package androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline; import; import androidx.media3.common.MediaItem; import androidx.media3.common.PriorityTaskManager; import androidx.media3.common.StreamKey; import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions; import androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask; import androidx.media3.common.util.Util; import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSource; import androidx.media3.datasource.DataSpec; import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.Cache; import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheDataSource; import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheKeyFactory; import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheWriter; import androidx.media3.datasource.cache.ContentMetadata; import androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.Downloader; import androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.FilterableManifest; import androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.ParsingLoadable; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class SegmentDownloader> implements Downloader { private static final int BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES = 131072; public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_MERGED_SEGMENT_START_TIME_DIFF_MS = 20000; private final ArrayList> activeRunnables; private final Cache cache; private final CacheDataSource.Factory cacheDataSourceFactory; private final CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory; private final Executor executor; private volatile boolean isCanceled; private final DataSpec manifestDataSpec; private final ParsingLoadable.Parser manifestParser; private final long maxMergedSegmentStartTimeDiffUs; private final PriorityTaskManager priorityTaskManager; private final ArrayList streamKeys; protected abstract List getSegments(DataSource dataSource, M m, boolean z) throws IOException, InterruptedException; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class Segment implements Comparable { public final DataSpec dataSpec; public final long startTimeUs; public Segment(long j, DataSpec dataSpec) { this.startTimeUs = j; this.dataSpec = dataSpec; } @Override // java.lang.Comparable public int compareTo(Segment segment) { return Util.compareLong(this.startTimeUs, segment.startTimeUs); } } @Deprecated public SegmentDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, ParsingLoadable.Parser parser, CacheDataSource.Factory factory, Executor executor) { this(mediaItem, parser, factory, executor, 20000L); } public SegmentDownloader(MediaItem mediaItem, ParsingLoadable.Parser parser, CacheDataSource.Factory factory, Executor executor, long j) { Assertions.checkNotNull(mediaItem.localConfiguration); this.manifestDataSpec = getCompressibleDataSpec(mediaItem.localConfiguration.uri); this.manifestParser = parser; this.streamKeys = new ArrayList<>(mediaItem.localConfiguration.streamKeys); this.cacheDataSourceFactory = factory; this.executor = executor; this.cache = (Cache) Assertions.checkNotNull(factory.getCache()); this.cacheKeyFactory = factory.getCacheKeyFactory(); this.priorityTaskManager = factory.getUpstreamPriorityTaskManager(); this.activeRunnables = new ArrayList<>(); this.maxMergedSegmentStartTimeDiffUs = Util.msToUs(j); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.Downloader public final void download(Downloader.ProgressListener progressListener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int i; int size; CacheDataSource createDataSourceForDownloading; byte[] bArr; int i2; ArrayDeque arrayDeque = new ArrayDeque(); ArrayDeque arrayDeque2 = new ArrayDeque(); PriorityTaskManager priorityTaskManager = this.priorityTaskManager; if (priorityTaskManager != null) { priorityTaskManager.add(-1000); } try { CacheDataSource createDataSourceForDownloading2 = this.cacheDataSourceFactory.createDataSourceForDownloading(); FilterableManifest manifest = getManifest(createDataSourceForDownloading2, this.manifestDataSpec, false); if (!this.streamKeys.isEmpty()) { manifest = (FilterableManifest) manifest.copy(this.streamKeys); } List segments = getSegments(createDataSourceForDownloading2, manifest, false); Collections.sort(segments); mergeSegments(segments, this.cacheKeyFactory, this.maxMergedSegmentStartTimeDiffUs); int size2 = segments.size(); int i3 = 0; long j = 0; long j2 = 0; for (int size3 = segments.size() - 1; size3 >= 0; size3 = i2 - 1) { DataSpec dataSpec = segments.get(size3).dataSpec; String buildCacheKey = this.cacheKeyFactory.buildCacheKey(dataSpec); long j3 = dataSpec.length; if (j3 == -1) { long contentLength = ContentMetadata.getContentLength(this.cache.getContentMetadata(buildCacheKey)); if (contentLength != -1) { j3 = contentLength - dataSpec.position; } } int i4 = size3; long cachedBytes = this.cache.getCachedBytes(buildCacheKey, dataSpec.position, j3); j2 += cachedBytes; if (j3 != -1) { if (j3 == cachedBytes) { i3++; i2 = i4; segments.remove(i2); } else { i2 = i4; } if (j != -1) { j += j3; } } else { i2 = i4; j = -1; } } ProgressNotifier progressNotifier = progressListener != null ? new ProgressNotifier(progressListener, j, size2, j2, i3) : null; arrayDeque.addAll(segments); while (!this.isCanceled && !arrayDeque.isEmpty()) { PriorityTaskManager priorityTaskManager2 = this.priorityTaskManager; if (priorityTaskManager2 != null) { priorityTaskManager2.proceed(-1000); } if (!arrayDeque2.isEmpty()) { SegmentDownloadRunnable segmentDownloadRunnable = (SegmentDownloadRunnable) arrayDeque2.removeFirst(); createDataSourceForDownloading = segmentDownloadRunnable.dataSource; bArr = segmentDownloadRunnable.temporaryBuffer; } else { createDataSourceForDownloading = this.cacheDataSourceFactory.createDataSourceForDownloading(); bArr = new byte[131072]; } SegmentDownloadRunnable segmentDownloadRunnable2 = new SegmentDownloadRunnable((Segment) arrayDeque.removeFirst(), createDataSourceForDownloading, progressNotifier, bArr); addActiveRunnable(segmentDownloadRunnable2); this.executor.execute(segmentDownloadRunnable2); for (int size4 = this.activeRunnables.size() - 1; size4 >= 0; size4--) { SegmentDownloadRunnable segmentDownloadRunnable3 = (SegmentDownloadRunnable) this.activeRunnables.get(size4); if (arrayDeque.isEmpty() || segmentDownloadRunnable3.isDone()) { try { segmentDownloadRunnable3.get(); removeActiveRunnable(size4); arrayDeque2.addLast(segmentDownloadRunnable3); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable th = (Throwable) Assertions.checkNotNull(e.getCause()); if (th instanceof PriorityTaskManager.PriorityTooLowException) { arrayDeque.addFirst(segmentDownloadRunnable3.segment); removeActiveRunnable(size4); arrayDeque2.addLast(segmentDownloadRunnable3); } else { if (th instanceof IOException) { throw ((IOException) th); } Util.sneakyThrow(th); } } } } segmentDownloadRunnable2.blockUntilStarted(); } while (true) { if (i >= size) { break; } } } finally { for (i = 0; i < this.activeRunnables.size(); i++) { this.activeRunnables.get(i).cancel(true); } for (int size5 = this.activeRunnables.size() - 1; size5 >= 0; size5--) { this.activeRunnables.get(size5).blockUntilFinished(); removeActiveRunnable(size5); } PriorityTaskManager priorityTaskManager3 = this.priorityTaskManager; if (priorityTaskManager3 != null) { priorityTaskManager3.remove(-1000); } } } @Override // androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.Downloader public void cancel() { synchronized (this.activeRunnables) { this.isCanceled = true; for (int i = 0; i < this.activeRunnables.size(); i++) { this.activeRunnables.get(i).cancel(true); } } } @Override // androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.Downloader public final void remove() { CacheDataSource createDataSourceForRemovingDownload = this.cacheDataSourceFactory.createDataSourceForRemovingDownload(); try { try { List segments = getSegments(createDataSourceForRemovingDownload, getManifest(createDataSourceForRemovingDownload, this.manifestDataSpec, true), true); for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) { this.cache.removeResource(this.cacheKeyFactory.buildCacheKey(segments.get(i).dataSpec)); } } catch (InterruptedException unused) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (Exception unused2) { } } finally { this.cache.removeResource(this.cacheKeyFactory.buildCacheKey(this.manifestDataSpec)); } } protected final M getManifest(final DataSource dataSource, final DataSpec dataSpec, boolean z) throws InterruptedException, IOException { return (M) execute(new RunnableFutureTask() { // from class: androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.SegmentDownloader.1 /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask public M doWork() throws IOException { return (M) ParsingLoadable.load(dataSource, SegmentDownloader.this.manifestParser, dataSpec, 4); } }, z); } /* JADX WARN: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(5:27|28|29|(2:34|(2:36|37)(3:38|39|40))(2:31|32)|33) */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:27:0x0042, code lost: r4 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:29:0x0043, code lost: r0 = (java.lang.Throwable) androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull(r4.getCause()); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:30:0x004f, code lost: if ((r0 instanceof androidx.media3.common.PriorityTaskManager.PriorityTooLowException) == false) goto L27; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x0054, code lost: if ((r0 instanceof == false) goto L29; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:36:0x0056, code lost: androidx.media3.common.util.Util.sneakyThrow(r4); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:40:0x0062, code lost: throw (( r0); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:41:0x0040, code lost: r4 = move-exception; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:42:0x0063, code lost: r3.blockUntilFinished(); r2.removeActiveRunnable((androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask) r3); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:43:0x0069, code lost: throw r4; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ protected final T execute(androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask r3, boolean r4) throws java.lang.InterruptedException, { /* r2 = this; if (r4 == 0) goto L20 java.lang.Object r2 = r3.get() // Catch: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException -> La return r2 La: r4 = move-exception java.lang.Throwable r0 = r4.getCause() java.lang.Object r0 = androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull(r0) java.lang.Throwable r0 = (java.lang.Throwable) r0 boolean r1 = r0 instanceof if (r1 != 0) goto L1d androidx.media3.common.util.Util.sneakyThrow(r4) goto L20 L1d: r0 = ( r0 throw r0 L20: boolean r4 = r2.isCanceled if (r4 != 0) goto L6a androidx.media3.common.PriorityTaskManager r4 = r2.priorityTaskManager if (r4 == 0) goto L2d r0 = -1000(0xfffffffffffffc18, float:NaN) r4.proceed(r0) L2d: r2.addActiveRunnable(r3) java.util.concurrent.Executor r4 = r2.executor r4.execute(r3) java.lang.Object r4 = r3.get() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException -> L42 r3.blockUntilFinished() r2.removeActiveRunnable(r3) return r4 L40: r4 = move-exception goto L63 L42: r4 = move-exception java.lang.Throwable r0 = r4.getCause() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 java.lang.Object r0 = androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull(r0) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 java.lang.Throwable r0 = (java.lang.Throwable) r0 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 boolean r1 = r0 instanceof androidx.media3.common.PriorityTaskManager.PriorityTooLowException // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 if (r1 == 0) goto L52 goto L59 L52: boolean r1 = r0 instanceof // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 if (r1 != 0) goto L60 androidx.media3.common.util.Util.sneakyThrow(r4) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 L59: r3.blockUntilFinished() r2.removeActiveRunnable(r3) goto L20 L60: r0 = ( r0 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 throw r0 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L40 L63: r3.blockUntilFinished() r2.removeActiveRunnable(r3) throw r4 L6a: java.lang.InterruptedException r2 = new java.lang.InterruptedException r2.() throw r2 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.media3.exoplayer.offline.SegmentDownloader.execute(androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask, boolean):java.lang.Object"); } protected static DataSpec getCompressibleDataSpec(Uri uri) { return new DataSpec.Builder().setUri(uri).setFlags(1).build(); } private void addActiveRunnable(RunnableFutureTask runnableFutureTask) throws InterruptedException { synchronized (this.activeRunnables) { if (this.isCanceled) { throw new InterruptedException(); } this.activeRunnables.add(runnableFutureTask); } } private void removeActiveRunnable(RunnableFutureTask runnableFutureTask) { synchronized (this.activeRunnables) { this.activeRunnables.remove(runnableFutureTask); } } private void removeActiveRunnable(int i) { synchronized (this.activeRunnables) { this.activeRunnables.remove(i); } } private static void mergeSegments(List list, CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory, long j) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); int i = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.size(); i2++) { Segment segment = list.get(i2); String buildCacheKey = cacheKeyFactory.buildCacheKey(segment.dataSpec); Integer num = (Integer) hashMap.get(buildCacheKey); Segment segment2 = num == null ? null : list.get(num.intValue()); if (segment2 == null || segment.startTimeUs > segment2.startTimeUs + j || !canMergeSegments(segment2.dataSpec, segment.dataSpec)) { hashMap.put(buildCacheKey, Integer.valueOf(i)); list.set(i, segment); i++; } else { list.set(((Integer) Assertions.checkNotNull(num)).intValue(), new Segment(segment2.startTimeUs, segment2.dataSpec.subrange(0L, segment.dataSpec.length != -1 ? segment2.dataSpec.length + segment.dataSpec.length : -1L))); } } Util.removeRange(list, i, list.size()); } private static boolean canMergeSegments(DataSpec dataSpec, DataSpec dataSpec2) { return dataSpec.uri.equals(dataSpec2.uri) && dataSpec.length != -1 && dataSpec.position + dataSpec.length == dataSpec2.position && Util.areEqual(dataSpec.key, dataSpec2.key) && dataSpec.flags == dataSpec2.flags && dataSpec.httpMethod == dataSpec2.httpMethod && dataSpec.httpRequestHeaders.equals(dataSpec2.httpRequestHeaders); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ private static final class SegmentDownloadRunnable extends RunnableFutureTask { private final CacheWriter cacheWriter; public final CacheDataSource dataSource; private final ProgressNotifier progressNotifier; public final Segment segment; public final byte[] temporaryBuffer; public SegmentDownloadRunnable(Segment segment, CacheDataSource cacheDataSource, ProgressNotifier progressNotifier, byte[] bArr) { this.segment = segment; this.dataSource = cacheDataSource; this.progressNotifier = progressNotifier; this.temporaryBuffer = bArr; this.cacheWriter = new CacheWriter(cacheDataSource, segment.dataSpec, bArr, progressNotifier); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask public Void doWork() throws IOException { this.cacheWriter.cache(); ProgressNotifier progressNotifier = this.progressNotifier; if (progressNotifier == null) { return null; } progressNotifier.onSegmentDownloaded(); return null; } @Override // androidx.media3.common.util.RunnableFutureTask protected void cancelWork() { this.cacheWriter.cancel(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class ProgressNotifier implements CacheWriter.ProgressListener { private long bytesDownloaded; private final long contentLength; private final Downloader.ProgressListener progressListener; private int segmentsDownloaded; private final int totalSegments; private float getPercentDownloaded() { float f; float f2; long j = this.contentLength; if (j == -1 || j == 0) { int i = this.totalSegments; if (i == 0) { return -1.0f; } f = this.segmentsDownloaded * 100.0f; f2 = i; } else { f = ((float) this.bytesDownloaded) * 100.0f; f2 = (float) j; } return f / f2; } public ProgressNotifier(Downloader.ProgressListener progressListener, long j, int i, long j2, int i2) { this.progressListener = progressListener; this.contentLength = j; this.totalSegments = i; this.bytesDownloaded = j2; this.segmentsDownloaded = i2; } @Override // androidx.media3.datasource.cache.CacheWriter.ProgressListener public void onProgress(long j, long j2, long j3) { long j4 = this.bytesDownloaded + j3; this.bytesDownloaded = j4; this.progressListener.onProgress(this.contentLength, j4, getPercentDownloaded()); } public void onSegmentDownloaded() { this.segmentsDownloaded++; this.progressListener.onProgress(this.contentLength, this.bytesDownloaded, getPercentDownloaded()); } } }