package; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.sentry.protocol.ViewHierarchyNode; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class MediaCodecRenderer extends BaseRenderer { private static final byte[] ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_BUFFER = {0, 0, 1, 103, 66, -64, Ascii.VT, -38, 37, -112, 0, 0, 1, 104, -50, Ascii.SI, 19, 32, 0, 0, 1, 101, -120, -124, Ascii.CR, -50, 113, Ascii.CAN, -96, 0, 47, -65, Ascii.FS, 49, -61, 39, 93, 120}; private static final int ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_MODE_ALWAYS = 2; private static final int ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_MODE_NEVER = 0; private static final int ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_MODE_SAME_RESOLUTION = 1; private static final int ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_SLICE_WIDTH_HEIGHT = 32; protected static final float CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET = -1.0f; private static final int DRAIN_ACTION_FLUSH = 1; private static final int DRAIN_ACTION_FLUSH_AND_UPDATE_DRM_SESSION = 2; private static final int DRAIN_ACTION_NONE = 0; private static final int DRAIN_ACTION_REINITIALIZE = 3; private static final int DRAIN_STATE_NONE = 0; private static final int DRAIN_STATE_SIGNAL_END_OF_STREAM = 1; private static final int DRAIN_STATE_WAIT_END_OF_STREAM = 2; private static final long MAX_CODEC_HOTSWAP_TIME_MS = 1000; private static final int RECONFIGURATION_STATE_NONE = 0; private static final int RECONFIGURATION_STATE_QUEUE_PENDING = 2; private static final int RECONFIGURATION_STATE_WRITE_PENDING = 1; private static final String TAG = "MediaCodecRenderer"; private final float assumedMinimumCodecOperatingRate; private ArrayDeque<MediaCodecInfo> availableCodecInfos; private final DecoderInputBuffer buffer; private final BatchBuffer bypassBatchBuffer; private boolean bypassDrainAndReinitialize; private boolean bypassEnabled; private final DecoderInputBuffer bypassSampleBuffer; private boolean bypassSampleBufferPending; private C2Mp3TimestampTracker c2Mp3TimestampTracker; private MediaCodecAdapter codec; private int codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode; private final MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory; private int codecDrainAction; private int codecDrainState; private DrmSession codecDrmSession; private boolean codecHasOutputMediaFormat; private long codecHotswapDeadlineMs; private MediaCodecInfo codecInfo; private Format codecInputFormat; private boolean codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer; private boolean codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsEosPropagation; private boolean codecNeedsFlushWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround; private boolean codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround; private float codecOperatingRate; private MediaFormat codecOutputMediaFormat; private boolean codecOutputMediaFormatChanged; private boolean codecReceivedBuffers; private boolean codecReceivedEos; private int codecReconfigurationState; private boolean codecReconfigured; private float currentPlaybackSpeed; private final ArrayList<Long> decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps; protected DecoderCounters decoderCounters; private final boolean enableDecoderFallback; private Format inputFormat; private int inputIndex; private boolean inputStreamEnded; private boolean isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer; private boolean isLastOutputBuffer; private long largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs; private long lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs; private long lastProcessedOutputBufferTimeUs; private final MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector; private MediaCrypto mediaCrypto; private boolean mediaCryptoRequiresSecureDecoder; private boolean needToNotifyOutputFormatChangeAfterStreamChange; private final DecoderInputBuffer noDataBuffer; private ByteBuffer outputBuffer; private final MediaCodec.BufferInfo outputBufferInfo; private Format outputFormat; private int outputIndex; private boolean outputStreamEnded; private OutputStreamInfo outputStreamInfo; private boolean pendingOutputEndOfStream; private final ArrayDeque<OutputStreamInfo> pendingOutputStreamChanges; private ExoPlaybackException pendingPlaybackException; private DecoderInitializationException preferredDecoderInitializationException; private long renderTimeLimitMs; private boolean shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer; private DrmSession sourceDrmSession; private float targetPlaybackSpeed; private boolean waitingForFirstSampleInFormat; private boolean drainAndFlushCodec() { if (this.codecReceivedBuffers) { this.codecDrainState = 1; if (this.codecNeedsFlushWorkaround || this.codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround) { this.codecDrainAction = 3; return false; } this.codecDrainAction = 1; } return true; } private boolean hasOutputBuffer() { return this.outputIndex >= 0; } private void resetOutputBuffer() { this.outputIndex = -1; this.outputBuffer = null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final MediaCodecAdapter getCodec() { return this.codec; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final MediaCodecInfo getCodecInfo() { return this.codecInfo; } protected boolean getCodecNeedsEosPropagation() { return false; } protected float getCodecOperatingRate() { return this.codecOperatingRate; } protected float getCodecOperatingRateV23(float f, Format format, Format[] formatArr) { return CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final MediaFormat getCodecOutputMediaFormat() { return this.codecOutputMediaFormat; } protected abstract List<MediaCodecInfo> getDecoderInfos(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format, boolean z) throws MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException; protected abstract MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration getMediaCodecConfiguration(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo, Format format, MediaCrypto mediaCrypto, float f); /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public float getPlaybackSpeed() { return this.currentPlaybackSpeed; } protected void handleInputBufferSupplementalData(DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer) throws ExoPlaybackException { } @Override // public boolean isEnded() { return this.outputStreamEnded; } protected void onCodecError(Exception exc) { } protected void onCodecInitialized(String str, MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration configuration, long j, long j2) { } protected void onCodecReleased(String str) { } protected void onOutputFormatChanged(Format format, MediaFormat mediaFormat) throws ExoPlaybackException { } protected void onOutputStreamOffsetUsChanged(long j) { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onProcessedStreamChange() { } protected void onQueueInputBuffer(DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer) throws ExoPlaybackException { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onStarted() { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onStopped() { } protected abstract boolean processOutputBuffer(long j, long j2, MediaCodecAdapter mediaCodecAdapter, ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int i, int i2, int i3, long j3, boolean z, boolean z2, Format format) throws ExoPlaybackException; protected void renderToEndOfStream() throws ExoPlaybackException { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void setPendingOutputEndOfStream() { this.pendingOutputEndOfStream = true; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void setPendingPlaybackException(ExoPlaybackException exoPlaybackException) { this.pendingPlaybackException = exoPlaybackException; } public void setRenderTimeLimitMs(long j) { this.renderTimeLimitMs = j; } protected boolean shouldInitCodec(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo) { return true; } protected boolean shouldReinitCodec() { return false; } protected boolean shouldUseBypass(Format format) { return false; } protected abstract int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format) throws MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException; @Override //, public final int supportsMixedMimeTypeAdaptation() { return 8; } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class DecoderInitializationException extends Exception { private static final int CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE_BASE = -50000; private static final int DECODER_QUERY_ERROR = -49998; private static final int NO_SUITABLE_DECODER_ERROR = -49999; public final MediaCodecInfo codecInfo; public final String diagnosticInfo; public final DecoderInitializationException fallbackDecoderInitializationException; public final String mimeType; public final boolean secureDecoderRequired; public DecoderInitializationException(Format format, Throwable th, boolean z, int i) { this("Decoder init failed: [" + i + "], " + format, th, format.sampleMimeType, z, null, buildCustomDiagnosticInfo(i), null); } public DecoderInitializationException(Format format, Throwable th, boolean z, MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo) { this("Decoder init failed: " + + ", " + format, th, format.sampleMimeType, z, mediaCodecInfo, Util.SDK_INT >= 21 ? getDiagnosticInfoV21(th) : null, null); } private DecoderInitializationException(String str, Throwable th, String str2, boolean z, MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo, String str3, DecoderInitializationException decoderInitializationException) { super(str, th); this.mimeType = str2; this.secureDecoderRequired = z; this.codecInfo = mediaCodecInfo; this.diagnosticInfo = str3; this.fallbackDecoderInitializationException = decoderInitializationException; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public DecoderInitializationException copyWithFallbackException(DecoderInitializationException decoderInitializationException) { return new DecoderInitializationException(getMessage(), getCause(), this.mimeType, this.secureDecoderRequired, this.codecInfo, this.diagnosticInfo, decoderInitializationException); } private static String getDiagnosticInfoV21(Throwable th) { if (th instanceof MediaCodec.CodecException) { return ((MediaCodec.CodecException) th).getDiagnosticInfo(); } return null; } private static String buildCustomDiagnosticInfo(int i) { return "" + (i < 0 ? "neg_" : "") + Math.abs(i); } } public MediaCodecRenderer(int i, MediaCodecAdapter.Factory factory, MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, boolean z, float f) { super(i); this.codecAdapterFactory = factory; this.mediaCodecSelector = (MediaCodecSelector) Assertions.checkNotNull(mediaCodecSelector); this.enableDecoderFallback = z; this.assumedMinimumCodecOperatingRate = f; this.noDataBuffer = DecoderInputBuffer.newNoDataInstance(); this.buffer = new DecoderInputBuffer(0); this.bypassSampleBuffer = new DecoderInputBuffer(2); BatchBuffer batchBuffer = new BatchBuffer(); this.bypassBatchBuffer = batchBuffer; this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps = new ArrayList<>(); this.outputBufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); this.currentPlaybackSpeed = 1.0f; this.targetPlaybackSpeed = 1.0f; this.renderTimeLimitMs = -9223372036854775807L; this.pendingOutputStreamChanges = new ArrayDeque<>(); setOutputStreamInfo(OutputStreamInfo.UNSET); batchBuffer.ensureSpaceForWrite(0);; this.codecOperatingRate = CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET; this.codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode = 0; this.codecReconfigurationState = 0; this.inputIndex = -1; this.outputIndex = -1; this.codecHotswapDeadlineMs = -9223372036854775807L; this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; this.lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; this.lastProcessedOutputBufferTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; this.codecDrainState = 0; this.codecDrainAction = 0; } @Override // public final int supportsFormat(Format format) throws ExoPlaybackException { try { return supportsFormat(this.mediaCodecSelector, format); } catch (MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException e) { throw this.createRendererException(e, format, 4002); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void maybeInitCodecOrBypass() throws ExoPlaybackException { Format format; if (this.codec != null || this.bypassEnabled || (format = this.inputFormat) == null) { return; } if (this.sourceDrmSession == null && shouldUseBypass(format)) { initBypass(this.inputFormat); return; } setCodecDrmSession(this.sourceDrmSession); String str = this.inputFormat.sampleMimeType; DrmSession drmSession = this.codecDrmSession; if (drmSession != null) { if (this.mediaCrypto == null) { FrameworkCryptoConfig frameworkCryptoConfig = getFrameworkCryptoConfig(drmSession); if (frameworkCryptoConfig == null) { if (this.codecDrmSession.getError() == null) { return; } } else { try { this.mediaCrypto = new MediaCrypto(frameworkCryptoConfig.uuid, frameworkCryptoConfig.sessionId); this.mediaCryptoRequiresSecureDecoder = !frameworkCryptoConfig.forceAllowInsecureDecoderComponents && this.mediaCrypto.requiresSecureDecoderComponent(str); } catch (MediaCryptoException e) { throw createRendererException(e, this.inputFormat, 6006); } } } if (FrameworkCryptoConfig.WORKAROUND_DEVICE_NEEDS_KEYS_TO_CONFIGURE_CODEC) { int state = this.codecDrmSession.getState(); if (state == 1) { DrmSession.DrmSessionException drmSessionException = (DrmSession.DrmSessionException) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.codecDrmSession.getError()); throw createRendererException(drmSessionException, this.inputFormat, drmSessionException.errorCode); } if (state != 4) { return; } } } try { maybeInitCodecWithFallback(this.mediaCrypto, this.mediaCryptoRequiresSecureDecoder); } catch (DecoderInitializationException e2) { throw createRendererException(e2, this.inputFormat, 4001); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void updateOutputFormatForTime(long j) throws ExoPlaybackException { Format pollFloor = this.outputStreamInfo.formatQueue.pollFloor(j); if (pollFloor == null && this.needToNotifyOutputFormatChangeAfterStreamChange && this.codecOutputMediaFormat != null) { pollFloor = this.outputStreamInfo.formatQueue.pollFirst(); } if (pollFloor != null) { this.outputFormat = pollFloor; } else if (!this.codecOutputMediaFormatChanged || this.outputFormat == null) { return; } onOutputFormatChanged(this.outputFormat, this.codecOutputMediaFormat); this.codecOutputMediaFormatChanged = false; this.needToNotifyOutputFormatChangeAfterStreamChange = false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onEnabled(boolean z, boolean z2) throws ExoPlaybackException { this.decoderCounters = new DecoderCounters(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x0036, code lost: if (r5 >= r1) goto L13; */ @Override // /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void onStreamChanged([] r13, long r14, long r16) throws { /* r12 = this; r0 = r12$OutputStreamInfo r1 = r0.outputStreamInfo long r1 = r1.streamOffsetUs r3 = -9223372036854775807(0x8000000000000001, double:-4.9E-324) int r1 = (r1 > r3 ? 1 : (r1 == r3 ? 0 : -1)) if (r1 != 0) goto L20$OutputStreamInfo r1 = new$OutputStreamInfo r6 = -9223372036854775807(0x8000000000000001, double:-4.9E-324) r5 = r1 r8 = r14 r10 = r16 r5.<init>(r6, r8, r10) r12.setOutputStreamInfo(r1) goto L65 L20: java.util.ArrayDeque<$OutputStreamInfo> r1 = r0.pendingOutputStreamChanges boolean r1 = r1.isEmpty() if (r1 == 0) goto L55 long r1 = r0.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs int r5 = (r1 > r3 ? 1 : (r1 == r3 ? 0 : -1)) if (r5 == 0) goto L38 long r5 = r0.lastProcessedOutputBufferTimeUs int r7 = (r5 > r3 ? 1 : (r5 == r3 ? 0 : -1)) if (r7 == 0) goto L55 int r1 = (r5 > r1 ? 1 : (r5 == r1 ? 0 : -1)) if (r1 < 0) goto L55 L38:$OutputStreamInfo r1 = new$OutputStreamInfo r6 = -9223372036854775807(0x8000000000000001, double:-4.9E-324) r5 = r1 r8 = r14 r10 = r16 r5.<init>(r6, r8, r10) r12.setOutputStreamInfo(r1)$OutputStreamInfo r1 = r0.outputStreamInfo long r1 = r1.streamOffsetUs int r1 = (r1 > r3 ? 1 : (r1 == r3 ? 0 : -1)) if (r1 == 0) goto L65 r12.onProcessedStreamChange() goto L65 L55: java.util.ArrayDeque<$OutputStreamInfo> r1 = r0.pendingOutputStreamChanges$OutputStreamInfo r9 = new$OutputStreamInfo long r3 = r0.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs r2 = r9 r5 = r14 r7 = r16 r2.<init>(r3, r5, r7) r1.add(r9) L65: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:[], long, long):void"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onPositionReset(long j, boolean z) throws ExoPlaybackException { this.inputStreamEnded = false; this.outputStreamEnded = false; this.pendingOutputEndOfStream = false; if (this.bypassEnabled) { this.bypassBatchBuffer.clear(); this.bypassSampleBuffer.clear(); this.bypassSampleBufferPending = false; } else { flushOrReinitializeCodec(); } if (this.outputStreamInfo.formatQueue.size() > 0) { this.waitingForFirstSampleInFormat = true; } this.outputStreamInfo.formatQueue.clear(); this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.clear(); } @Override // public void setPlaybackSpeed(float f, float f2) throws ExoPlaybackException { this.currentPlaybackSpeed = f; this.targetPlaybackSpeed = f2; updateCodecOperatingRate(this.codecInputFormat); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onDisabled() { this.inputFormat = null; setOutputStreamInfo(OutputStreamInfo.UNSET); this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.clear(); flushOrReleaseCodec(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // public void onReset() { try { disableBypass(); releaseCodec(); } finally { setSourceDrmSession(null); } } private void disableBypass() { this.bypassDrainAndReinitialize = false; this.bypassBatchBuffer.clear(); this.bypassSampleBuffer.clear(); this.bypassSampleBufferPending = false; this.bypassEnabled = false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public void releaseCodec() { try { MediaCodecAdapter mediaCodecAdapter = this.codec; if (mediaCodecAdapter != null) { mediaCodecAdapter.release(); this.decoderCounters.decoderReleaseCount++; onCodecReleased(; } this.codec = null; try { MediaCrypto mediaCrypto = this.mediaCrypto; if (mediaCrypto != null) { mediaCrypto.release(); } } finally { } } catch (Throwable th) { this.codec = null; try { MediaCrypto mediaCrypto2 = this.mediaCrypto; if (mediaCrypto2 != null) { mediaCrypto2.release(); } throw th; } finally { } } } @Override // public void render(long j, long j2) throws ExoPlaybackException { boolean z = false; if (this.pendingOutputEndOfStream) { this.pendingOutputEndOfStream = false; processEndOfStream(); } ExoPlaybackException exoPlaybackException = this.pendingPlaybackException; if (exoPlaybackException != null) { this.pendingPlaybackException = null; throw exoPlaybackException; } try { if (this.outputStreamEnded) { renderToEndOfStream(); return; } if (this.inputFormat != null || readSourceOmittingSampleData(2)) { maybeInitCodecOrBypass(); if (this.bypassEnabled) { TraceUtil.beginSection("bypassRender"); do { } while (bypassRender(j, j2)); TraceUtil.endSection(); } else if (this.codec != null) { long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); TraceUtil.beginSection("drainAndFeed"); while (drainOutputBuffer(j, j2) && shouldContinueRendering(elapsedRealtime)) { } while (feedInputBuffer() && shouldContinueRendering(elapsedRealtime)) { } TraceUtil.endSection(); } else { this.decoderCounters.skippedInputBufferCount += skipSource(j); readSourceOmittingSampleData(1); } this.decoderCounters.ensureUpdated(); } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { if (isMediaCodecException(e)) { onCodecError(e); if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21 && isRecoverableMediaCodecExceptionV21(e)) { z = true; } if (z) { releaseCodec(); } throw createRendererException(createDecoderException(e, getCodecInfo()), this.inputFormat, z, 4003); } throw e; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final boolean flushOrReinitializeCodec() throws ExoPlaybackException { boolean flushOrReleaseCodec = flushOrReleaseCodec(); if (flushOrReleaseCodec) { maybeInitCodecOrBypass(); } return flushOrReleaseCodec; } protected boolean flushOrReleaseCodec() { if (this.codec == null) { return false; } int i = this.codecDrainAction; if (i == 3 || this.codecNeedsFlushWorkaround || ((this.codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround && !this.codecHasOutputMediaFormat) || (this.codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround && this.codecReceivedEos))) { releaseCodec(); return true; } if (i == 2) { Assertions.checkState(Util.SDK_INT >= 23); if (Util.SDK_INT >= 23) { try { updateDrmSessionV23(); } catch (ExoPlaybackException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to update the DRM session, releasing the codec instead.", e); releaseCodec(); return true; } } } flushCodec(); return false; } private void flushCodec() { try { this.codec.flush(); } finally { resetCodecStateForFlush(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void resetCodecStateForFlush() { resetInputBuffer(); resetOutputBuffer(); this.codecHotswapDeadlineMs = -9223372036854775807L; this.codecReceivedEos = false; this.codecReceivedBuffers = false; this.codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = false; this.shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = false; this.isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer = false; this.isLastOutputBuffer = false; this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps.clear(); this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; this.lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; this.lastProcessedOutputBufferTimeUs = -9223372036854775807L; C2Mp3TimestampTracker c2Mp3TimestampTracker = this.c2Mp3TimestampTracker; if (c2Mp3TimestampTracker != null) { c2Mp3TimestampTracker.reset(); } this.codecDrainState = 0; this.codecDrainAction = 0; this.codecReconfigurationState = this.codecReconfigured ? 1 : 0; } protected void resetCodecStateForRelease() { resetCodecStateForFlush(); this.pendingPlaybackException = null; this.c2Mp3TimestampTracker = null; this.availableCodecInfos = null; this.codecInfo = null; this.codecInputFormat = null; this.codecOutputMediaFormat = null; this.codecOutputMediaFormatChanged = false; this.codecHasOutputMediaFormat = false; this.codecOperatingRate = CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET; this.codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode = 0; this.codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsFlushWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround = false; this.codecNeedsEosPropagation = false; this.codecReconfigured = false; this.codecReconfigurationState = 0; this.mediaCryptoRequiresSecureDecoder = false; } protected MediaCodecDecoderException createDecoderException(Throwable th, MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo) { return new MediaCodecDecoderException(th, mediaCodecInfo); } private boolean readSourceOmittingSampleData(int i) throws ExoPlaybackException { FormatHolder formatHolder = getFormatHolder(); this.noDataBuffer.clear(); int readSource = readSource(formatHolder, this.noDataBuffer, i | 4); if (readSource == -5) { onInputFormatChanged(formatHolder); return true; } if (readSource != -4 || !this.noDataBuffer.isEndOfStream()) { return false; } this.inputStreamEnded = true; processEndOfStream(); return false; } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:24:0x009a */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:27:0x00ac A[SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x0049 A[SYNTHETIC] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:32:0x009d */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ private void maybeInitCodecWithFallback( r8, boolean r9) throws { /* r7 = this; java.util.ArrayDeque<> r0 = r7.availableCodecInfos r1 = 0 if (r0 != 0) goto L39 java.util.List r0 = r7.getAvailableCodecInfos(r9) // Catch: -> L2d java.util.ArrayDeque r2 = new java.util.ArrayDeque // Catch: -> L2d r2.<init>() // Catch: -> L2d r7.availableCodecInfos = r2 // Catch: -> L2d boolean r3 = r7.enableDecoderFallback // Catch: -> L2d if (r3 == 0) goto L18 r2.addAll(r0) // Catch: -> L2d goto L2a L18: boolean r2 = r0.isEmpty() // Catch: -> L2d if (r2 != 0) goto L2a java.util.ArrayDeque<> r2 = r7.availableCodecInfos // Catch: -> L2d r3 = 0 java.lang.Object r0 = r0.get(r3) // Catch: -> L2d r0 = ( r0 // Catch: -> L2d r2.add(r0) // Catch: -> L2d L2a: r7.preferredDecoderInitializationException = r1 // Catch: -> L2d goto L39 L2d: r8 = move-exception$DecoderInitializationException r0 = new$DecoderInitializationException r7 = r7.inputFormat r1 = -49998(0xffffffffffff3cb2, float:NaN) r0.<init>(r7, r8, r9, r1) throw r0 L39: java.util.ArrayDeque<> r0 = r7.availableCodecInfos boolean r0 = r0.isEmpty() if (r0 != 0) goto Lb2 java.util.ArrayDeque<> r0 = r7.availableCodecInfos java.lang.Object r0 = r0.peekFirst() r0 = ( r0 L49: r2 = r7.codec if (r2 != 0) goto Laf java.util.ArrayDeque<> r2 = r7.availableCodecInfos java.lang.Object r2 = r2.peekFirst() r2 = ( r2 boolean r3 = r7.shouldInitCodec(r2) if (r3 != 0) goto L5c return L5c: r7.initCodec(r2, r8) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L60 goto L49 L60: r3 = move-exception java.lang.String r4 = "MediaCodecRenderer" if (r2 != r0) goto L73 java.lang.String r3 = "Preferred decoder instantiation failed. Sleeping for 50ms then retrying.", r3) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L74 r5 = 50 java.lang.Thread.sleep(r5) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L74 r7.initCodec(r2, r8) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L74 goto L49 L73: throw r3 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L74 L74: r3 = move-exception java.lang.StringBuilder r5 = new java.lang.StringBuilder java.lang.String r6 = "Failed to initialize decoder: " r5.<init>(r6) java.lang.StringBuilder r5 = r5.append(r2) java.lang.String r5 = r5.toString(), r5, r3) java.util.ArrayDeque<> r4 = r7.availableCodecInfos r4.removeFirst()$DecoderInitializationException r4 = new$DecoderInitializationException r5 = r7.inputFormat r4.<init>(r5, r3, r9, r2) r7.onCodecError(r4)$DecoderInitializationException r2 = r7.preferredDecoderInitializationException if (r2 != 0) goto L9d r7.preferredDecoderInitializationException = r4 goto La3 L9d:$DecoderInitializationException r2 =$000(r2, r4) r7.preferredDecoderInitializationException = r2 La3: java.util.ArrayDeque<> r2 = r7.availableCodecInfos boolean r2 = r2.isEmpty() if (r2 != 0) goto Lac goto L49 Lac:$DecoderInitializationException r7 = r7.preferredDecoderInitializationException throw r7 Laf: r7.availableCodecInfos = r1 return Lb2:$DecoderInitializationException r8 = new$DecoderInitializationException r7 = r7.inputFormat r0 = -49999(0xffffffffffff3cb1, float:NaN) r8.<init>(r7, r1, r9, r0) throw r8 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, boolean):void"); } private List<MediaCodecInfo> getAvailableCodecInfos(boolean z) throws MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException { List<MediaCodecInfo> decoderInfos = getDecoderInfos(this.mediaCodecSelector, this.inputFormat, z); if (decoderInfos.isEmpty() && z) { decoderInfos = getDecoderInfos(this.mediaCodecSelector, this.inputFormat, false); if (!decoderInfos.isEmpty()) { Log.w(TAG, "Drm session requires secure decoder for " + this.inputFormat.sampleMimeType + ", but no secure decoder available. Trying to proceed with " + decoderInfos + "."); } } return decoderInfos; } private void initBypass(Format format) { disableBypass(); String str = format.sampleMimeType; if (!"audio/mp4a-latm".equals(str) && !"audio/mpeg".equals(str) && !"audio/opus".equals(str)) { this.bypassBatchBuffer.setMaxSampleCount(1); } else { this.bypassBatchBuffer.setMaxSampleCount(32); } this.bypassEnabled = true; } private void initCodec(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo, MediaCrypto mediaCrypto) throws Exception { String str =; int i = Util.SDK_INT; float f = CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET; float codecOperatingRateV23 = i < 23 ? -1.0f : getCodecOperatingRateV23(this.targetPlaybackSpeed, this.inputFormat, getStreamFormats()); if (codecOperatingRateV23 > this.assumedMinimumCodecOperatingRate) { f = codecOperatingRateV23; } long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration mediaCodecConfiguration = getMediaCodecConfiguration(mediaCodecInfo, this.inputFormat, mediaCrypto, f); if (Util.SDK_INT >= 31) { Api31.setLogSessionIdToMediaCodecFormat(mediaCodecConfiguration, getPlayerId()); } try { TraceUtil.beginSection("createCodec:" + str); this.codec = this.codecAdapterFactory.createAdapter(mediaCodecConfiguration); TraceUtil.endSection(); long elapsedRealtime2 = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (!mediaCodecInfo.isFormatSupported(this.inputFormat)) { Log.w(TAG, Util.formatInvariant("Format exceeds selected codec's capabilities [%s, %s]", Format.toLogString(this.inputFormat), str)); } this.codecInfo = mediaCodecInfo; this.codecOperatingRate = f; this.codecInputFormat = this.inputFormat; this.codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode = codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode(str); this.codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround = codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround(str, this.codecInputFormat); this.codecNeedsFlushWorkaround = codecNeedsFlushWorkaround(str); this.codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround = codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround(str); this.codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround = codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround(str); this.codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround = codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround(str); this.codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround = codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround(str); this.codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround = codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround(str, this.codecInputFormat); this.codecNeedsEosPropagation = codecNeedsEosPropagationWorkaround(mediaCodecInfo) || getCodecNeedsEosPropagation(); if (this.codec.needsReconfiguration()) { this.codecReconfigured = true; this.codecReconfigurationState = 1; this.codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = this.codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode != 0; } if ("".equals( { this.c2Mp3TimestampTracker = new C2Mp3TimestampTracker(); } if (getState() == 2) { this.codecHotswapDeadlineMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + 1000; } this.decoderCounters.decoderInitCount++; onCodecInitialized(str, mediaCodecConfiguration, elapsedRealtime2, elapsedRealtime2 - elapsedRealtime); } catch (Throwable th) { TraceUtil.endSection(); throw th; } } private boolean shouldContinueRendering(long j) { return this.renderTimeLimitMs == -9223372036854775807L || SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - j < this.renderTimeLimitMs; } private void resetInputBuffer() { this.inputIndex = -1; = null; } private void setSourceDrmSession(DrmSession drmSession) { DrmSession.replaceSession(this.sourceDrmSession, drmSession); this.sourceDrmSession = drmSession; } private void setCodecDrmSession(DrmSession drmSession) { DrmSession.replaceSession(this.codecDrmSession, drmSession); this.codecDrmSession = drmSession; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v0, types: [] */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v1, types: [] */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v3, types: [] */ private boolean feedInputBuffer() throws ExoPlaybackException { int i; if (this.codec == null || (i = this.codecDrainState) == 2 || this.inputStreamEnded) { return false; } if (i == 0 && shouldReinitCodec()) { drainAndReinitializeCodec(); } if (this.inputIndex < 0) { int dequeueInputBufferIndex = this.codec.dequeueInputBufferIndex(); this.inputIndex = dequeueInputBufferIndex; if (dequeueInputBufferIndex < 0) { return false; } = this.codec.getInputBuffer(dequeueInputBufferIndex); this.buffer.clear(); } if (this.codecDrainState == 1) { if (!this.codecNeedsEosPropagation) { this.codecReceivedEos = true; this.codec.queueInputBuffer(this.inputIndex, 0, 0, 0L, 4); resetInputBuffer(); } this.codecDrainState = 2; return false; } if (this.codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer) { this.codecNeedsAdaptationWorkaroundBuffer = false; ByteBuffer byteBuffer =; byte[] bArr = ADAPTATION_WORKAROUND_BUFFER; byteBuffer.put(bArr); this.codec.queueInputBuffer(this.inputIndex, 0, bArr.length, 0L, 0); resetInputBuffer(); this.codecReceivedBuffers = true; return true; } if (this.codecReconfigurationState == 1) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.codecInputFormat.initializationData.size(); i2++) {; } this.codecReconfigurationState = 2; } int position =; FormatHolder formatHolder = getFormatHolder(); try { int readSource = readSource(formatHolder, this.buffer, 0); if (hasReadStreamToEnd() || this.buffer.isLastSample()) { this.lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs = this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs; } if (readSource == -3) { return false; } if (readSource == -5) { if (this.codecReconfigurationState == 2) { this.buffer.clear(); this.codecReconfigurationState = 1; } onInputFormatChanged(formatHolder); return true; } if (this.buffer.isEndOfStream()) { if (this.codecReconfigurationState == 2) { this.buffer.clear(); this.codecReconfigurationState = 1; } this.inputStreamEnded = true; if (!this.codecReceivedBuffers) { processEndOfStream(); return false; } try { if (!this.codecNeedsEosPropagation) { this.codecReceivedEos = true; this.codec.queueInputBuffer(this.inputIndex, 0, 0, 0L, 4); resetInputBuffer(); } return false; } catch (MediaCodec.CryptoException e) { throw createRendererException(e, this.inputFormat, Util.getErrorCodeForMediaDrmErrorCode(e.getErrorCode())); } } if (!this.codecReceivedBuffers && !this.buffer.isKeyFrame()) { this.buffer.clear(); if (this.codecReconfigurationState == 2) { this.codecReconfigurationState = 1; } return true; } boolean isEncrypted = this.buffer.isEncrypted(); if (isEncrypted) { this.buffer.cryptoInfo.increaseClearDataFirstSubSampleBy(position); } if (this.codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround && !isEncrypted) { NalUnitUtil.discardToSps(; if ( == 0) { return true; } this.codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround = false; } long j = this.buffer.timeUs; C2Mp3TimestampTracker c2Mp3TimestampTracker = this.c2Mp3TimestampTracker; if (c2Mp3TimestampTracker != null) { j = c2Mp3TimestampTracker.updateAndGetPresentationTimeUs(this.inputFormat, this.buffer); this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs = Math.max(this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs, this.c2Mp3TimestampTracker.getLastOutputBufferPresentationTimeUs(this.inputFormat)); } long j2 = j; if (this.buffer.isDecodeOnly()) { this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps.add(Long.valueOf(j2)); } if (this.waitingForFirstSampleInFormat) { if (!this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.isEmpty()) { this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.peekLast().formatQueue.add(j2, this.inputFormat); } else { this.outputStreamInfo.formatQueue.add(j2, this.inputFormat); } this.waitingForFirstSampleInFormat = false; } this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs = Math.max(this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs, j2); this.buffer.flip(); if (this.buffer.hasSupplementalData()) { handleInputBufferSupplementalData(this.buffer); } onQueueInputBuffer(this.buffer); try { if (isEncrypted) { this.codec.queueSecureInputBuffer(this.inputIndex, 0, this.buffer.cryptoInfo, j2, 0); } else { this.codec.queueInputBuffer(this.inputIndex, 0,, j2, 0); } resetInputBuffer(); this.codecReceivedBuffers = true; this.codecReconfigurationState = 0; this = this.decoderCounters; this.queuedInputBufferCount++; return true; } catch (MediaCodec.CryptoException e2) { throw this.createRendererException(e2, this.inputFormat, Util.getErrorCodeForMediaDrmErrorCode(e2.getErrorCode())); } } catch (DecoderInputBuffer.InsufficientCapacityException e3) { onCodecError(e3); readSourceOmittingSampleData(0); flushCodec(); return true; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:34:0x0080, code lost: if (drainAndUpdateCodecDrmSessionV23() == false) goto L69; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x00ce, code lost: r7 = 2; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:62:0x00b2, code lost: if (drainAndUpdateCodecDrmSessionV23() == false) goto L69; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public onInputFormatChanged( r12) throws { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 247 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void onProcessedOutputBuffer(long j) { this.lastProcessedOutputBufferTimeUs = j; while (!this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.isEmpty() && j >= this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.peek().previousStreamLastBufferTimeUs) { setOutputStreamInfo(this.pendingOutputStreamChanges.poll()); onProcessedStreamChange(); } } protected DecoderReuseEvaluation canReuseCodec(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo, Format format, Format format2) { return new DecoderReuseEvaluation(, format, format2, 0, 1); } @Override // public boolean isReady() { return this.inputFormat != null && (isSourceReady() || hasOutputBuffer() || (this.codecHotswapDeadlineMs != -9223372036854775807L && SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() < this.codecHotswapDeadlineMs)); } protected final boolean updateCodecOperatingRate() throws ExoPlaybackException { return updateCodecOperatingRate(this.codecInputFormat); } private boolean updateCodecOperatingRate(Format format) throws ExoPlaybackException { if (Util.SDK_INT >= 23 && this.codec != null && this.codecDrainAction != 3 && getState() != 0) { float codecOperatingRateV23 = getCodecOperatingRateV23(this.targetPlaybackSpeed, format, getStreamFormats()); float f = this.codecOperatingRate; if (f == codecOperatingRateV23) { return true; } if (codecOperatingRateV23 == CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET) { drainAndReinitializeCodec(); return false; } if (f == CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET && codecOperatingRateV23 <= this.assumedMinimumCodecOperatingRate) { return true; } Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putFloat("operating-rate", codecOperatingRateV23); this.codec.setParameters(bundle); this.codecOperatingRate = codecOperatingRateV23; } return true; } private boolean drainAndUpdateCodecDrmSessionV23() throws ExoPlaybackException { if (this.codecReceivedBuffers) { this.codecDrainState = 1; if (this.codecNeedsFlushWorkaround || this.codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround) { this.codecDrainAction = 3; return false; } this.codecDrainAction = 2; } else { updateDrmSessionV23(); } return true; } private void drainAndReinitializeCodec() throws ExoPlaybackException { if (!this.codecReceivedBuffers) { reinitializeCodec(); } else { this.codecDrainState = 1; this.codecDrainAction = 3; } } private boolean drainOutputBuffer(long j, long j2) throws ExoPlaybackException { boolean z; boolean processOutputBuffer; int dequeueOutputBufferIndex; if (!hasOutputBuffer()) { if (this.codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround && this.codecReceivedEos) { try { dequeueOutputBufferIndex = this.codec.dequeueOutputBufferIndex(this.outputBufferInfo); } catch (IllegalStateException unused) { processEndOfStream(); if (this.outputStreamEnded) { releaseCodec(); } return false; } } else { dequeueOutputBufferIndex = this.codec.dequeueOutputBufferIndex(this.outputBufferInfo); } if (dequeueOutputBufferIndex < 0) { if (dequeueOutputBufferIndex == -2) { processOutputMediaFormatChanged(); return true; } if (this.codecNeedsEosPropagation && (this.inputStreamEnded || this.codecDrainState == 2)) { processEndOfStream(); } return false; } if (this.shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer) { this.shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = false; this.codec.releaseOutputBuffer(dequeueOutputBufferIndex, false); return true; } if (this.outputBufferInfo.size == 0 && (this.outputBufferInfo.flags & 4) != 0) { processEndOfStream(); return false; } this.outputIndex = dequeueOutputBufferIndex; ByteBuffer outputBuffer = this.codec.getOutputBuffer(dequeueOutputBufferIndex); this.outputBuffer = outputBuffer; if (outputBuffer != null) { outputBuffer.position(this.outputBufferInfo.offset); this.outputBuffer.limit(this.outputBufferInfo.offset + this.outputBufferInfo.size); } if (this.codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround && this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs == 0 && (this.outputBufferInfo.flags & 4) != 0) { long j3 = this.largestQueuedPresentationTimeUs; if (j3 != -9223372036854775807L) { this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = j3; } } this.isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer = isDecodeOnlyBuffer(this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); this.isLastOutputBuffer = this.lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs == this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; updateOutputFormatForTime(this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); } if (this.codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround && this.codecReceivedEos) { try { z = false; try { processOutputBuffer = processOutputBuffer(j, j2, this.codec, this.outputBuffer, this.outputIndex, this.outputBufferInfo.flags, 1, this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs, this.isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer, this.isLastOutputBuffer, this.outputFormat); } catch (IllegalStateException unused2) { processEndOfStream(); if (this.outputStreamEnded) { releaseCodec(); } return z; } } catch (IllegalStateException unused3) { z = false; } } else { z = false; processOutputBuffer = processOutputBuffer(j, j2, this.codec, this.outputBuffer, this.outputIndex, this.outputBufferInfo.flags, 1, this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs, this.isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer, this.isLastOutputBuffer, this.outputFormat); } if (processOutputBuffer) { onProcessedOutputBuffer(this.outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); boolean z2 = (this.outputBufferInfo.flags & 4) != 0 ? true : z; resetOutputBuffer(); if (!z2) { return true; } processEndOfStream(); } return z; } private void processOutputMediaFormatChanged() { this.codecHasOutputMediaFormat = true; MediaFormat outputFormat = this.codec.getOutputFormat(); if (this.codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode != 0 && outputFormat.getInteger(ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys.WIDTH) == 32 && outputFormat.getInteger(ViewHierarchyNode.JsonKeys.HEIGHT) == 32) { this.shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = true; return; } if (this.codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround) { outputFormat.setInteger("channel-count", 1); } this.codecOutputMediaFormat = outputFormat; this.codecOutputMediaFormatChanged = true; } private void processEndOfStream() throws ExoPlaybackException { int i = this.codecDrainAction; if (i == 1) { flushCodec(); return; } if (i == 2) { flushCodec(); updateDrmSessionV23(); } else if (i == 3) { reinitializeCodec(); } else { this.outputStreamEnded = true; renderToEndOfStream(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final long getOutputStreamOffsetUs() { return this.outputStreamInfo.streamOffsetUs; } private void setOutputStreamInfo(OutputStreamInfo outputStreamInfo) { this.outputStreamInfo = outputStreamInfo; if (outputStreamInfo.streamOffsetUs != -9223372036854775807L) { this.needToNotifyOutputFormatChangeAfterStreamChange = true; onOutputStreamOffsetUsChanged(outputStreamInfo.streamOffsetUs); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public static boolean supportsFormatDrm(Format format) { return format.cryptoType == 0 || format.cryptoType == 2; } private boolean drmNeedsCodecReinitialization(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo, Format format, DrmSession drmSession, DrmSession drmSession2) throws ExoPlaybackException { FrameworkCryptoConfig frameworkCryptoConfig; if (drmSession == drmSession2) { return false; } if (drmSession2 == null || drmSession == null || !drmSession2.getSchemeUuid().equals(drmSession.getSchemeUuid()) || Util.SDK_INT < 23 || C.PLAYREADY_UUID.equals(drmSession.getSchemeUuid()) || C.PLAYREADY_UUID.equals(drmSession2.getSchemeUuid()) || (frameworkCryptoConfig = getFrameworkCryptoConfig(drmSession2)) == null) { return true; } return ! && (frameworkCryptoConfig.forceAllowInsecureDecoderComponents ? false : drmSession2.requiresSecureDecoder(format.sampleMimeType)); } private void reinitializeCodec() throws ExoPlaybackException { releaseCodec(); maybeInitCodecOrBypass(); } private boolean isDecodeOnlyBuffer(long j) { int size = this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps.get(i).longValue() == j) { this.decodeOnlyPresentationTimestamps.remove(i); return true; } } return false; } private void updateDrmSessionV23() throws ExoPlaybackException { try { this.mediaCrypto.setMediaDrmSession(getFrameworkCryptoConfig(this.sourceDrmSession).sessionId); setCodecDrmSession(this.sourceDrmSession); this.codecDrainState = 0; this.codecDrainAction = 0; } catch (MediaCryptoException e) { throw createRendererException(e, this.inputFormat, 6006); } } private FrameworkCryptoConfig getFrameworkCryptoConfig(DrmSession drmSession) throws ExoPlaybackException { CryptoConfig cryptoConfig = drmSession.getCryptoConfig(); if (cryptoConfig != null && !(cryptoConfig instanceof FrameworkCryptoConfig)) { throw createRendererException(new IllegalArgumentException("Expecting FrameworkCryptoConfig but found: " + cryptoConfig), this.inputFormat, 6001); } return (FrameworkCryptoConfig) cryptoConfig; } private boolean bypassRender(long j, long j2) throws ExoPlaybackException { boolean z; Assertions.checkState(!this.outputStreamEnded); if (!this.bypassBatchBuffer.hasSamples()) { z = false; } else { if (!processOutputBuffer(j, j2, null,, this.outputIndex, 0, this.bypassBatchBuffer.getSampleCount(), this.bypassBatchBuffer.getFirstSampleTimeUs(), this.bypassBatchBuffer.isDecodeOnly(), this.bypassBatchBuffer.isEndOfStream(), this.outputFormat)) { return false; } onProcessedOutputBuffer(this.bypassBatchBuffer.getLastSampleTimeUs()); this.bypassBatchBuffer.clear(); z = false; } if (this.inputStreamEnded) { this.outputStreamEnded = true; return z; } if (this.bypassSampleBufferPending) { Assertions.checkState(this.bypassBatchBuffer.append(this.bypassSampleBuffer)); this.bypassSampleBufferPending = z; } if (this.bypassDrainAndReinitialize) { if (this.bypassBatchBuffer.hasSamples()) { return true; } disableBypass(); this.bypassDrainAndReinitialize = z; maybeInitCodecOrBypass(); if (!this.bypassEnabled) { return z; } } bypassRead(); if (this.bypassBatchBuffer.hasSamples()) { this.bypassBatchBuffer.flip(); } if (this.bypassBatchBuffer.hasSamples() || this.inputStreamEnded || this.bypassDrainAndReinitialize) { return true; } return z; } private void bypassRead() throws ExoPlaybackException { Assertions.checkState(!this.inputStreamEnded); FormatHolder formatHolder = getFormatHolder(); this.bypassSampleBuffer.clear(); do { this.bypassSampleBuffer.clear(); int readSource = readSource(formatHolder, this.bypassSampleBuffer, 0); if (readSource == -5) { onInputFormatChanged(formatHolder); return; } if (readSource != -4) { if (readSource != -3) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return; } else { if (this.bypassSampleBuffer.isEndOfStream()) { this.inputStreamEnded = true; return; } if (this.waitingForFirstSampleInFormat) { Format format = (Format) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.inputFormat); this.outputFormat = format; onOutputFormatChanged(format, null); this.waitingForFirstSampleInFormat = false; } this.bypassSampleBuffer.flip(); } } while (this.bypassBatchBuffer.append(this.bypassSampleBuffer)); this.bypassSampleBufferPending = true; } private static boolean isMediaCodecException(IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21 && isMediaCodecExceptionV21(illegalStateException)) { return true; } StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = illegalStateException.getStackTrace(); return stackTrace.length > 0 && stackTrace[0].getClassName().equals(""); } private static boolean isMediaCodecExceptionV21(IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { return illegalStateException instanceof MediaCodec.CodecException; } private static boolean isRecoverableMediaCodecExceptionV21(IllegalStateException illegalStateException) { if (illegalStateException instanceof MediaCodec.CodecException) { return ((MediaCodec.CodecException) illegalStateException).isRecoverable(); } return false; } private static boolean codecNeedsFlushWorkaround(String str) { return Util.SDK_INT < 18 || (Util.SDK_INT == 18 && ("OMX.SEC.avc.dec".equals(str) || "".equals(str))) || (Util.SDK_INT == 19 && Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-G800") && ("OMX.Exynos.avc.dec".equals(str) || "".equals(str))); } private int codecAdaptationWorkaroundMode(String str) { if (Util.SDK_INT <= 25 && "".equals(str) && (Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-T585") || Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-A510") || Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-A520") || Util.MODEL.startsWith("SM-J700"))) { return 2; } if (Util.SDK_INT >= 24) { return 0; } if ("OMX.Nvidia.h264.decode".equals(str) || "".equals(str)) { return ("flounder".equals(Util.DEVICE) || "flounder_lte".equals(Util.DEVICE) || "grouper".equals(Util.DEVICE) || "tilapia".equals(Util.DEVICE)) ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } private static boolean codecNeedsDiscardToSpsWorkaround(String str, Format format) { return Util.SDK_INT < 21 && format.initializationData.isEmpty() && "OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC".equals(str); } private static boolean codecNeedsSosFlushWorkaround(String str) { return Util.SDK_INT == 29 && "".equals(str); } private static boolean codecNeedsEosPropagationWorkaround(MediaCodecInfo mediaCodecInfo) { String str =; return (Util.SDK_INT <= 25 && "OMX.rk.video_decoder.avc".equals(str)) || (Util.SDK_INT <= 17 && "".equals(str)) || ((Util.SDK_INT <= 29 && ("OMX.broadcom.video_decoder.tunnel".equals(str) || "".equals(str) || "OMX.bcm.vdec.avc.tunnel".equals(str) || "".equals(str) || "OMX.bcm.vdec.hevc.tunnel".equals(str) || "".equals(str))) || ("Amazon".equals(Util.MANUFACTURER) && "AFTS".equals(Util.MODEL) &&; } private static boolean codecNeedsEosFlushWorkaround(String str) { return (Util.SDK_INT <= 23 && "".equals(str)) || (Util.SDK_INT <= 19 && (("hb2000".equals(Util.DEVICE) || "stvm8".equals(Util.DEVICE)) && ("OMX.amlogic.avc.decoder.awesome".equals(str) || "".equals(str)))); } private static boolean codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround(String str) { return Util.SDK_INT < 21 && "OMX.SEC.mp3.dec".equals(str) && "samsung".equals(Util.MANUFACTURER) && (Util.DEVICE.startsWith("baffin") || Util.DEVICE.startsWith("grand") || Util.DEVICE.startsWith("fortuna") || Util.DEVICE.startsWith("gprimelte") || Util.DEVICE.startsWith("j2y18lte") || Util.DEVICE.startsWith("ms01")); } private static boolean codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround(String str) { return Util.SDK_INT == 21 && "".equals(str); } private static boolean codecNeedsMonoChannelCountWorkaround(String str, Format format) { return Util.SDK_INT <= 18 && format.channelCount == 1 && "OMX.MTK.AUDIO.DECODER.MP3".equals(str); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class OutputStreamInfo { public static final OutputStreamInfo UNSET = new OutputStreamInfo(-9223372036854775807L, -9223372036854775807L, -9223372036854775807L); public final TimedValueQueue<Format> formatQueue = new TimedValueQueue<>(); public final long previousStreamLastBufferTimeUs; public final long startPositionUs; public final long streamOffsetUs; public OutputStreamInfo(long j, long j2, long j3) { this.previousStreamLastBufferTimeUs = j; this.startPositionUs = j2; this.streamOffsetUs = j3; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class Api31 { private Api31() { } public static void setLogSessionIdToMediaCodecFormat(MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration configuration, PlayerId playerId) { LogSessionId logSessionId = playerId.getLogSessionId(); if (logSessionId.equals(LogSessionId.LOG_SESSION_ID_NONE)) { return; } configuration.mediaFormat.setString("log-session-id", logSessionId.getStringId()); } } }