package; import android.os.Looper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class SampleQueue implements TrackOutput { static final int SAMPLE_CAPACITY_INCREMENT = 1000; private static final String TAG = "SampleQueue"; private int absoluteFirstIndex; private DrmSession currentDrmSession; private Format downstreamFormat; private final DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher drmEventDispatcher; private final DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager; private boolean isLastSampleQueued; private int length; private boolean loggedUnexpectedNonSyncSample; private boolean pendingSplice; private int readPosition; private int relativeFirstIndex; private final SampleDataQueue sampleDataQueue; private long sampleOffsetUs; private Format unadjustedUpstreamFormat; private boolean upstreamAllSamplesAreSyncSamples; private Format upstreamFormat; private boolean upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired; private UpstreamFormatChangedListener upstreamFormatChangeListener; private int upstreamSourceId; private final SampleExtrasHolder extrasHolder = new SampleExtrasHolder(); private int capacity = 1000; private int[] sourceIds = new int[1000]; private long[] offsets = new long[1000]; private long[] timesUs = new long[1000]; private int[] flags = new int[1000]; private int[] sizes = new int[1000]; private TrackOutput.CryptoData[] cryptoDatas = new TrackOutput.CryptoData[1000]; private final SpannedData sharedSampleMetadata = new SpannedData<>(new Consumer() { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 @Override // public final void accept(Object obj) { ((SampleQueue.SharedSampleMetadata) obj).drmSessionReference.release(); } }); private long startTimeUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; private long largestDiscardedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; private long largestQueuedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; private boolean upstreamFormatRequired = true; private boolean upstreamKeyframeRequired = true; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public interface UpstreamFormatChangedListener { void onUpstreamFormatChanged(Format format); } private int getRelativeIndex(int i) { int i2 = this.relativeFirstIndex + i; int i3 = this.capacity; return i2 < i3 ? i2 : i2 - i3; } private boolean hasNextSample() { return this.readPosition != this.length; } public final int getFirstIndex() { return this.absoluteFirstIndex; } public final int getReadIndex() { return this.absoluteFirstIndex + this.readPosition; } public final int getWriteIndex() { return this.absoluteFirstIndex + this.length; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void invalidateUpstreamFormatAdjustment() { this.upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired = true; } public final void setStartTimeUs(long j) { this.startTimeUs = j; } public final void setUpstreamFormatChangeListener(UpstreamFormatChangedListener upstreamFormatChangedListener) { this.upstreamFormatChangeListener = upstreamFormatChangedListener; } public final void sourceId(int i) { this.upstreamSourceId = i; } public final void splice() { this.pendingSplice = true; } public static SampleQueue createWithoutDrm(Allocator allocator) { return new SampleQueue(allocator, null, null); } public static SampleQueue createWithDrm(Allocator allocator, DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) { return new SampleQueue(allocator, (DrmSessionManager) Assertions.checkNotNull(drmSessionManager), (DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) Assertions.checkNotNull(eventDispatcher)); } @Deprecated public static SampleQueue createWithDrm(Allocator allocator, Looper looper, DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) { drmSessionManager.setPlayer(looper, PlayerId.UNSET); return new SampleQueue(allocator, (DrmSessionManager) Assertions.checkNotNull(drmSessionManager), (DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher) Assertions.checkNotNull(eventDispatcher)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public SampleQueue(Allocator allocator, DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager, DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher eventDispatcher) { this.drmSessionManager = drmSessionManager; this.drmEventDispatcher = eventDispatcher; this.sampleDataQueue = new SampleDataQueue(allocator); } public void release() { reset(true); releaseDrmSessionReferences(); } public final void reset() { reset(false); } public void reset(boolean z) { this.sampleDataQueue.reset(); this.length = 0; this.absoluteFirstIndex = 0; this.relativeFirstIndex = 0; this.readPosition = 0; this.upstreamKeyframeRequired = true; this.startTimeUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; this.largestQueuedTimestampUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; this.isLastSampleQueued = false; this.sharedSampleMetadata.clear(); if (z) { this.unadjustedUpstreamFormat = null; this.upstreamFormat = null; this.upstreamFormatRequired = true; } } public final void discardUpstreamSamples(int i) { this.sampleDataQueue.discardUpstreamSampleBytes(discardUpstreamSampleMetadata(i)); } public final void discardUpstreamFrom(long j) { if (this.length == 0) { return; } Assertions.checkArgument(j > getLargestReadTimestampUs()); discardUpstreamSamples(this.absoluteFirstIndex + countUnreadSamplesBefore(j)); } public void preRelease() { discardToEnd(); releaseDrmSessionReferences(); } public void maybeThrowError() throws IOException { DrmSession drmSession = this.currentDrmSession; if (drmSession != null && drmSession.getState() == 1) { throw ((DrmSession.DrmSessionException) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.currentDrmSession.getError())); } } public final synchronized int peekSourceId() { return hasNextSample() ? this.sourceIds[getRelativeIndex(this.readPosition)] : this.upstreamSourceId; } public final synchronized Format getUpstreamFormat() { return this.upstreamFormatRequired ? null : this.upstreamFormat; } public final synchronized long getLargestQueuedTimestampUs() { return this.largestQueuedTimestampUs; } public final synchronized long getLargestReadTimestampUs() { return Math.max(this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(this.readPosition)); } public final synchronized boolean isLastSampleQueued() { return this.isLastSampleQueued; } public final synchronized long getFirstTimestampUs() { return this.length == 0 ? Long.MIN_VALUE : this.timesUs[this.relativeFirstIndex]; } public synchronized boolean isReady(boolean z) { Format format; boolean z2 = true; if (hasNextSample()) { if (this.sharedSampleMetadata.get(getReadIndex()).format != this.downstreamFormat) { return true; } return mayReadSample(getRelativeIndex(this.readPosition)); } if (!z && !this.isLastSampleQueued && ((format = this.upstreamFormat) == null || format == this.downstreamFormat)) { z2 = false; } return z2; } public int read(FormatHolder formatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer, int i, boolean z) { int peekSampleMetadata = peekSampleMetadata(formatHolder, decoderInputBuffer, (i & 2) != 0, z, this.extrasHolder); if (peekSampleMetadata == -4 && !decoderInputBuffer.isEndOfStream()) { boolean z2 = (i & 1) != 0; if ((i & 4) == 0) { if (z2) { this.sampleDataQueue.peekToBuffer(decoderInputBuffer, this.extrasHolder); } else { this.sampleDataQueue.readToBuffer(decoderInputBuffer, this.extrasHolder); } } if (!z2) { this.readPosition++; } } return peekSampleMetadata; } public final synchronized boolean seekTo(int i) { rewind(); int i2 = this.absoluteFirstIndex; if (i >= i2 && i <= this.length + i2) { this.startTimeUs = Long.MIN_VALUE; this.readPosition = i - i2; return true; } return false; } public final synchronized boolean seekTo(long j, boolean z) { rewind(); int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(this.readPosition); if (hasNextSample() && j >= this.timesUs[relativeIndex] && (j <= this.largestQueuedTimestampUs || z)) { int findSampleBefore = findSampleBefore(relativeIndex, this.length - this.readPosition, j, true); if (findSampleBefore == -1) { return false; } this.startTimeUs = j; this.readPosition += findSampleBefore; return true; } return false; } public final synchronized int getSkipCount(long j, boolean z) { int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(this.readPosition); if (hasNextSample() && j >= this.timesUs[relativeIndex]) { if (j > this.largestQueuedTimestampUs && z) { return this.length - this.readPosition; } int findSampleBefore = findSampleBefore(relativeIndex, this.length - this.readPosition, j, true); if (findSampleBefore == -1) { return 0; } return findSampleBefore; } return 0; } public final synchronized void skip(int i) { boolean z; if (i >= 0) { try { if (this.readPosition + i <= this.length) { z = true; Assertions.checkArgument(z); this.readPosition += i; } } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } z = false; Assertions.checkArgument(z); this.readPosition += i; } public final void discardTo(long j, boolean z, boolean z2) { this.sampleDataQueue.discardDownstreamTo(discardSampleMetadataTo(j, z, z2)); } public final void discardToRead() { this.sampleDataQueue.discardDownstreamTo(discardSampleMetadataToRead()); } public final void discardToEnd() { this.sampleDataQueue.discardDownstreamTo(discardSampleMetadataToEnd()); } public final void setSampleOffsetUs(long j) { if (this.sampleOffsetUs != j) { this.sampleOffsetUs = j; invalidateUpstreamFormatAdjustment(); } } @Override // public final void format(Format format) { Format adjustedUpstreamFormat = getAdjustedUpstreamFormat(format); this.upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired = false; this.unadjustedUpstreamFormat = format; boolean upstreamFormat = setUpstreamFormat(adjustedUpstreamFormat); UpstreamFormatChangedListener upstreamFormatChangedListener = this.upstreamFormatChangeListener; if (upstreamFormatChangedListener == null || !upstreamFormat) { return; } upstreamFormatChangedListener.onUpstreamFormatChanged(adjustedUpstreamFormat); } @Override // public final int sampleData(DataReader dataReader, int i, boolean z, int i2) throws IOException { return this.sampleDataQueue.sampleData(dataReader, i, z); } @Override // public final void sampleData(ParsableByteArray parsableByteArray, int i, int i2) { this.sampleDataQueue.sampleData(parsableByteArray, i); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x0057 */ @Override // /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void sampleMetadata(long r11, int r13, int r14, int r15, r16) { /* r10 = this; r0 = r10 boolean r1 = r0.upstreamFormatAdjustmentRequired if (r1 == 0) goto L10 r1 = r0.unadjustedUpstreamFormat java.lang.Object r1 = r1 = ( r1 r10.format(r1) L10: r1 = r13 & 1 r2 = 0 r3 = 1 if (r1 == 0) goto L18 r4 = r3 goto L19 L18: r4 = r2 L19: boolean r5 = r0.upstreamKeyframeRequired if (r5 == 0) goto L22 if (r4 != 0) goto L20 return L20: r0.upstreamKeyframeRequired = r2 L22: long r5 = r0.sampleOffsetUs long r5 = r5 + r11 boolean r7 = r0.upstreamAllSamplesAreSyncSamples if (r7 == 0) goto L52 long r7 = r0.startTimeUs int r7 = (r5 > r7 ? 1 : (r5 == r7 ? 0 : -1)) if (r7 >= 0) goto L30 return L30: if (r1 != 0) goto L52 boolean r1 = r0.loggedUnexpectedNonSyncSample if (r1 != 0) goto L4e java.lang.StringBuilder r1 = new java.lang.StringBuilder java.lang.String r7 = "Overriding unexpected non-sync sample for format: " r1.(r7) r7 = r0.upstreamFormat java.lang.StringBuilder r1 = r1.append(r7) java.lang.String r1 = r1.toString() java.lang.String r7 = "SampleQueue", r1) r0.loggedUnexpectedNonSyncSample = r3 L4e: r1 = r13 | 1 r3 = r1 goto L53 L52: r3 = r13 L53: boolean r1 = r0.pendingSplice if (r1 == 0) goto L64 if (r4 == 0) goto L63 boolean r1 = r10.attemptSplice(r5) if (r1 != 0) goto L60 goto L63 L60: r0.pendingSplice = r2 goto L64 L63: return L64: r1 = r0.sampleDataQueue long r1 = r1.getTotalBytesWritten() r7 = r14 long r8 = (long) r7 long r1 = r1 - r8 r4 = r15 long r8 = (long) r4 long r8 = r1 - r8 r0 = r10 r1 = r5 r4 = r8 r6 = r14 r7 = r16 r0.commitSample(r1, r3, r4, r6, r7) return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, int, int, int,$CryptoData):void"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public Format getAdjustedUpstreamFormat(Format format) { return (this.sampleOffsetUs == 0 || format.subsampleOffsetUs == Long.MAX_VALUE) ? format : format.buildUpon().setSubsampleOffsetUs(format.subsampleOffsetUs + this.sampleOffsetUs).build(); } private synchronized void rewind() { this.readPosition = 0; this.sampleDataQueue.rewind(); } private synchronized int peekSampleMetadata(FormatHolder formatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer decoderInputBuffer, boolean z, boolean z2, SampleExtrasHolder sampleExtrasHolder) { decoderInputBuffer.waitingForKeys = false; if (!hasNextSample()) { if (!z2 && !this.isLastSampleQueued) { Format format = this.upstreamFormat; if (format == null || (!z && format == this.downstreamFormat)) { return -3; } onFormatResult((Format) Assertions.checkNotNull(format), formatHolder); return -5; } decoderInputBuffer.setFlags(4); return -4; } Format format2 = this.sharedSampleMetadata.get(getReadIndex()).format; if (!z && format2 == this.downstreamFormat) { int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(this.readPosition); if (!mayReadSample(relativeIndex)) { decoderInputBuffer.waitingForKeys = true; return -3; } decoderInputBuffer.setFlags(this.flags[relativeIndex]); if (this.readPosition == this.length - 1 && (z2 || this.isLastSampleQueued)) { decoderInputBuffer.addFlag(536870912); } decoderInputBuffer.timeUs = this.timesUs[relativeIndex]; if (decoderInputBuffer.timeUs < this.startTimeUs) { decoderInputBuffer.addFlag(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } sampleExtrasHolder.size = this.sizes[relativeIndex]; sampleExtrasHolder.offset = this.offsets[relativeIndex]; sampleExtrasHolder.cryptoData = this.cryptoDatas[relativeIndex]; return -4; } onFormatResult(format2, formatHolder); return -5; } private synchronized boolean setUpstreamFormat(Format format) { this.upstreamFormatRequired = false; if (Util.areEqual(format, this.upstreamFormat)) { return false; } if (this.sharedSampleMetadata.isEmpty() || !this.sharedSampleMetadata.getEndValue().format.equals(format)) { this.upstreamFormat = format; } else { this.upstreamFormat = this.sharedSampleMetadata.getEndValue().format; } this.upstreamAllSamplesAreSyncSamples = MimeTypes.allSamplesAreSyncSamples(this.upstreamFormat.sampleMimeType, this.upstreamFormat.codecs); this.loggedUnexpectedNonSyncSample = false; return true; } private synchronized long discardSampleMetadataTo(long j, boolean z, boolean z2) { int i; int i2 = this.length; if (i2 != 0) { long[] jArr = this.timesUs; int i3 = this.relativeFirstIndex; if (j >= jArr[i3]) { if (z2 && (i = this.readPosition) != i2) { i2 = i + 1; } int findSampleBefore = findSampleBefore(i3, i2, j, z); if (findSampleBefore == -1) { return -1L; } return discardSamples(findSampleBefore); } } return -1L; } public synchronized long discardSampleMetadataToRead() { int i = this.readPosition; if (i == 0) { return -1L; } return discardSamples(i); } private synchronized long discardSampleMetadataToEnd() { int i = this.length; if (i == 0) { return -1L; } return discardSamples(i); } private void releaseDrmSessionReferences() { DrmSession drmSession = this.currentDrmSession; if (drmSession != null) { drmSession.release(this.drmEventDispatcher); this.currentDrmSession = null; this.downstreamFormat = null; } } private synchronized void commitSample(long j, int i, long j2, int i2, TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData) { DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReference drmSessionReference; int i3 = this.length; if (i3 > 0) { int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(i3 - 1); Assertions.checkArgument(this.offsets[relativeIndex] + ((long) this.sizes[relativeIndex]) <= j2); } this.isLastSampleQueued = (536870912 & i) != 0; this.largestQueuedTimestampUs = Math.max(this.largestQueuedTimestampUs, j); int relativeIndex2 = getRelativeIndex(this.length); this.timesUs[relativeIndex2] = j; this.offsets[relativeIndex2] = j2; this.sizes[relativeIndex2] = i2; this.flags[relativeIndex2] = i; this.cryptoDatas[relativeIndex2] = cryptoData; this.sourceIds[relativeIndex2] = this.upstreamSourceId; if (this.sharedSampleMetadata.isEmpty() || !this.sharedSampleMetadata.getEndValue().format.equals(this.upstreamFormat)) { DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager = this.drmSessionManager; if (drmSessionManager != null) { drmSessionReference = drmSessionManager.preacquireSession(this.drmEventDispatcher, this.upstreamFormat); } else { drmSessionReference = DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReference.EMPTY; } this.sharedSampleMetadata.appendSpan(getWriteIndex(), new SharedSampleMetadata((Format) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.upstreamFormat), drmSessionReference)); } int i4 = this.length + 1; this.length = i4; int i5 = this.capacity; if (i4 == i5) { int i6 = i5 + 1000; int[] iArr = new int[i6]; long[] jArr = new long[i6]; long[] jArr2 = new long[i6]; int[] iArr2 = new int[i6]; int[] iArr3 = new int[i6]; TrackOutput.CryptoData[] cryptoDataArr = new TrackOutput.CryptoData[i6]; int i7 = this.relativeFirstIndex; int i8 = i5 - i7; System.arraycopy(this.offsets, i7, jArr, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(this.timesUs, this.relativeFirstIndex, jArr2, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(this.flags, this.relativeFirstIndex, iArr2, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(this.sizes, this.relativeFirstIndex, iArr3, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(this.cryptoDatas, this.relativeFirstIndex, cryptoDataArr, 0, i8); System.arraycopy(this.sourceIds, this.relativeFirstIndex, iArr, 0, i8); int i9 = this.relativeFirstIndex; System.arraycopy(this.offsets, 0, jArr, i8, i9); System.arraycopy(this.timesUs, 0, jArr2, i8, i9); System.arraycopy(this.flags, 0, iArr2, i8, i9); System.arraycopy(this.sizes, 0, iArr3, i8, i9); System.arraycopy(this.cryptoDatas, 0, cryptoDataArr, i8, i9); System.arraycopy(this.sourceIds, 0, iArr, i8, i9); this.offsets = jArr; this.timesUs = jArr2; this.flags = iArr2; this.sizes = iArr3; this.cryptoDatas = cryptoDataArr; this.sourceIds = iArr; this.relativeFirstIndex = 0; this.capacity = i6; } } private synchronized boolean attemptSplice(long j) { if (this.length == 0) { return j > this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs; } if (getLargestReadTimestampUs() >= j) { return false; } discardUpstreamSampleMetadata(this.absoluteFirstIndex + countUnreadSamplesBefore(j)); return true; } private long discardUpstreamSampleMetadata(int i) { int writeIndex = getWriteIndex() - i; boolean z = false; Assertions.checkArgument(writeIndex >= 0 && writeIndex <= this.length - this.readPosition); int i2 = this.length - writeIndex; this.length = i2; this.largestQueuedTimestampUs = Math.max(this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(i2)); if (writeIndex == 0 && this.isLastSampleQueued) { z = true; } this.isLastSampleQueued = z; this.sharedSampleMetadata.discardFrom(i); int i3 = this.length; if (i3 == 0) { return 0L; } return this.offsets[getRelativeIndex(i3 - 1)] + this.sizes[r9]; } private void onFormatResult(Format format, FormatHolder formatHolder) { Format format2 = this.downstreamFormat; boolean z = format2 == null; DrmInitData drmInitData = z ? null : format2.drmInitData; this.downstreamFormat = format; DrmInitData drmInitData2 = format.drmInitData; DrmSessionManager drmSessionManager = this.drmSessionManager; formatHolder.format = drmSessionManager != null ? format.copyWithCryptoType(drmSessionManager.getCryptoType(format)) : format; formatHolder.drmSession = this.currentDrmSession; if (this.drmSessionManager == null) { return; } if (z || !Util.areEqual(drmInitData, drmInitData2)) { DrmSession drmSession = this.currentDrmSession; DrmSession acquireSession = this.drmSessionManager.acquireSession(this.drmEventDispatcher, format); this.currentDrmSession = acquireSession; formatHolder.drmSession = acquireSession; if (drmSession != null) { drmSession.release(this.drmEventDispatcher); } } } private boolean mayReadSample(int i) { DrmSession drmSession = this.currentDrmSession; return drmSession == null || drmSession.getState() == 4 || ((this.flags[i] & 1073741824) == 0 && this.currentDrmSession.playClearSamplesWithoutKeys()); } private int findSampleBefore(int i, int i2, long j, boolean z) { int i3 = -1; for (int i4 = 0; i4 < i2; i4++) { long j2 = this.timesUs[i]; if (j2 > j) { return i3; } if (!z || (this.flags[i] & 1) != 0) { if (j2 == j) { return i4; } i3 = i4; } i++; if (i == this.capacity) { i = 0; } } return i3; } private int countUnreadSamplesBefore(long j) { int i = this.length; int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(i - 1); while (i > this.readPosition && this.timesUs[relativeIndex] >= j) { i--; relativeIndex--; if (relativeIndex == -1) { relativeIndex = this.capacity - 1; } } return i; } private long discardSamples(int i) { this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs = Math.max(this.largestDiscardedTimestampUs, getLargestTimestamp(i)); this.length -= i; int i2 = this.absoluteFirstIndex + i; this.absoluteFirstIndex = i2; int i3 = this.relativeFirstIndex + i; this.relativeFirstIndex = i3; int i4 = this.capacity; if (i3 >= i4) { this.relativeFirstIndex = i3 - i4; } int i5 = this.readPosition - i; this.readPosition = i5; if (i5 < 0) { this.readPosition = 0; } this.sharedSampleMetadata.discardTo(i2); if (this.length == 0) { int i6 = this.relativeFirstIndex; if (i6 == 0) { i6 = this.capacity; } return this.offsets[i6 - 1] + this.sizes[r5]; } return this.offsets[this.relativeFirstIndex]; } private long getLargestTimestamp(int i) { long j = Long.MIN_VALUE; if (i == 0) { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } int relativeIndex = getRelativeIndex(i - 1); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { j = Math.max(j, this.timesUs[relativeIndex]); if ((this.flags[relativeIndex] & 1) != 0) { break; } relativeIndex--; if (relativeIndex == -1) { relativeIndex = this.capacity - 1; } } return j; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class SampleExtrasHolder { public TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData; public long offset; public int size; SampleExtrasHolder() { } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class SharedSampleMetadata { public final DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReference drmSessionReference; public final Format format; private SharedSampleMetadata(Format format, DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReference drmSessionReference) { this.format = format; this.drmSessionReference = drmSessionReference; } } }