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package io.sentry;
import io.sentry.exception.InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException;
import io.sentry.protocol.SentryId;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class PropagationContext {
private Baggage baggage;
private SpanId parentSpanId;
private Boolean sampled;
private SpanId spanId;
private SentryId traceId;
public Baggage getBaggage() {
return this.baggage;
public SpanId getParentSpanId() {
return this.parentSpanId;
public SpanId getSpanId() {
return this.spanId;
public SentryId getTraceId() {
return this.traceId;
public Boolean isSampled() {
return this.sampled;
public void setBaggage(Baggage baggage) {
this.baggage = baggage;
public void setParentSpanId(SpanId spanId) {
this.parentSpanId = spanId;
public void setSampled(Boolean bool) {
this.sampled = bool;
public void setSpanId(SpanId spanId) {
this.spanId = spanId;
public void setTraceId(SentryId sentryId) {
this.traceId = sentryId;
public static PropagationContext fromHeaders(ILogger iLogger, String str, String str2) {
return fromHeaders(iLogger, str, (List<String>) Arrays.asList(str2));
public static PropagationContext fromHeaders(ILogger iLogger, String str, List<String> list) {
if (str == null) {
return new PropagationContext();
try {
return fromHeaders(new SentryTraceHeader(str), Baggage.fromHeader(list, iLogger), (SpanId) null);
} catch (InvalidSentryTraceHeaderException e) {
iLogger.log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, e, "Failed to parse Sentry trace header: %s", e.getMessage());
return new PropagationContext();
public static PropagationContext fromHeaders(SentryTraceHeader sentryTraceHeader, Baggage baggage, SpanId spanId) {
if (spanId == null) {
spanId = new SpanId();
return new PropagationContext(sentryTraceHeader.getTraceId(), spanId, sentryTraceHeader.getSpanId(), baggage, sentryTraceHeader.isSampled());
public PropagationContext() {
this(new SentryId(), new SpanId(), null, null, null);
public PropagationContext(PropagationContext propagationContext) {
this(propagationContext.getTraceId(), propagationContext.getSpanId(), propagationContext.getParentSpanId(), cloneBaggage(propagationContext.getBaggage()), propagationContext.isSampled());
private static Baggage cloneBaggage(Baggage baggage) {
if (baggage != null) {
return new Baggage(baggage);
return null;
public PropagationContext(SentryId sentryId, SpanId spanId, SpanId spanId2, Baggage baggage, Boolean bool) {
this.traceId = sentryId;
this.spanId = spanId;
this.parentSpanId = spanId2;
this.baggage = baggage;
this.sampled = bool;
public TraceContext traceContext() {
Baggage baggage = this.baggage;
if (baggage != null) {
return baggage.toTraceContext();
return null;