Rabbit-R1/android (non root)/java/sources/androidx/media3/datasource/cache/CacheWriter.java

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2024-05-21 21:08:36 +00:00
package androidx.media3.datasource.cache;
import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public final class CacheWriter {
public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 131072;
private long bytesCached;
private final Cache cache;
private final String cacheKey;
private final CacheDataSource dataSource;
private final DataSpec dataSpec;
private long endPosition;
private volatile boolean isCanceled;
private long nextPosition;
private final ProgressListener progressListener;
private final byte[] temporaryBuffer;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public interface ProgressListener {
void onProgress(long j, long j2, long j3);
public void cancel() {
this.isCanceled = true;
public CacheWriter(CacheDataSource cacheDataSource, DataSpec dataSpec, byte[] bArr, ProgressListener progressListener) {
this.dataSource = cacheDataSource;
this.cache = cacheDataSource.getCache();
this.dataSpec = dataSpec;
this.temporaryBuffer = bArr == null ? new byte[131072] : bArr;
this.progressListener = progressListener;
this.cacheKey = cacheDataSource.getCacheKeyFactory().buildCacheKey(dataSpec);
this.nextPosition = dataSpec.position;
public void cache() throws IOException {
this.bytesCached = this.cache.getCachedBytes(this.cacheKey, this.dataSpec.position, this.dataSpec.length);
if (this.dataSpec.length != -1) {
this.endPosition = this.dataSpec.position + this.dataSpec.length;
} else {
long contentLength = ContentMetadata.getContentLength(this.cache.getContentMetadata(this.cacheKey));
if (contentLength == -1) {
contentLength = -1;
this.endPosition = contentLength;
ProgressListener progressListener = this.progressListener;
if (progressListener != null) {
progressListener.onProgress(getLength(), this.bytesCached, 0L);
while (true) {
long j = this.endPosition;
if (j != -1 && this.nextPosition >= j) {
long j2 = this.endPosition;
long cachedLength = this.cache.getCachedLength(this.cacheKey, this.nextPosition, j2 == -1 ? Long.MAX_VALUE : j2 - this.nextPosition);
if (cachedLength > 0) {
this.nextPosition += cachedLength;
} else {
long j3 = -cachedLength;
if (j3 == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
j3 = -1;
long j4 = this.nextPosition;
this.nextPosition = j4 + readBlockToCache(j4, j3);
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x003a */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x006f A[Catch: IOException -> 0x0068, TryCatch #0 {IOException -> 0x0068, blocks: (B:25:0x0064, B:33:0x006f, B:36:0x007d, B:42:0x0085), top: B:24:0x0064 }] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:42:0x0085 A[Catch: IOException -> 0x0068, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #0 {IOException -> 0x0068, blocks: (B:25:0x0064, B:33:0x006f, B:36:0x007d, B:42:0x0085), top: B:24:0x0064 }] */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private long readBlockToCache(long r7, long r9) throws java.io.IOException {
r6 = this;
long r0 = r7 + r9
long r2 = r6.endPosition
int r0 = (r0 > r2 ? 1 : (r0 == r2 ? 0 : -1))
r1 = 1
r2 = 0
r3 = -1
if (r0 == 0) goto L13
int r0 = (r9 > r3 ? 1 : (r9 == r3 ? 0 : -1))
if (r0 != 0) goto L11
goto L13
r0 = r2
goto L14
r0 = r1
int r5 = (r9 > r3 ? 1 : (r9 == r3 ? 0 : -1))
if (r5 == 0) goto L36
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec r5 = r6.dataSpec
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r5 = r5.buildUpon()
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r5 = r5.setPosition(r7)
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r9 = r5.setLength(r9)
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec r9 = r9.build()
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r10 = r6.dataSource // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L31
long r9 = r10.open(r9) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L31
goto L38
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r9 = r6.dataSource
r1 = r2
r9 = r3
if (r1 != 0) goto L5d
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec r9 = r6.dataSpec
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r9 = r9.buildUpon()
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r9 = r9.setPosition(r7)
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec$Builder r9 = r9.setLength(r3)
androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec r9 = r9.build()
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r10 = r6.dataSource // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L56
long r9 = r10.open(r9) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L56
goto L5d
r7 = move-exception
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r6 = r6.dataSource
throw r7
if (r0 == 0) goto L6a
int r1 = (r9 > r3 ? 1 : (r9 == r3 ? 0 : -1))
if (r1 == 0) goto L6a
long r9 = r9 + r7
r6.onRequestEndPosition(r9) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
goto L6a
r7 = move-exception
goto L8b
r9 = r2
r10 = r9
r1 = -1
if (r9 == r1) goto L83
r6.throwIfCanceled() // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r9 = r6.dataSource // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
byte[] r3 = r6.temporaryBuffer // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
int r4 = r3.length // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
int r9 = r9.read(r3, r2, r4) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
if (r9 == r1) goto L6c
long r3 = (long) r9 // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
r6.onNewBytesCached(r3) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
int r10 = r10 + r9
goto L6c
if (r0 == 0) goto L91
long r0 = (long) r10 // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
long r7 = r7 + r0
r6.onRequestEndPosition(r7) // Catch: java.io.IOException -> L68
goto L91
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r6 = r6.dataSource
throw r7
androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource r6 = r6.dataSource
long r6 = (long) r10
return r6
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheWriter.readBlockToCache(long, long):long");
private void onRequestEndPosition(long j) {
if (this.endPosition == j) {
this.endPosition = j;
ProgressListener progressListener = this.progressListener;
if (progressListener != null) {
progressListener.onProgress(getLength(), this.bytesCached, 0L);
private void onNewBytesCached(long j) {
this.bytesCached += j;
ProgressListener progressListener = this.progressListener;
if (progressListener != null) {
progressListener.onProgress(getLength(), this.bytesCached, j);
private long getLength() {
long j = this.endPosition;
if (j == -1) {
return -1L;
return j - this.dataSpec.position;
private void throwIfCanceled() throws InterruptedIOException {
if (this.isCanceled) {
throw new InterruptedIOException();