package; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Objects; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @ElementTypesAreNonnullByDefault /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class StandardMutableNetwork extends StandardNetwork implements MutableNetwork { /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public StandardMutableNetwork(NetworkBuilder networkBuilder) { super(networkBuilder); } @Override // public boolean addNode(N n) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "node"); if (containsNode(n)) { return false; } addNodeInternal(n); return true; } private NetworkConnections addNodeInternal(N n) { NetworkConnections newConnections = newConnections(); Preconditions.checkState(this.nodeConnections.put(n, newConnections) == null); return newConnections; } @Override // public boolean addEdge(N n, N n2, E e) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "nodeU"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(n2, "nodeV"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(e, "edge"); if (containsEdge(e)) { EndpointPair incidentNodes = incidentNodes(e); EndpointPair of = EndpointPair.of(this, n, n2); Preconditions.checkArgument(incidentNodes.equals(of), "Edge %s already exists between the following nodes: %s, so it cannot be reused to connect the following nodes: %s.", e, incidentNodes, of); return false; } NetworkConnections networkConnections = this.nodeConnections.get(n); if (!allowsParallelEdges()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(networkConnections == null || !networkConnections.successors().contains(n2), "Nodes %s and %s are already connected by a different edge. To construct a graph that allows parallel edges, call allowsParallelEdges(true) on the Builder.", n, n2); } boolean equals = n.equals(n2); if (!allowsSelfLoops()) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!equals, "Cannot add self-loop edge on node %s, as self-loops are not allowed. To construct a graph that allows self-loops, call allowsSelfLoops(true) on the Builder.", n); } if (networkConnections == null) { networkConnections = addNodeInternal(n); } networkConnections.addOutEdge(e, n2); NetworkConnections networkConnections2 = this.nodeConnections.get(n2); if (networkConnections2 == null) { networkConnections2 = addNodeInternal(n2); } networkConnections2.addInEdge(e, n, equals); this.edgeToReferenceNode.put(e, n); return true; } @Override // public boolean addEdge(EndpointPair endpointPair, E e) { validateEndpoints(endpointPair); return addEdge(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV(), e); } @Override // public boolean removeNode(N n) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(n, "node"); NetworkConnections networkConnections = this.nodeConnections.get(n); if (networkConnections == null) { return false; } UnmodifiableIterator it = ImmutableList.copyOf((Collection) networkConnections.incidentEdges()).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { removeEdge(; } this.nodeConnections.remove(n); return true; } @Override // public boolean removeEdge(E e) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(e, "edge"); N n = this.edgeToReferenceNode.get(e); boolean z = false; if (n == null) { return false; } NetworkConnections networkConnections = (NetworkConnections) Objects.requireNonNull(this.nodeConnections.get(n)); Object adjacentNode = networkConnections.adjacentNode(e); NetworkConnections networkConnections2 = (NetworkConnections) Objects.requireNonNull(this.nodeConnections.get(adjacentNode)); networkConnections.removeOutEdge(e); if (allowsSelfLoops() && n.equals(adjacentNode)) { z = true; } networkConnections2.removeInEdge(e, z); this.edgeToReferenceNode.remove(e); return true; } private NetworkConnections newConnections() { if (isDirected()) { if (allowsParallelEdges()) { return DirectedMultiNetworkConnections.of(); } return DirectedNetworkConnections.of(); } if (allowsParallelEdges()) { return UndirectedMultiNetworkConnections.of(); } return UndirectedNetworkConnections.of(); } }