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package io.sentry;
import io.sentry.Scope;
import io.sentry.metrics.LocalMetricsAggregator;
import io.sentry.protocol.Contexts;
import io.sentry.protocol.SentryId;
import io.sentry.protocol.SentryThread;
import io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction;
import io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource;
import io.sentry.protocol.User;
import io.sentry.util.Objects;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class SentryTracer implements ITransaction {
private final Baggage baggage;
private final List<Span> children;
private final Contexts contexts;
private volatile TimerTask deadlineTimeoutTask;
private final SentryId eventId;
private FinishStatus finishStatus;
private final IHub hub;
private volatile TimerTask idleTimeoutTask;
private final Instrumenter instrumenter;
private final AtomicBoolean isDeadlineTimerRunning;
private final AtomicBoolean isIdleFinishTimerRunning;
private String name;
private final Span root;
private volatile Timer timer;
private final Object timerLock;
private TransactionNameSource transactionNameSource;
private final TransactionOptions transactionOptions;
private final TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector;
public List<Span> getChildren() {
return this.children;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public Contexts getContexts() {
return this.contexts;
TimerTask getDeadlineTimeoutTask() {
return this.deadlineTimeoutTask;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public SentryId getEventId() {
return this.eventId;
TimerTask getIdleTimeoutTask() {
return this.idleTimeoutTask;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public String getName() {
return this.name;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public Span getRoot() {
return this.root;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public List<Span> getSpans() {
return this.children;
Timer getTimer() {
return this.timer;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public TransactionNameSource getTransactionNameSource() {
return this.transactionNameSource;
AtomicBoolean isDeadlineTimerRunning() {
return this.isDeadlineTimerRunning;
AtomicBoolean isFinishTimerRunning() {
return this.isIdleFinishTimerRunning;
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public boolean isNoOp() {
return false;
public SentryTracer(TransactionContext transactionContext, IHub iHub) {
this(transactionContext, iHub, new TransactionOptions(), null);
public SentryTracer(TransactionContext transactionContext, IHub iHub, TransactionOptions transactionOptions) {
this(transactionContext, iHub, transactionOptions, null);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public SentryTracer(TransactionContext transactionContext, IHub iHub, TransactionOptions transactionOptions, TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector) {
this.eventId = new SentryId();
this.children = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
this.finishStatus = FinishStatus.NOT_FINISHED;
this.timer = null;
this.timerLock = new Object();
this.isIdleFinishTimerRunning = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.isDeadlineTimerRunning = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.contexts = new Contexts();
Objects.requireNonNull(transactionContext, "context is required");
Objects.requireNonNull(iHub, "hub is required");
this.root = new Span(transactionContext, this, iHub, transactionOptions.getStartTimestamp(), transactionOptions);
this.name = transactionContext.getName();
this.instrumenter = transactionContext.getInstrumenter();
this.hub = iHub;
this.transactionPerformanceCollector = transactionPerformanceCollector;
this.transactionNameSource = transactionContext.getTransactionNameSource();
this.transactionOptions = transactionOptions;
if (transactionContext.getBaggage() != null) {
this.baggage = transactionContext.getBaggage();
} else {
this.baggage = new Baggage(iHub.getOptions().getLogger());
if (transactionPerformanceCollector != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(isProfileSampled())) {
if (transactionOptions.getIdleTimeout() == null && transactionOptions.getDeadlineTimeout() == null) {
this.timer = new Timer(true);
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void scheduleFinish() {
Long idleTimeout;
synchronized (this.timerLock) {
if (this.timer != null && (idleTimeout = this.transactionOptions.getIdleTimeout()) != null) {
this.idleTimeoutTask = new TimerTask() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer.1
@Override // java.util.TimerTask, java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
try {
this.timer.schedule(this.idleTimeoutTask, idleTimeout.longValue());
} catch (Throwable th) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Failed to schedule finish timer", th);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public void onIdleTimeoutReached() {
SpanStatus status = getStatus();
if (status == null) {
status = SpanStatus.OK;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public void onDeadlineTimeoutReached() {
SpanStatus status = getStatus();
if (status == null) {
status = SpanStatus.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED;
forceFinish(status, this.transactionOptions.getIdleTimeout() != null, null);
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void forceFinish(SpanStatus spanStatus, boolean z, Hint hint) {
if (isFinished()) {
SentryDate now = this.hub.getOptions().getDateProvider().now();
List<Span> list = this.children;
ListIterator<Span> listIterator = list.listIterator(list.size());
while (listIterator.hasPrevious()) {
Span previous = listIterator.previous();
previous.finish(spanStatus, now);
finish(spanStatus, now, z, hint);
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void finish(SpanStatus spanStatus, SentryDate sentryDate, boolean z, Hint hint) {
SentryDate finishDate = this.root.getFinishDate();
if (sentryDate == null) {
sentryDate = finishDate;
if (sentryDate == null) {
sentryDate = this.hub.getOptions().getDateProvider().now();
for (Span span : this.children) {
if (span.getOptions().isIdle()) {
span.finish(spanStatus != null ? spanStatus : getSpanContext().status, sentryDate);
this.finishStatus = FinishStatus.finishing(spanStatus);
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
if (!this.transactionOptions.isWaitForChildren() || hasAllChildrenFinished()) {
TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector = this.transactionPerformanceCollector;
List<PerformanceCollectionData> m5613lambda$start$0$iosentryDefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector = transactionPerformanceCollector != null ? transactionPerformanceCollector.m5613lambda$start$0$iosentryDefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector(this) : null;
ProfilingTraceData onTransactionFinish = (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isSampled()) && Boolean.TRUE.equals(isProfileSampled())) ? this.hub.getOptions().getTransactionProfiler().onTransactionFinish(this, m5613lambda$start$0$iosentryDefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector, this.hub.getOptions()) : null;
if (m5613lambda$start$0$iosentryDefaultTransactionPerformanceCollector != null) {
this.root.finish(this.finishStatus.spanStatus, sentryDate);
this.hub.configureScope(new ScopeCallback() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // io.sentry.ScopeCallback
public final void run(IScope iScope) {
SentryTransaction sentryTransaction = new SentryTransaction(this);
TransactionFinishedCallback transactionFinishedCallback = this.transactionOptions.getTransactionFinishedCallback();
if (transactionFinishedCallback != null) {
if (this.timer != null) {
synchronized (this.timerLock) {
if (this.timer != null) {
this.timer = null;
if (z && this.children.isEmpty() && this.transactionOptions.getIdleTimeout() != null) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Dropping idle transaction %s because it has no child spans", this.name);
} else {
this.hub.captureTransaction(sentryTransaction, traceContext(), hint, onTransactionFinish);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* renamed from: lambda$finish$1$io-sentry-SentryTracer, reason: not valid java name */
public /* synthetic */ void m5631lambda$finish$1$iosentrySentryTracer(final IScope iScope) {
iScope.withTransaction(new Scope.IWithTransaction() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2
@Override // io.sentry.Scope.IWithTransaction
public final void accept(ITransaction iTransaction) {
SentryTracer.this.m5630lambda$finish$0$iosentrySentryTracer(iScope, iTransaction);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* renamed from: lambda$finish$0$io-sentry-SentryTracer, reason: not valid java name */
public /* synthetic */ void m5630lambda$finish$0$iosentrySentryTracer(IScope iScope, ITransaction iTransaction) {
if (iTransaction == this) {
private void cancelIdleTimer() {
synchronized (this.timerLock) {
if (this.idleTimeoutTask != null) {
this.idleTimeoutTask = null;
private void scheduleDeadlineTimeout() {
Long deadlineTimeout = this.transactionOptions.getDeadlineTimeout();
if (deadlineTimeout != null) {
synchronized (this.timerLock) {
if (this.timer != null) {
this.deadlineTimeoutTask = new TimerTask() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer.2
@Override // java.util.TimerTask, java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
try {
this.timer.schedule(this.deadlineTimeoutTask, deadlineTimeout.longValue());
} catch (Throwable th) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Failed to schedule finish timer", th);
private void cancelDeadlineTimer() {
synchronized (this.timerLock) {
if (this.deadlineTimeoutTask != null) {
this.deadlineTimeoutTask = null;
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public SentryDate getStartDate() {
return this.root.getStartDate();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public SentryDate getFinishDate() {
return this.root.getFinishDate();
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public ISpan startChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2) {
return startChild(spanId, str, str2, new SpanOptions());
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public ISpan startChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
return createChild(spanId, str, str2, spanOptions);
ISpan startChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter) {
return createChild(spanId, str, str2, sentryDate, instrumenter, new SpanOptions());
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public ISpan startChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
return createChild(spanId, str, str2, sentryDate, instrumenter, spanOptions);
private ISpan createChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
return createChild(spanId, str, str2, null, Instrumenter.SENTRY, spanOptions);
private ISpan createChild(SpanId spanId, String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
if (!this.instrumenter.equals(instrumenter)) {
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
if (this.children.size() < this.hub.getOptions().getMaxSpans()) {
Objects.requireNonNull(spanId, "parentSpanId is required");
Objects.requireNonNull(str, "operation is required");
Span span = new Span(this.root.getTraceId(), spanId, this, str, this.hub, sentryDate, spanOptions, new SpanFinishedCallback() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1
@Override // io.sentry.SpanFinishedCallback
public final void execute(Span span2) {
span.setData(SpanDataConvention.THREAD_ID, String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getId()));
span.setData(SpanDataConvention.THREAD_NAME, this.hub.getOptions().getMainThreadChecker().isMainThread() ? SentryThread.JsonKeys.MAIN : Thread.currentThread().getName());
TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector = this.transactionPerformanceCollector;
if (transactionPerformanceCollector != null) {
return span;
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Span operation: %s, description: %s dropped due to limit reached. Returning NoOpSpan.", str, str2);
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* renamed from: lambda$createChild$2$io-sentry-SentryTracer, reason: not valid java name */
public /* synthetic */ void m5629lambda$createChild$2$iosentrySentryTracer(Span span) {
TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector = this.transactionPerformanceCollector;
if (transactionPerformanceCollector != null) {
FinishStatus finishStatus = this.finishStatus;
if (this.transactionOptions.getIdleTimeout() != null) {
if (!this.transactionOptions.isWaitForChildren() || hasAllChildrenFinished()) {
if (finishStatus.isFinishing) {
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public ISpan startChild(String str) {
return startChild(str, null);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public ISpan startChild(String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter) {
return startChild(str, str2, sentryDate, instrumenter, new SpanOptions());
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public ISpan startChild(String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
return createChild(str, str2, sentryDate, instrumenter, spanOptions);
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public ISpan startChild(String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate) {
return createChild(str, str2, sentryDate, Instrumenter.SENTRY, new SpanOptions());
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public ISpan startChild(String str, String str2) {
return startChild(str, str2, (SentryDate) null, Instrumenter.SENTRY, new SpanOptions());
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public ISpan startChild(String str, String str2, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
return createChild(str, str2, null, Instrumenter.SENTRY, spanOptions);
private ISpan createChild(String str, String str2, SentryDate sentryDate, Instrumenter instrumenter, SpanOptions spanOptions) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
if (!this.instrumenter.equals(instrumenter)) {
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
if (this.children.size() < this.hub.getOptions().getMaxSpans()) {
return this.root.startChild(str, str2, sentryDate, instrumenter, spanOptions);
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Span operation: %s, description: %s dropped due to limit reached. Returning NoOpSpan.", str, str2);
return NoOpSpan.getInstance();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public SentryTraceHeader toSentryTrace() {
return this.root.toSentryTrace();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void finish() {
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void finish(SpanStatus spanStatus) {
finish(spanStatus, null);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void finish(SpanStatus spanStatus, SentryDate sentryDate) {
finish(spanStatus, sentryDate, true, null);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public TraceContext traceContext() {
if (!this.hub.getOptions().isTraceSampling()) {
return null;
return this.baggage.toTraceContext();
private void updateBaggageValues() {
synchronized (this) {
if (this.baggage.isMutable()) {
final AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference();
this.hub.configureScope(new ScopeCallback() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryTracer$$ExternalSyntheticLambda3
@Override // io.sentry.ScopeCallback
public final void run(IScope iScope) {
this.baggage.setValuesFromTransaction(this, (User) atomicReference.get(), this.hub.getOptions(), getSamplingDecision());
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public BaggageHeader toBaggageHeader(List<String> list) {
if (!this.hub.getOptions().isTraceSampling()) {
return null;
return BaggageHeader.fromBaggageAndOutgoingHeader(this.baggage, list);
private boolean hasAllChildrenFinished() {
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(this.children);
if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
return true;
Iterator it = arrayList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (!((Span) it.next()).isFinished()) {
return false;
return true;
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setOperation(String str) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Operation %s cannot be set", str);
} else {
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public String getOperation() {
return this.root.getOperation();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setDescription(String str) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Description %s cannot be set", str);
} else {
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public String getDescription() {
return this.root.getDescription();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setStatus(SpanStatus spanStatus) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
ILogger logger = this.hub.getOptions().getLogger();
SentryLevel sentryLevel = SentryLevel.DEBUG;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
objArr[0] = spanStatus == null ? "null" : spanStatus.name();
logger.log(sentryLevel, "The transaction is already finished. Status %s cannot be set", objArr);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public SpanStatus getStatus() {
return this.root.getStatus();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setThrowable(Throwable th) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Throwable cannot be set", new Object[0]);
} else {
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public Throwable getThrowable() {
return this.root.getThrowable();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public SpanContext getSpanContext() {
return this.root.getSpanContext();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setTag(String str, String str2) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Tag %s cannot be set", str);
} else {
this.root.setTag(str, str2);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public String getTag(String str) {
return this.root.getTag(str);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public boolean isFinished() {
return this.root.isFinished();
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setData(String str, Object obj) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Data %s cannot be set", str);
} else {
this.root.setData(str, obj);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public Object getData(String str) {
return this.root.getData(str);
public void setMeasurementFromChild(String str, Number number) {
if (this.root.getMeasurements().containsKey(str)) {
setMeasurement(str, number);
public void setMeasurementFromChild(String str, Number number, MeasurementUnit measurementUnit) {
if (this.root.getMeasurements().containsKey(str)) {
setMeasurement(str, number, measurementUnit);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setMeasurement(String str, Number number) {
this.root.setMeasurement(str, number);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public void setMeasurement(String str, Number number, MeasurementUnit measurementUnit) {
this.root.setMeasurement(str, number, measurementUnit);
public Map<String, Object> getData() {
return this.root.getData();
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public Boolean isSampled() {
return this.root.isSampled();
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public Boolean isProfileSampled() {
return this.root.isProfileSampled();
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public TracesSamplingDecision getSamplingDecision() {
return this.root.getSamplingDecision();
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void setName(String str) {
setName(str, TransactionNameSource.CUSTOM);
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void setName(String str, TransactionNameSource transactionNameSource) {
if (this.root.isFinished()) {
this.hub.getOptions().getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "The transaction is already finished. Name %s cannot be set", str);
} else {
this.name = str;
this.transactionNameSource = transactionNameSource;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public Span getLatestActiveSpan() {
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(this.children);
if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
return null;
for (int size = arrayList.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) {
if (!((Span) arrayList.get(size)).isFinished()) {
return (Span) arrayList.get(size);
return null;
@Override // io.sentry.ITransaction
public void setContext(String str, Object obj) {
this.contexts.put(str, obj);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public boolean updateEndDate(SentryDate sentryDate) {
return this.root.updateEndDate(sentryDate);
@Override // io.sentry.ISpan
public LocalMetricsAggregator getLocalMetricsAggregator() {
return this.root.getLocalMetricsAggregator();
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public static final class FinishStatus {
static final FinishStatus NOT_FINISHED = notFinished();
private final boolean isFinishing;
private final SpanStatus spanStatus;
static FinishStatus finishing(SpanStatus spanStatus) {
return new FinishStatus(true, spanStatus);
private static FinishStatus notFinished() {
return new FinishStatus(false, null);
private FinishStatus(boolean z, SpanStatus spanStatus) {
this.isFinishing = z;
this.spanStatus = spanStatus;