package androidx.multidex; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileLock; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ final class MultiDexExtractor implements Closeable { private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16384; private static final String DEX_PREFIX = "classes"; static final String DEX_SUFFIX = ".dex"; private static final String EXTRACTED_NAME_EXT = ".classes"; static final String EXTRACTED_SUFFIX = ".zip"; private static final String KEY_CRC = "crc"; private static final String KEY_DEX_CRC = "dex.crc."; private static final String KEY_DEX_NUMBER = "dex.number"; private static final String KEY_DEX_TIME = "dex.time."; private static final String KEY_TIME_STAMP = "timestamp"; private static final String LOCK_FILENAME = "MultiDex.lock"; private static final int MAX_EXTRACT_ATTEMPTS = 3; private static final long NO_VALUE = -1; private static final String PREFS_FILE = "multidex.version"; private static final String TAG = "MultiDex"; private final FileLock cacheLock; private final File dexDir; private final FileChannel lockChannel; private final RandomAccessFile lockRaf; private final File sourceApk; private final long sourceCrc; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class ExtractedDex extends File { public long crc; public ExtractedDex(File file, String str) { super(file, str); this.crc = -1L; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public MultiDexExtractor(File file, File file2) throws IOException { Log.i(TAG, "MultiDexExtractor(" + file.getPath() + ", " + file2.getPath() + ")"); this.sourceApk = file; this.dexDir = file2; this.sourceCrc = getZipCrc(file); File file3 = new File(file2, LOCK_FILENAME); RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(file3, "rw"); this.lockRaf = randomAccessFile; try { FileChannel channel = randomAccessFile.getChannel(); this.lockChannel = channel; try { Log.i(TAG, "Blocking on lock " + file3.getPath()); this.cacheLock = channel.lock(); Log.i(TAG, file3.getPath() + " locked"); } catch (IOException | Error | RuntimeException e) { closeQuietly(this.lockChannel); throw e; } } catch (IOException | Error | RuntimeException e2) { closeQuietly(this.lockRaf); throw e2; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public List load(Context context, String str, boolean z) throws IOException { List performExtractions; List list; Log.i(TAG, "MultiDexExtractor.load(" + this.sourceApk.getPath() + ", " + z + ", " + str + ")"); if (!this.cacheLock.isValid()) { throw new IllegalStateException("MultiDexExtractor was closed"); } if (!z && !isModified(context, this.sourceApk, this.sourceCrc, str)) { try { list = loadExistingExtractions(context, str); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to reload existing extracted secondary dex files, falling back to fresh extraction", e); performExtractions = this.performExtractions(); putStoredApkInfo(context, str, getTimeStamp(this.sourceApk), this.sourceCrc, performExtractions); } Log.i(TAG, "load found " + list.size() + " secondary dex files"); return list; } if (z) { Log.i(TAG, "Forced extraction must be performed."); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Detected that extraction must be performed."); } performExtractions = performExtractions(); putStoredApkInfo(context, str, getTimeStamp(this.sourceApk), this.sourceCrc, performExtractions); list = performExtractions; Log.i(TAG, "load found " + list.size() + " secondary dex files"); return list; } @Override //, java.lang.AutoCloseable public void close() throws IOException { this.cacheLock.release(); this.lockChannel.close(); this.lockRaf.close(); } private List loadExistingExtractions(Context context, String str) throws IOException { Log.i(TAG, "loading existing secondary dex files"); String str2 = this.sourceApk.getName() + EXTRACTED_NAME_EXT; SharedPreferences multiDexPreferences = getMultiDexPreferences(context); int i = multiDexPreferences.getInt(str + KEY_DEX_NUMBER, 1); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(i - 1); int i2 = 2; while (i2 <= i) { ExtractedDex extractedDex = new ExtractedDex(this.dexDir, str2 + i2 + EXTRACTED_SUFFIX); if (extractedDex.isFile()) { extractedDex.crc = getZipCrc(extractedDex); long j = multiDexPreferences.getLong(str + KEY_DEX_CRC + i2, -1L); long j2 = multiDexPreferences.getLong(str + KEY_DEX_TIME + i2, -1L); long lastModified = extractedDex.lastModified(); if (j2 == lastModified) { String str3 = str2; SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = multiDexPreferences; if (j == extractedDex.crc) { arrayList.add(extractedDex); i2++; multiDexPreferences = sharedPreferences; str2 = str3; } } throw new IOException("Invalid extracted dex: " + extractedDex + " (key \"" + str + "\"), expected modification time: " + j2 + ", modification time: " + lastModified + ", expected crc: " + j + ", file crc: " + extractedDex.crc); } throw new IOException("Missing extracted secondary dex file '" + extractedDex.getPath() + "'"); } return arrayList; } private static boolean isModified(Context context, File file, long j, String str) { SharedPreferences multiDexPreferences = getMultiDexPreferences(context); return (multiDexPreferences.getLong(new StringBuilder().append(str).append("timestamp").toString(), -1L) == getTimeStamp(file) && multiDexPreferences.getLong(new StringBuilder().append(str).append(KEY_CRC).toString(), -1L) == j) ? false : true; } private static long getTimeStamp(File file) { long lastModified = file.lastModified(); return lastModified == -1 ? lastModified - 1 : lastModified; } private static long getZipCrc(File file) throws IOException { long zipCrc = ZipUtil.getZipCrc(file); return zipCrc == -1 ? zipCrc - 1 : zipCrc; } private List performExtractions() throws IOException { String str = this.sourceApk.getName() + EXTRACTED_NAME_EXT; clearDexDir(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(this.sourceApk); try { ZipEntry entry = zipFile.getEntry("classes2.dex"); int i = 2; while (entry != null) { ExtractedDex extractedDex = new ExtractedDex(this.dexDir, str + i + EXTRACTED_SUFFIX); arrayList.add(extractedDex); Log.i(TAG, "Extraction is needed for file " + extractedDex); int i2 = 0; boolean z = false; while (i2 < 3 && !z) { i2++; extract(zipFile, entry, extractedDex, str); try { extractedDex.crc = getZipCrc(extractedDex); z = true; } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read crc from " + extractedDex.getAbsolutePath(), e); z = false; } Log.i(TAG, "Extraction " + (z ? "succeeded" : "failed") + " '" + extractedDex.getAbsolutePath() + "': length " + extractedDex.length() + " - crc: " + extractedDex.crc); if (!z) { extractedDex.delete(); if (extractedDex.exists()) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete corrupted secondary dex '" + extractedDex.getPath() + "'"); } } } if (!z) { throw new IOException("Could not create zip file " + extractedDex.getAbsolutePath() + " for secondary dex (" + i + ")"); } i++; entry = zipFile.getEntry(DEX_PREFIX + i + DEX_SUFFIX); } return arrayList; } finally { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e2) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to close resource", e2); } } } private static void putStoredApkInfo(Context context, String str, long j, long j2, List list) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = getMultiDexPreferences(context).edit(); edit.putLong(str + "timestamp", j); edit.putLong(str + KEY_CRC, j2); edit.putInt(str + KEY_DEX_NUMBER, list.size() + 1); int i = 2; for (ExtractedDex extractedDex : list) { edit.putLong(str + KEY_DEX_CRC + i, extractedDex.crc); edit.putLong(str + KEY_DEX_TIME + i, extractedDex.lastModified()); i++; } edit.commit(); } private static SharedPreferences getMultiDexPreferences(Context context) { return context.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_FILE, 4); } private void clearDexDir() { File[] listFiles = this.dexDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { // from class: androidx.multidex.MultiDexExtractor.1 @Override // public boolean accept(File file) { return !file.getName().equals(MultiDexExtractor.LOCK_FILENAME); } }); if (listFiles == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to list secondary dex dir content (" + this.dexDir.getPath() + ")."); return; } for (File file : listFiles) { Log.i(TAG, "Trying to delete old file " + file.getPath() + " of size " + file.length()); if (!file.delete()) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete old file " + file.getPath()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Deleted old file " + file.getPath()); } } } private static void extract(ZipFile zipFile, ZipEntry zipEntry, File file, String str) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry); File createTempFile = File.createTempFile("tmp-" + str, EXTRACTED_SUFFIX, file.getParentFile()); Log.i(TAG, "Extracting " + createTempFile.getPath()); try { ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(createTempFile))); try { ZipEntry zipEntry2 = new ZipEntry("classes.dex"); zipEntry2.setTime(zipEntry.getTime()); zipOutputStream.putNextEntry(zipEntry2); byte[] bArr = new byte[16384]; for (int read =; read != -1; read = { zipOutputStream.write(bArr, 0, read); } zipOutputStream.closeEntry(); zipOutputStream.close(); if (!createTempFile.setReadOnly()) { throw new IOException("Failed to mark readonly \"" + createTempFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" (tmp of \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\")"); } Log.i(TAG, "Renaming to " + file.getPath()); if (!createTempFile.renameTo(file)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename \"" + createTempFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" to \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } } catch (Throwable th) { zipOutputStream.close(); throw th; } } finally { closeQuietly(inputStream); createTempFile.delete(); } } private static void closeQuietly(Closeable closeable) { try { closeable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to close resource", e); } } }