Rabbit-R1/original r1/java/sources/androidx/compose/foundation/AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect$applyToFling$1.java

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2024-05-21 21:08:36 +00:00
package androidx.compose.foundation;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.ContinuationImpl;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugMetadata;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* compiled from: AndroidOverscroll.kt */
@Metadata(k = 3, mv = {1, 8, 0}, xi = 48)
@DebugMetadata(c = "androidx.compose.foundation.AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect", f = "AndroidOverscroll.kt", i = {1, 1}, l = {219, 244}, m = "applyToFling-BMRW4eQ", n = {"this", "remainingVelocity"}, s = {"L$0", "J$0"})
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect$applyToFling$1 extends ContinuationImpl {
long J$0;
Object L$0;
int label;
/* synthetic */ Object result;
final /* synthetic */ AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect this$0;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect$applyToFling$1(AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect androidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect, Continuation<? super AndroidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect$applyToFling$1> continuation) {
this.this$0 = androidEdgeEffectOverscrollEffect;
@Override // kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl
public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
this.result = obj;
this.label |= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return this.this$0.mo163applyToFlingBMRW4eQ(0L, null, this);