2024-05-21 21:08:36 +00:00
package androidx.compose.material.icons.outlined ;
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.ImageVector ;
import kotlin.Metadata ;
/* compiled from: Edit.kt */
@Metadata ( d1 = { " \ u0000 \ u0010 \ n \ u0000 \ n \ u0002 \ u0018 \ u0002 \ n \ u0000 \ n \ u0002 \ u0018 \ u0002 \ n \ u0002 \ b \ u0003 \" \ u0010 \ u0010 \ u0000 \ u001a \ u0004 \ u0018 \ u00010 \ u0001X \ u0082 \ u000e¢ \ u0006 \ u0002 \ n \ u0000 \" \ u0015 \ u0010 \ u0002 \ u001a \ u00020 \ u0001* \ u00020 \ u00038F¢ \ u0006 \ u0006 \ u001a \ u0004 \ b \ u0004 \ u0010 \ u0005¨ \ u0006 \ u0006 " } , d2 = { " _edit " , " Landroidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/ImageVector; " , " Edit " , " Landroidx/compose/material/icons/Icons$Outlined; " , " getEdit " , " (Landroidx/compose/material/icons/Icons$Outlined;)Landroidx/compose/ui/graphics/vector/ImageVector; " , " material-icons-core_release " } , k = 2 , mv = { 1 , 8 , 0 } , xi = 48 )
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class EditKt {
private static ImageVector _edit ;
2024-05-21 21:28:28 +00:00
/ * JADX ERROR : JadxRuntimeException in pass : InlineMethods
jadx . core . utils . exceptions . JadxRuntimeException : Failed to process method for inline : androidx . compose . ui . graphics . vector . ImageVector . Builder . addPath - oIyEayM$default ( androidx . compose . ui . graphics . vector . ImageVector$Builder , java . util . List , int , java . lang . String , androidx . compose . ui . graphics . Brush , float , androidx . compose . ui . graphics . Brush , float , float , int , int , float , float , float , float , int , java . lang . Object ) : androidx . compose . ui . graphics . vector . ImageVector$Builder
at jadx . core . dex . visitors . InlineMethods . processInvokeInsn ( InlineMethods . java : 74 )
at jadx . core . dex . visitors . InlineMethods . visit ( InlineMethods . java : 49 )
Caused by : java . util . ConcurrentModificationException
at java . base / java . util . ArrayList . removeIf ( ArrayList . java : 1778 )
at java . base / java . util . ArrayList . removeIf ( ArrayList . java : 1743 )
at jadx . core . dex . instructions . args . SSAVar . removeUse ( SSAVar . java : 140 )
at jadx . core . dex . instructions . args . SSAVar . use ( SSAVar . java : 133 )
at jadx . core . dex . nodes . InsnNode . rebindArgs ( InsnNode . java : 489 )
at jadx . core . dex . instructions . mods . TernaryInsn . rebindArgs ( TernaryInsn . java : 92 )
at jadx . core . dex . nodes . InsnNode . rebindArgs ( InsnNode . java : 492 )
at jadx . core . utils . BlockUtils . replaceInsn ( BlockUtils . java : 1109 )
at jadx . core . utils . BlockUtils . replaceInsn ( BlockUtils . java : 1118 )
at jadx . core . dex . visitors . InlineMethods . inlineMethod ( InlineMethods . java : 113 )
at jadx . core . dex . visitors . InlineMethods . processInvokeInsn ( InlineMethods . java : 72 )
. . . 1 more
* /
public static final androidx . compose . ui . graphics . vector . ImageVector getEdit ( androidx . compose . material . icons . Icons . Outlined r30 ) {
/ *
Method dump skipped , instructions count : 295
To view this dump add ' - - comments - level debug ' option
* /
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ( " Method not decompiled: androidx.compose.material.icons.outlined.EditKt.getEdit(androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons$Outlined):androidx.compose.ui.graphics.vector.ImageVector " ) ;
2024-05-21 21:08:36 +00:00