not valid. Must be 4 to 20 alphanumeric characters.Username is already in use or not valid. Please choose another.IP is not a valid IPv4 address.Port must be a number between 0 to 65535.You must choose a Preferred Game to host a room. If you do not have any games in your game list yet, add a game folder by clicking on the plus icon in the game list.Unable to find an internet connection. Check your internet settings.Unable to connect to the host. Verify that the connection settings are correct. If you still cannot connect, contact the room host and verify that the host is properly configured with the external port forwarded.Unable to connect to the room because it is already full.Creating a room failed. Please retry. Restarting Lime3DS might be necessary.The host of the room has banned you. Speak with the host to unban you or try a different room.Version mismatch! Please update to the latest version of Lime3DS. If the problem persists, contact the room host and ask them to update the server.Incorrect password.An unknown error occurred. If this error continues to occur, please open an issueConnection to room lost. Try to reconnect.You have been kicked by the room host.MAC address is already in use. Please choose another.Your Console ID conflicted with someone else's in the room.
Please go to Emulation > Configure > System to regenerate your Console ID.You do not have enough permission to perform this action.The user you are trying to kick/ban could not be found.
They may have left the room.ErrorOptionSetDialogOptionsUnsetunknown%1 <%2> %3Range: %1 - %2custom%1 (0x%2) %3OptionsDialogOptionsDouble click to see the description and change the values of the options.SpecificGenericNameValueQObjectSupported image files (%1)Palaikomi paveikslėlių tipai (%1)Open FileAtidaryti failąErrorKlaidaCouldn't load the cameraNepavyko įkrauti kamerosCouldn't load %1Nepavyko įkrauti %1ShiftShiftCtrlCtrlAltAlt[not set][nenustatytas]Hat %1 %2Pusė %1 %2Axis %1%2Ašis %1%2Button %1Mygtukas %1GC Axis %1%2GC Button %1[unknown][nežinomas][unused][nenaudojamas]autotruefalsenone%1 (0x%2)Invalid regionKlaidingas regionasInstalled TitlesSystem TitlesAdd New Game DirectoryFavoritesNot playing a gameNežaidžia žaidimo%1 is not playing a game%1 nežaidžia žaidimo%1 is playing %2%1 žaidžia %2QtKeyboardSoftware KeyboardQtKeyboardDialogText length is not correct (should be %1 characters)Teksto ilgis nėra teisingas (turi būti %1 simbolis / -iai)Text is too long (should be no more than %1 characters)Tekstas yra per ilgas (turi būti ne didesnis kaip %1 simbolis / -iai)Blank input is not allowedTuščias laukelis nėra galimasEmpty input is not allowedTuščias laukelis nėra galimasValidation errorTikrinimo klaidaQtMiiSelectorDialogMii SelectorStandard MiiRecordDialogView RecordClientProcess:Thread:Session:ServerGeneralClient Port:Service:Function:Command BufferSelect:Request UntranslatedRequest TranslatedReply UntranslatedReply TranslatedOKnullRegistersWidgetRegistersRegistraiVFP RegistersVFP registraiVFP System RegistersVFP sistemos registraiVector LengthVektoriaus ilgisVector StrideVektoriaus žingsnisRounding ModeApvalinimo režimasVector Iteration CountVektoriaus iteracijos skaičiavimasSequenceDialogEnter a hotkeyĮveskite spartųjį klavišąWaitTreeEventreset type = %1perkrovimo tipas = %1WaitTreeMutexlocked %1 times by thread:užrakintas = %1 kartų gijoje:freelaisvasWaitTreeMutexListholding mutexeslaiko muteksusWaitTreeObjectListwaiting for all objectslaukia visų objektųwaiting for one of the following objectslaukia vieno iš išvardintų objektųWaitTreeSemaphoreavailable count = %1galimas skaičiavimas = %1max count = %1maksimalus skaičiavimas = %1WaitTreeThreadrunningveikiareadypasiruošęswaiting for address 0x%1laukia adreso 0x%1sleepingmiegawaiting for IPC responselaukia IPC atsakymowaiting for objectslaukia objektųwaiting for HLE returnlaukia HLE atsakymodormantneveikiantisdeadnumiręs PC = 0x%1 LR = 0x%2PC = 0x%1 LR = 0x%2defaultnumatytasisallvisiAppCoreAppCoreSysCoreSysCoreUnknown processor %1Nežinomas procesorius %1object id = %1processor = %1procesorius = %1thread id = %1gijos id = %1process = %1 (%2)priority = %1(current) / %2(normal)prioritetas = %1(dabartinis) / %2(normalus)last running ticks = %1paskutinis veikia tiksėjimu = %1not holding mutexnelaiko muteksoWaitTreeThreadListwaited by threadlaukiamas gijosWaitTreeTimerreset type = %1perkrovimo tipas = %1initial delay = %1pradinis laukimas = %1interval delay = %1intervalo laukimas = %1WaitTreeWaitObject[%1]%2 %3[%1]%2 %3waited by no threadnelaukiamas nė vienos gijosone shotvieną kartąstickylipnuspulsepulsasWaitTreeWidgetWait TreeLaukimo gijų medis