package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.sentry.protocol.MetricSummary; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; @ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class TreeMultiset<E> extends AbstractSortedMultiset<E> implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private final transient AvlNode<E> header; private final transient GeneralRange<E> range; private final transient Reference<AvlNode<E>> rootReference; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public enum Aggregate { SIZE { // from class: @Override // int nodeAggregate(AvlNode<?> avlNode) { return ((AvlNode) avlNode).elemCount; } @Override // long treeAggregate(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode) { if (avlNode == null) { return 0L; } return ((AvlNode) avlNode).totalCount; } }, DISTINCT { // from class: @Override // int nodeAggregate(AvlNode<?> avlNode) { return 1; } @Override // long treeAggregate(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode) { if (avlNode == null) { return 0L; } return ((AvlNode) avlNode).distinctElements; } }; abstract int nodeAggregate(AvlNode<?> avlNode); abstract long treeAggregate(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode); } @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Comparator comparator() { return super.comparator(); } @Override //, java.util.AbstractCollection, java.util.Collection, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object obj) { return super.contains(obj); } @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ SortedMultiset descendingMultiset() { return super.descendingMultiset(); } @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ NavigableSet elementSet() { return super.elementSet(); } @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Set entrySet() { return super.entrySet(); } @Override //, @CheckForNull public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Multiset.Entry firstEntry() { return super.firstEntry(); } @Override //, java.util.AbstractCollection, java.util.Collection public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty(); } @Override //, @CheckForNull public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Multiset.Entry lastEntry() { return super.lastEntry(); } @Override //, @CheckForNull public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Multiset.Entry pollFirstEntry() { return super.pollFirstEntry(); } @Override //, @CheckForNull public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Multiset.Entry pollLastEntry() { return super.pollLastEntry(); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ SortedMultiset subMultiset(@ParametricNullness Object obj, BoundType boundType, @ParametricNullness Object obj2, BoundType boundType2) { return super.subMultiset(obj, boundType, obj2, boundType2); } public static <E extends Comparable> TreeMultiset<E> create() { return new TreeMultiset<>(Ordering.natural()); } public static <E> TreeMultiset<E> create(@CheckForNull Comparator<? super E> comparator) { if (comparator == null) { return new TreeMultiset<>(Ordering.natural()); } return new TreeMultiset<>(comparator); } public static <E extends Comparable> TreeMultiset<E> create(Iterable<? extends E> iterable) { TreeMultiset<E> create = create(); Iterables.addAll(create, iterable); return create; } TreeMultiset(Reference<AvlNode<E>> reference, GeneralRange<E> generalRange, AvlNode<E> avlNode) { super(generalRange.comparator()); this.rootReference = reference; this.range = generalRange; this.header = avlNode; } TreeMultiset(Comparator<? super E> comparator) { super(comparator); this.range = GeneralRange.all(comparator); AvlNode<E> avlNode = new AvlNode<>(); this.header = avlNode; successor(avlNode, avlNode); this.rootReference = new Reference<>(); } private long aggregateForEntries(Aggregate aggregate) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); long treeAggregate = aggregate.treeAggregate(avlNode); if (this.range.hasLowerBound()) { treeAggregate -= aggregateBelowRange(aggregate, avlNode); } return this.range.hasUpperBound() ? treeAggregate - aggregateAboveRange(aggregate, avlNode) : treeAggregate; } private long aggregateBelowRange(Aggregate aggregate, @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> avlNode) { long treeAggregate; long aggregateBelowRange; if (avlNode == null) { return 0L; } int compare = comparator().compare(NullnessCasts.uncheckedCastNullableTToT(this.range.getLowerEndpoint()), avlNode.getElement()); if (compare < 0) { return aggregateBelowRange(aggregate, ((AvlNode) avlNode).left); } if (compare == 0) { int i = AnonymousClass4.$SwitchMap$com$google$common$collect$BoundType[this.range.getLowerBoundType().ordinal()]; if (i != 1) { if (i != 2) { throw new AssertionError(); } return aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).left); } treeAggregate = aggregate.nodeAggregate(avlNode); aggregateBelowRange = aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).left); } else { treeAggregate = aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).left) + aggregate.nodeAggregate(avlNode); aggregateBelowRange = aggregateBelowRange(aggregate, ((AvlNode) avlNode).right); } return treeAggregate + aggregateBelowRange; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from:$4, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass4 { static final /* synthetic */ int[] $SwitchMap$com$google$common$collect$BoundType; static { int[] iArr = new int[BoundType.values().length]; $SwitchMap$com$google$common$collect$BoundType = iArr; try { iArr[BoundType.OPEN.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) { } try { $SwitchMap$com$google$common$collect$BoundType[BoundType.CLOSED.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) { } } } private long aggregateAboveRange(Aggregate aggregate, @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> avlNode) { long treeAggregate; long aggregateAboveRange; if (avlNode == null) { return 0L; } int compare = comparator().compare(NullnessCasts.uncheckedCastNullableTToT(this.range.getUpperEndpoint()), avlNode.getElement()); if (compare > 0) { return aggregateAboveRange(aggregate, ((AvlNode) avlNode).right); } if (compare == 0) { int i = AnonymousClass4.$SwitchMap$com$google$common$collect$BoundType[this.range.getUpperBoundType().ordinal()]; if (i != 1) { if (i != 2) { throw new AssertionError(); } return aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).right); } treeAggregate = aggregate.nodeAggregate(avlNode); aggregateAboveRange = aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).right); } else { treeAggregate = aggregate.treeAggregate(((AvlNode) avlNode).right) + aggregate.nodeAggregate(avlNode); aggregateAboveRange = aggregateAboveRange(aggregate, ((AvlNode) avlNode).left); } return treeAggregate + aggregateAboveRange; } @Override // java.util.AbstractCollection, java.util.Collection, public int size() { return Ints.saturatedCast(aggregateForEntries(Aggregate.SIZE)); } @Override // int distinctElements() { return Ints.saturatedCast(aggregateForEntries(Aggregate.DISTINCT)); } static int distinctElements(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode) { if (avlNode == null) { return 0; } return ((AvlNode) avlNode).distinctElements; } @Override // public int count(@CheckForNull Object obj) { try { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (this.range.contains(obj) && avlNode != null) { return avlNode.count(comparator(), obj); } } catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException unused) { } return 0; } @Override //, public int add(@ParametricNullness E e, int i) { CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative(i, "occurrences"); if (i == 0) { return count(e); } Preconditions.checkArgument(this.range.contains(e)); AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (avlNode == null) { comparator().compare(e, e); AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = new AvlNode<>(e, i); AvlNode<E> avlNode3 = this.header; successor(avlNode3, avlNode2, avlNode3); this.rootReference.checkAndSet(avlNode, avlNode2); return 0; } int[] iArr = new int[1]; this.rootReference.checkAndSet(avlNode, avlNode.add(comparator(), e, i, iArr)); return iArr[0]; } @Override //, public int remove(@CheckForNull Object obj, int i) { CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative(i, "occurrences"); if (i == 0) { return count(obj); } AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); int[] iArr = new int[1]; try { if (this.range.contains(obj) && avlNode != null) { this.rootReference.checkAndSet(avlNode, avlNode.remove(comparator(), obj, i, iArr)); return iArr[0]; } } catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException unused) { } return 0; } @Override //, public int setCount(@ParametricNullness E e, int i) { CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative(i, MetricSummary.JsonKeys.COUNT); if (!this.range.contains(e)) { Preconditions.checkArgument(i == 0); return 0; } AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (avlNode == null) { if (i > 0) { add(e, i); } return 0; } int[] iArr = new int[1]; this.rootReference.checkAndSet(avlNode, avlNode.setCount(comparator(), e, i, iArr)); return iArr[0]; } @Override //, public boolean setCount(@ParametricNullness E e, int i, int i2) { CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative(i2, "newCount"); CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative(i, "oldCount"); Preconditions.checkArgument(this.range.contains(e)); AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (avlNode != null) { int[] iArr = new int[1]; this.rootReference.checkAndSet(avlNode, avlNode.setCount(comparator(), e, i, i2, iArr)); return iArr[0] == i; } if (i != 0) { return false; } if (i2 > 0) { add(e, i2); } return true; } @Override //, java.util.AbstractCollection, java.util.Collection public void clear() { if (this.range.hasLowerBound() || this.range.hasUpperBound()) { Iterators.clear(entryIterator()); return; } AvlNode<E> succ = this.header.succ(); while (true) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.header; if (succ == avlNode) { successor(avlNode, avlNode); this.rootReference.clear(); return; } AvlNode<E> succ2 = succ.succ(); ((AvlNode) succ).elemCount = 0; ((AvlNode) succ).left = null; ((AvlNode) succ).right = null; ((AvlNode) succ).pred = null; ((AvlNode) succ).succ = null; succ = succ2; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public Multiset.Entry<E> wrapEntry(final AvlNode<E> avlNode) { return new Multisets.AbstractEntry<E>() { // from class: @Override // @ParametricNullness public E getElement() { return (E) avlNode.getElement(); } @Override // public int getCount() { int count = avlNode.getCount(); return count == 0 ? TreeMultiset.this.count(getElement()) : count; } }; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ @CheckForNull public AvlNode<E> firstNode() { AvlNode<E> succ; AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (avlNode == null) { return null; } if (this.range.hasLowerBound()) { Object uncheckedCastNullableTToT = NullnessCasts.uncheckedCastNullableTToT(this.range.getLowerEndpoint()); succ = avlNode.ceiling(comparator(), uncheckedCastNullableTToT); if (succ == null) { return null; } if (this.range.getLowerBoundType() == BoundType.OPEN && comparator().compare(uncheckedCastNullableTToT, succ.getElement()) == 0) { succ = succ.succ(); } } else { succ = this.header.succ(); } if (succ == this.header || !this.range.contains(succ.getElement())) { return null; } return succ; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ @CheckForNull public AvlNode<E> lastNode() { AvlNode<E> pred; AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.rootReference.get(); if (avlNode == null) { return null; } if (this.range.hasUpperBound()) { Object uncheckedCastNullableTToT = NullnessCasts.uncheckedCastNullableTToT(this.range.getUpperEndpoint()); pred = avlNode.floor(comparator(), uncheckedCastNullableTToT); if (pred == null) { return null; } if (this.range.getUpperBoundType() == BoundType.OPEN && comparator().compare(uncheckedCastNullableTToT, pred.getElement()) == 0) { pred = pred.pred(); } } else { pred = this.header.pred(); } if (pred == this.header || !this.range.contains(pred.getElement())) { return null; } return pred; } @Override // Iterator<E> elementIterator() { return Multisets.elementIterator(entryIterator()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Iterator<Multiset.Entry<E>> entryIterator() { return new Iterator<Multiset.Entry<E>>() { // from class: @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> current; @CheckForNull Multiset.Entry<E> prevEntry; { this.current = TreeMultiset.this.firstNode(); } @Override // java.util.Iterator public boolean hasNext() { if (this.current == null) { return false; } if (!TreeMultiset.this.range.tooHigh(this.current.getElement())) { return true; } this.current = null; return false; } @Override // java.util.Iterator public Multiset.Entry<E> next() { if (hasNext()) { Multiset.Entry<E> wrapEntry = TreeMultiset.this.wrapEntry((AvlNode) Objects.requireNonNull(this.current)); this.prevEntry = wrapEntry; if (this.current.succ() == TreeMultiset.this.header) { this.current = null; } else { this.current = this.current.succ(); } return wrapEntry; } throw new NoSuchElementException(); } @Override // java.util.Iterator public void remove() { Preconditions.checkState(this.prevEntry != null, "no calls to next() since the last call to remove()"); TreeMultiset.this.setCount(this.prevEntry.getElement(), 0); this.prevEntry = null; } }; } @Override // Iterator<Multiset.Entry<E>> descendingEntryIterator() { return new Iterator<Multiset.Entry<E>>() { // from class: @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> current; @CheckForNull Multiset.Entry<E> prevEntry = null; { this.current = TreeMultiset.this.lastNode(); } @Override // java.util.Iterator public boolean hasNext() { if (this.current == null) { return false; } if (!TreeMultiset.this.range.tooLow(this.current.getElement())) { return true; } this.current = null; return false; } @Override // java.util.Iterator public Multiset.Entry<E> next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Objects.requireNonNull(this.current); Multiset.Entry<E> wrapEntry = TreeMultiset.this.wrapEntry(this.current); this.prevEntry = wrapEntry; if (this.current.pred() == TreeMultiset.this.header) { this.current = null; } else { this.current = this.current.pred(); } return wrapEntry; } @Override // java.util.Iterator public void remove() { Preconditions.checkState(this.prevEntry != null, "no calls to next() since the last call to remove()"); TreeMultiset.this.setCount(this.prevEntry.getElement(), 0); this.prevEntry = null; } }; } @Override // java.util.AbstractCollection, java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, public Iterator<E> iterator() { return Multisets.iteratorImpl(this); } @Override // public SortedMultiset<E> headMultiset(@ParametricNullness E e, BoundType boundType) { return new TreeMultiset(this.rootReference, this.range.intersect(GeneralRange.upTo(comparator(), e, boundType)), this.header); } @Override // public SortedMultiset<E> tailMultiset(@ParametricNullness E e, BoundType boundType) { return new TreeMultiset(this.rootReference, this.range.intersect(GeneralRange.downTo(comparator(), e, boundType)), this.header); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Reference<T> { @CheckForNull private T value; void clear() { this.value = null; } @CheckForNull public T get() { return this.value; } private Reference() { } public void checkAndSet(@CheckForNull T t, @CheckForNull T t2) { if (this.value != t) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } this.value = t2; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class AvlNode<E> { private int distinctElements; @CheckForNull private final E elem; private int elemCount; private int height; @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> left; @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> pred; @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> right; @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> succ; private long totalCount; int getCount() { return this.elemCount; } AvlNode(@ParametricNullness E e, int i) { Preconditions.checkArgument(i > 0); this.elem = e; this.elemCount = i; this.totalCount = i; this.distinctElements = 1; this.height = 1; this.left = null; this.right = null; } AvlNode() { this.elem = null; this.elemCount = 1; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public AvlNode<E> pred() { return (AvlNode) Objects.requireNonNull(this.pred); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public AvlNode<E> succ() { return (AvlNode) Objects.requireNonNull(this.succ); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ int count(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { return 0; } return avlNode.count(comparator, e); } if (compare <= 0) { return this.elemCount; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { return 0; } return avlNode2.count(comparator, e); } private AvlNode<E> addRightChild(@ParametricNullness E e, int i) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = new AvlNode<>(e, i); this.right = avlNode; TreeMultiset.successor(this, avlNode, succ()); this.height = Math.max(2, this.height); this.distinctElements++; this.totalCount += i; return this; } private AvlNode<E> addLeftChild(@ParametricNullness E e, int i) { this.left = new AvlNode<>(e, i); TreeMultiset.successor(pred(), this.left, this); this.height = Math.max(2, this.height); this.distinctElements++; this.totalCount += i; return this; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ AvlNode<E> add(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e, int i, int[] iArr) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return addLeftChild(e, i); } int i2 = avlNode.height; AvlNode<E> add = avlNode.add(comparator, e, i, iArr); this.left = add; if (iArr[0] == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i; return add.height == i2 ? this : rebalance(); } if (compare <= 0) { int i3 = this.elemCount; iArr[0] = i3; long j = i; Preconditions.checkArgument(((long) i3) + j <= 2147483647L); this.elemCount += i; this.totalCount += j; return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return addRightChild(e, i); } int i4 = avlNode2.height; AvlNode<E> add2 = avlNode2.add(comparator, e, i, iArr); this.right = add2; if (iArr[0] == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i; return add2.height == i4 ? this : rebalance(); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> remove(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e, int i, int[] iArr) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return this; } this.left = avlNode.remove(comparator, e, i, iArr); int i2 = iArr[0]; if (i2 > 0) { if (i >= i2) { this.distinctElements--; this.totalCount -= i2; } else { this.totalCount -= i; } } return i2 == 0 ? this : rebalance(); } if (compare <= 0) { int i3 = this.elemCount; iArr[0] = i3; if (i >= i3) { return deleteMe(); } this.elemCount = i3 - i; this.totalCount -= i; return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return this; } this.right = avlNode2.remove(comparator, e, i, iArr); int i4 = iArr[0]; if (i4 > 0) { if (i >= i4) { this.distinctElements--; this.totalCount -= i4; } else { this.totalCount -= i; } } return rebalance(); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> setCount(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e, int i, int[] iArr) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return i > 0 ? addLeftChild(e, i) : this; } this.left = avlNode.setCount(comparator, e, i, iArr); if (i == 0 && iArr[0] != 0) { this.distinctElements--; } else if (i > 0 && iArr[0] == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i - iArr[0]; return rebalance(); } if (compare <= 0) { iArr[0] = this.elemCount; if (i == 0) { return deleteMe(); } this.totalCount += i - r3; this.elemCount = i; return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return i > 0 ? addRightChild(e, i) : this; } this.right = avlNode2.setCount(comparator, e, i, iArr); if (i == 0 && iArr[0] != 0) { this.distinctElements--; } else if (i > 0 && iArr[0] == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i - iArr[0]; return rebalance(); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @CheckForNull AvlNode<E> setCount(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e, int i, int i2, int[] iArr) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return (i != 0 || i2 <= 0) ? this : addLeftChild(e, i2); } this.left = avlNode.setCount(comparator, e, i, i2, iArr); int i3 = iArr[0]; if (i3 == i) { if (i2 == 0 && i3 != 0) { this.distinctElements--; } else if (i2 > 0 && i3 == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i2 - i3; } return rebalance(); } if (compare <= 0) { int i4 = this.elemCount; iArr[0] = i4; if (i == i4) { if (i2 == 0) { return deleteMe(); } this.totalCount += i2 - i4; this.elemCount = i2; } return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { iArr[0] = 0; return (i != 0 || i2 <= 0) ? this : addRightChild(e, i2); } this.right = avlNode2.setCount(comparator, e, i, i2, iArr); int i5 = iArr[0]; if (i5 == i) { if (i2 == 0 && i5 != 0) { this.distinctElements--; } else if (i2 > 0 && i5 == 0) { this.distinctElements++; } this.totalCount += i2 - i5; } return rebalance(); } @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> deleteMe() { int i = this.elemCount; this.elemCount = 0; TreeMultiset.successor(pred(), succ()); AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; if (avlNode == null) { return this.right; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { return avlNode; } if (avlNode.height >= avlNode2.height) { AvlNode<E> pred = pred(); pred.left = this.left.removeMax(pred); pred.right = this.right; pred.distinctElements = this.distinctElements - 1; pred.totalCount = this.totalCount - i; return pred.rebalance(); } AvlNode<E> succ = succ(); succ.right = this.right.removeMin(succ); succ.left = this.left; succ.distinctElements = this.distinctElements - 1; succ.totalCount = this.totalCount - i; return succ.rebalance(); } @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> removeMin(AvlNode<E> avlNode) { AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.left; if (avlNode2 == null) { return this.right; } this.left = avlNode2.removeMin(avlNode); this.distinctElements--; this.totalCount -= avlNode.elemCount; return rebalance(); } @CheckForNull private AvlNode<E> removeMax(AvlNode<E> avlNode) { AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { return this.left; } this.right = avlNode2.removeMax(avlNode); this.distinctElements--; this.totalCount -= avlNode.elemCount; return rebalance(); } private void recomputeMultiset() { this.distinctElements = TreeMultiset.distinctElements(this.left) + 1 + TreeMultiset.distinctElements(this.right); this.totalCount = this.elemCount + totalCount(this.left) + totalCount(this.right); } private void recomputeHeight() { this.height = Math.max(height(this.left), height(this.right)) + 1; } private void recompute() { recomputeMultiset(); recomputeHeight(); } private AvlNode<E> rebalance() { int balanceFactor = balanceFactor(); if (balanceFactor == -2) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.right); if (this.right.balanceFactor() > 0) { this.right = this.right.rotateRight(); } return rotateLeft(); } if (balanceFactor == 2) { Objects.requireNonNull(this.left); if (this.left.balanceFactor() < 0) { this.left = this.left.rotateLeft(); } return rotateRight(); } recomputeHeight(); return this; } private int balanceFactor() { return height(this.left) - height(this.right); } private AvlNode<E> rotateLeft() { Preconditions.checkState(this.right != null); AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.right; this.right = avlNode.left; avlNode.left = this; avlNode.totalCount = this.totalCount; avlNode.distinctElements = this.distinctElements; recompute(); avlNode.recomputeHeight(); return avlNode; } private AvlNode<E> rotateRight() { Preconditions.checkState(this.left != null); AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; this.left = avlNode.right; avlNode.right = this; avlNode.totalCount = this.totalCount; avlNode.distinctElements = this.distinctElements; recompute(); avlNode.recomputeHeight(); return avlNode; } private static long totalCount(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode) { if (avlNode == null) { return 0L; } return ((AvlNode) avlNode).totalCount; } private static int height(@CheckForNull AvlNode<?> avlNode) { if (avlNode == null) { return 0; } return ((AvlNode) avlNode).height; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @CheckForNull public AvlNode<E> ceiling(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare < 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.left; return avlNode == null ? this : (AvlNode) MoreObjects.firstNonNull(avlNode.ceiling(comparator, e), this); } if (compare == 0) { return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.right; if (avlNode2 == null) { return null; } return avlNode2.ceiling(comparator, e); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @CheckForNull public AvlNode<E> floor(Comparator<? super E> comparator, @ParametricNullness E e) { int compare =, getElement()); if (compare > 0) { AvlNode<E> avlNode = this.right; return avlNode == null ? this : (AvlNode) MoreObjects.firstNonNull(avlNode.floor(comparator, e), this); } if (compare == 0) { return this; } AvlNode<E> avlNode2 = this.left; if (avlNode2 == null) { return null; } return avlNode2.floor(comparator, e); } @ParametricNullness E getElement() { return (E) NullnessCasts.uncheckedCastNullableTToT(this.elem); } public String toString() { return Multisets.immutableEntry(getElement(), getCount()).toString(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static <T> void successor(AvlNode<T> avlNode, AvlNode<T> avlNode2) { ((AvlNode) avlNode).succ = avlNode2; ((AvlNode) avlNode2).pred = avlNode; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static <T> void successor(AvlNode<T> avlNode, AvlNode<T> avlNode2, AvlNode<T> avlNode3) { successor(avlNode, avlNode2); successor(avlNode2, avlNode3); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream) throws IOException { objectOutputStream.defaultWriteObject(); objectOutputStream.writeObject(elementSet().comparator()); Serialization.writeMultiset(this, objectOutputStream); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream objectInputStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { objectInputStream.defaultReadObject(); Comparator comparator = (Comparator) objectInputStream.readObject(); Serialization.getFieldSetter(AbstractSortedMultiset.class, "comparator").set((Serialization.FieldSetter) this, (Object) comparator); Serialization.getFieldSetter(TreeMultiset.class, "range").set((Serialization.FieldSetter) this, (Object) GeneralRange.all(comparator)); Serialization.getFieldSetter(TreeMultiset.class, "rootReference").set((Serialization.FieldSetter) this, (Object) new Reference()); AvlNode avlNode = new AvlNode(); Serialization.getFieldSetter(TreeMultiset.class, "header").set((Serialization.FieldSetter) this, (Object) avlNode); successor(avlNode, avlNode); Serialization.populateMultiset(this, objectInputStream); } }