package io.sentry; import io.sentry.protocol.SentryId; import io.sentry.protocol.TransactionNameSource; import io.sentry.protocol.User; import io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils; import io.sentry.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class Baggage { static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8"; static final String SENTRY_BAGGAGE_PREFIX = "sentry-"; final Map keyValues; final ILogger logger; private boolean mutable; final String thirdPartyHeader; static final Integer MAX_BAGGAGE_STRING_LENGTH = 8192; static final Integer MAX_BAGGAGE_LIST_MEMBER_COUNT = 64; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class DSCKeys { public static final String TRACE_ID = "sentry-trace_id"; public static final String PUBLIC_KEY = "sentry-public_key"; public static final String RELEASE = "sentry-release"; public static final String USER_ID = "sentry-user_id"; public static final String ENVIRONMENT = "sentry-environment"; public static final String USER_SEGMENT = "sentry-user_segment"; public static final String TRANSACTION = "sentry-transaction"; public static final String SAMPLE_RATE = "sentry-sample_rate"; public static final String SAMPLED = "sentry-sampled"; public static final List ALL = Arrays.asList(TRACE_ID, PUBLIC_KEY, RELEASE, USER_ID, ENVIRONMENT, USER_SEGMENT, TRANSACTION, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLED); } public void freeze() { this.mutable = false; } public String getThirdPartyHeader() { return this.thirdPartyHeader; } public boolean isMutable() { return this.mutable; } public static Baggage fromHeader(String str) { return fromHeader(str, false, HubAdapter.getInstance().getOptions().getLogger()); } public static Baggage fromHeader(List list) { return fromHeader(list, false, HubAdapter.getInstance().getOptions().getLogger()); } public static Baggage fromHeader(String str, ILogger iLogger) { return fromHeader(str, false, iLogger); } public static Baggage fromHeader(List list, ILogger iLogger) { return fromHeader(list, false, iLogger); } public static Baggage fromHeader(List list, boolean z, ILogger iLogger) { if (list != null) { return fromHeader(StringUtils.join(",", list), z, iLogger); } return fromHeader((String) null, z, iLogger); } public static Baggage fromHeader(String str, boolean z, ILogger iLogger) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); boolean z2 = true; if (str != null) { try { for (String str2 : str.split(",", -1)) { if (str2.trim().startsWith(SENTRY_BAGGAGE_PREFIX)) { try { int indexOf = str2.indexOf("="); hashMap.put(decode(str2.substring(0, indexOf).trim()), decode(str2.substring(indexOf + 1).trim())); z2 = false; } catch (Throwable th) { iLogger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th, "Unable to decode baggage key value pair %s", str2); } } else if (z) { arrayList.add(str2.trim()); } } } catch (Throwable th2) { iLogger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th2, "Unable to decode baggage header %s", str); } } return new Baggage(hashMap, arrayList.isEmpty() ? null : StringUtils.join(",", arrayList), z2, iLogger); } public static Baggage fromEvent(SentryEvent sentryEvent, SentryOptions sentryOptions) { Baggage baggage = new Baggage(sentryOptions.getLogger()); SpanContext trace = sentryEvent.getContexts().getTrace(); baggage.setTraceId(trace != null ? trace.getTraceId().toString() : null); baggage.setPublicKey(new Dsn(sentryOptions.getDsn()).getPublicKey()); baggage.setRelease(sentryEvent.getRelease()); baggage.setEnvironment(sentryEvent.getEnvironment()); User user = sentryEvent.getUser(); baggage.setUserSegment(user != null ? getSegment(user) : null); baggage.setTransaction(sentryEvent.getTransaction()); baggage.setSampleRate(null); baggage.setSampled(null); baggage.freeze(); return baggage; } public Baggage(ILogger iLogger) { this(new HashMap(), null, true, iLogger); } public Baggage(Baggage baggage) { this(baggage.keyValues, baggage.thirdPartyHeader, baggage.mutable, baggage.logger); } public Baggage(Map map, String str, boolean z, ILogger iLogger) { this.keyValues = map; this.logger = iLogger; this.mutable = z; this.thirdPartyHeader = str; } public String toHeaderString(String str) { String str2; int i; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) { str2 = ""; i = 0; } else { sb.append(str); i = StringUtils.countOf(str, ',') + 1; str2 = ","; } for (String str3 : new TreeSet(this.keyValues.keySet())) { String str4 = this.keyValues.get(str3); if (str4 != null) { Integer num = MAX_BAGGAGE_LIST_MEMBER_COUNT; if (i >= num.intValue()) { this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Not adding baggage value %s as the total number of list members would exceed the maximum of %s.", str3, num); } else { try { String str5 = str2 + encode(str3) + "=" + encode(str4); int length = sb.length() + str5.length(); Integer num2 = MAX_BAGGAGE_STRING_LENGTH; if (length > num2.intValue()) { this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Not adding baggage value %s as the total header value length would exceed the maximum of %s.", str3, num2); } else { i++; sb.append(str5); str2 = ","; } } catch (Throwable th) { this.logger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, th, "Unable to encode baggage key value pair (key=%s,value=%s).", str3, str4); } } } } return sb.toString(); } private String encode(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"); } private static String decode(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return URLDecoder.decode(str, "UTF-8"); } public String get(String str) { if (str == null) { return null; } return this.keyValues.get(str); } public String getTraceId() { return get(DSCKeys.TRACE_ID); } public void setTraceId(String str) { set(DSCKeys.TRACE_ID, str); } public String getPublicKey() { return get(DSCKeys.PUBLIC_KEY); } public void setPublicKey(String str) { set(DSCKeys.PUBLIC_KEY, str); } public String getEnvironment() { return get(DSCKeys.ENVIRONMENT); } public void setEnvironment(String str) { set(DSCKeys.ENVIRONMENT, str); } public String getRelease() { return get(DSCKeys.RELEASE); } public void setRelease(String str) { set(DSCKeys.RELEASE, str); } public String getUserId() { return get(DSCKeys.USER_ID); } public void setUserId(String str) { set(DSCKeys.USER_ID, str); } public String getUserSegment() { return get(DSCKeys.USER_SEGMENT); } public void setUserSegment(String str) { set(DSCKeys.USER_SEGMENT, str); } public String getTransaction() { return get(DSCKeys.TRANSACTION); } public void setTransaction(String str) { set(DSCKeys.TRANSACTION, str); } public String getSampleRate() { return get(DSCKeys.SAMPLE_RATE); } public String getSampled() { return get(DSCKeys.SAMPLED); } public void setSampleRate(String str) { set(DSCKeys.SAMPLE_RATE, str); } public void setSampled(String str) { set(DSCKeys.SAMPLED, str); } public void set(String str, String str2) { if (this.mutable) { this.keyValues.put(str, str2); } } public Map getUnknown() { ConcurrentHashMap concurrentHashMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : this.keyValues.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); if (!DSCKeys.ALL.contains(key) && value != null) { concurrentHashMap.put(key.replaceFirst(SENTRY_BAGGAGE_PREFIX, ""), value); } } return concurrentHashMap; } public void setValuesFromTransaction(ITransaction iTransaction, User user, SentryOptions sentryOptions, TracesSamplingDecision tracesSamplingDecision) { setTraceId(iTransaction.getSpanContext().getTraceId().toString()); setPublicKey(new Dsn(sentryOptions.getDsn()).getPublicKey()); setRelease(sentryOptions.getRelease()); setEnvironment(sentryOptions.getEnvironment()); setUserSegment(user != null ? getSegment(user) : null); setTransaction(isHighQualityTransactionName(iTransaction.getTransactionNameSource()) ? iTransaction.getName() : null); setSampleRate(sampleRateToString(sampleRate(tracesSamplingDecision))); setSampled(StringUtils.toString(sampled(tracesSamplingDecision))); } public void setValuesFromScope(IScope iScope, SentryOptions sentryOptions) { PropagationContext propagationContext = iScope.getPropagationContext(); User user = iScope.getUser(); setTraceId(propagationContext.getTraceId().toString()); setPublicKey(new Dsn(sentryOptions.getDsn()).getPublicKey()); setRelease(sentryOptions.getRelease()); setEnvironment(sentryOptions.getEnvironment()); setUserSegment(user != null ? getSegment(user) : null); setTransaction(null); setSampleRate(null); setSampled(null); } private static String getSegment(User user) { if (user.getSegment() != null) { return user.getSegment(); } Map data = user.getData(); if (data != null) { return data.get("segment"); } return null; } private static Double sampleRate(TracesSamplingDecision tracesSamplingDecision) { if (tracesSamplingDecision == null) { return null; } return tracesSamplingDecision.getSampleRate(); } private static String sampleRateToString(Double d) { if (SampleRateUtils.isValidTracesSampleRate(d, false)) { return new DecimalFormat("#.################", DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.ROOT)).format(d); } return null; } private static Boolean sampled(TracesSamplingDecision tracesSamplingDecision) { if (tracesSamplingDecision == null) { return null; } return tracesSamplingDecision.getSampled(); } private static boolean isHighQualityTransactionName(TransactionNameSource transactionNameSource) { return (transactionNameSource == null || TransactionNameSource.URL.equals(transactionNameSource)) ? false : true; } public Double getSampleRateDouble() { String sampleRate = getSampleRate(); if (sampleRate != null) { try { double parseDouble = Double.parseDouble(sampleRate); if (SampleRateUtils.isValidTracesSampleRate(Double.valueOf(parseDouble), false)) { return Double.valueOf(parseDouble); } } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { } } return null; } public TraceContext toTraceContext() { String traceId = getTraceId(); String publicKey = getPublicKey(); if (traceId == null || publicKey == null) { return null; } TraceContext traceContext = new TraceContext(new SentryId(traceId), publicKey, getRelease(), getEnvironment(), getUserId(), getUserSegment(), getTransaction(), getSampleRate(), getSampled()); traceContext.setUnknown(getUnknown()); return traceContext; } }