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237 lines
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.class public final Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "Quantiles.java"
# annotations
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass;
value = Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;
.end annotation
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass;
accessFlags = 0x19
name = "ScaleAndIndex"
.end annotation
# instance fields
.field private final index:I
.field private final scale:I
# direct methods
.method private constructor <init>(II)V
.locals 0
.line 221
invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
.line 222
invoke-static {p2, p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$300(II)V
iput p1, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->scale:I
iput p2, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->index:I
.end method
.method synthetic constructor <init>(IILcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$1;)V
.locals 0
.line 216
invoke-direct {p0, p1, p2}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;-><init>(II)V
.end method
# virtual methods
.method public compute(Ljava/util/Collection;)D
.locals 0
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature;
value = {
.end annotation
.line 236
invoke-static {p1}, Lcom/google/common/primitives/Doubles;->toArray(Ljava/util/Collection;)[D
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->computeInPlace([D)D
move-result-wide p0
return-wide p0
.end method
.method public varargs compute([D)D
.locals 0
.line 247
invoke-virtual {p1}, [D->clone()Ljava/lang/Object;
move-result-object p1
check-cast p1, [D
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->computeInPlace([D)D
move-result-wide p0
return-wide p0
.end method
.method public varargs compute([I)D
.locals 0
.line 270
invoke-static {p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$500([I)[D
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->computeInPlace([D)D
move-result-wide p0
return-wide p0
.end method
.method public varargs compute([J)D
.locals 0
.line 259
invoke-static {p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$400([J)[D
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->computeInPlace([D)D
move-result-wide p0
return-wide p0
.end method
.method public varargs computeInPlace([D)D
.locals 13
.line 281
array-length v0, p1
const/4 v1, 0x0
const/4 v2, 0x1
if-lez v0, :cond_0
move v0, v2
goto :goto_0
move v0, v1
const-string v3, "Cannot calculate quantiles of an empty dataset"
invoke-static {v0, v3}, Lcom/google/common/base/Preconditions;->checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/Object;)V
.line 282
invoke-static {p1}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$600([D)Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0, :cond_1
const-wide/high16 p0, 0x7ff8000000000000L # Double.NaN
return-wide p0
iget v0, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->index:I
int-to-long v3, v0
.line 293
array-length v0, p1
sub-int/2addr v0, v2
int-to-long v5, v0
mul-long/2addr v3, v5
iget v0, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->scale:I
int-to-long v5, v0
.line 297
sget-object v0, Ljava/math/RoundingMode;->DOWN:Ljava/math/RoundingMode;
invoke-static {v3, v4, v5, v6, v0}, Lcom/google/common/math/LongMath;->divide(JJLjava/math/RoundingMode;)J
move-result-wide v5
long-to-int v0, v5
int-to-long v5, v0
iget v7, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->scale:I
int-to-long v7, v7
mul-long/2addr v5, v7
sub-long/2addr v3, v5
long-to-int v3, v3
.line 299
array-length v4, p1
sub-int/2addr v4, v2
invoke-static {v0, p1, v1, v4}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$700(I[DII)V
if-nez v3, :cond_2
.line 301
aget-wide p0, p1, v0
return-wide p0
add-int/lit8 v1, v0, 0x1
.line 303
array-length v4, p1
sub-int/2addr v4, v2
invoke-static {v1, p1, v1, v4}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$700(I[DII)V
.line 304
aget-wide v5, p1, v0
aget-wide v7, p1, v1
int-to-double v9, v3
iget p0, p0, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles$ScaleAndIndex;->scale:I
int-to-double v11, p0
invoke-static/range {v5 .. v12}, Lcom/google/common/math/Quantiles;->access$800(DDDD)D
move-result-wide p0
return-wide p0
.end method