package com.airbnb.lottie.utils; import android.view.Choreographer; import com.airbnb.lottie.L; import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class LottieValueAnimator extends BaseLottieAnimator implements Choreographer.FrameCallback { private LottieComposition composition; private float speed = 1.0f; private boolean speedReversedForRepeatMode = false; private long lastFrameTimeNs = 0; private float frameRaw = 0.0f; private float frame = 0.0f; private int repeatCount = 0; private float minFrame = -2.1474836E9f; private float maxFrame = 2.1474836E9f; protected boolean running = false; private boolean useCompositionFrameRate = false; public void clearComposition() { this.composition = null; this.minFrame = -2.1474836E9f; this.maxFrame = 2.1474836E9f; } public float getFrame() { return this.frame; } public float getSpeed() { return this.speed; } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator, android.animation.Animator public boolean isRunning() { return this.running; } public void setSpeed(float f) { this.speed = f; } public void setUseCompositionFrameRate(boolean z) { this.useCompositionFrameRate = z; } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator public Object getAnimatedValue() { return Float.valueOf(getAnimatedValueAbsolute()); } public float getAnimatedValueAbsolute() { LottieComposition lottieComposition = this.composition; if (lottieComposition == null) { return 0.0f; } return (this.frame - lottieComposition.getStartFrame()) / (this.composition.getEndFrame() - this.composition.getStartFrame()); } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator public float getAnimatedFraction() { float minFrame; float maxFrame; float minFrame2; if (this.composition == null) { return 0.0f; } if (isReversed()) { minFrame = getMaxFrame() - this.frame; maxFrame = getMaxFrame(); minFrame2 = getMinFrame(); } else { minFrame = this.frame - getMinFrame(); maxFrame = getMaxFrame(); minFrame2 = getMinFrame(); } return minFrame / (maxFrame - minFrame2); } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator, android.animation.Animator public long getDuration() { if (this.composition == null) { return 0L; } return r2.getDuration(); } @Override // android.view.Choreographer.FrameCallback public void doFrame(long j) { postFrameCallback(); if (this.composition == null || !isRunning()) { return; } L.beginSection("LottieValueAnimator#doFrame"); long j2 = this.lastFrameTimeNs; float frameDurationNs = ((float) (j2 != 0 ? j - j2 : 0L)) / getFrameDurationNs(); float f = this.frameRaw; if (isReversed()) { frameDurationNs = -frameDurationNs; } float f2 = f + frameDurationNs; boolean z = !MiscUtils.contains(f2, getMinFrame(), getMaxFrame()); float f3 = this.frameRaw; float clamp = MiscUtils.clamp(f2, getMinFrame(), getMaxFrame()); this.frameRaw = clamp; if (this.useCompositionFrameRate) { clamp = (float) Math.floor(clamp); } this.frame = clamp; this.lastFrameTimeNs = j; if (!this.useCompositionFrameRate || this.frameRaw != f3) { notifyUpdate(); } if (z) { if (getRepeatCount() != -1 && this.repeatCount >= getRepeatCount()) { float minFrame = this.speed < 0.0f ? getMinFrame() : getMaxFrame(); this.frameRaw = minFrame; this.frame = minFrame; removeFrameCallback(); notifyEnd(isReversed()); } else { notifyRepeat(); this.repeatCount++; if (getRepeatMode() == 2) { this.speedReversedForRepeatMode = !this.speedReversedForRepeatMode; reverseAnimationSpeed(); } else { float maxFrame = isReversed() ? getMaxFrame() : getMinFrame(); this.frameRaw = maxFrame; this.frame = maxFrame; } this.lastFrameTimeNs = j; } } verifyFrame(); L.endSection("LottieValueAnimator#doFrame"); } private float getFrameDurationNs() { LottieComposition lottieComposition = this.composition; if (lottieComposition == null) { return Float.MAX_VALUE; } return (1.0E9f / lottieComposition.getFrameRate()) / Math.abs(this.speed); } public void setComposition(LottieComposition lottieComposition) { boolean z = this.composition == null; this.composition = lottieComposition; if (z) { setMinAndMaxFrames(Math.max(this.minFrame, lottieComposition.getStartFrame()), Math.min(this.maxFrame, lottieComposition.getEndFrame())); } else { setMinAndMaxFrames((int) lottieComposition.getStartFrame(), (int) lottieComposition.getEndFrame()); } float f = this.frame; this.frame = 0.0f; this.frameRaw = 0.0f; setFrame((int) f); notifyUpdate(); } public void setFrame(float f) { if (this.frameRaw == f) { return; } float clamp = MiscUtils.clamp(f, getMinFrame(), getMaxFrame()); this.frameRaw = clamp; if (this.useCompositionFrameRate) { clamp = (float) Math.floor(clamp); } this.frame = clamp; this.lastFrameTimeNs = 0L; notifyUpdate(); } public void setMinFrame(int i) { setMinAndMaxFrames(i, (int) this.maxFrame); } public void setMaxFrame(float f) { setMinAndMaxFrames(this.minFrame, f); } public void setMinAndMaxFrames(float f, float f2) { if (f > f2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("minFrame (%s) must be <= maxFrame (%s)", Float.valueOf(f), Float.valueOf(f2))); } LottieComposition lottieComposition = this.composition; float startFrame = lottieComposition == null ? -3.4028235E38f : lottieComposition.getStartFrame(); LottieComposition lottieComposition2 = this.composition; float endFrame = lottieComposition2 == null ? Float.MAX_VALUE : lottieComposition2.getEndFrame(); float clamp = MiscUtils.clamp(f, startFrame, endFrame); float clamp2 = MiscUtils.clamp(f2, startFrame, endFrame); if (clamp == this.minFrame && clamp2 == this.maxFrame) { return; } this.minFrame = clamp; this.maxFrame = clamp2; setFrame((int) MiscUtils.clamp(this.frame, clamp, clamp2)); } public void reverseAnimationSpeed() { setSpeed(-getSpeed()); } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator public void setRepeatMode(int i) { super.setRepeatMode(i); if (i == 2 || !this.speedReversedForRepeatMode) { return; } this.speedReversedForRepeatMode = false; reverseAnimationSpeed(); } public void playAnimation() { this.running = true; notifyStart(isReversed()); setFrame((int) (isReversed() ? getMaxFrame() : getMinFrame())); this.lastFrameTimeNs = 0L; this.repeatCount = 0; postFrameCallback(); } public void endAnimation() { removeFrameCallback(); notifyEnd(isReversed()); } public void pauseAnimation() { removeFrameCallback(); notifyPause(); } public void resumeAnimation() { this.running = true; postFrameCallback(); this.lastFrameTimeNs = 0L; if (isReversed() && getFrame() == getMinFrame()) { setFrame(getMaxFrame()); } else if (!isReversed() && getFrame() == getMaxFrame()) { setFrame(getMinFrame()); } notifyResume(); } @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator, android.animation.Animator public void cancel() { notifyCancel(); removeFrameCallback(); } private boolean isReversed() { return getSpeed() < 0.0f; } public float getMinFrame() { LottieComposition lottieComposition = this.composition; if (lottieComposition == null) { return 0.0f; } float f = this.minFrame; return f == -2.1474836E9f ? lottieComposition.getStartFrame() : f; } public float getMaxFrame() { LottieComposition lottieComposition = this.composition; if (lottieComposition == null) { return 0.0f; } float f = this.maxFrame; return f == 2.1474836E9f ? lottieComposition.getEndFrame() : f; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // com.airbnb.lottie.utils.BaseLottieAnimator public void notifyCancel() { super.notifyCancel(); notifyEnd(isReversed()); } protected void postFrameCallback() { if (isRunning()) { removeFrameCallback(false); Choreographer.getInstance().postFrameCallback(this); } } protected void removeFrameCallback() { removeFrameCallback(true); } protected void removeFrameCallback(boolean z) { Choreographer.getInstance().removeFrameCallback(this); if (z) { this.running = false; } } private void verifyFrame() { if (this.composition == null) { return; } float f = this.frame; if (f < this.minFrame || f > this.maxFrame) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Frame must be [%f,%f]. It is %f", Float.valueOf(this.minFrame), Float.valueOf(this.maxFrame), Float.valueOf(this.frame))); } } }