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package androidx.dynamicanimation.animation;
import androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.DynamicAnimation;
import tech.rabbit.r1launcher.BuildConfig;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class SpringForce implements Force {
public static final float DAMPING_RATIO_HIGH_BOUNCY = 0.2f;
public static final float DAMPING_RATIO_LOW_BOUNCY = 0.75f;
public static final float DAMPING_RATIO_MEDIUM_BOUNCY = 0.5f;
public static final float DAMPING_RATIO_NO_BOUNCY = 1.0f;
public static final float STIFFNESS_HIGH = 10000.0f;
public static final float STIFFNESS_LOW = 200.0f;
public static final float STIFFNESS_MEDIUM = 1500.0f;
public static final float STIFFNESS_VERY_LOW = 50.0f;
private static final double UNSET = Double.MAX_VALUE;
private static final double VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER = 62.5d;
private double mDampedFreq;
double mDampingRatio;
private double mFinalPosition;
private double mGammaMinus;
private double mGammaPlus;
private boolean mInitialized;
private final DynamicAnimation.MassState mMassState;
double mNaturalFreq;
private double mValueThreshold;
private double mVelocityThreshold;
public float getDampingRatio() {
return (float) this.mDampingRatio;
public float getFinalPosition() {
return (float) this.mFinalPosition;
public float getStiffness() {
double d = this.mNaturalFreq;
return (float) (d * d);
public SpringForce setFinalPosition(float f) {
this.mFinalPosition = f;
return this;
public SpringForce() {
this.mNaturalFreq = Math.sqrt(1500.0d);
this.mDampingRatio = 0.5d;
this.mInitialized = false;
this.mFinalPosition = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.mMassState = new DynamicAnimation.MassState();
public SpringForce(float f) {
this.mNaturalFreq = Math.sqrt(1500.0d);
this.mDampingRatio = 0.5d;
this.mInitialized = false;
this.mFinalPosition = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.mMassState = new DynamicAnimation.MassState();
this.mFinalPosition = f;
public SpringForce setStiffness(float f) {
if (f <= 0.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Spring stiffness constant must be positive.");
this.mNaturalFreq = Math.sqrt(f);
this.mInitialized = false;
return this;
public SpringForce setDampingRatio(float f) {
if (f < 0.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Damping ratio must be non-negative");
this.mDampingRatio = f;
this.mInitialized = false;
return this;
@Override // androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.Force
public float getAcceleration(float f, float f2) {
float finalPosition = f - getFinalPosition();
double d = this.mNaturalFreq;
return (float) (((-(d * d)) * finalPosition) - (((d * 2.0d) * this.mDampingRatio) * f2));
@Override // androidx.dynamicanimation.animation.Force
public boolean isAtEquilibrium(float f, float f2) {
return ((double) Math.abs(f2)) < this.mVelocityThreshold && ((double) Math.abs(f - getFinalPosition())) < this.mValueThreshold;
private void init() {
if (this.mInitialized) {
if (this.mFinalPosition == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error: Final position of the spring must be set before the animation starts");
double d = this.mDampingRatio;
if (d > 1.0d) {
double d2 = this.mNaturalFreq;
this.mGammaPlus = ((-d) * d2) + (d2 * Math.sqrt((d * d) - 1.0d));
double d3 = this.mDampingRatio;
double d4 = this.mNaturalFreq;
this.mGammaMinus = ((-d3) * d4) - (d4 * Math.sqrt((d3 * d3) - 1.0d));
} else if (d >= BuildConfig.SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE && d < 1.0d) {
this.mDampedFreq = this.mNaturalFreq * Math.sqrt(1.0d - (d * d));
this.mInitialized = true;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public DynamicAnimation.MassState updateValues(double d, double d2, long j) {
double cos;
double d3;
double d4 = j / 1000.0d;
double d5 = d - this.mFinalPosition;
double d6 = this.mDampingRatio;
if (d6 > 1.0d) {
double d7 = this.mGammaMinus;
double d8 = this.mGammaPlus;
double d9 = d5 - (((d7 * d5) - d2) / (d7 - d8));
double d10 = ((d5 * d7) - d2) / (d7 - d8);
d3 = (Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, d7 * d4) * d9) + (Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, this.mGammaPlus * d4) * d10);
double d11 = this.mGammaMinus;
double pow = d9 * d11 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, d11 * d4);
double d12 = this.mGammaPlus;
cos = pow + (d10 * d12 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, d12 * d4));
} else if (d6 == 1.0d) {
double d13 = this.mNaturalFreq;
double d14 = d2 + (d13 * d5);
double d15 = d5 + (d14 * d4);
d3 = Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, (-d13) * d4) * d15;
double pow2 = d15 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, (-this.mNaturalFreq) * d4);
double d16 = this.mNaturalFreq;
cos = (d14 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, (-d16) * d4)) + (pow2 * (-d16));
} else {
double d17 = 1.0d / this.mDampedFreq;
double d18 = this.mNaturalFreq;
double d19 = d17 * ((d6 * d18 * d5) + d2);
double pow3 = Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, (-d6) * d18 * d4) * ((Math.cos(this.mDampedFreq * d4) * d5) + (Math.sin(this.mDampedFreq * d4) * d19));
double d20 = this.mNaturalFreq;
double d21 = this.mDampingRatio;
double d22 = (-d20) * pow3 * d21;
double pow4 = Math.pow(2.718281828459045d, (-d21) * d20 * d4);
double d23 = this.mDampedFreq;
double sin = (-d23) * d5 * Math.sin(d23 * d4);
double d24 = this.mDampedFreq;
cos = d22 + (pow4 * (sin + (d19 * d24 * Math.cos(d24 * d4))));
d3 = pow3;
this.mMassState.mValue = (float) (d3 + this.mFinalPosition);
this.mMassState.mVelocity = (float) cos;
return this.mMassState;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public void setValueThreshold(double d) {
double abs = Math.abs(d);
this.mValueThreshold = abs;
this.mVelocityThreshold = abs * VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_MULTIPLIER;