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package kotlin.sequences;
import androidx.exifinterface.media.ExifInterface;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugMetadata;
import kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.RestrictedSuspendLambda;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* JADX INFO: Add missing generic type declarations: [R] */
/* compiled from: _Sequences.kt */
@Metadata(d1 = {"\u0000\u000e\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\u0010\u0000\u001a\u00020\u0001\"\u0004\b\u0000\u0010\u0002\"\u0004\b\u0001\u0010\u0003*\b\u0012\u0004\u0012\u0002H\u00030\u0004H\u008a@"}, d2 = {"<anonymous>", "", ExifInterface.GPS_DIRECTION_TRUE, "R", "Lkotlin/sequences/SequenceScope;"}, k = 3, mv = {1, 9, 0}, xi = 48)
@DebugMetadata(c = "kotlin.sequences.SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2", f = "_Sequences.kt", i = {0, 0, 0}, l = {2873}, m = "invokeSuspend", n = {"$this$result", "iterator", "next"}, s = {"L$0", "L$1", "L$2"})
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2<R> extends RestrictedSuspendLambda implements Function2<SequenceScope<? super R>, Continuation<? super Unit>, Object> {
final /* synthetic */ Sequence<T> $this_zipWithNext;
final /* synthetic */ Function2<T, T, R> $transform;
private /* synthetic */ Object L$0;
Object L$1;
Object L$2;
int label;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
public SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2(Sequence<? extends T> sequence, Function2<? super T, ? super T, ? extends R> function2, Continuation<? super SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2> continuation) {
super(2, continuation);
this.$this_zipWithNext = sequence;
this.$transform = function2;
@Override // kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl
public final Continuation<Unit> create(Object obj, Continuation<?> continuation) {
SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2 sequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2 = new SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2(this.$this_zipWithNext, this.$transform, continuation);
sequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2.L$0 = obj;
return sequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2;
@Override // kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2
public final Object invoke(SequenceScope<? super R> sequenceScope, Continuation<? super Unit> continuation) {
return ((SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2) create(sequenceScope, continuation)).invokeSuspend(Unit.INSTANCE);
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0061 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:8:0x0045 */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:9:0x005e -> B:5:0x0018). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
@Override // kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final java.lang.Object invokeSuspend(java.lang.Object r7) {
r6 = this;
java.lang.Object r0 = kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.IntrinsicsKt.getCOROUTINE_SUSPENDED()
int r1 = r6.label
r2 = 1
if (r1 == 0) goto L22
if (r1 != r2) goto L1a
java.lang.Object r1 = r6.L$2
java.lang.Object r3 = r6.L$1
java.util.Iterator r3 = (java.util.Iterator) r3
java.lang.Object r4 = r6.L$0
kotlin.sequences.SequenceScope r4 = (kotlin.sequences.SequenceScope) r4
r7 = r1
goto L3f
java.lang.IllegalStateException r6 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException
java.lang.String r7 = "call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine"
throw r6
java.lang.Object r7 = r6.L$0
kotlin.sequences.SequenceScope r7 = (kotlin.sequences.SequenceScope) r7
kotlin.sequences.Sequence<T> r1 = r6.$this_zipWithNext
java.util.Iterator r1 = r1.iterator()
boolean r3 = r1.hasNext()
if (r3 != 0) goto L38
kotlin.Unit r6 = kotlin.Unit.INSTANCE
return r6
java.lang.Object r3 = r1.next()
r4 = r7
r7 = r3
r3 = r1
boolean r1 = r3.hasNext()
if (r1 == 0) goto L61
java.lang.Object r1 = r3.next()
kotlin.jvm.functions.Function2<T, T, R> r5 = r6.$transform
java.lang.Object r7 = r5.invoke(r7, r1)
r5 = r6
kotlin.coroutines.Continuation r5 = (kotlin.coroutines.Continuation) r5
r6.L$0 = r4
r6.L$1 = r3
r6.L$2 = r1
r6.label = r2
java.lang.Object r7 = r4.yield(r7, r5)
if (r7 != r0) goto L18
return r0
kotlin.Unit r6 = kotlin.Unit.INSTANCE
return r6
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: kotlin.sequences.SequencesKt___SequencesKt$zipWithNext$2.invokeSuspend(java.lang.Object):java.lang.Object");