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package tech.rabbit.r1launcher.wss.rtc;
import android.content.Context;
import android.media.AudioDeviceInfo;
import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.util.Log;
import com.google.common.net.HttpHeaders;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import okhttp3.MediaType;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import okhttp3.Response;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.mediasoup.droid.Consumer;
import org.mediasoup.droid.Device;
import org.mediasoup.droid.PeerConnection;
import org.mediasoup.droid.RecvTransport;
import org.mediasoup.droid.Transport;
import org.webrtc.AudioTrack;
import org.webrtc.MediaStream;
import org.webrtc.MediaStreamTrack;
import tech.rabbit.common.utils.RLog;
import tech.rabbit.r1launcher.utils.OkHttpUtil;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public class RTCInstance {
public static final double MAX_VOLUME = 0.3d;
public static final double MIN_VOLUME = 0.01d;
private static final String TAG = "RTCInstance";
private static CreateWebRtcTransportResponse mTransportResponse;
private String mAppData;
private String mBaseUrl;
private PeerConnection.Options mConfig;
private Consumer mConsumer;
public Context mContext;
double mCurrentVolume;
private String mDtlsParameters;
private String mIceCandidates;
private String mIceParameters;
private Device mMediasoupDevice;
private RTCStateListener mRTCStateListener;
public String mRTCStateMsg;
private RecvTransport mRecvTransport;
private Object mSctp;
private MediaStream mStream;
private MediaStreamTrack mTrack;
private String mTransportId;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public interface RTCStateListener {
void onChange(String str);
public void setRTCStateListener(RTCStateListener rTCStateListener) {
this.mRTCStateListener = rTCStateListener;
private RTCInstance() {
this.mCurrentVolume = 0.3d;
this.mRTCStateMsg = "Disconnect";
public AudioTrack getAudioTrack() {
MediaStreamTrack mediaStreamTrack = this.mTrack;
if (mediaStreamTrack instanceof AudioTrack) {
return (AudioTrack) mediaStreamTrack;
return null;
public Double getCurrentVolume() {
RLog.d(TAG, "getCurrentVolume: " + this.mCurrentVolume);
return Double.valueOf(this.mCurrentVolume);
public void setCurrentVolume(double d) {
this.mCurrentVolume = d;
RLog.d(TAG, "setCurrentVolume: " + this.mCurrentVolume);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public static class Holder {
private static final RTCInstance INSTANCE = new RTCInstance();
private Holder() {
public static RTCInstance getInstance() {
return Holder.INSTANCE;
public Device createDevice() {
Device device = this.mMediasoupDevice;
if (device != null) {
return device;
Device device2 = new Device();
this.mMediasoupDevice = device2;
return device2;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public void updateState(String str) {
if ("completed".equals(str)) {
str = "Connected";
this.mRTCStateMsg = str;
RTCStateListener rTCStateListener = this.mRTCStateListener;
if (rTCStateListener != null) {
public RecvTransport createRecvTransport(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, Object obj, PeerConnection.Options options, String str5, String str6) {
try {
this.mBaseUrl = str;
this.mIceParameters = str2;
this.mIceCandidates = str3;
this.mTransportId = str4;
this.mSctp = obj;
this.mConfig = options;
this.mAppData = str5;
this.mDtlsParameters = str6;
RecvTransport createRecvTransport = this.mMediasoupDevice.createRecvTransport(new RecvTransport.Listener() { // from class: tech.rabbit.r1launcher.wss.rtc.RTCInstance.1
@Override // org.mediasoup.droid.Transport.Listener
public void onConnect(Transport transport, String str7) {
RLog.i(RTCInstance.TAG, "onConnect , dtlsParameters=" + str7);
RTCNetworkManager.handleConnectWebRtcTransport(str7, RTCInstance.this.mTransportId, RTCInstance.this.mBaseUrl);
@Override // org.mediasoup.droid.Transport.Listener
public void onConnectionStateChange(Transport transport, String str7) {
RLog.i(RTCInstance.TAG, "onConnectionStateChange: " + str7);
}, this.mTransportId, this.mIceParameters, this.mIceCandidates, this.mDtlsParameters, null, this.mConfig, this.mAppData);
this.mRecvTransport = createRecvTransport;
return createRecvTransport;
} catch (Exception e) {
RLog.e(TAG, "createRecvTransport Exception", e);
return null;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public static void handleStreamConnect(OkHttpClient okHttpClient, String str, CreateWebRtcTransportResponse createWebRtcTransportResponse, Device device) {
JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
try {
jSONObject.put("transportId", createWebRtcTransportResponse.getTransportId());
jSONObject.put("rtpCapabilitiesJson", device.getRtpCapabilities());
mTransportResponse = createWebRtcTransportResponse;
} catch (Exception e) {
RLog.e(TAG, "handleStreamConnect Exception", e);
try {
Response execute = okHttpClient.newCall(new Request.Builder().url(str + "/mediasoupConsume").post(RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/json"), jSONObject.toString())).header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json").build()).execute();
if (execute.isSuccessful()) {
String string = execute.body().string();
MediasoupConsumeResponse mediasoupConsumeResponse = (MediasoupConsumeResponse) new Gson().fromJson(string, MediasoupConsumeResponse.class);
Log.w(TAG, "handleStreamConnect: " + mediasoupConsumeResponse + "," + mediasoupConsumeResponse.toString());
Log.w(TAG, "handleStreamConnect: " + string);
getInstance().createConsumer(mediasoupConsumeResponse.getConsumerId(), mediasoupConsumeResponse.getProducerId(), "audio", mediasoupConsumeResponse.getRtpParameters());
} else {
RLog.i(RTCNetworkManager.TAG, "onMessage: onError");
} catch (Exception e2) {
RLog.e(TAG, "handleStreamConnect Exception", e2);
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public void handleConnectionStateChange(String str) {
if ("disconnected".equals(str)) {
RLog.i(TAG, "WebRTC disconnected. Attempting to reconnect...");
private void reconnect() {
createRecvTransport(this.mBaseUrl, this.mIceParameters, this.mIceCandidates, this.mTransportId, this.mSctp, this.mConfig, this.mAppData, this.mDtlsParameters);
handleStreamConnect(OkHttpUtil.client(), this.mBaseUrl, mTransportResponse, getInstance().createDevice());
public void createConsumer(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) {
if (this.mRecvTransport == null) {
RLog.e(TAG, "createConsumer mRecvTransport is null");
try {
Context context = this.mContext;
if (context != null) {
Consumer consume = this.mRecvTransport.consume(new Consumer.Listener() { // from class: tech.rabbit.r1launcher.wss.rtc.RTCInstance$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0
@Override // org.mediasoup.droid.Consumer.Listener
public final void onTransportClose(Consumer consumer) {
RLog.i(RTCInstance.TAG, "onTransportClose: ");
}, str, str2, str3, str4);
this.mConsumer = consume;
if (consume != null) {
this.mTrack = consume.getTrack();
} catch (Exception e) {
RLog.e(TAG, "createConsumer Exception", e);
public void closeStream() {
Consumer consumer;
RLog.d(TAG, "closeStream");
if (this.mStream == null || (consumer = this.mConsumer) == null || !(consumer.getTrack() instanceof AudioTrack)) {
this.mStream.removeTrack((AudioTrack) this.mConsumer.getTrack());
public void closeRTC() {
RLog.d(TAG, "closeRTC");
RecvTransport recvTransport = this.mRecvTransport;
if (recvTransport != null) {
public void release() {
RLog.d(TAG, "release");
this.mMediasoupDevice = null;
public static void setSpeakerMode(Context context) {
if (isBluetoothDeviceOn(context)) {
} else {
public static boolean isBluetoothDeviceOn(Context context) {
List<AudioDeviceInfo> asList = Arrays.asList(((AudioManager) context.getSystemService("audio")).getDevices(2));
if (asList == null || asList.isEmpty()) {
return false;
for (AudioDeviceInfo audioDeviceInfo : asList) {
RLog.d(TAG, "bluetooth device type: " + audioDeviceInfo.getType() + " " + ((Object) audioDeviceInfo.getProductName()));
if (audioDeviceInfo.getType() == 8 || audioDeviceInfo.getType() == 7) {
RLog.d(TAG, "bluetooth connected, audioManager mode: " + audioDeviceInfo.getType());
return true;
return false;
public static void setSpeakerphoneOn(Context context) {
RLog.i(TAG, "setSpeakerphoneOn: ");
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService("audio");
public static void setBluetoothScoOn(Context context) {
RLog.i(TAG, "setBluetoothScoOn: ");
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService("audio");