package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.DefaultDownloaderFactory$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class DownloadManager { public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 3; public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_RETRY_COUNT = 5; public static final Requirements DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS = new Requirements(1); private static final int MSG_ADD_DOWNLOAD = 6; private static final int MSG_CONTENT_LENGTH_CHANGED = 10; private static final int MSG_DOWNLOAD_UPDATE = 2; private static final int MSG_INITIALIZE = 0; private static final int MSG_INITIALIZED = 0; private static final int MSG_PROCESSED = 1; private static final int MSG_RELEASE = 12; private static final int MSG_REMOVE_ALL_DOWNLOADS = 8; private static final int MSG_REMOVE_DOWNLOAD = 7; private static final int MSG_SET_DOWNLOADS_PAUSED = 1; private static final int MSG_SET_MAX_PARALLEL_DOWNLOADS = 4; private static final int MSG_SET_MIN_RETRY_COUNT = 5; private static final int MSG_SET_NOT_MET_REQUIREMENTS = 2; private static final int MSG_SET_STOP_REASON = 3; private static final int MSG_TASK_STOPPED = 9; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_PROGRESS = 11; private static final String TAG = "DownloadManager"; private int activeTaskCount; private final Handler applicationHandler; private final Context context; private final WritableDownloadIndex downloadIndex; private List<Download> downloads; private boolean downloadsPaused; private boolean initialized; private final InternalHandler internalHandler; private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<Listener> listeners; private int maxParallelDownloads; private int minRetryCount; private int notMetRequirements; private int pendingMessages; private final RequirementsWatcher.Listener requirementsListener; private RequirementsWatcher requirementsWatcher; private boolean waitingForRequirements; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public interface Listener { default void onDownloadChanged(DownloadManager downloadManager, Download download, Exception exc) { } default void onDownloadRemoved(DownloadManager downloadManager, Download download) { } default void onDownloadsPausedChanged(DownloadManager downloadManager, boolean z) { } default void onIdle(DownloadManager downloadManager) { } default void onInitialized(DownloadManager downloadManager) { } default void onRequirementsStateChanged(DownloadManager downloadManager, Requirements requirements, int i) { } default void onWaitingForRequirementsChanged(DownloadManager downloadManager, boolean z) { } } public List<Download> getCurrentDownloads() { return this.downloads; } public DownloadIndex getDownloadIndex() { return this.downloadIndex; } public boolean getDownloadsPaused() { return this.downloadsPaused; } public int getMaxParallelDownloads() { return this.maxParallelDownloads; } public int getMinRetryCount() { return this.minRetryCount; } public int getNotMetRequirements() { return this.notMetRequirements; } public boolean isIdle() { return this.activeTaskCount == 0 && this.pendingMessages == 0; } public boolean isInitialized() { return this.initialized; } public boolean isWaitingForRequirements() { return this.waitingForRequirements; } @Deprecated public DownloadManager(Context context, DatabaseProvider databaseProvider, Cache cache, DataSource.Factory factory) { this(context, databaseProvider, cache, factory, new DefaultDownloaderFactory$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0()); } public DownloadManager(Context context, DatabaseProvider databaseProvider, Cache cache, DataSource.Factory factory, Executor executor) { this(context, new DefaultDownloadIndex(databaseProvider), new DefaultDownloaderFactory(new CacheDataSource.Factory().setCache(cache).setUpstreamDataSourceFactory(factory), executor)); } public DownloadManager(Context context, WritableDownloadIndex writableDownloadIndex, DownloaderFactory downloaderFactory) { this.context = context.getApplicationContext(); this.downloadIndex = writableDownloadIndex; this.maxParallelDownloads = 3; this.minRetryCount = 5; this.downloadsPaused = true; this.downloads = Collections.emptyList(); this.listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); Handler createHandlerForCurrentOrMainLooper = Util.createHandlerForCurrentOrMainLooper(new Handler.Callback() { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 @Override // android.os.Handler.Callback public final boolean handleMessage(Message message) { boolean handleMainMessage; handleMainMessage = DownloadManager.this.handleMainMessage(message); return handleMainMessage; } }); this.applicationHandler = createHandlerForCurrentOrMainLooper; HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("ExoPlayer:DownloadManager"); handlerThread.start(); InternalHandler internalHandler = new InternalHandler(handlerThread, writableDownloadIndex, downloaderFactory, createHandlerForCurrentOrMainLooper, this.maxParallelDownloads, this.minRetryCount, this.downloadsPaused); this.internalHandler = internalHandler; RequirementsWatcher.Listener listener = new RequirementsWatcher.Listener() { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1 @Override // public final void onRequirementsStateChanged(RequirementsWatcher requirementsWatcher, int i) { DownloadManager.this.onRequirementsStateChanged(requirementsWatcher, i); } }; this.requirementsListener = listener; RequirementsWatcher requirementsWatcher = new RequirementsWatcher(context, listener, DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS); this.requirementsWatcher = requirementsWatcher; int start = requirementsWatcher.start(); this.notMetRequirements = start; this.pendingMessages = 1; internalHandler.obtainMessage(0, start, 0).sendToTarget(); } public Looper getApplicationLooper() { return this.applicationHandler.getLooper(); } public void addListener(Listener listener) { Assertions.checkNotNull(listener); this.listeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(Listener listener) { this.listeners.remove(listener); } public Requirements getRequirements() { return this.requirementsWatcher.getRequirements(); } public void setRequirements(Requirements requirements) { if (requirements.equals(this.requirementsWatcher.getRequirements())) { return; } this.requirementsWatcher.stop(); RequirementsWatcher requirementsWatcher = new RequirementsWatcher(this.context, this.requirementsListener, requirements); this.requirementsWatcher = requirementsWatcher; onRequirementsStateChanged(this.requirementsWatcher, requirementsWatcher.start()); } public void setMaxParallelDownloads(int i) { Assertions.checkArgument(i > 0); if (this.maxParallelDownloads == i) { return; } this.maxParallelDownloads = i; this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(4, i, 0).sendToTarget(); } public void setMinRetryCount(int i) { Assertions.checkArgument(i >= 0); if (this.minRetryCount == i) { return; } this.minRetryCount = i; this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(5, i, 0).sendToTarget(); } public void resumeDownloads() { setDownloadsPaused(false); } public void pauseDownloads() { setDownloadsPaused(true); } public void setStopReason(String str, int i) { this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(3, i, 0, str).sendToTarget(); } public void addDownload(DownloadRequest downloadRequest) { addDownload(downloadRequest, 0); } public void addDownload(DownloadRequest downloadRequest, int i) { this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(6, i, 0, downloadRequest).sendToTarget(); } public void removeDownload(String str) { this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(7, str).sendToTarget(); } public void removeAllDownloads() { this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(8).sendToTarget(); } public void release() { synchronized (this.internalHandler) { if (this.internalHandler.released) { return; } this.internalHandler.sendEmptyMessage(12); boolean z = false; while (!this.internalHandler.released) { try { this.internalHandler.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException unused) { z = true; } } if (z) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } this.applicationHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); this.requirementsWatcher.stop(); this.downloads = Collections.emptyList(); this.pendingMessages = 0; this.activeTaskCount = 0; this.initialized = false; this.notMetRequirements = 0; this.waitingForRequirements = false; } } private void setDownloadsPaused(boolean z) { if (this.downloadsPaused == z) { return; } this.downloadsPaused = z; this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(1, z ? 1 : 0, 0).sendToTarget(); boolean updateWaitingForRequirements = updateWaitingForRequirements(); Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {, z); } if (updateWaitingForRequirements) { notifyWaitingForRequirementsChanged(); } } public void onRequirementsStateChanged(RequirementsWatcher requirementsWatcher, int i) { Requirements requirements = requirementsWatcher.getRequirements(); if (this.notMetRequirements != i) { this.notMetRequirements = i; this.pendingMessages++; this.internalHandler.obtainMessage(2, i, 0).sendToTarget(); } boolean updateWaitingForRequirements = updateWaitingForRequirements(); Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {, requirements, i); } if (updateWaitingForRequirements) { notifyWaitingForRequirementsChanged(); } } private boolean updateWaitingForRequirements() { boolean z; if (!this.downloadsPaused && this.notMetRequirements != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.downloads.size(); i++) { if (this.downloads.get(i).state == 0) { z = true; break; } } } z = false; boolean z2 = this.waitingForRequirements != z; this.waitingForRequirements = z; return z2; } private void notifyWaitingForRequirementsChanged() { Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {, this.waitingForRequirements); } } public boolean handleMainMessage(Message message) { int i = message.what; if (i == 0) { onInitialized((List) message.obj); } else if (i == 1) { onMessageProcessed(message.arg1, message.arg2); } else if (i == 2) { onDownloadUpdate((DownloadUpdate) message.obj); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } return true; } private void onInitialized(List<Download> list) { this.initialized = true; this.downloads = Collections.unmodifiableList(list); boolean updateWaitingForRequirements = updateWaitingForRequirements(); Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } if (updateWaitingForRequirements) { notifyWaitingForRequirementsChanged(); } } private void onDownloadUpdate(DownloadUpdate downloadUpdate) { this.downloads = Collections.unmodifiableList(downloadUpdate.downloads); Download download =; boolean updateWaitingForRequirements = updateWaitingForRequirements(); if (downloadUpdate.isRemove) { Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {, download); } } else { Iterator<Listener> it2 = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) {, download, downloadUpdate.finalException); } } if (updateWaitingForRequirements) { notifyWaitingForRequirementsChanged(); } } private void onMessageProcessed(int i, int i2) { this.pendingMessages -= i; this.activeTaskCount = i2; if (isIdle()) { Iterator<Listener> it = this.listeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } } } static Download mergeRequest(Download download, DownloadRequest downloadRequest, int i, long j) { int i2; int i3 = download.state; long j2 = (i3 == 5 || download.isTerminalState()) ? j : download.startTimeMs; if (i3 == 5 || i3 == 7) { i2 = 7; } else { i2 = i != 0 ? 1 : 0; } return new Download(download.request.copyWithMergedRequest(downloadRequest), i2, j2, j, -1L, i, 0); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class InternalHandler extends Handler { private static final int UPDATE_PROGRESS_INTERVAL_MS = 5000; private int activeDownloadTaskCount; private final HashMap<String, Task> activeTasks; private final WritableDownloadIndex downloadIndex; private final DownloaderFactory downloaderFactory; private final ArrayList<Download> downloads; private boolean downloadsPaused; private boolean hasActiveRemoveTask; private final Handler mainHandler; private int maxParallelDownloads; private int minRetryCount; private int notMetRequirements; public boolean released; private final HandlerThread thread; private boolean canDownloadsRun() { return !this.downloadsPaused && this.notMetRequirements == 0; } private void setMinRetryCount(int i) { this.minRetryCount = i; } public InternalHandler(HandlerThread handlerThread, WritableDownloadIndex writableDownloadIndex, DownloaderFactory downloaderFactory, Handler handler, int i, int i2, boolean z) { super(handlerThread.getLooper()); this.thread = handlerThread; this.downloadIndex = writableDownloadIndex; this.downloaderFactory = downloaderFactory; this.mainHandler = handler; this.maxParallelDownloads = i; this.minRetryCount = i2; this.downloadsPaused = z; this.downloads = new ArrayList<>(); this.activeTasks = new HashMap<>(); } /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:2:0x0004. Please report as an issue. */ @Override // android.os.Handler public void handleMessage(Message message) { int i = 0; switch (message.what) { case 0: initialize(message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 1: setDownloadsPaused(message.arg1 != 0); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 2: setNotMetRequirements(message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 3: setStopReason((String) message.obj, message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 4: setMaxParallelDownloads(message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 5: setMinRetryCount(message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 6: addDownload((DownloadRequest) message.obj, message.arg1); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 7: removeDownload((String) message.obj); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 8: removeAllDownloads(); i = 1; this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 9: onTaskStopped((Task) message.obj); this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(1, i, this.activeTasks.size()).sendToTarget(); return; case 10: onContentLengthChanged((Task) message.obj, Util.toLong(message.arg1, message.arg2)); return; case 11: updateProgress(); return; case 12: release(); return; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private void initialize(int i) { this.notMetRequirements = i; DownloadCursor downloadCursor = null; try { try { this.downloadIndex.setDownloadingStatesToQueued(); downloadCursor = this.downloadIndex.getDownloads(0, 1, 2, 5, 7); while (downloadCursor.moveToNext()) { this.downloads.add(downloadCursor.getDownload()); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to load index.", e); this.downloads.clear(); } Util.closeQuietly(downloadCursor); this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(0, new ArrayList(this.downloads)).sendToTarget(); syncTasks(); } catch (Throwable th) { Util.closeQuietly(downloadCursor); throw th; } } private void setDownloadsPaused(boolean z) { this.downloadsPaused = z; syncTasks(); } private void setNotMetRequirements(int i) { this.notMetRequirements = i; syncTasks(); } private void setStopReason(String str, int i) { if (str == null) { for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.downloads.size(); i2++) { setStopReason(this.downloads.get(i2), i); } try { this.downloadIndex.setStopReason(i); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to set manual stop reason", e); } } else { Download download = getDownload(str, false); if (download != null) { setStopReason(download, i); } else { try { this.downloadIndex.setStopReason(str, i); } catch (IOException e2) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to set manual stop reason: " + str, e2); } } } syncTasks(); } private void setStopReason(Download download, int i) { if (i == 0) { if (download.state == 1) { putDownloadWithState(download, 0, 0); } } else if (i != download.stopReason) { int i2 = download.state; if (i2 == 0 || i2 == 2) { i2 = 1; } putDownload(new Download(download.request, i2, download.startTimeMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), download.contentLength, i, 0, download.progress)); } } private void setMaxParallelDownloads(int i) { this.maxParallelDownloads = i; syncTasks(); } private void addDownload(DownloadRequest downloadRequest, int i) { Download download = getDownload(, true); long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (download != null) { putDownload(DownloadManager.mergeRequest(download, downloadRequest, i, currentTimeMillis)); } else { putDownload(new Download(downloadRequest, i == 0 ? 0 : 1, currentTimeMillis, currentTimeMillis, -1L, i, 0)); } syncTasks(); } private void removeDownload(String str) { Download download = getDownload(str, true); if (download == null) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to remove nonexistent download: " + str); } else { putDownloadWithState(download, 5, 0); syncTasks(); } } private void removeAllDownloads() { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); try { DownloadCursor downloads = this.downloadIndex.getDownloads(3, 4); while (downloads.moveToNext()) { try { arrayList.add(downloads.getDownload()); } finally { } } if (downloads != null) { downloads.close(); } } catch (IOException unused) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to load downloads."); } for (int i = 0; i < this.downloads.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Download> arrayList2 = this.downloads; arrayList2.set(i, copyDownloadWithState(arrayList2.get(i), 5, 0)); } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayList.size(); i2++) { this.downloads.add(copyDownloadWithState((Download) arrayList.get(i2), 5, 0)); } Collections.sort(this.downloads, new DownloadManager$InternalHandler$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0()); try { this.downloadIndex.setStatesToRemoving(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to update index.", e); } ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(this.downloads); for (int i3 = 0; i3 < this.downloads.size(); i3++) { this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(2, new DownloadUpdate(this.downloads.get(i3), false, arrayList3, null)).sendToTarget(); } syncTasks(); } private void release() { Iterator<Task> it = this.activeTasks.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } try { this.downloadIndex.setDownloadingStatesToQueued(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to update index.", e); } this.downloads.clear(); this.thread.quit(); synchronized (this) { this.released = true; notifyAll(); } } private void syncTasks() { int i = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < this.downloads.size(); i2++) { Download download = this.downloads.get(i2); Task task = this.activeTasks.get(; int i3 = download.state; if (i3 == 0) { task = syncQueuedDownload(task, download); } else if (i3 == 1) { syncStoppedDownload(task); } else if (i3 == 2) { Assertions.checkNotNull(task); syncDownloadingDownload(task, download, i); } else if (i3 == 5 || i3 == 7) { syncRemovingDownload(task, download); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (task != null && !task.isRemove) { i++; } } } private void syncStoppedDownload(Task task) { if (task != null) { Assertions.checkState(!task.isRemove); task.cancel(false); } } private Task syncQueuedDownload(Task task, Download download) { if (task == null) { if (!canDownloadsRun() || this.activeDownloadTaskCount >= this.maxParallelDownloads) { return null; } Download putDownloadWithState = putDownloadWithState(download, 2, 0); Task task2 = new Task(putDownloadWithState.request, this.downloaderFactory.createDownloader(putDownloadWithState.request), putDownloadWithState.progress, false, this.minRetryCount, this); this.activeTasks.put(, task2); int i = this.activeDownloadTaskCount; this.activeDownloadTaskCount = i + 1; if (i == 0) { sendEmptyMessageDelayed(11, 5000L); } task2.start(); return task2; } Assertions.checkState(!task.isRemove); task.cancel(false); return task; } private void syncDownloadingDownload(Task task, Download download, int i) { Assertions.checkState(!task.isRemove); if (!canDownloadsRun() || i >= this.maxParallelDownloads) { putDownloadWithState(download, 0, 0); task.cancel(false); } } private void syncRemovingDownload(Task task, Download download) { if (task != null) { if (task.isRemove) { return; } task.cancel(false); } else { if (this.hasActiveRemoveTask) { return; } Task task2 = new Task(download.request, this.downloaderFactory.createDownloader(download.request), download.progress, true, this.minRetryCount, this); this.activeTasks.put(, task2); this.hasActiveRemoveTask = true; task2.start(); } } private void onContentLengthChanged(Task task, long j) { Download download = (Download) Assertions.checkNotNull(getDownload(, false)); if (j == download.contentLength || j == -1) { return; } putDownload(new Download(download.request, download.state, download.startTimeMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), j, download.stopReason, download.failureReason, download.progress)); } private void onTaskStopped(Task task) { String str =; this.activeTasks.remove(str); boolean z = task.isRemove; if (z) { this.hasActiveRemoveTask = false; } else { int i = this.activeDownloadTaskCount - 1; this.activeDownloadTaskCount = i; if (i == 0) { removeMessages(11); } } if (task.isCanceled) { syncTasks(); return; } Exception exc = task.finalException; if (exc != null) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Task failed: " + task.request + ", " + z, exc); } Download download = (Download) Assertions.checkNotNull(getDownload(str, false)); int i2 = download.state; if (i2 == 2) { Assertions.checkState(!z); onDownloadTaskStopped(download, exc); } else if (i2 == 5 || i2 == 7) { Assertions.checkState(z); onRemoveTaskStopped(download); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(); } syncTasks(); } private void onDownloadTaskStopped(Download download, Exception exc) { Download download2 = new Download(download.request, exc == null ? 3 : 4, download.startTimeMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), download.contentLength, download.stopReason, exc == null ? 0 : 1, download.progress); this.downloads.remove(getDownloadIndex(; try { this.downloadIndex.putDownload(download2); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to update index.", e); } this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(2, new DownloadUpdate(download2, false, new ArrayList(this.downloads), exc)).sendToTarget(); } private void onRemoveTaskStopped(Download download) { if (download.state == 7) { putDownloadWithState(download, download.stopReason == 0 ? 0 : 1, download.stopReason); syncTasks(); } else { this.downloads.remove(getDownloadIndex(; try { this.downloadIndex.removeDownload(; } catch (IOException unused) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to remove from database"); } this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(2, new DownloadUpdate(download, true, new ArrayList(this.downloads), null)).sendToTarget(); } } private void updateProgress() { for (int i = 0; i < this.downloads.size(); i++) { Download download = this.downloads.get(i); if (download.state == 2) { try { this.downloadIndex.putDownload(download); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to update index.", e); } } } sendEmptyMessageDelayed(11, 5000L); } private Download putDownloadWithState(Download download, int i, int i2) { Assertions.checkState((i == 3 || i == 4) ? false : true); return putDownload(copyDownloadWithState(download, i, i2)); } private Download putDownload(Download download) { Assertions.checkState((download.state == 3 || download.state == 4) ? false : true); int downloadIndex = getDownloadIndex(; if (downloadIndex == -1) { this.downloads.add(download); Collections.sort(this.downloads, new DownloadManager$InternalHandler$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0()); } else { boolean z = download.startTimeMs != this.downloads.get(downloadIndex).startTimeMs; this.downloads.set(downloadIndex, download); if (z) { Collections.sort(this.downloads, new DownloadManager$InternalHandler$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0()); } } try { this.downloadIndex.putDownload(download); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to update index.", e); } this.mainHandler.obtainMessage(2, new DownloadUpdate(download, false, new ArrayList(this.downloads), null)).sendToTarget(); return download; } private Download getDownload(String str, boolean z) { int downloadIndex = getDownloadIndex(str); if (downloadIndex != -1) { return this.downloads.get(downloadIndex); } if (!z) { return null; } try { return this.downloadIndex.getDownload(str); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(DownloadManager.TAG, "Failed to load download: " + str, e); return null; } } private int getDownloadIndex(String str) { for (int i = 0; i < this.downloads.size(); i++) { if (this.downloads.get(i) { return i; } } return -1; } private static Download copyDownloadWithState(Download download, int i, int i2) { return new Download(download.request, i, download.startTimeMs, System.currentTimeMillis(), download.contentLength, i2, 0, download.progress); } public static int compareStartTimes(Download download, Download download2) { return Util.compareLong(download.startTimeMs, download2.startTimeMs); } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class Task extends Thread implements Downloader.ProgressListener { private long contentLength; private final DownloadProgress downloadProgress; private final Downloader downloader; private Exception finalException; private volatile InternalHandler internalHandler; private volatile boolean isCanceled; private final boolean isRemove; private final int minRetryCount; private final DownloadRequest request; /* synthetic */ Task(DownloadRequest downloadRequest, Downloader downloader, DownloadProgress downloadProgress, boolean z, int i, InternalHandler internalHandler, AnonymousClass1 anonymousClass1) { this(downloadRequest, downloader, downloadProgress, z, i, internalHandler); } private Task(DownloadRequest downloadRequest, Downloader downloader, DownloadProgress downloadProgress, boolean z, int i, InternalHandler internalHandler) { this.request = downloadRequest; this.downloader = downloader; this.downloadProgress = downloadProgress; this.isRemove = z; this.minRetryCount = i; this.internalHandler = internalHandler; this.contentLength = -1L; } public void cancel(boolean z) { if (z) { this.internalHandler = null; } if (this.isCanceled) { return; } this.isCanceled = true; this.downloader.cancel(); interrupt(); } @Override // java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runnable public void run() { try { if (this.isRemove) { this.downloader.remove(); } else { long j = -1; int i = 0; while (!this.isCanceled) { try {; break; } catch (IOException e) { if (!this.isCanceled) { long j2 = this.downloadProgress.bytesDownloaded; if (j2 != j) { i = 0; j = j2; } i++; if (i > this.minRetryCount) { throw e; } Thread.sleep(getRetryDelayMillis(i)); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException unused) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception e2) { this.finalException = e2; } InternalHandler internalHandler = this.internalHandler; if (internalHandler != null) { internalHandler.obtainMessage(9, this).sendToTarget(); } } @Override // public void onProgress(long j, long j2, float f) { this.downloadProgress.bytesDownloaded = j2; this.downloadProgress.percentDownloaded = f; if (j != this.contentLength) { this.contentLength = j; InternalHandler internalHandler = this.internalHandler; if (internalHandler != null) { internalHandler.obtainMessage(10, (int) (j >> 32), (int) j, this).sendToTarget(); } } } private static int getRetryDelayMillis(int i) { return Math.min((i - 1) * 1000, 5000); } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class DownloadUpdate { public final Download download; public final List<Download> downloads; public final Exception finalException; public final boolean isRemove; public DownloadUpdate(Download download, boolean z, List<Download> list, Exception exc) { = download; this.isRemove = z; this.downloads = list; this.finalException = exc; } } }