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596 lines
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596 lines
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package kotlin.text;
import io.flutter.plugin.editing.SpellCheckPlugin;
import java.util.Arrays;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.ULong;
import kotlin.collections.AbstractList;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics;
import kotlin.ranges.ClosedRange;
import kotlin.ranges.IntRange;
import kotlin.ranges.RangesKt;
import kotlin.text.HexFormat;
/* compiled from: HexExtensions.kt */
@Metadata(d1 = {"\u0000L\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0015\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u000e\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\t\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\b\n\u0002\b\u0012\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u000b\n\u0002\b\u0003\n\u0002\u0010\u0005\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0012\n\u0002\b\u0004\n\u0002\u0010\n\n\u0002\b\u0004\u001a \u0010\u0005\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\u0007\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\b\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\n\u001a\u00020\tH\u0002\u001a@\u0010\u000b\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\f\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u000e\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u000f\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0010\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0011\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0012\u001a\u00020\tH\u0000\u001a@\u0010\u0013\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0014\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\r\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u000e\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u000f\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0010\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0011\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0012\u001a\u00020\tH\u0000\u001a \u0010\u0015\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\u0005\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\u0007\u001a\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010\n\u001a\u00020\tH\u0002\u001a,\u0010\u0016\u001a\u00020\t*\u00020\u00032\u0006\u0010\u0017\u001a\u00020\u00032\u0006\u0010\u0018\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u001a\u001a\u00020\u0003H\u0002\u001a,\u0010\u001b\u001a\u00020\u001c*\u00020\u00032\u0006\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u001e\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u001f\u001a\u00020 H\u0002\u001a\u001c\u0010!\u001a\u00020\t*\u00020\u00032\u0006\u0010\u0018\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\tH\u0002\u001a\u0014\u0010\"\u001a\u00020\t*\u00020\u00032\u0006\u0010\u0018\u001a\u00020\tH\u0002\u001a*\u0010#\u001a\u00020$*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0003\u001a\u0016\u0010#\u001a\u00020$*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a*\u0010'\u001a\u00020(*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0003\u001a\u0016\u0010'\u001a\u00020(*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a*\u0010)\u001a\u00020\t*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0003\u001a\u0016\u0010)\u001a\u00020\t*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a*\u0010*\u001a\u00020\u0006*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0003\u001a\u0016\u0010*\u001a\u00020\u0006*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a0\u0010+\u001a\u00020\u0006*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\u0006\u0010%\u001a\u00020&2\u0006\u0010\u001e\u001a\u00020\tH\u0003\u001a*\u0010,\u001a\u00020-*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0003\u001a\u0016\u0010,\u001a\u00020-*\u00020\u00032\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u0016\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020$2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a*\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020(2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u001d\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010\u0019\u001a\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u0016\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020(2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u0016\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020\t2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u0016\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020\u00062\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u0016\u0010.\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020-2\b\b\u0002\u0010%\u001a\u00020&H\u0007\u001a\u001c\u0010/\u001a\u00020\u0003*\u00020\u00062\u0006\u0010%\u001a\u00020&2\u0006\u00100\u001a\u00020\tH\u0003\"\u000e\u0010\u0000\u001a\u00020\u0001X\u0082\u0004¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000\"\u000e\u0010\u0002\u001a\u00020\u0003X\u0082T¢\u0006\u0002\n\u0000\"\u000e\u0010\u0004\u
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class HexExtensionsKt {
private static final int[] HEX_DIGITS_TO_DECIMAL;
private static final String LOWER_CASE_HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789abcdef";
private static final String UPPER_CASE_HEX_DIGITS = "0123456789ABCDEF";
static {
int[] iArr = new int[128];
int i = 0;
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 128; i2++) {
iArr[i2] = -1;
int i3 = 0;
int i4 = 0;
while (i3 < r0.length()) {
iArr[r0.charAt(i3)] = i4;
int i5 = 0;
while (i < r0.length()) {
iArr[r0.charAt(i)] = i5;
public static final String toHexString(byte[] bArr, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(bArr, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return toHexString(bArr, 0, bArr.length, format);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(byte[] bArr, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(bArr, hexFormat);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = bArr.length;
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(bArr, i, i2, hexFormat);
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x0080 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x0083 A[SYNTHETIC] */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public static final java.lang.String toHexString(byte[] r17, int r18, int r19, kotlin.text.HexFormat r20) {
r0 = r17
r1 = r18
r2 = r19
java.lang.String r3 = "<this>"
kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(r0, r3)
java.lang.String r3 = "format"
r4 = r20
kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(r4, r3)
kotlin.collections.AbstractList$Companion r3 = kotlin.collections.AbstractList.INSTANCE
int r5 = r0.length
r3.checkBoundsIndexes$kotlin_stdlib(r1, r2, r5)
if (r1 != r2) goto L1d
java.lang.String r0 = ""
return r0
boolean r3 = r20.getUpperCase()
if (r3 == 0) goto L26
java.lang.String r3 = "0123456789ABCDEF"
goto L28
java.lang.String r3 = "0123456789abcdef"
kotlin.text.HexFormat$BytesHexFormat r4 = r20.getBytes()
int r12 = r4.getBytesPerLine()
int r13 = r4.getBytesPerGroup()
java.lang.String r14 = r4.getBytePrefix()
java.lang.String r15 = r4.getByteSuffix()
java.lang.String r11 = r4.getByteSeparator()
java.lang.String r4 = r4.getGroupSeparator()
int r5 = r2 - r1
int r8 = r4.length()
int r9 = r11.length()
int r10 = r14.length()
int r16 = r15.length()
r6 = r12
r7 = r13
r1 = r11
r11 = r16
int r5 = formattedStringLength(r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11)
java.lang.StringBuilder r6 = new java.lang.StringBuilder
r8 = r18
r9 = 0
r10 = 0
if (r8 >= r2) goto La2
r11 = r0[r8]
r7 = r11 & 255(0xff, float:3.57E-43)
if (r9 != r12) goto L78
r9 = 10
r9 = 0
r10 = 0
goto L7e
if (r10 != r13) goto L7e
goto L76
if (r10 == 0) goto L83
int r7 = r7 >> 4
char r7 = r3.charAt(r7)
r7 = r11 & 15
char r7 = r3.charAt(r7)
int r10 = r10 + 1
int r9 = r9 + 1
int r8 = r8 + 1
goto L68
int r0 = r6.length()
if (r5 != r0) goto Lb2
java.lang.String r0 = r6.toString()
java.lang.String r1 = "toString(...)"
kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(r0, r1)
return r0
java.lang.IllegalStateException r0 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException
java.lang.String r1 = "Check failed."
java.lang.String r1 = r1.toString()
throw r0
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: kotlin.text.HexExtensionsKt.toHexString(byte[], int, int, kotlin.text.HexFormat):java.lang.String");
public static final int formattedStringLength(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) {
if (i <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());
int i8 = (i - 1) / i2;
int i9 = (i2 - 1) / i3;
int i10 = i % i2;
if (i10 != 0) {
i2 = i10;
long j = i8 + (((i9 * i8) + ((i2 - 1) / i3)) * i4) + (((r0 - i8) - r2) * i5) + (i * (i6 + 2 + i7));
if (RangesKt.intRangeContains((ClosedRange<Integer>) new IntRange(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE), j)) {
return (int) j;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The resulting string length is too big: " + ((Object) ULong.m5918toStringimpl(ULong.m5872constructorimpl(j))));
public static final byte[] hexToByteArray(String str, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(str, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return hexToByteArray(str, 0, str.length(), format);
public static /* synthetic */ byte[] hexToByteArray$default(String str, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToByteArray(str, hexFormat);
static /* synthetic */ byte[] hexToByteArray$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToByteArray(str, i, i2, hexFormat);
private static final byte[] hexToByteArray(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat) {
int i3 = i;
AbstractList.INSTANCE.checkBoundsIndexes$kotlin_stdlib(i3, i2, str.length());
if (i3 == i2) {
return new byte[0];
HexFormat.BytesHexFormat bytes = hexFormat.getBytes();
int bytesPerLine = bytes.getBytesPerLine();
int bytesPerGroup = bytes.getBytesPerGroup();
String bytePrefix = bytes.getBytePrefix();
String byteSuffix = bytes.getByteSuffix();
String byteSeparator = bytes.getByteSeparator();
String groupSeparator = bytes.getGroupSeparator();
String str2 = byteSeparator;
int parsedByteArrayMaxSize = parsedByteArrayMaxSize(i2 - i3, bytesPerLine, bytesPerGroup, groupSeparator.length(), byteSeparator.length(), bytePrefix.length(), byteSuffix.length());
byte[] bArr = new byte[parsedByteArrayMaxSize];
int i4 = 0;
int i5 = 0;
int i6 = 0;
while (i3 < i2) {
if (i5 == bytesPerLine) {
i3 = checkNewLineAt(str, i3, i2);
i5 = 0;
} else if (i6 == bytesPerGroup) {
i3 = checkContainsAt(str, groupSeparator, i3, i2, "group separator");
} else {
if (i6 != 0) {
i3 = checkContainsAt(str, str2, i3, i2, "byte separator");
int checkContainsAt = checkContainsAt(str, bytePrefix, i3, i2, "byte prefix");
checkHexLength(str, checkContainsAt, RangesKt.coerceAtMost(checkContainsAt + 2, i2), 2, true);
int decimalFromHexDigitAt = decimalFromHexDigitAt(str, checkContainsAt) << 4;
bArr[i4] = (byte) (decimalFromHexDigitAt | decimalFromHexDigitAt(str, checkContainsAt + 1));
i3 = checkContainsAt(str, byteSuffix, checkContainsAt + 2, i2, "byte suffix");
str2 = str2;
i6 = 0;
int checkContainsAt2 = checkContainsAt(str, bytePrefix, i3, i2, "byte prefix");
checkHexLength(str, checkContainsAt2, RangesKt.coerceAtMost(checkContainsAt2 + 2, i2), 2, true);
int decimalFromHexDigitAt2 = decimalFromHexDigitAt(str, checkContainsAt2) << 4;
bArr[i4] = (byte) (decimalFromHexDigitAt2 | decimalFromHexDigitAt(str, checkContainsAt2 + 1));
i3 = checkContainsAt(str, byteSuffix, checkContainsAt2 + 2, i2, "byte suffix");
str2 = str2;
if (i4 == parsedByteArrayMaxSize) {
return bArr;
byte[] copyOf = Arrays.copyOf(bArr, i4);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(copyOf, "copyOf(...)");
return copyOf;
public static final int parsedByteArrayMaxSize(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6, int i7) {
long charsPerSet;
int i8;
int i9;
if (i <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());
long j = i6 + 2 + i7;
long charsPerSet2 = charsPerSet(j, i3, i5);
if (i2 <= i3) {
charsPerSet = charsPerSet(j, i2, i5);
} else {
charsPerSet = charsPerSet(charsPerSet2, i2 / i3, i4);
int i10 = i2 % i3;
if (i10 != 0) {
charsPerSet = charsPerSet + i4 + charsPerSet(j, i10, i5);
long j2 = i;
long wholeElementsPerSet = wholeElementsPerSet(j2, charsPerSet, 1);
long j3 = j2 - ((charsPerSet + 1) * wholeElementsPerSet);
long wholeElementsPerSet2 = wholeElementsPerSet(j3, charsPerSet2, i4);
long j4 = j3 - ((charsPerSet2 + i4) * wholeElementsPerSet2);
long wholeElementsPerSet3 = wholeElementsPerSet(j4, j, i5);
if (j4 - ((j + i5) * wholeElementsPerSet3) > 0) {
i9 = i2;
i8 = 1;
} else {
i8 = 0;
i9 = i2;
return (int) ((wholeElementsPerSet * i9) + (wholeElementsPerSet2 * i3) + wholeElementsPerSet3 + i8);
private static final long charsPerSet(long j, int i, int i2) {
if (i <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());
long j2 = i;
return (j * j2) + (i2 * (j2 - 1));
private static final long wholeElementsPerSet(long j, long j2, int i) {
if (j <= 0 || j2 <= 0) {
return 0L;
long j3 = i;
return (j + j3) / (j2 + j3);
private static final int checkNewLineAt(String str, int i, int i2) {
if (str.charAt(i) == '\r') {
int i3 = i + 1;
return (i3 >= i2 || str.charAt(i3) != '\n') ? i3 : i + 2;
if (str.charAt(i) == '\n') {
return i + 1;
throw new NumberFormatException("Expected a new line at index " + i + ", but was " + str.charAt(i));
public static final String toHexString(byte b, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return toHexStringImpl(b, format, 8);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(byte b, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(b, hexFormat);
public static final byte hexToByte(String str, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(str, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return hexToByte(str, 0, str.length(), format);
public static /* synthetic */ byte hexToByte$default(String str, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToByte(str, hexFormat);
static /* synthetic */ byte hexToByte$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToByte(str, i, i2, hexFormat);
private static final byte hexToByte(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat) {
return (byte) hexToLongImpl(str, i, i2, hexFormat, 2);
public static final String toHexString(short s, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return toHexStringImpl(s, format, 16);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(short s, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(s, hexFormat);
public static final short hexToShort(String str, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(str, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return hexToShort(str, 0, str.length(), format);
public static /* synthetic */ short hexToShort$default(String str, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToShort(str, hexFormat);
static /* synthetic */ short hexToShort$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToShort(str, i, i2, hexFormat);
private static final short hexToShort(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat) {
return (short) hexToLongImpl(str, i, i2, hexFormat, 4);
public static final String toHexString(int i, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return toHexStringImpl(i, format, 32);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(int i, HexFormat hexFormat, int i2, Object obj) {
if ((i2 & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(i, hexFormat);
public static final int hexToInt(String str, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(str, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return hexToInt(str, 0, str.length(), format);
public static /* synthetic */ int hexToInt$default(String str, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToInt(str, hexFormat);
static /* synthetic */ int hexToInt$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToInt(str, i, i2, hexFormat);
private static final int hexToInt(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat) {
return (int) hexToLongImpl(str, i, i2, hexFormat, 8);
public static final String toHexString(long j, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return toHexStringImpl(j, format, 64);
public static /* synthetic */ String toHexString$default(long j, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return toHexString(j, hexFormat);
public static final long hexToLong(String str, HexFormat format) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(str, "<this>");
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(format, "format");
return hexToLong(str, 0, str.length(), format);
public static /* synthetic */ long hexToLong$default(String str, HexFormat hexFormat, int i, Object obj) {
if ((i & 1) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToLong(str, hexFormat);
static /* synthetic */ long hexToLong$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, Object obj) {
if ((i3 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i3 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
if ((i3 & 4) != 0) {
hexFormat = HexFormat.INSTANCE.getDefault();
return hexToLong(str, i, i2, hexFormat);
private static final long hexToLong(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat) {
return hexToLongImpl(str, i, i2, hexFormat, 16);
private static final String toHexStringImpl(long j, HexFormat hexFormat, int i) {
if ((i & 3) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed requirement.".toString());
String str = hexFormat.getUpperCase() ? UPPER_CASE_HEX_DIGITS : LOWER_CASE_HEX_DIGITS;
String prefix = hexFormat.getNumber().getPrefix();
String suffix = hexFormat.getNumber().getSuffix();
int length = prefix.length() + (i >> 2) + suffix.length();
boolean removeLeadingZeros = hexFormat.getNumber().getRemoveLeadingZeros();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
while (i > 0) {
i -= 4;
int i2 = (int) ((j >> i) & 15);
removeLeadingZeros = removeLeadingZeros && i2 == 0 && i > 0;
if (!removeLeadingZeros) {
String sb2 = sb.toString();
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(sb2, "toString(...)");
return sb2;
static /* synthetic */ long hexToLongImpl$default(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3, int i4, Object obj) {
if ((i4 & 1) != 0) {
i = 0;
if ((i4 & 2) != 0) {
i2 = str.length();
return hexToLongImpl(str, i, i2, hexFormat, i3);
private static final long hexToLongImpl(String str, int i, int i2, HexFormat hexFormat, int i3) {
AbstractList.INSTANCE.checkBoundsIndexes$kotlin_stdlib(i, i2, str.length());
String prefix = hexFormat.getNumber().getPrefix();
String suffix = hexFormat.getNumber().getSuffix();
if (prefix.length() + suffix.length() >= i2 - i) {
StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder("Expected a hexadecimal number with prefix \"").append(prefix).append("\" and suffix \"").append(suffix).append("\", but was ");
Intrinsics.checkNotNull(str, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring = str.substring(i, i2);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring, "substring(...)");
throw new NumberFormatException(append.append(substring).toString());
int checkContainsAt = checkContainsAt(str, prefix, i, i2, "prefix");
int length = i2 - suffix.length();
checkContainsAt(str, suffix, length, i2, "suffix");
checkHexLength(str, checkContainsAt, length, i3, false);
long j = 0;
while (checkContainsAt < length) {
j = (j << 4) | decimalFromHexDigitAt(str, checkContainsAt);
return j;
private static final int checkContainsAt(String str, String str2, int i, int i2, String str3) {
int length = str2.length() + i;
if (length <= i2 && StringsKt.regionMatches(str, i, str2, 0, str2.length(), true)) {
return length;
StringBuilder append = new StringBuilder("Expected ").append(str3).append(" \"").append(str2).append("\" at index ").append(i).append(", but was ");
int coerceAtMost = RangesKt.coerceAtMost(length, i2);
Intrinsics.checkNotNull(str, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring = str.substring(i, coerceAtMost);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring, "substring(...)");
throw new NumberFormatException(append.append(substring).toString());
private static final void checkHexLength(String str, int i, int i2, int i3, boolean z) {
int i4 = i2 - i;
if (z) {
if (i4 == i3) {
} else if (i4 <= i3) {
String str2 = z ? "exactly" : "at most";
Intrinsics.checkNotNull(str, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
String substring = str.substring(i, i2);
Intrinsics.checkNotNullExpressionValue(substring, "substring(...)");
throw new NumberFormatException("Expected " + str2 + ' ' + i3 + " hexadecimal digits at index " + i + ", but was " + substring + " of length " + i4);
private static final int decimalFromHexDigitAt(String str, int i) {
int i2;
char charAt = str.charAt(i);
if (charAt > 127 || (i2 = HEX_DIGITS_TO_DECIMAL[charAt]) < 0) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Expected a hexadecimal digit at index " + i + ", but was " + str.charAt(i));
return i2;