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.class public final Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "Chars.java"
# annotations
.annotation runtime Lcom/google/common/primitives/ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault;
.end annotation
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses;
value = {
.end annotation
# static fields
.field public static final BYTES:I = 0x2
# direct methods
.method private constructor <init>()V
.locals 0
.line 51
invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
.end method
.method static synthetic access$000([CCII)I
.locals 0
.line 50
invoke-static {p0, p1, p2, p3}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->indexOf([CCII)I
move-result p0
return p0
.end method
.method static synthetic access$100([CCII)I
.locals 0
.line 50
invoke-static {p0, p1, p2, p3}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->lastIndexOf([CCII)I
move-result p0
return p0
.end method
.method public static varargs asList([C)Ljava/util/List;
.locals 1
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
value = {
.end annotation
.line 504
array-length v0, p0
if-nez v0, :cond_0
.line 505
invoke-static {}, Ljava/util/Collections;->emptyList()Ljava/util/List;
move-result-object p0
return-object p0
.line 507
new-instance v0, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$CharArrayAsList;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$CharArrayAsList;-><init>([C)V
return-object v0
.end method
.method public static checkedCast(J)C
.locals 3
long-to-int v0, p0
int-to-char v0, v0
int-to-long v1, v0
cmp-long v1, v1, p0
if-nez v1, :cond_0
const/4 v1, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v1, 0x0
const-string v2, "Out of range: %s"
.line 83
invoke-static {v1, v2, p0, p1}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;J)V
return v0
.end method
.method public static compare(CC)I
.locals 0
sub-int/2addr p0, p1
return p0
.end method
.method public static varargs concat([[C)[C
.locals 7
.line 276
array-length v0, p0
const/4 v1, 0x0
move v2, v1
move v3, v2
if-ge v2, v0, :cond_0
aget-object v4, p0, v2
.line 277
array-length v4, v4
add-int/2addr v3, v4
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
.line 279
new-array v0, v3, [C
.line 281
array-length v2, p0
move v3, v1
move v4, v3
if-ge v3, v2, :cond_1
aget-object v5, p0, v3
.line 282
array-length v6, v5
invoke-static {v5, v1, v0, v4, v6}, Ljava/lang/System;->arraycopy(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V
.line 283
array-length v5, v5
add-int/2addr v4, v5
add-int/lit8 v3, v3, 0x1
goto :goto_1
return-object v0
.end method
.method public static constrainToRange(CCC)C
.locals 2
if-gt p1, p2, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
const-string v1, "min (%s) must be less than or equal to max (%s)"
.line 263
invoke-static {v0, v1, p1, p2}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;CC)V
if-ge p0, p1, :cond_1
move p0, p1
goto :goto_1
if-ge p0, p2, :cond_2
goto :goto_1
move p0, p2
return p0
.end method
.method public static contains([CC)Z
.locals 4
.line 129
array-length v0, p0
const/4 v1, 0x0
move v2, v1
if-ge v2, v0, :cond_1
aget-char v3, p0, v2
if-ne v3, p1, :cond_0
const/4 p0, 0x1
return p0
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
return v1
.end method
.method public static ensureCapacity([CII)[C
.locals 4
const/4 v0, 0x1
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-ltz p1, :cond_0
move v2, v0
goto :goto_0
move v2, v1
const-string v3, "Invalid minLength: %s"
.line 343
invoke-static {v2, v3, p1}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V
if-ltz p2, :cond_1
goto :goto_1
move v0, v1
const-string v1, "Invalid padding: %s"
.line 344
invoke-static {v0, v1, p2}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;I)V
.line 345
array-length v0, p0
if-ge v0, p1, :cond_2
add-int/2addr p1, p2
invoke-static {p0, p1}, Ljava/util/Arrays;->copyOf([CI)[C
move-result-object p0
return-object p0
.end method
.method public static fromByteArray([B)C
.locals 6
.line 314
array-length v0, p0
const/4 v1, 0x1
const/4 v2, 0x0
const/4 v3, 0x2
if-lt v0, v3, :cond_0
move v0, v1
goto :goto_0
move v0, v2
const-string v4, "array too small: %s < %s"
array-length v5, p0
invoke-static {v0, v4, v5, v3}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;II)V
.line 315
aget-byte v0, p0, v2
aget-byte p0, p0, v1
invoke-static {v0, p0}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->fromBytes(BB)C
move-result p0
return p0
.end method
.method public static fromBytes(BB)C
.locals 0
shl-int/lit8 p0, p0, 0x8
and-int/lit16 p1, p1, 0xff
or-int/2addr p0, p1
int-to-char p0, p0
return p0
.end method
.method public static hashCode(C)I
.locals 0
return p0
.end method
.method public static indexOf([CC)I
.locals 2
const/4 v0, 0x0
.line 146
array-length v1, p0
invoke-static {p0, p1, v0, v1}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->indexOf([CCII)I
move-result p0
return p0
.end method
.method private static indexOf([CCII)I
.locals 1
if-ge p2, p3, :cond_1
.line 152
aget-char v0, p0, p2
if-ne v0, p1, :cond_0
return p2
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 p0, -0x1
return p0
.end method
.method public static indexOf([C[C)I
.locals 5
const-string v0, "array"
.line 170
invoke-static {p0, v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
const-string v0, "target"
.line 171
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 172
array-length v0, p1
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-nez v0, :cond_0
return v1
move v0, v1
.line 177
array-length v2, p0
array-length v3, p1
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
if-ge v0, v2, :cond_3
move v2, v1
.line 178
array-length v3, p1
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_2
add-int v3, v0, v2
.line 179
aget-char v3, p0, v3
aget-char v4, p1, v2
if-eq v3, v4, :cond_1
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_1
return v0
const/4 p0, -0x1
return p0
.end method
.method public static varargs join(Ljava/lang/String;[C)Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 5
.line 357
invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 358
array-length v0, p1
if-nez v0, :cond_0
const-string p0, ""
return-object p0
.line 363
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ljava/lang/String;->length()I
move-result v2
add-int/lit8 v3, v0, -0x1
mul-int/2addr v2, v3
add-int/2addr v2, v0
invoke-direct {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>(I)V
const/4 v2, 0x0
.line 364
aget-char v2, p1, v2
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const/4 v2, 0x1
if-ge v2, v0, :cond_1
.line 366
invoke-virtual {v1, p0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v3
aget-char v4, p1, v2
invoke-virtual {v3, v4}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
.line 368
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p0
return-object p0
.end method
.method public static lastIndexOf([CC)I
.locals 2
const/4 v0, 0x0
.line 197
array-length v1, p0
invoke-static {p0, p1, v0, v1}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->lastIndexOf([CCII)I
move-result p0
return p0
.end method
.method private static lastIndexOf([CCII)I
.locals 1
add-int/lit8 p3, p3, -0x1
if-lt p3, p2, :cond_1
.line 203
aget-char v0, p0, p3
if-ne v0, p1, :cond_0
return p3
add-int/lit8 p3, p3, -0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 p0, -0x1
return p0
.end method
.method public static lexicographicalComparator()Ljava/util/Comparator;
.locals 1
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
value = {
.end annotation
.line 386
sget-object v0, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$LexicographicalComparator;->INSTANCE:Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$LexicographicalComparator;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public static varargs max([C)C
.locals 3
.line 238
array-length v0, p0
const/4 v1, 0x0
const/4 v2, 0x1
if-lez v0, :cond_0
move v0, v2
goto :goto_0
move v0, v1
invoke-static {v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(Z)V
.line 239
aget-char v0, p0, v1
.line 240
array-length v1, p0
if-ge v2, v1, :cond_2
.line 241
aget-char v1, p0, v2
if-le v1, v0, :cond_1
move v0, v1
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_1
return v0
.end method
.method public static varargs min([C)C
.locals 3
.line 219
array-length v0, p0
const/4 v1, 0x0
const/4 v2, 0x1
if-lez v0, :cond_0
move v0, v2
goto :goto_0
move v0, v1
invoke-static {v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(Z)V
.line 220
aget-char v0, p0, v1
.line 221
array-length v1, p0
if-ge v2, v1, :cond_2
.line 222
aget-char v1, p0, v2
if-ge v1, v0, :cond_1
move v0, v1
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_1
return v0
.end method
.method public static reverse([C)V
.locals 2
.line 467
invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
const/4 v0, 0x0
.line 468
array-length v1, p0
invoke-static {p0, v0, v1}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->reverse([CII)V
.end method
.method public static reverse([CII)V
.locals 2
.line 482
invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 483
array-length v0, p0
invoke-static {p1, p2, v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkPositionIndexes(III)V
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, -0x1
if-ge p1, p2, :cond_0
.line 485
aget-char v0, p0, p1
.line 486
aget-char v1, p0, p2
aput-char v1, p0, p1
.line 487
aput-char v0, p0, p2
add-int/lit8 p1, p1, 0x1
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, -0x1
goto :goto_0
.end method
.method public static saturatedCast(J)C
.locals 2
const-wide/32 v0, 0xffff
cmp-long v0, p0, v0
if-lez v0, :cond_0
const p0, 0xffff
return p0
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v0, p0, v0
if-gez v0, :cond_1
const/4 p0, 0x0
return p0
long-to-int p0, p0
int-to-char p0, p0
return p0
.end method
.method public static sortDescending([C)V
.locals 2
.line 443
invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
const/4 v0, 0x0
.line 444
array-length v1, p0
invoke-static {p0, v0, v1}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->sortDescending([CII)V
.end method
.method public static sortDescending([CII)V
.locals 1
.line 454
invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
.line 455
array-length v0, p0
invoke-static {p1, p2, v0}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkPositionIndexes(III)V
.line 456
invoke-static {p0, p1, p2}, Ljava/util/Arrays;->sort([CII)V
.line 457
invoke-static {p0, p1, p2}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars;->reverse([CII)V
.end method
.method public static toArray(Ljava/util/Collection;)[C
.locals 4
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
value = {
.end annotation
.line 423
instance-of v0, p0, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$CharArrayAsList;
if-eqz v0, :cond_0
.line 424
check-cast p0, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$CharArrayAsList;
invoke-virtual {p0}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Chars$CharArrayAsList;->toCharArray()[C
move-result-object p0
return-object p0
.line 427
invoke-interface {p0}, Ljava/util/Collection;->toArray()[Ljava/lang/Object;
move-result-object p0
.line 428
array-length v0, p0
.line 429
new-array v1, v0, [C
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-ge v2, v0, :cond_1
.line 432
aget-object v3, p0, v2
invoke-static {v3}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
move-result-object v3
check-cast v3, Ljava/lang/Character;
invoke-virtual {v3}, Ljava/lang/Character;->charValue()C
move-result v3
aput-char v3, v1, v2
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
return-object v1
.end method
.method public static toByteArray(C)[B
.locals 3
const/4 v0, 0x2
new-array v0, v0, [B
shr-int/lit8 v1, p0, 0x8
int-to-byte v1, v1
const/4 v2, 0x0
aput-byte v1, v0, v2
const/4 v1, 0x1
int-to-byte p0, p0
aput-byte p0, v0, v1
return-object v0
.end method