package io.sentry; import io.sentry.Scope; import io.sentry.SentryOptions; import io.sentry.Session; import io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason; import io.sentry.exception.SentryEnvelopeException; import io.sentry.hints.AbnormalExit; import io.sentry.hints.Backfillable; import io.sentry.hints.DiskFlushNotification; import io.sentry.hints.TransactionEnd; import io.sentry.metrics.EncodedMetrics; import io.sentry.metrics.IMetricsClient; import io.sentry.metrics.NoopMetricsAggregator; import io.sentry.protocol.Contexts; import io.sentry.protocol.SentryId; import io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction; import io.sentry.transport.ITransport; import io.sentry.transport.RateLimiter; import io.sentry.util.CheckInUtils; import io.sentry.util.HintUtils; import io.sentry.util.Objects; import io.sentry.util.TracingUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class SentryClient implements ISentryClient, IMetricsClient { static final String SENTRY_PROTOCOL_VERSION = "7"; private final IMetricsAggregator metricsAggregator; private final SentryOptions options; private final SecureRandom random; private final ITransport transport; private final SortBreadcrumbsByDate sortBreadcrumbsByDate = new SortBreadcrumbsByDate(); private boolean enabled = true; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static /* synthetic */ void lambda$captureEvent$0(Session session) { } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public IMetricsAggregator getMetricsAggregator() { return this.metricsAggregator; } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public boolean isEnabled() { return this.enabled; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public SentryClient(SentryOptions sentryOptions) { IMetricsAggregator noopMetricsAggregator; this.options = (SentryOptions) Objects.requireNonNull(sentryOptions, "SentryOptions is required."); ITransportFactory transportFactory = sentryOptions.getTransportFactory(); if (transportFactory instanceof NoOpTransportFactory) { transportFactory = new AsyncHttpTransportFactory(); sentryOptions.setTransportFactory(transportFactory); } this.transport = transportFactory.create(sentryOptions, new RequestDetailsResolver(sentryOptions).resolve()); if (sentryOptions.isEnableMetrics()) { noopMetricsAggregator = new MetricsAggregator(sentryOptions, this); } else { noopMetricsAggregator = NoopMetricsAggregator.getInstance(); } this.metricsAggregator = noopMetricsAggregator; this.random = sentryOptions.getSampleRate() != null ? new SecureRandom() : null; } private boolean shouldApplyScopeData(SentryBaseEvent sentryBaseEvent, Hint hint) { if (HintUtils.shouldApplyScopeData(hint)) { return true; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event was cached so not applying scope: %s", sentryBaseEvent.getEventId()); return false; } private boolean shouldApplyScopeData(CheckIn checkIn, Hint hint) { if (HintUtils.shouldApplyScopeData(hint)) { return true; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Check-in was cached so not applying scope: %s", checkIn.getCheckInId()); return false; } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public SentryId captureEvent(SentryEvent sentryEvent, IScope iScope, Hint hint) { SentryEvent sentryEvent2; Session session; ITransaction transaction; TraceContext traceContext; TraceContext traceContext2; Throwable throwable; Objects.requireNonNull(sentryEvent, "SentryEvent is required."); if (hint == null) { hint = new Hint(); } if (shouldApplyScopeData(sentryEvent, hint)) { addScopeAttachmentsToHint(iScope, hint); } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Capturing event: %s", sentryEvent.getEventId()); if (sentryEvent != null && (throwable = sentryEvent.getThrowable()) != null && this.options.containsIgnoredExceptionForType(throwable)) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event was dropped as the exception %s is ignored", throwable.getClass()); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.EVENT_PROCESSOR, DataCategory.Error); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } if (shouldApplyScopeData(sentryEvent, hint) && (sentryEvent = applyScope(sentryEvent, iScope, hint)) == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event was dropped by applyScope", new Object[0]); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } SentryEvent processEvent = processEvent(sentryEvent, hint, this.options.getEventProcessors()); if (processEvent != null && (processEvent = executeBeforeSend(processEvent, hint)) == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event was dropped by beforeSend", new Object[0]); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.BEFORE_SEND, DataCategory.Error); } if (processEvent == null) { return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } Session withSession = iScope != null ? iScope.withSession(new Scope.IWithSession() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryClient$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 @Override // io.sentry.Scope.IWithSession public final void accept(Session session2) { SentryClient.lambda$captureEvent$0(session2); } }) : null; if (processEvent != null) { Session updateSessionData = (withSession == null || !withSession.isTerminated()) ? updateSessionData(processEvent, hint, iScope) : null; if (sample()) { sentryEvent2 = processEvent; } else { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event %s was dropped due to sampling decision.", processEvent.getEventId()); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.SAMPLE_RATE, DataCategory.Error); sentryEvent2 = null; } session = updateSessionData; } else { sentryEvent2 = processEvent; session = null; } boolean shouldSendSessionUpdateForDroppedEvent = shouldSendSessionUpdateForDroppedEvent(withSession, session); if (sentryEvent2 == null && !shouldSendSessionUpdateForDroppedEvent) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Not sending session update for dropped event as it did not cause the session health to change.", new Object[0]); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } SentryId sentryId = SentryId.EMPTY_ID; if (sentryEvent2 != null && sentryEvent2.getEventId() != null) { sentryId = sentryEvent2.getEventId(); } try { if (HintUtils.hasType(hint, Backfillable.class)) { if (sentryEvent2 != null) { traceContext = Baggage.fromEvent(sentryEvent2, this.options).toTraceContext(); traceContext2 = traceContext; } traceContext2 = null; } else { if (iScope != null) { ITransaction transaction2 = iScope.getTransaction(); if (transaction2 != null) { traceContext = transaction2.traceContext(); } else { traceContext = TracingUtils.maybeUpdateBaggage(iScope, this.options).traceContext(); } traceContext2 = traceContext; } traceContext2 = null; } SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope = buildEnvelope(sentryEvent2, sentryEvent2 != null ? getAttachments(hint) : null, session, traceContext2, null); hint.clear(); if (buildEnvelope != null) { sentryId = sendEnvelope(buildEnvelope, hint); } } catch (SentryEnvelopeException | IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, e, "Capturing event %s failed.", sentryId); sentryId = SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } if (iScope != null && (transaction = iScope.getTransaction()) != null && HintUtils.hasType(hint, TransactionEnd.class)) { Object sentrySdkHint = HintUtils.getSentrySdkHint(hint); if (sentrySdkHint instanceof DiskFlushNotification) { ((DiskFlushNotification) sentrySdkHint).setFlushable(transaction.getEventId()); transaction.forceFinish(SpanStatus.ABORTED, false, hint); } else { transaction.forceFinish(SpanStatus.ABORTED, false, null); } } return sentryId; } private void addScopeAttachmentsToHint(IScope iScope, Hint hint) { if (iScope != null) { hint.addAttachments(iScope.getAttachments()); } } private boolean shouldSendSessionUpdateForDroppedEvent(Session session, Session session2) { if (session2 == null) { return false; } if (session == null) { return true; } if (session2.getStatus() != Session.State.Crashed || session.getStatus() == Session.State.Crashed) { return session2.errorCount() > 0 && session.errorCount() <= 0; } return true; } private List getAttachments(Hint hint) { List attachments = hint.getAttachments(); Attachment screenshot = hint.getScreenshot(); if (screenshot != null) { attachments.add(screenshot); } Attachment viewHierarchy = hint.getViewHierarchy(); if (viewHierarchy != null) { attachments.add(viewHierarchy); } Attachment threadDump = hint.getThreadDump(); if (threadDump != null) { attachments.add(threadDump); } return attachments; } private SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope(SentryBaseEvent sentryBaseEvent, List list, Session session, TraceContext traceContext, ProfilingTraceData profilingTraceData) throws IOException, SentryEnvelopeException { SentryId sentryId; ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (sentryBaseEvent != null) { arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromEvent(this.options.getSerializer(), sentryBaseEvent)); sentryId = sentryBaseEvent.getEventId(); } else { sentryId = null; } if (session != null) { arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromSession(this.options.getSerializer(), session)); } if (profilingTraceData != null) { arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromProfilingTrace(profilingTraceData, this.options.getMaxTraceFileSize(), this.options.getSerializer())); if (sentryId == null) { sentryId = new SentryId(profilingTraceData.getProfileId()); } } if (list != null) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromAttachment(this.options.getSerializer(), this.options.getLogger(),, this.options.getMaxAttachmentSize())); } } if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { return null; } return new SentryEnvelope(new SentryEnvelopeHeader(sentryId, this.options.getSdkVersion(), traceContext), arrayList); } private SentryEvent processEvent(SentryEvent sentryEvent, Hint hint, List list) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } EventProcessor next =; try { boolean z = next instanceof BackfillingEventProcessor; boolean hasType = HintUtils.hasType(hint, Backfillable.class); if (hasType && z) { sentryEvent = next.process(sentryEvent, hint); } else if (!hasType && !z) { sentryEvent = next.process(sentryEvent, hint); } } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th, "An exception occurred while processing event by processor: %s", next.getClass().getName()); } if (sentryEvent == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Event was dropped by a processor: %s", next.getClass().getName()); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.EVENT_PROCESSOR, DataCategory.Error); break; } } return sentryEvent; } private SentryTransaction processTransaction(SentryTransaction sentryTransaction, Hint hint, List list) { Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (true) { if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } EventProcessor next =; try { sentryTransaction = next.process(sentryTransaction, hint); } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th, "An exception occurred while processing transaction by processor: %s", next.getClass().getName()); } if (sentryTransaction == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Transaction was dropped by a processor: %s", next.getClass().getName()); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.EVENT_PROCESSOR, DataCategory.Transaction); break; } } return sentryTransaction; } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public void captureUserFeedback(UserFeedback userFeedback) { Objects.requireNonNull(userFeedback, "SentryEvent is required."); if (SentryId.EMPTY_ID.equals(userFeedback.getEventId())) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Capturing userFeedback without a Sentry Id.", new Object[0]); return; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Capturing userFeedback: %s", userFeedback.getEventId()); try { sendEnvelope(buildEnvelope(userFeedback), null); } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, e, "Capturing user feedback %s failed.", userFeedback.getEventId()); } } private SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope(UserFeedback userFeedback) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromUserFeedback(this.options.getSerializer(), userFeedback)); return new SentryEnvelope(new SentryEnvelopeHeader(userFeedback.getEventId(), this.options.getSdkVersion()), arrayList); } private SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope(CheckIn checkIn, TraceContext traceContext) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromCheckIn(this.options.getSerializer(), checkIn)); return new SentryEnvelope(new SentryEnvelopeHeader(checkIn.getCheckInId(), this.options.getSdkVersion(), traceContext), arrayList); } Session updateSessionData(final SentryEvent sentryEvent, final Hint hint, IScope iScope) { if (HintUtils.shouldApplyScopeData(hint)) { if (iScope != null) { return iScope.withSession(new Scope.IWithSession() { // from class: io.sentry.SentryClient$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1 @Override // io.sentry.Scope.IWithSession public final void accept(Session session) { SentryClient.this.m5628lambda$updateSessionData$1$iosentrySentryClient(sentryEvent, hint, session); } }); } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.INFO, "Scope is null on client.captureEvent", new Object[0]); } return null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: lambda$updateSessionData$1$io-sentry-SentryClient, reason: not valid java name */ public /* synthetic */ void m5628lambda$updateSessionData$1$iosentrySentryClient(SentryEvent sentryEvent, Hint hint, Session session) { if (session != null) { String str = null; Session.State state = sentryEvent.isCrashed() ? Session.State.Crashed : null; boolean z = Session.State.Crashed == state || sentryEvent.isErrored(); String str2 = (sentryEvent.getRequest() == null || sentryEvent.getRequest().getHeaders() == null || !sentryEvent.getRequest().getHeaders().containsKey("user-agent")) ? null : sentryEvent.getRequest().getHeaders().get("user-agent"); Object sentrySdkHint = HintUtils.getSentrySdkHint(hint); if (sentrySdkHint instanceof AbnormalExit) { str = ((AbnormalExit) sentrySdkHint).mechanism(); state = Session.State.Abnormal; } if (session.update(state, str2, z, str) && session.isTerminated()) { session.end(); return; } return; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.INFO, "Session is null on scope.withSession", new Object[0]); } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public void captureSession(Session session, Hint hint) { Objects.requireNonNull(session, "Session is required."); if (session.getRelease() == null || session.getRelease().isEmpty()) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Sessions can't be captured without setting a release.", new Object[0]); return; } try { captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope.from(this.options.getSerializer(), session, this.options.getSdkVersion()), hint); } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Failed to capture session.", e); } } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public SentryId captureEnvelope(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope, Hint hint) { Objects.requireNonNull(sentryEnvelope, "SentryEnvelope is required."); if (hint == null) { hint = new Hint(); } try { hint.clear(); return sendEnvelope(sentryEnvelope, hint); } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Failed to capture envelope.", e); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } } private SentryId sendEnvelope(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope, Hint hint) throws IOException { SentryOptions.BeforeEnvelopeCallback beforeEnvelopeCallback = this.options.getBeforeEnvelopeCallback(); if (beforeEnvelopeCallback != null) { try { beforeEnvelopeCallback.execute(sentryEnvelope, hint); } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "The BeforeEnvelope callback threw an exception.", th); } } if (hint == null) { this.transport.send(sentryEnvelope); } else { this.transport.send(sentryEnvelope, hint); } SentryId eventId = sentryEnvelope.getHeader().getEventId(); return eventId != null ? eventId : SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public SentryId captureTransaction(SentryTransaction sentryTransaction, TraceContext traceContext, IScope iScope, Hint hint, ProfilingTraceData profilingTraceData) { Objects.requireNonNull(sentryTransaction, "Transaction is required."); if (hint == null) { hint = new Hint(); } if (shouldApplyScopeData(sentryTransaction, hint)) { addScopeAttachmentsToHint(iScope, hint); } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Capturing transaction: %s", sentryTransaction.getEventId()); SentryId sentryId = SentryId.EMPTY_ID; if (sentryTransaction.getEventId() != null) { sentryId = sentryTransaction.getEventId(); } if (shouldApplyScopeData(sentryTransaction, hint)) { sentryTransaction = (SentryTransaction) applyScope((SentryClient) sentryTransaction, iScope); if (sentryTransaction != null && iScope != null) { sentryTransaction = processTransaction(sentryTransaction, hint, iScope.getEventProcessors()); } if (sentryTransaction == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Transaction was dropped by applyScope", new Object[0]); } } if (sentryTransaction != null) { sentryTransaction = processTransaction(sentryTransaction, hint, this.options.getEventProcessors()); } if (sentryTransaction == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Transaction was dropped by Event processors.", new Object[0]); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } SentryTransaction executeBeforeSendTransaction = executeBeforeSendTransaction(sentryTransaction, hint); if (executeBeforeSendTransaction == null) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Transaction was dropped by beforeSendTransaction.", new Object[0]); this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEvent(DiscardReason.BEFORE_SEND, DataCategory.Transaction); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } try { SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope = buildEnvelope(executeBeforeSendTransaction, filterForTransaction(getAttachments(hint)), null, traceContext, profilingTraceData); hint.clear(); return buildEnvelope != null ? sendEnvelope(buildEnvelope, hint) : sentryId; } catch (SentryEnvelopeException | IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, e, "Capturing transaction %s failed.", sentryId); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public SentryId captureCheckIn(CheckIn checkIn, IScope iScope, Hint hint) { TraceContext traceContext; if (hint == null) { hint = new Hint(); } if (checkIn.getEnvironment() == null) { checkIn.setEnvironment(this.options.getEnvironment()); } if (checkIn.getRelease() == null) { checkIn.setRelease(this.options.getRelease()); } if (shouldApplyScopeData(checkIn, hint)) { checkIn = applyScope(checkIn, iScope); } if (CheckInUtils.isIgnored(this.options.getIgnoredCheckIns(), checkIn.getMonitorSlug())) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Check-in was dropped as slug %s is ignored", checkIn.getMonitorSlug()); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.DEBUG, "Capturing check-in: %s", checkIn.getCheckInId()); SentryId checkInId = checkIn.getCheckInId(); if (iScope != null) { try { ITransaction transaction = iScope.getTransaction(); if (transaction != null) { traceContext = transaction.traceContext(); } else { traceContext = TracingUtils.maybeUpdateBaggage(iScope, this.options).traceContext(); } } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, e, "Capturing check-in %s failed.", checkInId); return SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } } else { traceContext = null; } SentryEnvelope buildEnvelope = buildEnvelope(checkIn, traceContext); hint.clear(); return sendEnvelope(buildEnvelope, hint); } private List filterForTransaction(List list) { if (list == null) { return null; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (Attachment attachment : list) { if (attachment.isAddToTransactions()) { arrayList.add(attachment); } } return arrayList; } private SentryEvent applyScope(SentryEvent sentryEvent, IScope iScope, Hint hint) { if (iScope == null) { return sentryEvent; } applyScope((SentryClient) sentryEvent, iScope); if (sentryEvent.getTransaction() == null) { sentryEvent.setTransaction(iScope.getTransactionName()); } if (sentryEvent.getFingerprints() == null) { sentryEvent.setFingerprints(iScope.getFingerprint()); } if (iScope.getLevel() != null) { sentryEvent.setLevel(iScope.getLevel()); } ISpan span = iScope.getSpan(); if (sentryEvent.getContexts().getTrace() == null) { if (span == null) { sentryEvent.getContexts().setTrace(TransactionContext.fromPropagationContext(iScope.getPropagationContext())); } else { sentryEvent.getContexts().setTrace(span.getSpanContext()); } } return processEvent(sentryEvent, hint, iScope.getEventProcessors()); } private CheckIn applyScope(CheckIn checkIn, IScope iScope) { if (iScope != null) { ISpan span = iScope.getSpan(); if (checkIn.getContexts().getTrace() == null) { if (span == null) { checkIn.getContexts().setTrace(TransactionContext.fromPropagationContext(iScope.getPropagationContext())); } else { checkIn.getContexts().setTrace(span.getSpanContext()); } } } return checkIn; } private T applyScope(T t, IScope iScope) { if (iScope != null) { if (t.getRequest() == null) { t.setRequest(iScope.getRequest()); } if (t.getUser() == null) { t.setUser(iScope.getUser()); } if (t.getTags() == null) { t.setTags(new HashMap(iScope.getTags())); } else { for (Map.Entry entry : iScope.getTags().entrySet()) { if (!t.getTags().containsKey(entry.getKey())) { t.getTags().put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } if (t.getBreadcrumbs() == null) { t.setBreadcrumbs(new ArrayList(iScope.getBreadcrumbs())); } else { sortBreadcrumbsByDate(t, iScope.getBreadcrumbs()); } if (t.getExtras() == null) { t.setExtras(new HashMap(iScope.getExtras())); } else { for (Map.Entry entry2 : iScope.getExtras().entrySet()) { if (!t.getExtras().containsKey(entry2.getKey())) { t.getExtras().put(entry2.getKey(), entry2.getValue()); } } } Contexts contexts = t.getContexts(); for (Map.Entry entry3 : new Contexts(iScope.getContexts()).entrySet()) { if (!contexts.containsKey(entry3.getKey())) { contexts.put(entry3.getKey(), entry3.getValue()); } } } return t; } private void sortBreadcrumbsByDate(SentryBaseEvent sentryBaseEvent, Collection collection) { List breadcrumbs = sentryBaseEvent.getBreadcrumbs(); if (breadcrumbs == null || collection.isEmpty()) { return; } breadcrumbs.addAll(collection); Collections.sort(breadcrumbs, this.sortBreadcrumbsByDate); } private SentryEvent executeBeforeSend(SentryEvent sentryEvent, Hint hint) { SentryOptions.BeforeSendCallback beforeSend = this.options.getBeforeSend(); if (beforeSend == null) { return sentryEvent; } try { return beforeSend.execute(sentryEvent, hint); } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "The BeforeSend callback threw an exception. It will be added as breadcrumb and continue.", th); return null; } } private SentryTransaction executeBeforeSendTransaction(SentryTransaction sentryTransaction, Hint hint) { SentryOptions.BeforeSendTransactionCallback beforeSendTransaction = this.options.getBeforeSendTransaction(); if (beforeSendTransaction == null) { return sentryTransaction; } try { return beforeSendTransaction.execute(sentryTransaction, hint); } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "The BeforeSendTransaction callback threw an exception. It will be added as breadcrumb and continue.", th); return null; } } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public void close() { close(false); } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public void close(boolean z) { long shutdownTimeoutMillis; this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.INFO, "Closing SentryClient.", new Object[0]); try { this.metricsAggregator.close(); } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Failed to close the metrics aggregator.", e); } if (z) { shutdownTimeoutMillis = 0; } else { try { shutdownTimeoutMillis = this.options.getShutdownTimeoutMillis(); } catch (IOException e2) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Failed to close the connection to the Sentry Server.", e2); } } flush(shutdownTimeoutMillis); this.transport.close(z); for (EventProcessor eventProcessor : this.options.getEventProcessors()) { if (eventProcessor instanceof Closeable) { try { ((Closeable) eventProcessor).close(); } catch (IOException e3) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Failed to close the event processor {}.", eventProcessor, e3); } } } this.enabled = false; } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public void flush(long j) { this.transport.flush(j); } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public RateLimiter getRateLimiter() { return this.transport.getRateLimiter(); } @Override // io.sentry.ISentryClient public boolean isHealthy() { return this.transport.isHealthy(); } private boolean sample() { return this.options.getSampleRate() == null || this.random == null || this.options.getSampleRate().doubleValue() >= this.random.nextDouble(); } @Override // io.sentry.metrics.IMetricsClient public SentryId captureMetrics(EncodedMetrics encodedMetrics) { SentryId captureEnvelope = captureEnvelope(new SentryEnvelope(new SentryEnvelopeHeader(new SentryId(), this.options.getSdkVersion(), null), Collections.singleton(SentryEnvelopeItem.fromMetrics(encodedMetrics)))); return captureEnvelope != null ? captureEnvelope : SentryId.EMPTY_ID; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class SortBreadcrumbsByDate implements Comparator { private SortBreadcrumbsByDate() { } @Override // java.util.Comparator public int compare(Breadcrumb breadcrumb, Breadcrumb breadcrumb2) { return breadcrumb.getTimestamp().compareTo(breadcrumb2.getTimestamp()); } } }