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synced 2025-01-09 13:43:22 +00:00
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package androidx.media3.common;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.media3.common.Bundleable;
import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.BundleableUtil;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public final class MediaItem implements Bundleable {
public static final String DEFAULT_MEDIA_ID = "";
public final ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration;
public final ClippingProperties clippingProperties;
public final LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration;
public final LocalConfiguration localConfiguration;
public final String mediaId;
public final MediaMetadata mediaMetadata;
public final LocalConfiguration playbackProperties;
public final RequestMetadata requestMetadata;
public static final MediaItem EMPTY = new Builder().build();
private static final String FIELD_MEDIA_ID = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_LIVE_CONFIGURATION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_MEDIA_METADATA = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_CLIPPING_PROPERTIES = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_REQUEST_METADATA = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
private static final String FIELD_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(5);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<MediaItem> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem fromBundle;
fromBundle = MediaItem.fromBundle(bundle);
return fromBundle;
public static MediaItem fromUri(String str) {
return new Builder().setUri(str).build();
public static MediaItem fromUri(Uri uri) {
return new Builder().setUri(uri).build();
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration;
private ClippingConfiguration.Builder clippingConfiguration;
private String customCacheKey;
private DrmConfiguration.Builder drmConfiguration;
private LiveConfiguration.Builder liveConfiguration;
private String mediaId;
private MediaMetadata mediaMetadata;
private String mimeType;
private RequestMetadata requestMetadata;
private List<StreamKey> streamKeys;
private ImmutableList<SubtitleConfiguration> subtitleConfigurations;
private Object tag;
private Uri uri;
public Builder setAdsConfiguration(AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration) {
this.adsConfiguration = adsConfiguration;
return this;
public Builder setCustomCacheKey(String str) {
this.customCacheKey = str;
return this;
public Builder setMediaMetadata(MediaMetadata mediaMetadata) {
this.mediaMetadata = mediaMetadata;
return this;
public Builder setMimeType(String str) {
this.mimeType = str;
return this;
public Builder setRequestMetadata(RequestMetadata requestMetadata) {
this.requestMetadata = requestMetadata;
return this;
public Builder setTag(Object obj) {
this.tag = obj;
return this;
public Builder setUri(Uri uri) {
this.uri = uri;
return this;
public Builder() {
this.clippingConfiguration = new ClippingConfiguration.Builder();
this.drmConfiguration = new DrmConfiguration.Builder();
this.streamKeys = Collections.emptyList();
this.subtitleConfigurations = ImmutableList.of();
this.liveConfiguration = new LiveConfiguration.Builder();
this.requestMetadata = RequestMetadata.EMPTY;
private Builder(MediaItem mediaItem) {
DrmConfiguration.Builder builder;
this.clippingConfiguration = mediaItem.clippingConfiguration.buildUpon();
this.mediaId = mediaItem.mediaId;
this.mediaMetadata = mediaItem.mediaMetadata;
this.liveConfiguration = mediaItem.liveConfiguration.buildUpon();
this.requestMetadata = mediaItem.requestMetadata;
LocalConfiguration localConfiguration = mediaItem.localConfiguration;
if (localConfiguration != null) {
this.customCacheKey = localConfiguration.customCacheKey;
this.mimeType = localConfiguration.mimeType;
this.uri = localConfiguration.uri;
this.streamKeys = localConfiguration.streamKeys;
this.subtitleConfigurations = localConfiguration.subtitleConfigurations;
this.tag = localConfiguration.tag;
if (localConfiguration.drmConfiguration != null) {
builder = localConfiguration.drmConfiguration.buildUpon();
} else {
builder = new DrmConfiguration.Builder();
this.drmConfiguration = builder;
this.adsConfiguration = localConfiguration.adsConfiguration;
public Builder setMediaId(String str) {
this.mediaId = (String) Assertions.checkNotNull(str);
return this;
public Builder setUri(String str) {
return setUri(str == null ? null : Uri.parse(str));
public Builder setClippingConfiguration(ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration) {
this.clippingConfiguration = clippingConfiguration.buildUpon();
return this;
public Builder setClipStartPositionMs(long j) {
return this;
public Builder setClipEndPositionMs(long j) {
return this;
public Builder setClipRelativeToLiveWindow(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setClipRelativeToDefaultPosition(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setClipStartsAtKeyFrame(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmConfiguration(DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration) {
this.drmConfiguration = drmConfiguration != null ? drmConfiguration.buildUpon() : new DrmConfiguration.Builder();
return this;
public Builder setDrmLicenseUri(Uri uri) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmLicenseUri(String str) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmLicenseRequestHeaders(Map<String, String> map) {
DrmConfiguration.Builder builder = this.drmConfiguration;
if (map == null) {
map = ImmutableMap.of();
return this;
public Builder setDrmUuid(UUID uuid) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmMultiSession(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmForceDefaultLicenseUri(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmPlayClearContentWithoutKey(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmSessionForClearPeriods(boolean z) {
return this;
public Builder setDrmSessionForClearTypes(List<Integer> list) {
DrmConfiguration.Builder builder = this.drmConfiguration;
if (list == null) {
list = ImmutableList.of();
return this;
public Builder setDrmKeySetId(byte[] bArr) {
return this;
public Builder setStreamKeys(List<StreamKey> list) {
List<StreamKey> emptyList;
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
emptyList = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList(list));
} else {
emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
this.streamKeys = emptyList;
return this;
public Builder setSubtitles(List<Subtitle> list) {
this.subtitleConfigurations = list != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf((Collection) list) : ImmutableList.of();
return this;
public Builder setSubtitleConfigurations(List<SubtitleConfiguration> list) {
this.subtitleConfigurations = ImmutableList.copyOf((Collection) list);
return this;
public Builder setAdTagUri(String str) {
return setAdTagUri(str != null ? Uri.parse(str) : null);
public Builder setAdTagUri(Uri uri) {
return setAdTagUri(uri, null);
public Builder setAdTagUri(Uri uri, Object obj) {
this.adsConfiguration = uri != null ? new AdsConfiguration.Builder(uri).setAdsId(obj).build() : null;
return this;
public Builder setLiveConfiguration(LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration) {
this.liveConfiguration = liveConfiguration.buildUpon();
return this;
public Builder setLiveTargetOffsetMs(long j) {
return this;
public Builder setLiveMinOffsetMs(long j) {
return this;
public Builder setLiveMaxOffsetMs(long j) {
return this;
public Builder setLiveMinPlaybackSpeed(float f) {
return this;
public Builder setLiveMaxPlaybackSpeed(float f) {
return this;
public MediaItem build() {
LocalConfiguration localConfiguration;
Assertions.checkState(this.drmConfiguration.licenseUri == null || this.drmConfiguration.scheme != null);
Uri uri = this.uri;
if (uri != null) {
localConfiguration = new LocalConfiguration(uri, this.mimeType, this.drmConfiguration.scheme != null ? this.drmConfiguration.build() : null, this.adsConfiguration, this.streamKeys, this.customCacheKey, this.subtitleConfigurations, this.tag);
} else {
localConfiguration = null;
String str = this.mediaId;
if (str == null) {
str = "";
String str2 = str;
ClippingProperties buildClippingProperties = this.clippingConfiguration.buildClippingProperties();
LiveConfiguration build = this.liveConfiguration.build();
MediaMetadata mediaMetadata = this.mediaMetadata;
if (mediaMetadata == null) {
mediaMetadata = MediaMetadata.EMPTY;
return new MediaItem(str2, buildClippingProperties, localConfiguration, build, mediaMetadata, this.requestMetadata);
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class DrmConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final boolean forceDefaultLicenseUri;
public final ImmutableList<Integer> forcedSessionTrackTypes;
private final byte[] keySetId;
public final ImmutableMap<String, String> licenseRequestHeaders;
public final Uri licenseUri;
public final boolean multiSession;
public final boolean playClearContentWithoutKey;
public final ImmutableMap<String, String> requestHeaders;
public final UUID scheme;
public final ImmutableList<Integer> sessionForClearTypes;
public final UUID uuid;
private static final String FIELD_SCHEME = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_LICENSE_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_LICENSE_REQUEST_HEADERS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_MULTI_SESSION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_PLAY_CLEAR_CONTENT_WITHOUT_KEY = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
private static final String FIELD_FORCE_DEFAULT_LICENSE_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(5);
private static final String FIELD_FORCED_SESSION_TRACK_TYPES = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(6);
private static final String FIELD_KEY_SET_ID = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(7);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<DrmConfiguration> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$DrmConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem.DrmConfiguration fromBundle;
fromBundle = MediaItem.DrmConfiguration.fromBundle(bundle);
return fromBundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private boolean forceDefaultLicenseUri;
private ImmutableList<Integer> forcedSessionTrackTypes;
private byte[] keySetId;
private ImmutableMap<String, String> licenseRequestHeaders;
private Uri licenseUri;
private boolean multiSession;
private boolean playClearContentWithoutKey;
private UUID scheme;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public Builder setNullableScheme(UUID uuid) {
this.scheme = uuid;
return this;
public Builder setForceDefaultLicenseUri(boolean z) {
this.forceDefaultLicenseUri = z;
return this;
public Builder setLicenseUri(Uri uri) {
this.licenseUri = uri;
return this;
public Builder setMultiSession(boolean z) {
this.multiSession = z;
return this;
public Builder setPlayClearContentWithoutKey(boolean z) {
this.playClearContentWithoutKey = z;
return this;
public Builder setScheme(UUID uuid) {
this.scheme = uuid;
return this;
public Builder(UUID uuid) {
this.scheme = uuid;
this.licenseRequestHeaders = ImmutableMap.of();
this.forcedSessionTrackTypes = ImmutableList.of();
private Builder() {
this.licenseRequestHeaders = ImmutableMap.of();
this.forcedSessionTrackTypes = ImmutableList.of();
private Builder(DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration) {
this.scheme = drmConfiguration.scheme;
this.licenseUri = drmConfiguration.licenseUri;
this.licenseRequestHeaders = drmConfiguration.licenseRequestHeaders;
this.multiSession = drmConfiguration.multiSession;
this.playClearContentWithoutKey = drmConfiguration.playClearContentWithoutKey;
this.forceDefaultLicenseUri = drmConfiguration.forceDefaultLicenseUri;
this.forcedSessionTrackTypes = drmConfiguration.forcedSessionTrackTypes;
this.keySetId = drmConfiguration.keySetId;
public Builder setLicenseUri(String str) {
this.licenseUri = str == null ? null : Uri.parse(str);
return this;
public Builder setLicenseRequestHeaders(Map<String, String> map) {
this.licenseRequestHeaders = ImmutableMap.copyOf((Map) map);
return this;
public Builder forceSessionsForAudioAndVideoTracks(boolean z) {
return setForceSessionsForAudioAndVideoTracks(z);
public Builder setForceSessionsForAudioAndVideoTracks(boolean z) {
ImmutableList of;
if (z) {
of = ImmutableList.of(2, 1);
} else {
of = ImmutableList.of();
return this;
public Builder setForcedSessionTrackTypes(List<Integer> list) {
this.forcedSessionTrackTypes = ImmutableList.copyOf((Collection) list);
return this;
public Builder setKeySetId(byte[] bArr) {
this.keySetId = bArr != null ? Arrays.copyOf(bArr, bArr.length) : null;
return this;
public DrmConfiguration build() {
return new DrmConfiguration(this);
private DrmConfiguration(Builder builder) {
Assertions.checkState((builder.forceDefaultLicenseUri && builder.licenseUri == null) ? false : true);
UUID uuid = (UUID) Assertions.checkNotNull(builder.scheme);
this.scheme = uuid;
this.uuid = uuid;
this.licenseUri = builder.licenseUri;
this.requestHeaders = builder.licenseRequestHeaders;
this.licenseRequestHeaders = builder.licenseRequestHeaders;
this.multiSession = builder.multiSession;
this.forceDefaultLicenseUri = builder.forceDefaultLicenseUri;
this.playClearContentWithoutKey = builder.playClearContentWithoutKey;
this.sessionForClearTypes = builder.forcedSessionTrackTypes;
this.forcedSessionTrackTypes = builder.forcedSessionTrackTypes;
this.keySetId = builder.keySetId != null ? Arrays.copyOf(builder.keySetId, builder.keySetId.length) : null;
public byte[] getKeySetId() {
byte[] bArr = this.keySetId;
if (bArr != null) {
return Arrays.copyOf(bArr, bArr.length);
return null;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof DrmConfiguration)) {
return false;
DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration = (DrmConfiguration) obj;
return this.scheme.equals(drmConfiguration.scheme) && Util.areEqual(this.licenseUri, drmConfiguration.licenseUri) && Util.areEqual(this.licenseRequestHeaders, drmConfiguration.licenseRequestHeaders) && this.multiSession == drmConfiguration.multiSession && this.forceDefaultLicenseUri == drmConfiguration.forceDefaultLicenseUri && this.playClearContentWithoutKey == drmConfiguration.playClearContentWithoutKey && this.forcedSessionTrackTypes.equals(drmConfiguration.forcedSessionTrackTypes) && Arrays.equals(this.keySetId, drmConfiguration.keySetId);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = this.scheme.hashCode() * 31;
Uri uri = this.licenseUri;
return ((((((((((((hashCode + (uri != null ? uri.hashCode() : 0)) * 31) + this.licenseRequestHeaders.hashCode()) * 31) + (this.multiSession ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.forceDefaultLicenseUri ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.playClearContentWithoutKey ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + this.forcedSessionTrackTypes.hashCode()) * 31) + Arrays.hashCode(this.keySetId);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static DrmConfiguration fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
UUID fromString = UUID.fromString((String) Assertions.checkNotNull(bundle.getString(FIELD_SCHEME)));
Uri uri = (Uri) bundle.getParcelable(FIELD_LICENSE_URI);
ImmutableMap<String, String> bundleToStringImmutableMap = BundleableUtil.bundleToStringImmutableMap(BundleableUtil.getBundleWithDefault(bundle, FIELD_LICENSE_REQUEST_HEADERS, Bundle.EMPTY));
boolean z = bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_MULTI_SESSION, false);
boolean z2 = bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_PLAY_CLEAR_CONTENT_WITHOUT_KEY, false);
boolean z3 = bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_FORCE_DEFAULT_LICENSE_URI, false);
ImmutableList copyOf = ImmutableList.copyOf((Collection) BundleableUtil.getIntegerArrayListWithDefault(bundle, FIELD_FORCED_SESSION_TRACK_TYPES, new ArrayList()));
return new Builder(fromString).setLicenseUri(uri).setLicenseRequestHeaders(bundleToStringImmutableMap).setMultiSession(z).setForceDefaultLicenseUri(z3).setPlayClearContentWithoutKey(z2).setForcedSessionTrackTypes(copyOf).setKeySetId(bundle.getByteArray(FIELD_KEY_SET_ID)).build();
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(FIELD_SCHEME, this.scheme.toString());
Uri uri = this.licenseUri;
if (uri != null) {
bundle.putParcelable(FIELD_LICENSE_URI, uri);
if (!this.licenseRequestHeaders.isEmpty()) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_LICENSE_REQUEST_HEADERS, BundleableUtil.stringMapToBundle(this.licenseRequestHeaders));
boolean z = this.multiSession;
if (z) {
bundle.putBoolean(FIELD_MULTI_SESSION, z);
boolean z2 = this.playClearContentWithoutKey;
if (z2) {
boolean z3 = this.forceDefaultLicenseUri;
if (z3) {
if (!this.forcedSessionTrackTypes.isEmpty()) {
bundle.putIntegerArrayList(FIELD_FORCED_SESSION_TRACK_TYPES, new ArrayList<>(this.forcedSessionTrackTypes));
byte[] bArr = this.keySetId;
if (bArr != null) {
bundle.putByteArray(FIELD_KEY_SET_ID, bArr);
return bundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class AdsConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final Uri adTagUri;
public final Object adsId;
private static final String FIELD_AD_TAG_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<AdsConfiguration> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$AdsConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem.AdsConfiguration fromBundle;
fromBundle = MediaItem.AdsConfiguration.fromBundle(bundle);
return fromBundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private Uri adTagUri;
private Object adsId;
public Builder setAdTagUri(Uri uri) {
this.adTagUri = uri;
return this;
public Builder setAdsId(Object obj) {
this.adsId = obj;
return this;
public Builder(Uri uri) {
this.adTagUri = uri;
public AdsConfiguration build() {
return new AdsConfiguration(this);
private AdsConfiguration(Builder builder) {
this.adTagUri = builder.adTagUri;
this.adsId = builder.adsId;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder(this.adTagUri).setAdsId(this.adsId);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof AdsConfiguration)) {
return false;
AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration = (AdsConfiguration) obj;
return this.adTagUri.equals(adsConfiguration.adTagUri) && Util.areEqual(this.adsId, adsConfiguration.adsId);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = this.adTagUri.hashCode() * 31;
Object obj = this.adsId;
return hashCode + (obj != null ? obj.hashCode() : 0);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static AdsConfiguration fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
Uri uri = (Uri) bundle.getParcelable(FIELD_AD_TAG_URI);
return new Builder(uri).build();
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable(FIELD_AD_TAG_URI, this.adTagUri);
return bundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class LocalConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration;
public final String customCacheKey;
public final DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration;
public final String mimeType;
public final List<StreamKey> streamKeys;
public final ImmutableList<SubtitleConfiguration> subtitleConfigurations;
public final List<Subtitle> subtitles;
public final Object tag;
public final Uri uri;
private static final String FIELD_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_MIME_TYPE = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_DRM_CONFIGURATION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_ADS_CONFIGURATION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_STREAM_KEYS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
private static final String FIELD_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(5);
private static final String FIELD_SUBTITLE_CONFIGURATION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(6);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<LocalConfiguration> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$LocalConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem.LocalConfiguration fromBundle;
fromBundle = MediaItem.LocalConfiguration.fromBundle(bundle);
return fromBundle;
private LocalConfiguration(Uri uri, String str, DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration, AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration, List<StreamKey> list, String str2, ImmutableList<SubtitleConfiguration> immutableList, Object obj) {
this.uri = uri;
this.mimeType = str;
this.drmConfiguration = drmConfiguration;
this.adsConfiguration = adsConfiguration;
this.streamKeys = list;
this.customCacheKey = str2;
this.subtitleConfigurations = immutableList;
ImmutableList.Builder builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < immutableList.size(); i++) {
builder.add((ImmutableList.Builder) immutableList.get(i).buildUpon().buildSubtitle());
this.subtitles = builder.build();
this.tag = obj;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof LocalConfiguration)) {
return false;
LocalConfiguration localConfiguration = (LocalConfiguration) obj;
return this.uri.equals(localConfiguration.uri) && Util.areEqual(this.mimeType, localConfiguration.mimeType) && Util.areEqual(this.drmConfiguration, localConfiguration.drmConfiguration) && Util.areEqual(this.adsConfiguration, localConfiguration.adsConfiguration) && this.streamKeys.equals(localConfiguration.streamKeys) && Util.areEqual(this.customCacheKey, localConfiguration.customCacheKey) && this.subtitleConfigurations.equals(localConfiguration.subtitleConfigurations) && Util.areEqual(this.tag, localConfiguration.tag);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = this.uri.hashCode() * 31;
String str = this.mimeType;
int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (str == null ? 0 : str.hashCode())) * 31;
DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration = this.drmConfiguration;
int hashCode3 = (hashCode2 + (drmConfiguration == null ? 0 : drmConfiguration.hashCode())) * 31;
AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration = this.adsConfiguration;
int hashCode4 = (((hashCode3 + (adsConfiguration == null ? 0 : adsConfiguration.hashCode())) * 31) + this.streamKeys.hashCode()) * 31;
String str2 = this.customCacheKey;
int hashCode5 = (((hashCode4 + (str2 == null ? 0 : str2.hashCode())) * 31) + this.subtitleConfigurations.hashCode()) * 31;
Object obj = this.tag;
return hashCode5 + (obj != null ? obj.hashCode() : 0);
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable(FIELD_URI, this.uri);
String str = this.mimeType;
if (str != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, str);
DrmConfiguration drmConfiguration = this.drmConfiguration;
if (drmConfiguration != null) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_DRM_CONFIGURATION, drmConfiguration.toBundle());
AdsConfiguration adsConfiguration = this.adsConfiguration;
if (adsConfiguration != null) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_ADS_CONFIGURATION, adsConfiguration.toBundle());
if (!this.streamKeys.isEmpty()) {
bundle.putParcelableArrayList(FIELD_STREAM_KEYS, BundleableUtil.toBundleArrayList(this.streamKeys));
String str2 = this.customCacheKey;
if (str2 != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY, str2);
if (!this.subtitleConfigurations.isEmpty()) {
bundle.putParcelableArrayList(FIELD_SUBTITLE_CONFIGURATION, BundleableUtil.toBundleArrayList(this.subtitleConfigurations));
return bundle;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static LocalConfiguration fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
ImmutableList fromBundleList;
ImmutableList fromBundleList2;
Bundle bundle2 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_DRM_CONFIGURATION);
DrmConfiguration fromBundle = bundle2 == null ? null : DrmConfiguration.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle2);
Bundle bundle3 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_ADS_CONFIGURATION);
AdsConfiguration fromBundle2 = bundle3 != null ? AdsConfiguration.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle3) : null;
ArrayList parcelableArrayList = bundle.getParcelableArrayList(FIELD_STREAM_KEYS);
if (parcelableArrayList == null) {
fromBundleList = ImmutableList.of();
} else {
fromBundleList = BundleableUtil.fromBundleList(new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$LocalConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle4) {
return StreamKey.fromBundle(bundle4);
}, parcelableArrayList);
ImmutableList immutableList = fromBundleList;
ArrayList parcelableArrayList2 = bundle.getParcelableArrayList(FIELD_SUBTITLE_CONFIGURATION);
if (parcelableArrayList2 == null) {
fromBundleList2 = ImmutableList.of();
} else {
fromBundleList2 = BundleableUtil.fromBundleList(SubtitleConfiguration.CREATOR, parcelableArrayList2);
return new LocalConfiguration((Uri) Assertions.checkNotNull((Uri) bundle.getParcelable(FIELD_URI)), bundle.getString(FIELD_MIME_TYPE), fromBundle, fromBundle2, immutableList, bundle.getString(FIELD_CUSTOM_CACHE_KEY), fromBundleList2, null);
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class LiveConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final long maxOffsetMs;
public final float maxPlaybackSpeed;
public final long minOffsetMs;
public final float minPlaybackSpeed;
public final long targetOffsetMs;
public static final LiveConfiguration UNSET = new Builder().build();
private static final String FIELD_TARGET_OFFSET_MS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_MIN_OFFSET_MS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_MAX_OFFSET_MS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_MIN_PLAYBACK_SPEED = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_MAX_PLAYBACK_SPEED = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<LiveConfiguration> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$LiveConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
return MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.lambda$static$0(bundle);
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private long maxOffsetMs;
private float maxPlaybackSpeed;
private long minOffsetMs;
private float minPlaybackSpeed;
private long targetOffsetMs;
public Builder setMaxOffsetMs(long j) {
this.maxOffsetMs = j;
return this;
public Builder setMaxPlaybackSpeed(float f) {
this.maxPlaybackSpeed = f;
return this;
public Builder setMinOffsetMs(long j) {
this.minOffsetMs = j;
return this;
public Builder setMinPlaybackSpeed(float f) {
this.minPlaybackSpeed = f;
return this;
public Builder setTargetOffsetMs(long j) {
this.targetOffsetMs = j;
return this;
public Builder() {
this.targetOffsetMs = -9223372036854775807L;
this.minOffsetMs = -9223372036854775807L;
this.maxOffsetMs = -9223372036854775807L;
this.minPlaybackSpeed = -3.4028235E38f;
this.maxPlaybackSpeed = -3.4028235E38f;
private Builder(LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration) {
this.targetOffsetMs = liveConfiguration.targetOffsetMs;
this.minOffsetMs = liveConfiguration.minOffsetMs;
this.maxOffsetMs = liveConfiguration.maxOffsetMs;
this.minPlaybackSpeed = liveConfiguration.minPlaybackSpeed;
this.maxPlaybackSpeed = liveConfiguration.maxPlaybackSpeed;
public LiveConfiguration build() {
return new LiveConfiguration(this);
private LiveConfiguration(Builder builder) {
this(builder.targetOffsetMs, builder.minOffsetMs, builder.maxOffsetMs, builder.minPlaybackSpeed, builder.maxPlaybackSpeed);
public LiveConfiguration(long j, long j2, long j3, float f, float f2) {
this.targetOffsetMs = j;
this.minOffsetMs = j2;
this.maxOffsetMs = j3;
this.minPlaybackSpeed = f;
this.maxPlaybackSpeed = f2;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof LiveConfiguration)) {
return false;
LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration = (LiveConfiguration) obj;
return this.targetOffsetMs == liveConfiguration.targetOffsetMs && this.minOffsetMs == liveConfiguration.minOffsetMs && this.maxOffsetMs == liveConfiguration.maxOffsetMs && this.minPlaybackSpeed == liveConfiguration.minPlaybackSpeed && this.maxPlaybackSpeed == liveConfiguration.maxPlaybackSpeed;
public int hashCode() {
long j = this.targetOffsetMs;
long j2 = this.minOffsetMs;
int i = ((((int) (j ^ (j >>> 32))) * 31) + ((int) (j2 ^ (j2 >>> 32)))) * 31;
long j3 = this.maxOffsetMs;
int i2 = (i + ((int) ((j3 >>> 32) ^ j3))) * 31;
float f = this.minPlaybackSpeed;
int floatToIntBits = (i2 + (f != 0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(f) : 0)) * 31;
float f2 = this.maxPlaybackSpeed;
return floatToIntBits + (f2 != 0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(f2) : 0);
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
long j = this.targetOffsetMs;
LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration = UNSET;
if (j != liveConfiguration.targetOffsetMs) {
bundle.putLong(FIELD_TARGET_OFFSET_MS, j);
long j2 = this.minOffsetMs;
if (j2 != liveConfiguration.minOffsetMs) {
bundle.putLong(FIELD_MIN_OFFSET_MS, j2);
long j3 = this.maxOffsetMs;
if (j3 != liveConfiguration.maxOffsetMs) {
bundle.putLong(FIELD_MAX_OFFSET_MS, j3);
float f = this.minPlaybackSpeed;
if (f != liveConfiguration.minPlaybackSpeed) {
bundle.putFloat(FIELD_MIN_PLAYBACK_SPEED, f);
float f2 = this.maxPlaybackSpeed;
if (f2 != liveConfiguration.maxPlaybackSpeed) {
bundle.putFloat(FIELD_MAX_PLAYBACK_SPEED, f2);
return bundle;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public static /* synthetic */ LiveConfiguration lambda$static$0(Bundle bundle) {
LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration = UNSET;
return new LiveConfiguration(bundle.getLong(str, liveConfiguration.targetOffsetMs), bundle.getLong(FIELD_MIN_OFFSET_MS, liveConfiguration.minOffsetMs), bundle.getLong(FIELD_MAX_OFFSET_MS, liveConfiguration.maxOffsetMs), bundle.getFloat(FIELD_MIN_PLAYBACK_SPEED, liveConfiguration.minPlaybackSpeed), bundle.getFloat(FIELD_MAX_PLAYBACK_SPEED, liveConfiguration.maxPlaybackSpeed));
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static class SubtitleConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final String id;
public final String label;
public final String language;
public final String mimeType;
public final int roleFlags;
public final int selectionFlags;
public final Uri uri;
private static final String FIELD_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_MIME_TYPE = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_LANGUAGE = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_SELECTION_FLAGS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_ROLE_FLAGS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
private static final String FIELD_LABEL = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(5);
private static final String FIELD_ID = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(6);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<SubtitleConfiguration> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$SubtitleConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration fromBundle;
fromBundle = MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.fromBundle(bundle);
return fromBundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private String id;
private String label;
private String language;
private String mimeType;
private int roleFlags;
private int selectionFlags;
private Uri uri;
public Builder setId(String str) {
this.id = str;
return this;
public Builder setLabel(String str) {
this.label = str;
return this;
public Builder setLanguage(String str) {
this.language = str;
return this;
public Builder setMimeType(String str) {
this.mimeType = str;
return this;
public Builder setRoleFlags(int i) {
this.roleFlags = i;
return this;
public Builder setSelectionFlags(int i) {
this.selectionFlags = i;
return this;
public Builder setUri(Uri uri) {
this.uri = uri;
return this;
public Builder(Uri uri) {
this.uri = uri;
private Builder(SubtitleConfiguration subtitleConfiguration) {
this.uri = subtitleConfiguration.uri;
this.mimeType = subtitleConfiguration.mimeType;
this.language = subtitleConfiguration.language;
this.selectionFlags = subtitleConfiguration.selectionFlags;
this.roleFlags = subtitleConfiguration.roleFlags;
this.label = subtitleConfiguration.label;
this.id = subtitleConfiguration.id;
public SubtitleConfiguration build() {
return new SubtitleConfiguration(this);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public Subtitle buildSubtitle() {
return new Subtitle(this);
private SubtitleConfiguration(Uri uri, String str, String str2, int i, int i2, String str3, String str4) {
this.uri = uri;
this.mimeType = str;
this.language = str2;
this.selectionFlags = i;
this.roleFlags = i2;
this.label = str3;
this.id = str4;
private SubtitleConfiguration(Builder builder) {
this.uri = builder.uri;
this.mimeType = builder.mimeType;
this.language = builder.language;
this.selectionFlags = builder.selectionFlags;
this.roleFlags = builder.roleFlags;
this.label = builder.label;
this.id = builder.id;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof SubtitleConfiguration)) {
return false;
SubtitleConfiguration subtitleConfiguration = (SubtitleConfiguration) obj;
return this.uri.equals(subtitleConfiguration.uri) && Util.areEqual(this.mimeType, subtitleConfiguration.mimeType) && Util.areEqual(this.language, subtitleConfiguration.language) && this.selectionFlags == subtitleConfiguration.selectionFlags && this.roleFlags == subtitleConfiguration.roleFlags && Util.areEqual(this.label, subtitleConfiguration.label) && Util.areEqual(this.id, subtitleConfiguration.id);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = this.uri.hashCode() * 31;
String str = this.mimeType;
int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (str == null ? 0 : str.hashCode())) * 31;
String str2 = this.language;
int hashCode3 = (((((hashCode2 + (str2 == null ? 0 : str2.hashCode())) * 31) + this.selectionFlags) * 31) + this.roleFlags) * 31;
String str3 = this.label;
int hashCode4 = (hashCode3 + (str3 == null ? 0 : str3.hashCode())) * 31;
String str4 = this.id;
return hashCode4 + (str4 != null ? str4.hashCode() : 0);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static SubtitleConfiguration fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
Uri uri = (Uri) Assertions.checkNotNull((Uri) bundle.getParcelable(FIELD_URI));
String string = bundle.getString(FIELD_MIME_TYPE);
String string2 = bundle.getString(FIELD_LANGUAGE);
int i = bundle.getInt(FIELD_SELECTION_FLAGS, 0);
int i2 = bundle.getInt(FIELD_ROLE_FLAGS, 0);
String string3 = bundle.getString(FIELD_LABEL);
return new Builder(uri).setMimeType(string).setLanguage(string2).setSelectionFlags(i).setRoleFlags(i2).setLabel(string3).setId(bundle.getString(FIELD_ID)).build();
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putParcelable(FIELD_URI, this.uri);
String str = this.mimeType;
if (str != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_MIME_TYPE, str);
String str2 = this.language;
if (str2 != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_LANGUAGE, str2);
int i = this.selectionFlags;
if (i != 0) {
bundle.putInt(FIELD_SELECTION_FLAGS, i);
int i2 = this.roleFlags;
if (i2 != 0) {
bundle.putInt(FIELD_ROLE_FLAGS, i2);
String str3 = this.label;
if (str3 != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_LABEL, str3);
String str4 = this.id;
if (str4 != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_ID, str4);
return bundle;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Subtitle extends SubtitleConfiguration {
public Subtitle(Uri uri, String str, String str2) {
this(uri, str, str2, 0);
public Subtitle(Uri uri, String str, String str2, int i) {
this(uri, str, str2, i, 0, null);
public Subtitle(Uri uri, String str, String str2, int i, int i2, String str3) {
super(uri, str, str2, i, i2, str3, null);
private Subtitle(SubtitleConfiguration.Builder builder) {
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static class ClippingConfiguration implements Bundleable {
public final long endPositionMs;
public final boolean relativeToDefaultPosition;
public final boolean relativeToLiveWindow;
public final long startPositionMs;
public final boolean startsAtKeyFrame;
public static final ClippingConfiguration UNSET = new Builder().build();
private static final String FIELD_START_POSITION_MS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_END_POSITION_MS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_RELATIVE_TO_LIVE_WINDOW = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
private static final String FIELD_RELATIVE_TO_DEFAULT_POSITION = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(3);
private static final String FIELD_STARTS_AT_KEY_FRAME = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(4);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<ClippingProperties> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$ClippingConfiguration$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
return MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.lambda$static$0(bundle);
public int hashCode() {
long j = this.startPositionMs;
int i = ((int) (j ^ (j >>> 32))) * 31;
long j2 = this.endPositionMs;
return ((((((i + ((int) ((j2 >>> 32) ^ j2))) * 31) + (this.relativeToLiveWindow ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.relativeToDefaultPosition ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.startsAtKeyFrame ? 1 : 0);
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private long endPositionMs;
private boolean relativeToDefaultPosition;
private boolean relativeToLiveWindow;
private long startPositionMs;
private boolean startsAtKeyFrame;
public Builder setRelativeToDefaultPosition(boolean z) {
this.relativeToDefaultPosition = z;
return this;
public Builder setRelativeToLiveWindow(boolean z) {
this.relativeToLiveWindow = z;
return this;
public Builder setStartsAtKeyFrame(boolean z) {
this.startsAtKeyFrame = z;
return this;
public Builder() {
this.endPositionMs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private Builder(ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration) {
this.startPositionMs = clippingConfiguration.startPositionMs;
this.endPositionMs = clippingConfiguration.endPositionMs;
this.relativeToLiveWindow = clippingConfiguration.relativeToLiveWindow;
this.relativeToDefaultPosition = clippingConfiguration.relativeToDefaultPosition;
this.startsAtKeyFrame = clippingConfiguration.startsAtKeyFrame;
public Builder setStartPositionMs(long j) {
Assertions.checkArgument(j >= 0);
this.startPositionMs = j;
return this;
public Builder setEndPositionMs(long j) {
Assertions.checkArgument(j == Long.MIN_VALUE || j >= 0);
this.endPositionMs = j;
return this;
public ClippingConfiguration build() {
return buildClippingProperties();
public ClippingProperties buildClippingProperties() {
return new ClippingProperties(this);
private ClippingConfiguration(Builder builder) {
this.startPositionMs = builder.startPositionMs;
this.endPositionMs = builder.endPositionMs;
this.relativeToLiveWindow = builder.relativeToLiveWindow;
this.relativeToDefaultPosition = builder.relativeToDefaultPosition;
this.startsAtKeyFrame = builder.startsAtKeyFrame;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof ClippingConfiguration)) {
return false;
ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration = (ClippingConfiguration) obj;
return this.startPositionMs == clippingConfiguration.startPositionMs && this.endPositionMs == clippingConfiguration.endPositionMs && this.relativeToLiveWindow == clippingConfiguration.relativeToLiveWindow && this.relativeToDefaultPosition == clippingConfiguration.relativeToDefaultPosition && this.startsAtKeyFrame == clippingConfiguration.startsAtKeyFrame;
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
long j = this.startPositionMs;
ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration = UNSET;
if (j != clippingConfiguration.startPositionMs) {
bundle.putLong(FIELD_START_POSITION_MS, j);
long j2 = this.endPositionMs;
if (j2 != clippingConfiguration.endPositionMs) {
bundle.putLong(FIELD_END_POSITION_MS, j2);
boolean z = this.relativeToLiveWindow;
if (z != clippingConfiguration.relativeToLiveWindow) {
bundle.putBoolean(FIELD_RELATIVE_TO_LIVE_WINDOW, z);
boolean z2 = this.relativeToDefaultPosition;
if (z2 != clippingConfiguration.relativeToDefaultPosition) {
boolean z3 = this.startsAtKeyFrame;
if (z3 != clippingConfiguration.startsAtKeyFrame) {
bundle.putBoolean(FIELD_STARTS_AT_KEY_FRAME, z3);
return bundle;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public static /* synthetic */ ClippingProperties lambda$static$0(Bundle bundle) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
ClippingConfiguration clippingConfiguration = UNSET;
return builder.setStartPositionMs(bundle.getLong(str, clippingConfiguration.startPositionMs)).setEndPositionMs(bundle.getLong(FIELD_END_POSITION_MS, clippingConfiguration.endPositionMs)).setRelativeToLiveWindow(bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_RELATIVE_TO_LIVE_WINDOW, clippingConfiguration.relativeToLiveWindow)).setRelativeToDefaultPosition(bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_RELATIVE_TO_DEFAULT_POSITION, clippingConfiguration.relativeToDefaultPosition)).setStartsAtKeyFrame(bundle.getBoolean(FIELD_STARTS_AT_KEY_FRAME, clippingConfiguration.startsAtKeyFrame)).buildClippingProperties();
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class ClippingProperties extends ClippingConfiguration {
public static final ClippingProperties UNSET = new ClippingConfiguration.Builder().buildClippingProperties();
private ClippingProperties(ClippingConfiguration.Builder builder) {
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class RequestMetadata implements Bundleable {
public final Bundle extras;
public final Uri mediaUri;
public final String searchQuery;
public static final RequestMetadata EMPTY = new Builder().build();
private static final String FIELD_MEDIA_URI = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(0);
private static final String FIELD_SEARCH_QUERY = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(1);
private static final String FIELD_EXTRAS = Util.intToStringMaxRadix(2);
public static final Bundleable.Creator<RequestMetadata> CREATOR = new Bundleable.Creator() { // from class: androidx.media3.common.MediaItem$RequestMetadata$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable.Creator
public final Bundleable fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
MediaItem.RequestMetadata build;
build = new MediaItem.RequestMetadata.Builder().setMediaUri((Uri) bundle.getParcelable(MediaItem.RequestMetadata.FIELD_MEDIA_URI)).setSearchQuery(bundle.getString(MediaItem.RequestMetadata.FIELD_SEARCH_QUERY)).setExtras(bundle.getBundle(MediaItem.RequestMetadata.FIELD_EXTRAS)).build();
return build;
/* loaded from: classes2.dex */
public static final class Builder {
private Bundle extras;
private Uri mediaUri;
private String searchQuery;
public Builder setExtras(Bundle bundle) {
this.extras = bundle;
return this;
public Builder setMediaUri(Uri uri) {
this.mediaUri = uri;
return this;
public Builder setSearchQuery(String str) {
this.searchQuery = str;
return this;
public Builder() {
private Builder(RequestMetadata requestMetadata) {
this.mediaUri = requestMetadata.mediaUri;
this.searchQuery = requestMetadata.searchQuery;
this.extras = requestMetadata.extras;
public RequestMetadata build() {
return new RequestMetadata(this);
private RequestMetadata(Builder builder) {
this.mediaUri = builder.mediaUri;
this.searchQuery = builder.searchQuery;
this.extras = builder.extras;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof RequestMetadata)) {
return false;
RequestMetadata requestMetadata = (RequestMetadata) obj;
return Util.areEqual(this.mediaUri, requestMetadata.mediaUri) && Util.areEqual(this.searchQuery, requestMetadata.searchQuery);
public int hashCode() {
Uri uri = this.mediaUri;
int hashCode = (uri == null ? 0 : uri.hashCode()) * 31;
String str = this.searchQuery;
return hashCode + (str != null ? str.hashCode() : 0);
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
Uri uri = this.mediaUri;
if (uri != null) {
bundle.putParcelable(FIELD_MEDIA_URI, uri);
String str = this.searchQuery;
if (str != null) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_SEARCH_QUERY, str);
Bundle bundle2 = this.extras;
if (bundle2 != null) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_EXTRAS, bundle2);
return bundle;
private MediaItem(String str, ClippingProperties clippingProperties, LocalConfiguration localConfiguration, LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration, MediaMetadata mediaMetadata, RequestMetadata requestMetadata) {
this.mediaId = str;
this.localConfiguration = localConfiguration;
this.playbackProperties = localConfiguration;
this.liveConfiguration = liveConfiguration;
this.mediaMetadata = mediaMetadata;
this.clippingConfiguration = clippingProperties;
this.clippingProperties = clippingProperties;
this.requestMetadata = requestMetadata;
public Builder buildUpon() {
return new Builder();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MediaItem)) {
return false;
MediaItem mediaItem = (MediaItem) obj;
return Util.areEqual(this.mediaId, mediaItem.mediaId) && this.clippingConfiguration.equals(mediaItem.clippingConfiguration) && Util.areEqual(this.localConfiguration, mediaItem.localConfiguration) && Util.areEqual(this.liveConfiguration, mediaItem.liveConfiguration) && Util.areEqual(this.mediaMetadata, mediaItem.mediaMetadata) && Util.areEqual(this.requestMetadata, mediaItem.requestMetadata);
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = this.mediaId.hashCode() * 31;
LocalConfiguration localConfiguration = this.localConfiguration;
return ((((((((hashCode + (localConfiguration != null ? localConfiguration.hashCode() : 0)) * 31) + this.liveConfiguration.hashCode()) * 31) + this.clippingConfiguration.hashCode()) * 31) + this.mediaMetadata.hashCode()) * 31) + this.requestMetadata.hashCode();
private Bundle toBundle(boolean z) {
LocalConfiguration localConfiguration;
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
if (!this.mediaId.equals("")) {
bundle.putString(FIELD_MEDIA_ID, this.mediaId);
if (!this.liveConfiguration.equals(LiveConfiguration.UNSET)) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_LIVE_CONFIGURATION, this.liveConfiguration.toBundle());
if (!this.mediaMetadata.equals(MediaMetadata.EMPTY)) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_MEDIA_METADATA, this.mediaMetadata.toBundle());
if (!this.clippingConfiguration.equals(ClippingConfiguration.UNSET)) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_CLIPPING_PROPERTIES, this.clippingConfiguration.toBundle());
if (!this.requestMetadata.equals(RequestMetadata.EMPTY)) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_REQUEST_METADATA, this.requestMetadata.toBundle());
if (z && (localConfiguration = this.localConfiguration) != null) {
bundle.putBundle(FIELD_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION, localConfiguration.toBundle());
return bundle;
@Override // androidx.media3.common.Bundleable
public Bundle toBundle() {
return toBundle(false);
public Bundle toBundleIncludeLocalConfiguration() {
return toBundle(true);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static MediaItem fromBundle(Bundle bundle) {
LiveConfiguration fromBundle;
MediaMetadata fromBundle2;
ClippingProperties fromBundle3;
RequestMetadata fromBundle4;
String str = (String) Assertions.checkNotNull(bundle.getString(FIELD_MEDIA_ID, ""));
Bundle bundle2 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_LIVE_CONFIGURATION);
if (bundle2 == null) {
fromBundle = LiveConfiguration.UNSET;
} else {
fromBundle = LiveConfiguration.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle2);
LiveConfiguration liveConfiguration = fromBundle;
Bundle bundle3 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_MEDIA_METADATA);
if (bundle3 == null) {
fromBundle2 = MediaMetadata.EMPTY;
} else {
fromBundle2 = MediaMetadata.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle3);
MediaMetadata mediaMetadata = fromBundle2;
Bundle bundle4 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_CLIPPING_PROPERTIES);
if (bundle4 == null) {
fromBundle3 = ClippingProperties.UNSET;
} else {
fromBundle3 = ClippingConfiguration.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle4);
ClippingProperties clippingProperties = fromBundle3;
Bundle bundle5 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_REQUEST_METADATA);
if (bundle5 == null) {
fromBundle4 = RequestMetadata.EMPTY;
} else {
fromBundle4 = RequestMetadata.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle5);
RequestMetadata requestMetadata = fromBundle4;
Bundle bundle6 = bundle.getBundle(FIELD_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION);
return new MediaItem(str, clippingProperties, bundle6 == null ? null : LocalConfiguration.CREATOR.fromBundle(bundle6), liveConfiguration, mediaMetadata, requestMetadata);