package androidx.cursoradapter.widget; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class SimpleCursorAdapter extends ResourceCursorAdapter { private CursorToStringConverter mCursorToStringConverter; protected int[] mFrom; String[] mOriginalFrom; private int mStringConversionColumn; protected int[] mTo; private ViewBinder mViewBinder; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public interface CursorToStringConverter { CharSequence convertToString(Cursor cursor); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public interface ViewBinder { boolean setViewValue(View view, Cursor cursor, int i); } public CursorToStringConverter getCursorToStringConverter() { return this.mCursorToStringConverter; } public int getStringConversionColumn() { return this.mStringConversionColumn; } public ViewBinder getViewBinder() { return this.mViewBinder; } public void setCursorToStringConverter(CursorToStringConverter cursorToStringConverter) { this.mCursorToStringConverter = cursorToStringConverter; } public void setStringConversionColumn(int i) { this.mStringConversionColumn = i; } public void setViewBinder(ViewBinder viewBinder) { this.mViewBinder = viewBinder; } @Deprecated public SimpleCursorAdapter(Context context, int i, Cursor cursor, String[] strArr, int[] iArr) { super(context, i, cursor); this.mStringConversionColumn = -1; this.mTo = iArr; this.mOriginalFrom = strArr; findColumns(cursor, strArr); } public SimpleCursorAdapter(Context context, int i, Cursor cursor, String[] strArr, int[] iArr, int i2) { super(context, i, cursor, i2); this.mStringConversionColumn = -1; this.mTo = iArr; this.mOriginalFrom = strArr; findColumns(cursor, strArr); } @Override // androidx.cursoradapter.widget.CursorAdapter public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { ViewBinder viewBinder = this.mViewBinder; int[] iArr = this.mTo; int length = iArr.length; int[] iArr2 = this.mFrom; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { View findViewById = view.findViewById(iArr[i]); if (findViewById != null && (viewBinder == null || !viewBinder.setViewValue(findViewById, cursor, iArr2[i]))) { String string = cursor.getString(iArr2[i]); if (string == null) { string = ""; } if (findViewById instanceof TextView) { setViewText((TextView) findViewById, string); } else if (findViewById instanceof ImageView) { setViewImage((ImageView) findViewById, string); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(findViewById.getClass().getName() + " is not a view that can be bounds by this SimpleCursorAdapter"); } } } } public void setViewImage(ImageView imageView, String str) { try { imageView.setImageResource(Integer.parseInt(str)); } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { imageView.setImageURI(Uri.parse(str)); } } public void setViewText(TextView textView, String str) { textView.setText(str); } @Override // androidx.cursoradapter.widget.CursorAdapter, androidx.cursoradapter.widget.CursorFilter.CursorFilterClient public CharSequence convertToString(Cursor cursor) { CursorToStringConverter cursorToStringConverter = this.mCursorToStringConverter; if (cursorToStringConverter != null) { return cursorToStringConverter.convertToString(cursor); } int i = this.mStringConversionColumn; if (i > -1) { return cursor.getString(i); } return super.convertToString(cursor); } private void findColumns(Cursor cursor, String[] strArr) { if (cursor == null) { this.mFrom = null; return; } int length = strArr.length; int[] iArr = this.mFrom; if (iArr == null || iArr.length != length) { this.mFrom = new int[length]; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { this.mFrom[i] = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(strArr[i]); } } @Override // androidx.cursoradapter.widget.CursorAdapter public Cursor swapCursor(Cursor cursor) { findColumns(cursor, this.mOriginalFrom); return super.swapCursor(cursor); } public void changeCursorAndColumns(Cursor cursor, String[] strArr, int[] iArr) { this.mOriginalFrom = strArr; this.mTo = iArr; findColumns(cursor, strArr); super.changeCursor(cursor); } }