package; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class ToInt16PcmAudioProcessor extends BaseAudioProcessor { @Override // public AudioProcessor.AudioFormat onConfigure(AudioProcessor.AudioFormat audioFormat) throws AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException { int i = audioFormat.encoding; if (i != 3 && i != 2 && i != 268435456 && i != 536870912 && i != 805306368 && i != 4) { throw new AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException(audioFormat); } if (i != 2) { return new AudioProcessor.AudioFormat(audioFormat.sampleRate, audioFormat.channelCount, 2); } return AudioProcessor.AudioFormat.NOT_SET; } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x0039 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x00af A[ADDED_TO_REGION, LOOP:4: B:33:0x00af->B:34:0x00b1, LOOP_START, PHI: r0 0x00af: PHI (r0v1 int) = (r0v0 int), (r0v2 int) binds: [B:12:0x0037, B:34:0x00b1] A[DONT_GENERATE, DONT_INLINE]] */ @Override // /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public void queueInput(java.nio.ByteBuffer r10) { /* r9 = this; int r0 = r10.position() int r1 = r10.limit() int r2 = r1 - r0$AudioFormat r3 = r9.inputAudioFormat int r3 = r3.encoding r4 = 805306368(0x30000000, float:4.656613E-10) r5 = 536870912(0x20000000, float:1.0842022E-19) r6 = 268435456(0x10000000, float:2.524355E-29) r7 = 4 r8 = 3 if (r3 == r8) goto L2d if (r3 == r7) goto L2a if (r3 == r6) goto L2f if (r3 == r5) goto L27 if (r3 != r4) goto L21 goto L2a L21: java.lang.IllegalStateException r9 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException r9.() throw r9 L27: int r2 = r2 / 3 goto L2d L2a: int r2 = r2 / 2 goto L2f L2d: int r2 = r2 * 2 L2f: java.nio.ByteBuffer r2 = r9.replaceOutputBuffer(r2)$AudioFormat r9 = r9.inputAudioFormat int r9 = r9.encoding if (r9 == r8) goto Laf if (r9 == r7) goto L8a if (r9 == r6) goto L75 if (r9 == r5) goto L5e if (r9 != r4) goto L58 L41: if (r0 >= r1) goto Lc4 int r9 = r0 + 2 byte r9 = r10.get(r9) r2.put(r9) int r9 = r0 + 3 byte r9 = r10.get(r9) r2.put(r9) int r0 = r0 + 4 goto L41 L58: java.lang.IllegalStateException r9 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException r9.() throw r9 L5e: if (r0 >= r1) goto Lc4 int r9 = r0 + 1 byte r9 = r10.get(r9) r2.put(r9) int r9 = r0 + 2 byte r9 = r10.get(r9) r2.put(r9) int r0 = r0 + 3 goto L5e L75: if (r0 >= r1) goto Lc4 int r9 = r0 + 1 byte r9 = r10.get(r9) r2.put(r9) byte r9 = r10.get(r0) r2.put(r9) int r0 = r0 + 2 goto L75 L8a: if (r0 >= r1) goto Lc4 float r9 = r10.getFloat(r0) r3 = -1082130432(0xffffffffbf800000, float:-1.0) r4 = 1065353216(0x3f800000, float:1.0) float r9 = androidx.media3.common.util.Util.constrainValue(r9, r3, r4) r3 = 1191181824(0x46fffe00, float:32767.0) float r9 = r9 * r3 int r9 = (int) r9 short r9 = (short) r9 r3 = r9 & 255(0xff, float:3.57E-43) byte r3 = (byte) r3 r2.put(r3) int r9 = r9 >> 8 r9 = r9 & 255(0xff, float:3.57E-43) byte r9 = (byte) r9 r2.put(r9) int r0 = r0 + 4 goto L8a Laf: if (r0 >= r1) goto Lc4 r9 = 0 r2.put(r9) byte r9 = r10.get(r0) r9 = r9 & 255(0xff, float:3.57E-43) int r9 = r9 + (-128) byte r9 = (byte) r9 r2.put(r9) int r0 = r0 + 1 goto Laf Lc4: int r9 = r10.limit() r10.position(r9) r2.flip() return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } }