package; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import android.os.Message; import android.view.Choreographer; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.WindowManager; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class VideoFrameReleaseHelper { private static final long MAX_ALLOWED_ADJUSTMENT_NS = 20000000; private static final int MINIMUM_FRAMES_WITHOUT_SYNC_TO_CLEAR_SURFACE_FRAME_RATE = 30; private static final long MINIMUM_MATCHING_FRAME_DURATION_FOR_HIGH_CONFIDENCE_NS = 5000000000L; private static final float MINIMUM_MEDIA_FRAME_RATE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATE_HIGH_CONFIDENCE = 0.02f; private static final float MINIMUM_MEDIA_FRAME_RATE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATE_LOW_CONFIDENCE = 1.0f; private static final String TAG = "VideoFrameReleaseHelper"; private static final long VSYNC_OFFSET_PERCENTAGE = 80; private static final long VSYNC_SAMPLE_UPDATE_PERIOD_MS = 500; private int changeFrameRateStrategy; private final DisplayHelper displayHelper; private float formatFrameRate; private long frameIndex; private final FixedFrameRateEstimator frameRateEstimator = new FixedFrameRateEstimator(); private long lastAdjustedFrameIndex; private long lastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs; private long pendingLastAdjustedFrameIndex; private long pendingLastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs; private float playbackSpeed; private boolean started; private Surface surface; private float surfaceMediaFrameRate; private float surfacePlaybackFrameRate; private long vsyncDurationNs; private long vsyncOffsetNs; private final VSyncSampler vsyncSampler; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public interface DisplayHelper { /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public interface Listener { void onDefaultDisplayChanged(Display display); } void register(Listener listener); void unregister(); } private void resetAdjustment() { this.frameIndex = 0L; this.lastAdjustedFrameIndex = -1L; this.pendingLastAdjustedFrameIndex = -1L; } public VideoFrameReleaseHelper(Context context) { DisplayHelper maybeBuildDisplayHelper = maybeBuildDisplayHelper(context); this.displayHelper = maybeBuildDisplayHelper; this.vsyncSampler = maybeBuildDisplayHelper != null ? VSyncSampler.getInstance() : null; this.vsyncDurationNs = -9223372036854775807L; this.vsyncOffsetNs = -9223372036854775807L; this.formatFrameRate = -1.0f; this.playbackSpeed = 1.0f; this.changeFrameRateStrategy = 0; } public void setChangeFrameRateStrategy(int i) { if (this.changeFrameRateStrategy == i) { return; } this.changeFrameRateStrategy = i; updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(true); } public void onStarted() { this.started = true; resetAdjustment(); if (this.displayHelper != null) { ((VSyncSampler) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.vsyncSampler)).addObserver(); this.displayHelper.register(new DisplayHelper.Listener() { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 @Override // public final void onDefaultDisplayChanged(Display display) { VideoFrameReleaseHelper.this.updateDefaultDisplayRefreshRateParams(display); } }); } updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(false); } public void onSurfaceChanged(Surface surface) { if (surface instanceof PlaceholderSurface) { surface = null; } if (this.surface == surface) { return; } clearSurfaceFrameRate(); this.surface = surface; updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(true); } public void onPositionReset() { resetAdjustment(); } public void onPlaybackSpeed(float f) { this.playbackSpeed = f; resetAdjustment(); updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(false); } public void onFormatChanged(float f) { this.formatFrameRate = f; this.frameRateEstimator.reset(); updateSurfaceMediaFrameRate(); } public void onNextFrame(long j) { long j2 = this.pendingLastAdjustedFrameIndex; if (j2 != -1) { this.lastAdjustedFrameIndex = j2; this.lastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs = this.pendingLastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs; } this.frameIndex++; this.frameRateEstimator.onNextFrame(j * 1000); updateSurfaceMediaFrameRate(); } public void onStopped() { this.started = false; DisplayHelper displayHelper = this.displayHelper; if (displayHelper != null) { displayHelper.unregister(); ((VSyncSampler) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.vsyncSampler)).removeObserver(); } clearSurfaceFrameRate(); } public long adjustReleaseTime(long j) { long j2; VSyncSampler vSyncSampler; if (this.lastAdjustedFrameIndex != -1 && this.frameRateEstimator.isSynced()) { long frameDurationNs = this.lastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs + (((float) (this.frameRateEstimator.getFrameDurationNs() * (this.frameIndex - this.lastAdjustedFrameIndex))) / this.playbackSpeed); if (adjustmentAllowed(j, frameDurationNs)) { j2 = frameDurationNs; this.pendingLastAdjustedFrameIndex = this.frameIndex; this.pendingLastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs = j2; vSyncSampler = this.vsyncSampler; if (vSyncSampler != null || this.vsyncDurationNs == -9223372036854775807L) { return j2; } long j3 = vSyncSampler.sampledVsyncTimeNs; return j3 == -9223372036854775807L ? j2 : closestVsync(j2, j3, this.vsyncDurationNs) - this.vsyncOffsetNs; } resetAdjustment(); } j2 = j; this.pendingLastAdjustedFrameIndex = this.frameIndex; this.pendingLastAdjustedReleaseTimeNs = j2; vSyncSampler = this.vsyncSampler; if (vSyncSampler != null) { } return j2; } private static boolean adjustmentAllowed(long j, long j2) { return Math.abs(j - j2) <= MAX_ALLOWED_ADJUSTMENT_NS; } private void updateSurfaceMediaFrameRate() { if (Util.SDK_INT < 30 || this.surface == null) { return; } float frameRate = this.frameRateEstimator.isSynced() ? this.frameRateEstimator.getFrameRate() : this.formatFrameRate; float f = this.surfaceMediaFrameRate; if (frameRate == f) { return; } if (frameRate != -1.0f && f != -1.0f) { if (Math.abs(frameRate - this.surfaceMediaFrameRate) < ((!this.frameRateEstimator.isSynced() || this.frameRateEstimator.getMatchingFrameDurationSumNs() < MINIMUM_MATCHING_FRAME_DURATION_FOR_HIGH_CONFIDENCE_NS) ? 1.0f : MINIMUM_MEDIA_FRAME_RATE_CHANGE_FOR_UPDATE_HIGH_CONFIDENCE)) { return; } } else if (frameRate == -1.0f && this.frameRateEstimator.getFramesWithoutSyncCount() < 30) { return; } this.surfaceMediaFrameRate = frameRate; updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(false); } private void updateSurfacePlaybackFrameRate(boolean z) { Surface surface; float f; if (Util.SDK_INT < 30 || (surface = this.surface) == null || this.changeFrameRateStrategy == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return; } if (this.started) { float f2 = this.surfaceMediaFrameRate; if (f2 != -1.0f) { f = f2 * this.playbackSpeed; if (z && this.surfacePlaybackFrameRate == f) { return; } this.surfacePlaybackFrameRate = f; Api30.setSurfaceFrameRate(surface, f); } } f = 0.0f; if (z) { } this.surfacePlaybackFrameRate = f; Api30.setSurfaceFrameRate(surface, f); } private void clearSurfaceFrameRate() { Surface surface; if (Util.SDK_INT < 30 || (surface = this.surface) == null || this.changeFrameRateStrategy == Integer.MIN_VALUE || this.surfacePlaybackFrameRate == 0.0f) { return; } this.surfacePlaybackFrameRate = 0.0f; Api30.setSurfaceFrameRate(surface, 0.0f); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public void updateDefaultDisplayRefreshRateParams(Display display) { if (display != null) { long refreshRate = (long) (1.0E9d / display.getRefreshRate()); this.vsyncDurationNs = refreshRate; this.vsyncOffsetNs = (refreshRate * VSYNC_OFFSET_PERCENTAGE) / 100; } else { Log.w(TAG, "Unable to query display refresh rate"); this.vsyncDurationNs = -9223372036854775807L; this.vsyncOffsetNs = -9223372036854775807L; } } private static long closestVsync(long j, long j2, long j3) { long j4; long j5 = j2 + (((j - j2) / j3) * j3); if (j <= j5) { j4 = j5 - j3; } else { j5 = j3 + j5; j4 = j5; } return j5 - j < j - j4 ? j5 : j4; } private static DisplayHelper maybeBuildDisplayHelper(Context context) { if (context == null) { return null; } Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); DisplayHelper maybeBuildNewInstance = Util.SDK_INT >= 17 ? DisplayHelperV17.maybeBuildNewInstance(applicationContext) : null; return maybeBuildNewInstance == null ? DisplayHelperV16.maybeBuildNewInstance(applicationContext) : maybeBuildNewInstance; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class Api30 { private Api30() { } public static void setSurfaceFrameRate(Surface surface, float f) { try { surface.setFrameRate(f, f == 0.0f ? 0 : 1); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.e(VideoFrameReleaseHelper.TAG, "Failed to call Surface.setFrameRate", e); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class DisplayHelperV16 implements DisplayHelper { private final WindowManager windowManager; @Override // public void unregister() { } public static DisplayHelper maybeBuildNewInstance(Context context) { WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService("window"); if (windowManager != null) { return new DisplayHelperV16(windowManager); } return null; } private DisplayHelperV16(WindowManager windowManager) { this.windowManager = windowManager; } @Override // public void register(DisplayHelper.Listener listener) { listener.onDefaultDisplayChanged(this.windowManager.getDefaultDisplay()); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class DisplayHelperV17 implements DisplayHelper, DisplayManager.DisplayListener { private final DisplayManager displayManager; private DisplayHelper.Listener listener; @Override // android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener public void onDisplayAdded(int i) { } @Override // android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener public void onDisplayRemoved(int i) { } public static DisplayHelper maybeBuildNewInstance(Context context) { DisplayManager displayManager = (DisplayManager) context.getSystemService("display"); if (displayManager != null) { return new DisplayHelperV17(displayManager); } return null; } private DisplayHelperV17(DisplayManager displayManager) { this.displayManager = displayManager; } @Override // public void register(DisplayHelper.Listener listener) { this.listener = listener; this.displayManager.registerDisplayListener(this, Util.createHandlerForCurrentLooper()); listener.onDefaultDisplayChanged(getDefaultDisplay()); } @Override // public void unregister() { this.displayManager.unregisterDisplayListener(this); this.listener = null; } @Override // android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DisplayListener public void onDisplayChanged(int i) { DisplayHelper.Listener listener = this.listener; if (listener == null || i != 0) { return; } listener.onDefaultDisplayChanged(getDefaultDisplay()); } private Display getDefaultDisplay() { return this.displayManager.getDisplay(0); } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ private static final class VSyncSampler implements Choreographer.FrameCallback, Handler.Callback { private static final int CREATE_CHOREOGRAPHER = 0; private static final VSyncSampler INSTANCE = new VSyncSampler(); private static final int MSG_ADD_OBSERVER = 1; private static final int MSG_REMOVE_OBSERVER = 2; private Choreographer choreographer; private final HandlerThread choreographerOwnerThread; private final Handler handler; private int observerCount; public volatile long sampledVsyncTimeNs = -9223372036854775807L; public static VSyncSampler getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private VSyncSampler() { HandlerThread handlerThread = new HandlerThread("ExoPlayer:FrameReleaseChoreographer"); this.choreographerOwnerThread = handlerThread; handlerThread.start(); Handler createHandler = Util.createHandler(handlerThread.getLooper(), this); this.handler = createHandler; createHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } public void addObserver() { this.handler.sendEmptyMessage(1); } public void removeObserver() { this.handler.sendEmptyMessage(2); } @Override // android.view.Choreographer.FrameCallback public void doFrame(long j) { this.sampledVsyncTimeNs = j; ((Choreographer) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.choreographer)).postFrameCallbackDelayed(this, 500L); } @Override // android.os.Handler.Callback public boolean handleMessage(Message message) { int i = message.what; if (i == 0) { createChoreographerInstanceInternal(); return true; } if (i == 1) { addObserverInternal(); return true; } if (i != 2) { return false; } removeObserverInternal(); return true; } private void createChoreographerInstanceInternal() { try { this.choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(VideoFrameReleaseHelper.TAG, "Vsync sampling disabled due to platform error", e); } } private void addObserverInternal() { Choreographer choreographer = this.choreographer; if (choreographer != null) { int i = this.observerCount + 1; this.observerCount = i; if (i == 1) { choreographer.postFrameCallback(this); } } } private void removeObserverInternal() { Choreographer choreographer = this.choreographer; if (choreographer != null) { int i = this.observerCount - 1; this.observerCount = i; if (i == 0) { choreographer.removeFrameCallback(this); this.sampledVsyncTimeNs = -9223372036854775807L; } } } } }