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package io.sentry;
import io.sentry.hints.Cached;
import io.sentry.hints.Enqueable;
import io.sentry.hints.Flushable;
import io.sentry.hints.Retryable;
import io.sentry.hints.SubmissionResult;
import io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter;
import io.sentry.util.HintUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public abstract class DirectoryProcessor {
private static final long ENVELOPE_PROCESSING_DELAY = 100;
private final long flushTimeoutMillis;
private final IHub hub;
private final ILogger logger;
private final Queue<String> processedEnvelopes;
protected abstract boolean isRelevantFileName(String str);
protected abstract void processFile(File file, Hint hint);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public DirectoryProcessor(IHub iHub, ILogger iLogger, long j, int i) {
this.hub = iHub;
this.logger = iLogger;
this.flushTimeoutMillis = j;
this.processedEnvelopes = SynchronizedQueue.synchronizedQueue(new CircularFifoQueue(i));
public void processDirectory(File file) {
try {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Processing dir. %s", file.getAbsolutePath());
if (!file.exists()) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Directory '%s' doesn't exist. No cached events to send.", file.getAbsolutePath());
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Cache dir %s is not a directory.", file.getAbsolutePath());
File[] listFiles = file.listFiles();
if (listFiles == null) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Cache dir %s is null.", file.getAbsolutePath());
File[] listFiles2 = file.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { // from class: io.sentry.DirectoryProcessor$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // java.io.FilenameFilter
public final boolean accept(File file2, String str) {
return DirectoryProcessor.this.m5614lambda$processDirectory$0$iosentryDirectoryProcessor(file2, str);
ILogger iLogger = this.logger;
SentryLevel sentryLevel = SentryLevel.DEBUG;
Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(listFiles2 != null ? listFiles2.length : 0);
objArr[1] = file.getAbsolutePath();
iLogger.log(sentryLevel, "Processing %d items from cache dir %s", objArr);
for (File file2 : listFiles) {
if (!file2.isFile()) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "File %s is not a File.", file2.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
String absolutePath = file2.getAbsolutePath();
if (this.processedEnvelopes.contains(absolutePath)) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "File '%s' has already been processed so it will not be processed again.", absolutePath);
} else {
RateLimiter rateLimiter = this.hub.getRateLimiter();
if (rateLimiter != null && rateLimiter.isActiveForCategory(DataCategory.All)) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.INFO, "DirectoryProcessor, rate limiting active.", new Object[0]);
} else {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Processing file: %s", absolutePath);
processFile(file2, HintUtils.createWithTypeCheckHint(new SendCachedEnvelopeHint(this.flushTimeoutMillis, this.logger, absolutePath, this.processedEnvelopes)));
} catch (Throwable th) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th, "Failed processing '%s'", file.getAbsolutePath());
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* renamed from: lambda$processDirectory$0$io-sentry-DirectoryProcessor, reason: not valid java name */
public /* synthetic */ boolean m5614lambda$processDirectory$0$iosentryDirectoryProcessor(File file, String str) {
return isRelevantFileName(str);
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
private static final class SendCachedEnvelopeHint implements Cached, Retryable, SubmissionResult, Flushable, Enqueable {
private final String filePath;
private final long flushTimeoutMillis;
private final ILogger logger;
private final Queue<String> processedEnvelopes;
boolean retry = false;
boolean succeeded = false;
private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
@Override // io.sentry.hints.Retryable
public boolean isRetry() {
return this.retry;
@Override // io.sentry.hints.SubmissionResult
public boolean isSuccess() {
return this.succeeded;
@Override // io.sentry.hints.Retryable
public void setRetry(boolean z) {
this.retry = z;
public SendCachedEnvelopeHint(long j, ILogger iLogger, String str, Queue<String> queue) {
this.flushTimeoutMillis = j;
this.filePath = str;
this.processedEnvelopes = queue;
this.logger = iLogger;
@Override // io.sentry.hints.Flushable
public boolean waitFlush() {
try {
return this.latch.await(this.flushTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Exception while awaiting on lock.", e);
return false;
@Override // io.sentry.hints.SubmissionResult
public void setResult(boolean z) {
this.succeeded = z;
@Override // io.sentry.hints.Enqueable
public void markEnqueued() {