package; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.TimeInterpolator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.ColorStateList; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager; import android.widget.SeekBar; import androidx.appcompat.content.res.AppCompatResources; import; import androidx.core.math.MathUtils; import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat; import androidx.core.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat; import androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class BaseSlider, L extends BaseOnChangeListener, T extends BaseOnSliderTouchListener> extends View { private static final int DEFAULT_LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_DURATION = 83; private static final int DEFAULT_LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_DURATION = 117; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DISCRETE_VALUE = "Value(%s) must be equal to valueFrom(%s) plus a multiple of stepSize(%s) when using stepSize(%s)"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION = "minSeparation(%s) must be greater or equal to 0"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION_STEP_SIZE = "minSeparation(%s) must be greater or equal and a multiple of stepSize(%s) when using stepSize(%s)"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION_STEP_SIZE_UNIT = "minSeparation(%s) cannot be set as a dimension when using stepSize(%s)"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_STEP_SIZE = "The stepSize(%s) must be 0, or a factor of the valueFrom(%s)-valueTo(%s) range"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE = "Slider value(%s) must be greater or equal to valueFrom(%s), and lower or equal to valueTo(%s)"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FROM = "valueFrom(%s) must be smaller than valueTo(%s)"; private static final String EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE_TO = "valueTo(%s) must be greater than valueFrom(%s)"; private static final int HALO_ALPHA = 63; private static final int MIN_TOUCH_TARGET_DP = 48; private static final String TAG = "BaseSlider"; private static final double THRESHOLD = 1.0E-4d; private static final int TIMEOUT_SEND_ACCESSIBILITY_EVENT = 200; static final int UNIT_PX = 0; static final int UNIT_VALUE = 1; private static final String WARNING_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR = "Floating point value used for %s(%s). Using floats can have rounding errors which may result in incorrect values. Instead, consider using integers with a custom LabelFormatter to display the value correctly."; private BaseSlider.AccessibilityEventSender accessibilityEventSender; private final AccessibilityHelper accessibilityHelper; private final AccessibilityManager accessibilityManager; private int activeThumbIdx; private final Paint activeTicksPaint; private final Paint activeTrackPaint; private final List changeListeners; private Drawable customThumbDrawable; private List customThumbDrawablesForValues; private final MaterialShapeDrawable defaultThumbDrawable; private int defaultThumbRadius; private int defaultTickActiveRadius; private int defaultTickInactiveRadius; private int defaultTrackHeight; private boolean dirtyConfig; private int focusedThumbIdx; private boolean forceDrawCompatHalo; private LabelFormatter formatter; private ColorStateList haloColor; private final Paint haloPaint; private int haloRadius; private final Paint inactiveTicksPaint; private final Paint inactiveTrackPaint; private boolean isLongPress; private int labelBehavior; private int labelPadding; private int labelStyle; private final List labels; private boolean labelsAreAnimatedIn; private ValueAnimator labelsInAnimator; private ValueAnimator labelsOutAnimator; private MotionEvent lastEvent; private int minTouchTargetSize; private int minTrackSidePadding; private int minWidgetHeight; private final int scaledTouchSlop; private int separationUnit; private float stepSize; private boolean thumbIsPressed; private final Paint thumbPaint; private int thumbRadius; private int tickActiveRadius; private ColorStateList tickColorActive; private ColorStateList tickColorInactive; private int tickInactiveRadius; private boolean tickVisible; private float[] ticksCoordinates; private float touchDownX; private final List touchListeners; private float touchPosition; private ColorStateList trackColorActive; private ColorStateList trackColorInactive; private int trackHeight; private int trackSidePadding; private int trackWidth; private float valueFrom; private float valueTo; private ArrayList values; private int widgetHeight; static final int DEF_STYLE_RES =; private static final int LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_DURATION_ATTR = R.attr.motionDurationMedium4; private static final int LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_DURATION_ATTR = R.attr.motionDurationShort3; private static final int LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_EASING_ATTR = R.attr.motionEasingEmphasizedInterpolator; private static final int LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_EASING_ATTR = R.attr.motionEasingEmphasizedAccelerateInterpolator; private float calculateStepIncrement() { float f = this.stepSize; if (f == 0.0f) { return 1.0f; } return f; } private float dimenToValue(float f) { if (f == 0.0f) { return 0.0f; } float f2 = (f - this.trackSidePadding) / this.trackWidth; float f3 = this.valueFrom; return (f2 * (f3 - this.valueTo)) + f3; } private boolean shouldAlwaysShowLabel() { return this.labelBehavior == 3; } void forceDrawCompatHalo(boolean z) { this.forceDrawCompatHalo = z; } public int getActiveThumbIndex() { return this.activeThumbIdx; } public int getFocusedThumbIndex() { return this.focusedThumbIdx; } public int getHaloRadius() { return this.haloRadius; } public ColorStateList getHaloTintList() { return this.haloColor; } public int getLabelBehavior() { return this.labelBehavior; } protected float getMinSeparation() { return 0.0f; } public float getStepSize() { return this.stepSize; } public int getThumbRadius() { return this.thumbRadius; } public int getTickActiveRadius() { return this.tickActiveRadius; } public ColorStateList getTickActiveTintList() { return this.tickColorActive; } public int getTickInactiveRadius() { return this.tickInactiveRadius; } public ColorStateList getTickInactiveTintList() { return this.tickColorInactive; } public ColorStateList getTrackActiveTintList() { return this.trackColorActive; } public int getTrackHeight() { return this.trackHeight; } public ColorStateList getTrackInactiveTintList() { return this.trackColorInactive; } public int getTrackSidePadding() { return this.trackSidePadding; } public int getTrackWidth() { return this.trackWidth; } public float getValueFrom() { return this.valueFrom; } public float getValueTo() { return this.valueTo; } public boolean hasLabelFormatter() { return this.formatter != null; } public boolean isTickVisible() { return this.tickVisible; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void setActiveThumbIndex(int i) { this.activeThumbIdx = i; } public void setLabelFormatter(LabelFormatter labelFormatter) { this.formatter = labelFormatter; } public BaseSlider(Context context) { this(context, null); } public BaseSlider(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) { this(context, attributeSet, R.attr.sliderStyle); } public BaseSlider(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i) { super(MaterialThemeOverlay.wrap(context, attributeSet, i, DEF_STYLE_RES), attributeSet, i); this.labels = new ArrayList(); this.changeListeners = new ArrayList(); this.touchListeners = new ArrayList(); this.labelsAreAnimatedIn = false; this.thumbIsPressed = false; this.values = new ArrayList<>(); this.activeThumbIdx = -1; this.focusedThumbIdx = -1; this.stepSize = 0.0f; this.tickVisible = true; this.isLongPress = false; MaterialShapeDrawable materialShapeDrawable = new MaterialShapeDrawable(); this.defaultThumbDrawable = materialShapeDrawable; this.customThumbDrawablesForValues = Collections.emptyList(); this.separationUnit = 0; Context context2 = getContext(); Paint paint = new Paint(); this.inactiveTrackPaint = paint; paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); Paint paint2 = new Paint(); this.activeTrackPaint = paint2; paint2.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint2.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); Paint paint3 = new Paint(1); this.thumbPaint = paint3; paint3.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); paint3.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)); Paint paint4 = new Paint(1); this.haloPaint = paint4; paint4.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); Paint paint5 = new Paint(); this.inactiveTicksPaint = paint5; paint5.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint5.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); Paint paint6 = new Paint(); this.activeTicksPaint = paint6; paint6.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); paint6.setStrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); loadResources(context2.getResources()); processAttributes(context2, attributeSet, i); setFocusable(true); setClickable(true); materialShapeDrawable.setShadowCompatibilityMode(2); this.scaledTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context2).getScaledTouchSlop(); AccessibilityHelper accessibilityHelper = new AccessibilityHelper(this); this.accessibilityHelper = accessibilityHelper; ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(this, accessibilityHelper); this.accessibilityManager = (AccessibilityManager) getContext().getSystemService("accessibility"); } private void loadResources(Resources resources) { this.minWidgetHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_widget_height); int dimensionPixelOffset = resources.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_track_side_padding); this.minTrackSidePadding = dimensionPixelOffset; this.trackSidePadding = dimensionPixelOffset; this.defaultThumbRadius = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_thumb_radius); this.defaultTrackHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_track_height); this.defaultTickActiveRadius = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_tick_radius); this.defaultTickInactiveRadius = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_tick_radius); this.labelPadding = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.mtrl_slider_label_padding); } private void processAttributes(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, int i) { TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = ThemeEnforcement.obtainStyledAttributes(context, attributeSet, R.styleable.Slider, i, DEF_STYLE_RES, new int[0]); this.labelStyle = obtainStyledAttributes.getResourceId(R.styleable.Slider_labelStyle,; this.valueFrom = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.styleable.Slider_android_valueFrom, 0.0f); this.valueTo = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.styleable.Slider_android_valueTo, 1.0f); setValues(Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom)); this.stepSize = obtainStyledAttributes.getFloat(R.styleable.Slider_android_stepSize, 0.0f); this.minTouchTargetSize = (int) Math.ceil(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(R.styleable.Slider_minTouchTargetSize, (float) Math.ceil(ViewUtils.dpToPx(getContext(), 48)))); boolean hasValue = obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.styleable.Slider_trackColor); int i2 = hasValue ? R.styleable.Slider_trackColor : R.styleable.Slider_trackColorInactive; int i3 = hasValue ? R.styleable.Slider_trackColor : R.styleable.Slider_trackColorActive; ColorStateList colorStateList = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, i2); if (colorStateList == null) { colorStateList = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.material_slider_inactive_track_color); } setTrackInactiveTintList(colorStateList); ColorStateList colorStateList2 = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, i3); if (colorStateList2 == null) { colorStateList2 = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.material_slider_active_track_color); } setTrackActiveTintList(colorStateList2); this.defaultThumbDrawable.setFillColor(MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, R.styleable.Slider_thumbColor)); if (obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.styleable.Slider_thumbStrokeColor)) { setThumbStrokeColor(MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, R.styleable.Slider_thumbStrokeColor)); } setThumbStrokeWidth(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(R.styleable.Slider_thumbStrokeWidth, 0.0f)); ColorStateList colorStateList3 = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, R.styleable.Slider_haloColor); if (colorStateList3 == null) { colorStateList3 = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.material_slider_halo_color); } setHaloTintList(colorStateList3); this.tickVisible = obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.styleable.Slider_tickVisible, true); boolean hasValue2 = obtainStyledAttributes.hasValue(R.styleable.Slider_tickColor); int i4 = hasValue2 ? R.styleable.Slider_tickColor : R.styleable.Slider_tickColorInactive; int i5 = hasValue2 ? R.styleable.Slider_tickColor : R.styleable.Slider_tickColorActive; ColorStateList colorStateList4 = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, i4); if (colorStateList4 == null) { colorStateList4 = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.material_slider_inactive_tick_marks_color); } setTickInactiveTintList(colorStateList4); ColorStateList colorStateList5 = MaterialResources.getColorStateList(context, obtainStyledAttributes, i5); if (colorStateList5 == null) { colorStateList5 = AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(context, R.color.material_slider_active_tick_marks_color); } setTickActiveTintList(colorStateList5); setThumbRadius(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.Slider_thumbRadius, 0)); setHaloRadius(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.Slider_haloRadius, 0)); setThumbElevation(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimension(R.styleable.Slider_thumbElevation, 0.0f)); setTrackHeight(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.Slider_trackHeight, 0)); setTickActiveRadius(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.Slider_tickRadiusActive, 0)); setTickInactiveRadius(obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.Slider_tickRadiusInactive, 0)); setLabelBehavior(obtainStyledAttributes.getInt(R.styleable.Slider_labelBehavior, 0)); if (!obtainStyledAttributes.getBoolean(R.styleable.Slider_android_enabled, true)) { setEnabled(false); } obtainStyledAttributes.recycle(); } private boolean maybeIncreaseTrackSidePadding() { int max = this.minTrackSidePadding + Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(this.thumbRadius - this.defaultThumbRadius, 0), Math.max((this.trackHeight - this.defaultTrackHeight) / 2, 0)), Math.max(Math.max(this.tickActiveRadius - this.defaultTickActiveRadius, 0), Math.max(this.tickInactiveRadius - this.defaultTickInactiveRadius, 0))); if (this.trackSidePadding == max) { return false; } this.trackSidePadding = max; if (!ViewCompat.isLaidOut(this)) { return true; } updateTrackWidth(getWidth()); return true; } private void validateValueFrom() { if (this.valueFrom >= this.valueTo) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FROM, Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom), Float.valueOf(this.valueTo))); } } private void validateValueTo() { if (this.valueTo <= this.valueFrom) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE_TO, Float.valueOf(this.valueTo), Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom))); } } private boolean valueLandsOnTick(float f) { return isMultipleOfStepSize(f - this.valueFrom); } private boolean isMultipleOfStepSize(float f) { double doubleValue = new BigDecimal(Float.toString(f)).divide(new BigDecimal(Float.toString(this.stepSize)), MathContext.DECIMAL64).doubleValue(); return Math.abs(((double) Math.round(doubleValue)) - doubleValue) < THRESHOLD; } private void validateStepSize() { if (this.stepSize > 0.0f && !valueLandsOnTick(this.valueTo)) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_STEP_SIZE, Float.valueOf(this.stepSize), Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom), Float.valueOf(this.valueTo))); } } private void validateValues() { Iterator it = this.values.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Float next =; if (next.floatValue() < this.valueFrom || next.floatValue() > this.valueTo) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_VALUE, next, Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom), Float.valueOf(this.valueTo))); } if (this.stepSize > 0.0f && !valueLandsOnTick(next.floatValue())) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_DISCRETE_VALUE, next, Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom), Float.valueOf(this.stepSize), Float.valueOf(this.stepSize))); } } } private void validateMinSeparation() { float minSeparation = getMinSeparation(); if (minSeparation < 0.0f) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION, Float.valueOf(minSeparation))); } float f = this.stepSize; if (f <= 0.0f || minSeparation <= 0.0f) { return; } if (this.separationUnit != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION_STEP_SIZE_UNIT, Float.valueOf(minSeparation), Float.valueOf(this.stepSize))); } if (minSeparation < f || !isMultipleOfStepSize(minSeparation)) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_MIN_SEPARATION_STEP_SIZE, Float.valueOf(minSeparation), Float.valueOf(this.stepSize), Float.valueOf(this.stepSize))); } } private void warnAboutFloatingPointError() { float f = this.stepSize; if (f == 0.0f) { return; } if (((int) f) != f) { Log.w(TAG, String.format(WARNING_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR, "stepSize", Float.valueOf(f))); } float f2 = this.valueFrom; if (((int) f2) != f2) { Log.w(TAG, String.format(WARNING_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR, "valueFrom", Float.valueOf(f2))); } float f3 = this.valueTo; if (((int) f3) != f3) { Log.w(TAG, String.format(WARNING_FLOATING_POINT_ERROR, "valueTo", Float.valueOf(f3))); } } private void validateConfigurationIfDirty() { if (this.dirtyConfig) { validateValueFrom(); validateValueTo(); validateStepSize(); validateValues(); validateMinSeparation(); warnAboutFloatingPointError(); this.dirtyConfig = false; } } public void setValueFrom(float f) { this.valueFrom = f; this.dirtyConfig = true; postInvalidate(); } public void setValueTo(float f) { this.valueTo = f; this.dirtyConfig = true; postInvalidate(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public List getValues() { return new ArrayList(this.values); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setValues(Float... fArr) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(arrayList, fArr); setValuesInternal(arrayList); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setValues(List list) { setValuesInternal(new ArrayList<>(list)); } private void setValuesInternal(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one value must be set"); } Collections.sort(arrayList); if (this.values.size() == arrayList.size() && this.values.equals(arrayList)) { return; } this.values = arrayList; this.dirtyConfig = true; this.focusedThumbIdx = 0; updateHaloHotspot(); createLabelPool(); dispatchOnChangedProgrammatically(); postInvalidate(); } private void createLabelPool() { if (this.labels.size() > this.values.size()) { List subList = this.labels.subList(this.values.size(), this.labels.size()); for (TooltipDrawable tooltipDrawable : subList) { if (ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(this)) { detachLabelFromContentView(tooltipDrawable); } } subList.clear(); } while (true) { if (this.labels.size() >= this.values.size()) { break; } TooltipDrawable createFromAttributes = TooltipDrawable.createFromAttributes(getContext(), null, 0, this.labelStyle); this.labels.add(createFromAttributes); if (ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(this)) { attachLabelToContentView(createFromAttributes); } } int i = this.labels.size() != 1 ? 1 : 0; Iterator it = this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } } public void setStepSize(float f) { if (f < 0.0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_STEP_SIZE, Float.valueOf(f), Float.valueOf(this.valueFrom), Float.valueOf(this.valueTo))); } if (this.stepSize != f) { this.stepSize = f; this.dirtyConfig = true; postInvalidate(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setCustomThumbDrawable(int i) { setCustomThumbDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(i)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setCustomThumbDrawable(Drawable drawable) { this.customThumbDrawable = initializeCustomThumbDrawable(drawable); this.customThumbDrawablesForValues.clear(); postInvalidate(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setCustomThumbDrawablesForValues(int... iArr) { Drawable[] drawableArr = new Drawable[iArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < iArr.length; i++) { drawableArr[i] = getResources().getDrawable(iArr[i]); } setCustomThumbDrawablesForValues(drawableArr); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public void setCustomThumbDrawablesForValues(Drawable... drawableArr) { this.customThumbDrawable = null; this.customThumbDrawablesForValues = new ArrayList(); for (Drawable drawable : drawableArr) { this.customThumbDrawablesForValues.add(initializeCustomThumbDrawable(drawable)); } postInvalidate(); } private Drawable initializeCustomThumbDrawable(Drawable drawable) { Drawable newDrawable = drawable.mutate().getConstantState().newDrawable(); adjustCustomThumbDrawableBounds(newDrawable); return newDrawable; } private void adjustCustomThumbDrawableBounds(Drawable drawable) { int i = this.thumbRadius * 2; int intrinsicWidth = drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(); int intrinsicHeight = drawable.getIntrinsicHeight(); if (intrinsicWidth == -1 && intrinsicHeight == -1) { drawable.setBounds(0, 0, i, i); } else { float max = i / Math.max(intrinsicWidth, intrinsicHeight); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, (int) (intrinsicWidth * max), (int) (intrinsicHeight * max)); } } public void setFocusedThumbIndex(int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.values.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index out of range"); } this.focusedThumbIdx = i; this.accessibilityHelper.requestKeyboardFocusForVirtualView(i); postInvalidate(); } public void addOnChangeListener(L l) { this.changeListeners.add(l); } public void removeOnChangeListener(L l) { this.changeListeners.remove(l); } public void clearOnChangeListeners() { this.changeListeners.clear(); } public void addOnSliderTouchListener(T t) { this.touchListeners.add(t); } public void removeOnSliderTouchListener(T t) { this.touchListeners.remove(t); } public void clearOnSliderTouchListeners() { this.touchListeners.clear(); } public float getThumbElevation() { return this.defaultThumbDrawable.getElevation(); } public void setThumbElevation(float f) { this.defaultThumbDrawable.setElevation(f); } public void setThumbElevationResource(int i) { setThumbElevation(getResources().getDimension(i)); } public void setThumbRadius(int i) { if (i == this.thumbRadius) { return; } this.thumbRadius = i; this.defaultThumbDrawable.setShapeAppearanceModel(ShapeAppearanceModel.builder().setAllCorners(0, this.thumbRadius).build()); MaterialShapeDrawable materialShapeDrawable = this.defaultThumbDrawable; int i2 = this.thumbRadius; materialShapeDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, i2 * 2, i2 * 2); Drawable drawable = this.customThumbDrawable; if (drawable != null) { adjustCustomThumbDrawableBounds(drawable); } Iterator it = this.customThumbDrawablesForValues.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { adjustCustomThumbDrawableBounds(; } updateWidgetLayout(); } public void setThumbRadiusResource(int i) { setThumbRadius(getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(i)); } public void setThumbStrokeColor(ColorStateList colorStateList) { this.defaultThumbDrawable.setStrokeColor(colorStateList); postInvalidate(); } public void setThumbStrokeColorResource(int i) { if (i != 0) { setThumbStrokeColor(AppCompatResources.getColorStateList(getContext(), i)); } } public ColorStateList getThumbStrokeColor() { return this.defaultThumbDrawable.getStrokeColor(); } public void setThumbStrokeWidth(float f) { this.defaultThumbDrawable.setStrokeWidth(f); postInvalidate(); } public void setThumbStrokeWidthResource(int i) { if (i != 0) { setThumbStrokeWidth(getResources().getDimension(i)); } } public float getThumbStrokeWidth() { return this.defaultThumbDrawable.getStrokeWidth(); } public void setHaloRadius(int i) { if (i == this.haloRadius) { return; } this.haloRadius = i; Drawable background = getBackground(); if (!shouldDrawCompatHalo() && (background instanceof RippleDrawable)) { DrawableUtils.setRippleDrawableRadius((RippleDrawable) background, this.haloRadius); } else { postInvalidate(); } } public void setHaloRadiusResource(int i) { setHaloRadius(getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(i)); } public void setLabelBehavior(int i) { if (this.labelBehavior != i) { this.labelBehavior = i; requestLayout(); } } public void setTrackHeight(int i) { if (this.trackHeight != i) { this.trackHeight = i; invalidateTrack(); updateWidgetLayout(); } } public void setTickActiveRadius(int i) { if (this.tickActiveRadius != i) { this.tickActiveRadius = i; this.activeTicksPaint.setStrokeWidth(i * 2); updateWidgetLayout(); } } public void setTickInactiveRadius(int i) { if (this.tickInactiveRadius != i) { this.tickInactiveRadius = i; this.inactiveTicksPaint.setStrokeWidth(i * 2); updateWidgetLayout(); } } private void updateWidgetLayout() { boolean maybeIncreaseWidgetHeight = maybeIncreaseWidgetHeight(); boolean maybeIncreaseTrackSidePadding = maybeIncreaseTrackSidePadding(); if (maybeIncreaseWidgetHeight) { requestLayout(); } else if (maybeIncreaseTrackSidePadding) { postInvalidate(); } } private boolean maybeIncreaseWidgetHeight() { int max = Math.max(this.minWidgetHeight, Math.max(this.trackHeight + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(), (this.thumbRadius * 2) + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom())); if (max == this.widgetHeight) { return false; } this.widgetHeight = max; return true; } public void setHaloTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.haloColor)) { return; } this.haloColor = colorStateList; Drawable background = getBackground(); if (!shouldDrawCompatHalo() && (background instanceof RippleDrawable)) { ((RippleDrawable) background).setColor(colorStateList); return; } this.haloPaint.setColor(getColorForState(colorStateList)); this.haloPaint.setAlpha(63); invalidate(); } public ColorStateList getThumbTintList() { return this.defaultThumbDrawable.getFillColor(); } public void setThumbTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.defaultThumbDrawable.getFillColor())) { return; } this.defaultThumbDrawable.setFillColor(colorStateList); invalidate(); } public ColorStateList getTickTintList() { if (this.tickColorInactive.equals(this.tickColorActive)) { return this.tickColorActive; } throw new IllegalStateException("The inactive and active ticks are different colors. Use the getTickColorInactive() and getTickColorActive() methods instead."); } public void setTickTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { setTickInactiveTintList(colorStateList); setTickActiveTintList(colorStateList); } public void setTickActiveTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.tickColorActive)) { return; } this.tickColorActive = colorStateList; this.activeTicksPaint.setColor(getColorForState(colorStateList)); invalidate(); } public void setTickInactiveTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.tickColorInactive)) { return; } this.tickColorInactive = colorStateList; this.inactiveTicksPaint.setColor(getColorForState(colorStateList)); invalidate(); } public void setTickVisible(boolean z) { if (this.tickVisible != z) { this.tickVisible = z; postInvalidate(); } } public ColorStateList getTrackTintList() { if (this.trackColorInactive.equals(this.trackColorActive)) { return this.trackColorActive; } throw new IllegalStateException("The inactive and active parts of the track are different colors. Use the getInactiveTrackColor() and getActiveTrackColor() methods instead."); } public void setTrackTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { setTrackInactiveTintList(colorStateList); setTrackActiveTintList(colorStateList); } public void setTrackActiveTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.trackColorActive)) { return; } this.trackColorActive = colorStateList; this.activeTrackPaint.setColor(getColorForState(colorStateList)); invalidate(); } public void setTrackInactiveTintList(ColorStateList colorStateList) { if (colorStateList.equals(this.trackColorInactive)) { return; } this.trackColorInactive = colorStateList; this.inactiveTrackPaint.setColor(getColorForState(colorStateList)); invalidate(); } @Override // android.view.View protected void onVisibilityChanged(View view, int i) { ViewOverlayImpl contentViewOverlay; super.onVisibilityChanged(view, i); if (i == 0 || (contentViewOverlay = ViewUtils.getContentViewOverlay(this)) == null) { return; } Iterator it = this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { contentViewOverlay.remove(; } } @Override // android.view.View public void setEnabled(boolean z) { super.setEnabled(z); setLayerType(z ? 0 : 2, null); } @Override // android.view.View protected void onAttachedToWindow() { super.onAttachedToWindow(); Iterator it = this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { attachLabelToContentView(; } } private void attachLabelToContentView(TooltipDrawable tooltipDrawable) { tooltipDrawable.setRelativeToView(ViewUtils.getContentView(this)); } @Override // android.view.View protected void onDetachedFromWindow() { BaseSlider.AccessibilityEventSender accessibilityEventSender = this.accessibilityEventSender; if (accessibilityEventSender != null) { removeCallbacks(accessibilityEventSender); } this.labelsAreAnimatedIn = false; Iterator it = this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { detachLabelFromContentView(; } super.onDetachedFromWindow(); } private void detachLabelFromContentView(TooltipDrawable tooltipDrawable) { ViewOverlayImpl contentViewOverlay = ViewUtils.getContentViewOverlay(this); if (contentViewOverlay != null) { contentViewOverlay.remove(tooltipDrawable); tooltipDrawable.detachView(ViewUtils.getContentView(this)); } } @Override // android.view.View protected void onMeasure(int i, int i2) { super.onMeasure(i, View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(this.widgetHeight + ((this.labelBehavior == 1 || shouldAlwaysShowLabel()) ? this.labels.get(0).getIntrinsicHeight() : 0), 1073741824)); } @Override // android.view.View protected void onSizeChanged(int i, int i2, int i3, int i4) { updateTrackWidth(i); updateHaloHotspot(); } private void maybeCalculateTicksCoordinates() { if (this.stepSize <= 0.0f) { return; } validateConfigurationIfDirty(); int min = Math.min((int) (((this.valueTo - this.valueFrom) / this.stepSize) + 1.0f), (this.trackWidth / (this.trackHeight * 2)) + 1); float[] fArr = this.ticksCoordinates; if (fArr == null || fArr.length != min * 2) { this.ticksCoordinates = new float[min * 2]; } float f = this.trackWidth / (min - 1); for (int i = 0; i < min * 2; i += 2) { float[] fArr2 = this.ticksCoordinates; fArr2[i] = this.trackSidePadding + ((i / 2.0f) * f); fArr2[i + 1] = calculateTrackCenter(); } } private void updateTrackWidth(int i) { this.trackWidth = Math.max(i - (this.trackSidePadding * 2), 0); maybeCalculateTicksCoordinates(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public void updateHaloHotspot() { if (shouldDrawCompatHalo() || getMeasuredWidth() <= 0) { return; } Drawable background = getBackground(); if (background instanceof RippleDrawable) { int normalizeValue = (int) ((normalizeValue(this.values.get(this.focusedThumbIdx).floatValue()) * this.trackWidth) + this.trackSidePadding); int calculateTrackCenter = calculateTrackCenter(); int i = this.haloRadius; DrawableCompat.setHotspotBounds(background, normalizeValue - i, calculateTrackCenter - i, normalizeValue + i, calculateTrackCenter + i); } } private int calculateTrackCenter() { return (this.widgetHeight / 2) + ((this.labelBehavior == 1 || shouldAlwaysShowLabel()) ? this.labels.get(0).getIntrinsicHeight() : 0); } @Override // android.view.View protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (this.dirtyConfig) { validateConfigurationIfDirty(); maybeCalculateTicksCoordinates(); } super.onDraw(canvas); int calculateTrackCenter = calculateTrackCenter(); drawInactiveTrack(canvas, this.trackWidth, calculateTrackCenter); if (((Float) Collections.max(getValues())).floatValue() > this.valueFrom) { drawActiveTrack(canvas, this.trackWidth, calculateTrackCenter); } maybeDrawTicks(canvas); if ((this.thumbIsPressed || isFocused()) && isEnabled()) { maybeDrawCompatHalo(canvas, this.trackWidth, calculateTrackCenter); } if ((this.activeThumbIdx != -1 || shouldAlwaysShowLabel()) && isEnabled()) { ensureLabelsAdded(); } else { ensureLabelsRemoved(); } drawThumbs(canvas, this.trackWidth, calculateTrackCenter); } private float[] getActiveRange() { float floatValue = ((Float) Collections.max(getValues())).floatValue(); float floatValue2 = ((Float) Collections.min(getValues())).floatValue(); if (this.values.size() == 1) { floatValue2 = this.valueFrom; } float normalizeValue = normalizeValue(floatValue2); float normalizeValue2 = normalizeValue(floatValue); return isRtl() ? new float[]{normalizeValue2, normalizeValue} : new float[]{normalizeValue, normalizeValue2}; } private void drawInactiveTrack(Canvas canvas, int i, int i2) { float[] activeRange = getActiveRange(); float f = i; float f2 = this.trackSidePadding + (activeRange[1] * f); if (f2 < r1 + i) { float f3 = i2; canvas.drawLine(f2, f3, r1 + i, f3, this.inactiveTrackPaint); } int i3 = this.trackSidePadding; float f4 = i3 + (activeRange[0] * f); if (f4 > i3) { float f5 = i2; canvas.drawLine(i3, f5, f4, f5, this.inactiveTrackPaint); } } private float normalizeValue(float f) { float f2 = this.valueFrom; float f3 = (f - f2) / (this.valueTo - f2); return isRtl() ? 1.0f - f3 : f3; } private void drawActiveTrack(Canvas canvas, int i, int i2) { float[] activeRange = getActiveRange(); int i3 = this.trackSidePadding; float f = i; float f2 = i2; canvas.drawLine(i3 + (activeRange[0] * f), f2, i3 + (activeRange[1] * f), f2, this.activeTrackPaint); } private void maybeDrawTicks(Canvas canvas) { if (!this.tickVisible || this.stepSize <= 0.0f) { return; } float[] activeRange = getActiveRange(); int pivotIndex = pivotIndex(this.ticksCoordinates, activeRange[0]); int pivotIndex2 = pivotIndex(this.ticksCoordinates, activeRange[1]); int i = pivotIndex * 2; canvas.drawPoints(this.ticksCoordinates, 0, i, this.inactiveTicksPaint); int i2 = pivotIndex2 * 2; canvas.drawPoints(this.ticksCoordinates, i, i2 - i, this.activeTicksPaint); float[] fArr = this.ticksCoordinates; canvas.drawPoints(fArr, i2, fArr.length - i2, this.inactiveTicksPaint); } private void drawThumbs(Canvas canvas, int i, int i2) { for (int i3 = 0; i3 < this.values.size(); i3++) { float floatValue = this.values.get(i3).floatValue(); Drawable drawable = this.customThumbDrawable; if (drawable != null) { drawThumbDrawable(canvas, i, i2, floatValue, drawable); } else if (i3 < this.customThumbDrawablesForValues.size()) { drawThumbDrawable(canvas, i, i2, floatValue, this.customThumbDrawablesForValues.get(i3)); } else { if (!isEnabled()) { canvas.drawCircle(this.trackSidePadding + (normalizeValue(floatValue) * i), i2, this.thumbRadius, this.thumbPaint); } drawThumbDrawable(canvas, i, i2, floatValue, this.defaultThumbDrawable); } } } private void drawThumbDrawable(Canvas canvas, int i, int i2, float f, Drawable drawable) {; canvas.translate((this.trackSidePadding + ((int) (normalizeValue(f) * i))) - (drawable.getBounds().width() / 2.0f), i2 - (drawable.getBounds().height() / 2.0f)); drawable.draw(canvas); canvas.restore(); } private void maybeDrawCompatHalo(Canvas canvas, int i, int i2) { if (shouldDrawCompatHalo()) { canvas.drawCircle((int) (this.trackSidePadding + (normalizeValue(this.values.get(this.focusedThumbIdx).floatValue()) * i)), i2, this.haloRadius, this.haloPaint); } } private boolean shouldDrawCompatHalo() { return this.forceDrawCompatHalo || !(getBackground() instanceof RippleDrawable); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x0033, code lost: if (r2 != 3) goto L47; */ @Override // android.view.View /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public boolean onTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent r6) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 248 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } private static int pivotIndex(float[] fArr, float f) { return Math.round(f * ((fArr.length / 2) - 1)); } private double snapPosition(float f) { float f2 = this.stepSize; if (f2 <= 0.0f) { return f; } return Math.round(f * r2) / ((int) ((this.valueTo - this.valueFrom) / f2)); } protected boolean pickActiveThumb() { if (this.activeThumbIdx != -1) { return true; } float valueOfTouchPositionAbsolute = getValueOfTouchPositionAbsolute(); float valueToX = valueToX(valueOfTouchPositionAbsolute); this.activeThumbIdx = 0; float abs = Math.abs(this.values.get(0).floatValue() - valueOfTouchPositionAbsolute); for (int i = 1; i < this.values.size(); i++) { float abs2 = Math.abs(this.values.get(i).floatValue() - valueOfTouchPositionAbsolute); float valueToX2 = valueToX(this.values.get(i).floatValue()); if (, abs) > 1) { break; } boolean z = !isRtl() ? valueToX2 - valueToX >= 0.0f : valueToX2 - valueToX <= 0.0f; if (, abs) < 0) { this.activeThumbIdx = i; } else { if (, abs) != 0) { continue; } else { if (Math.abs(valueToX2 - valueToX) < this.scaledTouchSlop) { this.activeThumbIdx = -1; return false; } if (z) { this.activeThumbIdx = i; } } } abs = abs2; } return this.activeThumbIdx != -1; } private float getValueOfTouchPositionAbsolute() { float f = this.touchPosition; if (isRtl()) { f = 1.0f - f; } float f2 = this.valueTo; float f3 = this.valueFrom; return (f * (f2 - f3)) + f3; } private boolean snapTouchPosition() { return snapActiveThumbToValue(getValueOfTouchPosition()); } private boolean snapActiveThumbToValue(float f) { return snapThumbToValue(this.activeThumbIdx, f); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public boolean snapThumbToValue(int i, float f) { this.focusedThumbIdx = i; if (Math.abs(f - this.values.get(i).floatValue()) < THRESHOLD) { return false; } this.values.set(i, Float.valueOf(getClampedValue(i, f))); dispatchOnChangedFromUser(i); return true; } private float getClampedValue(int i, float f) { float minSeparation = getMinSeparation(); if (this.separationUnit == 0) { minSeparation = dimenToValue(minSeparation); } if (isRtl()) { minSeparation = -minSeparation; } int i2 = i + 1; int i3 = i - 1; return MathUtils.clamp(f, i3 < 0 ? this.valueFrom : this.values.get(i3).floatValue() + minSeparation, i2 >= this.values.size() ? this.valueTo : this.values.get(i2).floatValue() - minSeparation); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void setSeparationUnit(int i) { this.separationUnit = i; this.dirtyConfig = true; postInvalidate(); } private float getValueOfTouchPosition() { double snapPosition = snapPosition(this.touchPosition); if (isRtl()) { snapPosition = 1.0d - snapPosition; } float f = this.valueTo; return (float) ((snapPosition * (f - r4)) + this.valueFrom); } private float valueToX(float f) { return (normalizeValue(f) * this.trackWidth) + this.trackSidePadding; } private static float getAnimatorCurrentValueOrDefault(ValueAnimator valueAnimator, float f) { if (valueAnimator == null || !valueAnimator.isRunning()) { return f; } float floatValue = ((Float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue(); valueAnimator.cancel(); return floatValue; } private ValueAnimator createLabelAnimator(boolean z) { int resolveThemeDuration; TimeInterpolator resolveThemeInterpolator; ValueAnimator ofFloat = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(getAnimatorCurrentValueOrDefault(z ? this.labelsOutAnimator : this.labelsInAnimator, z ? 0.0f : 1.0f), z ? 1.0f : 0.0f); if (z) { resolveThemeDuration = MotionUtils.resolveThemeDuration(getContext(), LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_DURATION_ATTR, DEFAULT_LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_DURATION); resolveThemeInterpolator = MotionUtils.resolveThemeInterpolator(getContext(), LABEL_ANIMATION_ENTER_EASING_ATTR, AnimationUtils.DECELERATE_INTERPOLATOR); } else { resolveThemeDuration = MotionUtils.resolveThemeDuration(getContext(), LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_DURATION_ATTR, DEFAULT_LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_DURATION); resolveThemeInterpolator = MotionUtils.resolveThemeInterpolator(getContext(), LABEL_ANIMATION_EXIT_EASING_ATTR, AnimationUtils.FAST_OUT_LINEAR_IN_INTERPOLATOR); } ofFloat.setDuration(resolveThemeDuration); ofFloat.setInterpolator(resolveThemeInterpolator); ofFloat.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { // from class: @Override // android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { float floatValue = ((Float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue(); Iterator it = BaseSlider.this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((TooltipDrawable); } ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(BaseSlider.this); } }); return ofFloat; } private void ensureLabelsRemoved() { if (this.labelsAreAnimatedIn) { this.labelsAreAnimatedIn = false; ValueAnimator createLabelAnimator = createLabelAnimator(false); this.labelsOutAnimator = createLabelAnimator; this.labelsInAnimator = null; createLabelAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { // from class: @Override // android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter, android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { super.onAnimationEnd(animator); ViewOverlayImpl contentViewOverlay = ViewUtils.getContentViewOverlay(BaseSlider.this); Iterator it = BaseSlider.this.labels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { contentViewOverlay.remove((TooltipDrawable); } } }); this.labelsOutAnimator.start(); } } private void ensureLabelsAdded() { if (this.labelBehavior == 2) { return; } if (!this.labelsAreAnimatedIn) { this.labelsAreAnimatedIn = true; ValueAnimator createLabelAnimator = createLabelAnimator(true); this.labelsInAnimator = createLabelAnimator; this.labelsOutAnimator = null; createLabelAnimator.start(); } Iterator it = this.labels.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < this.values.size() && it.hasNext(); i++) { if (i != this.focusedThumbIdx) { setValueForLabel(, this.values.get(i).floatValue()); } } if (!it.hasNext()) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Not enough labels(%d) to display all the values(%d)", Integer.valueOf(this.labels.size()), Integer.valueOf(this.values.size()))); } setValueForLabel(, this.values.get(this.focusedThumbIdx).floatValue()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public String formatValue(float f) { if (hasLabelFormatter()) { return this.formatter.getFormattedValue(f); } return String.format(((float) ((int) f)) == f ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", Float.valueOf(f)); } private void setValueForLabel(TooltipDrawable tooltipDrawable, float f) { tooltipDrawable.setText(formatValue(f)); int normalizeValue = (this.trackSidePadding + ((int) (normalizeValue(f) * this.trackWidth))) - (tooltipDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() / 2); int calculateTrackCenter = calculateTrackCenter() - (this.labelPadding + this.thumbRadius); tooltipDrawable.setBounds(normalizeValue, calculateTrackCenter - tooltipDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight(), tooltipDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth() + normalizeValue, calculateTrackCenter); Rect rect = new Rect(tooltipDrawable.getBounds()); DescendantOffsetUtils.offsetDescendantRect(ViewUtils.getContentView(this), this, rect); tooltipDrawable.setBounds(rect); ViewUtils.getContentViewOverlay(this).add(tooltipDrawable); } private void invalidateTrack() { this.inactiveTrackPaint.setStrokeWidth(this.trackHeight); this.activeTrackPaint.setStrokeWidth(this.trackHeight); } private boolean isInVerticalScrollingContainer() { for (ViewParent parent = getParent(); parent instanceof ViewGroup; parent = parent.getParent()) { ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent; if ((viewGroup.canScrollVertically(1) || viewGroup.canScrollVertically(-1)) && viewGroup.shouldDelayChildPressedState()) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isMouseEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { return motionEvent.getToolType(0) == 3; } private boolean isPotentialVerticalScroll(MotionEvent motionEvent) { return !isMouseEvent(motionEvent) && isInVerticalScrollingContainer(); } private void dispatchOnChangedProgrammatically() { for (L l : this.changeListeners) { Iterator it = this.values.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { l.onValueChange(this,, false); } } } private void dispatchOnChangedFromUser(int i) { Iterator it = this.changeListeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {, this.values.get(i).floatValue(), true); } AccessibilityManager accessibilityManager = this.accessibilityManager; if (accessibilityManager == null || !accessibilityManager.isEnabled()) { return; } scheduleAccessibilityEventSender(i); } private void onStartTrackingTouch() { Iterator it = this.touchListeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } } private void onStopTrackingTouch() { Iterator it = this.touchListeners.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) {; } } @Override // android.view.View protected void drawableStateChanged() { super.drawableStateChanged(); this.inactiveTrackPaint.setColor(getColorForState(this.trackColorInactive)); this.activeTrackPaint.setColor(getColorForState(this.trackColorActive)); this.inactiveTicksPaint.setColor(getColorForState(this.tickColorInactive)); this.activeTicksPaint.setColor(getColorForState(this.tickColorActive)); for (TooltipDrawable tooltipDrawable : this.labels) { if (tooltipDrawable.isStateful()) { tooltipDrawable.setState(getDrawableState()); } } if (this.defaultThumbDrawable.isStateful()) { this.defaultThumbDrawable.setState(getDrawableState()); } this.haloPaint.setColor(getColorForState(this.haloColor)); this.haloPaint.setAlpha(63); } private int getColorForState(ColorStateList colorStateList) { return colorStateList.getColorForState(getDrawableState(), colorStateList.getDefaultColor()); } @Override // android.view.View, android.view.KeyEvent.Callback public boolean onKeyDown(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (!isEnabled()) { return super.onKeyDown(i, keyEvent); } if (this.values.size() == 1) { this.activeThumbIdx = 0; } if (this.activeThumbIdx == -1) { Boolean onKeyDownNoActiveThumb = onKeyDownNoActiveThumb(i, keyEvent); return onKeyDownNoActiveThumb != null ? onKeyDownNoActiveThumb.booleanValue() : super.onKeyDown(i, keyEvent); } this.isLongPress |= keyEvent.isLongPress(); Float calculateIncrementForKey = calculateIncrementForKey(i); if (calculateIncrementForKey != null) { if (snapActiveThumbToValue(this.values.get(this.activeThumbIdx).floatValue() + calculateIncrementForKey.floatValue())) { updateHaloHotspot(); postInvalidate(); } return true; } if (i != 23) { if (i == 61) { if (keyEvent.hasNoModifiers()) { return moveFocus(1); } if (keyEvent.isShiftPressed()) { return moveFocus(-1); } return false; } if (i != 66) { return super.onKeyDown(i, keyEvent); } } this.activeThumbIdx = -1; postInvalidate(); return true; } private Boolean onKeyDownNoActiveThumb(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) { if (i == 61) { if (keyEvent.hasNoModifiers()) { return Boolean.valueOf(moveFocus(1)); } if (keyEvent.isShiftPressed()) { return Boolean.valueOf(moveFocus(-1)); } return false; } if (i != 66) { if (i != 81) { if (i == 69) { moveFocus(-1); return true; } if (i != 70) { switch (i) { case 21: moveFocusInAbsoluteDirection(-1); return true; case 22: moveFocusInAbsoluteDirection(1); return true; case 23: break; default: return null; } } } moveFocus(1); return true; } this.activeThumbIdx = this.focusedThumbIdx; postInvalidate(); return true; } @Override // android.view.View, android.view.KeyEvent.Callback public boolean onKeyUp(int i, KeyEvent keyEvent) { this.isLongPress = false; return super.onKeyUp(i, keyEvent); } final boolean isRtl() { return ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(this) == 1; } private boolean moveFocus(int i) { int i2 = this.focusedThumbIdx; int clamp = (int) MathUtils.clamp(i2 + i, 0L, this.values.size() - 1); this.focusedThumbIdx = clamp; if (clamp == i2) { return false; } if (this.activeThumbIdx != -1) { this.activeThumbIdx = clamp; } updateHaloHotspot(); postInvalidate(); return true; } private boolean moveFocusInAbsoluteDirection(int i) { if (isRtl()) { i = i == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : -i; } return moveFocus(i); } private Float calculateIncrementForKey(int i) { float calculateStepIncrement = this.isLongPress ? calculateStepIncrement(20) : calculateStepIncrement(); if (i == 21) { if (!isRtl()) { calculateStepIncrement = -calculateStepIncrement; } return Float.valueOf(calculateStepIncrement); } if (i == 22) { if (isRtl()) { calculateStepIncrement = -calculateStepIncrement; } return Float.valueOf(calculateStepIncrement); } if (i == 69) { return Float.valueOf(-calculateStepIncrement); } if (i == 70 || i == 81) { return Float.valueOf(calculateStepIncrement); } return null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public float calculateStepIncrement(int i) { float calculateStepIncrement = calculateStepIncrement(); return (this.valueTo - this.valueFrom) / calculateStepIncrement <= i ? calculateStepIncrement : Math.round(r1 / r2) * calculateStepIncrement; } @Override // android.view.View protected void onFocusChanged(boolean z, int i, Rect rect) { super.onFocusChanged(z, i, rect); if (!z) { this.activeThumbIdx = -1; this.accessibilityHelper.clearKeyboardFocusForVirtualView(this.focusedThumbIdx); } else { focusThumbOnFocusGained(i); this.accessibilityHelper.requestKeyboardFocusForVirtualView(this.focusedThumbIdx); } } private void focusThumbOnFocusGained(int i) { if (i == 1) { moveFocus(Integer.MAX_VALUE); return; } if (i == 2) { moveFocus(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } else if (i == 17) { moveFocusInAbsoluteDirection(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } else { if (i != 66) { return; } moveFocusInAbsoluteDirection(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } } final int getAccessibilityFocusedVirtualViewId() { return this.accessibilityHelper.getAccessibilityFocusedVirtualViewId(); } @Override // android.view.View public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() { return SeekBar.class.getName(); } @Override // android.view.View public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent) { return this.accessibilityHelper.dispatchHoverEvent(motionEvent) || super.dispatchHoverEvent(motionEvent); } @Override // android.view.View public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent keyEvent) { return super.dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent); } private void scheduleAccessibilityEventSender(int i) { BaseSlider.AccessibilityEventSender accessibilityEventSender = this.accessibilityEventSender; if (accessibilityEventSender == null) { this.accessibilityEventSender = new AccessibilityEventSender(); } else { removeCallbacks(accessibilityEventSender); } this.accessibilityEventSender.setVirtualViewId(i); postDelayed(this.accessibilityEventSender, 200L); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class AccessibilityEventSender implements Runnable { int virtualViewId; void setVirtualViewId(int i) { this.virtualViewId = i; } private AccessibilityEventSender() { this.virtualViewId = -1; } @Override // java.lang.Runnable public void run() { BaseSlider.this.accessibilityHelper.sendEventForVirtualView(this.virtualViewId, 4); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // android.view.View public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { SliderState sliderState = new SliderState(super.onSaveInstanceState()); sliderState.valueFrom = this.valueFrom; sliderState.valueTo = this.valueTo; sliderState.values = new ArrayList<>(this.values); sliderState.stepSize = this.stepSize; sliderState.hasFocus = hasFocus(); return sliderState; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override // android.view.View public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable parcelable) { SliderState sliderState = (SliderState) parcelable; super.onRestoreInstanceState(sliderState.getSuperState()); this.valueFrom = sliderState.valueFrom; this.valueTo = sliderState.valueTo; setValuesInternal(sliderState.values); this.stepSize = sliderState.stepSize; if (sliderState.hasFocus) { requestFocus(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SliderState extends View.BaseSavedState { public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { // from class: /* JADX WARN: Can't rename method to resolve collision */ @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public SliderState createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) { return new SliderState(parcel); } /* JADX WARN: Can't rename method to resolve collision */ @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public SliderState[] newArray(int i) { return new SliderState[i]; } }; boolean hasFocus; float stepSize; float valueFrom; float valueTo; ArrayList values; SliderState(Parcelable parcelable) { super(parcelable); } private SliderState(Parcel parcel) { super(parcel); this.valueFrom = parcel.readFloat(); this.valueTo = parcel.readFloat(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); this.values = arrayList; parcel.readList(arrayList, Float.class.getClassLoader()); this.stepSize = parcel.readFloat(); this.hasFocus = parcel.createBooleanArray()[0]; } @Override // android.view.View.BaseSavedState, android.view.AbsSavedState, android.os.Parcelable public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { super.writeToParcel(parcel, i); parcel.writeFloat(this.valueFrom); parcel.writeFloat(this.valueTo); parcel.writeList(this.values); parcel.writeFloat(this.stepSize); parcel.writeBooleanArray(new boolean[]{this.hasFocus}); } } void updateBoundsForVirtualViewId(int i, Rect rect) { int normalizeValue = this.trackSidePadding + ((int) (normalizeValue(getValues().get(i).floatValue()) * this.trackWidth)); int calculateTrackCenter = calculateTrackCenter(); int i2 = this.thumbRadius; int i3 = this.minTouchTargetSize; if (i2 <= i3) { i2 = i3; } int i4 = i2 / 2; rect.set(normalizeValue - i4, calculateTrackCenter - i4, normalizeValue + i4, calculateTrackCenter + i4); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ private static class AccessibilityHelper extends ExploreByTouchHelper { private final BaseSlider slider; final Rect virtualViewBounds; AccessibilityHelper(BaseSlider baseSlider) { super(baseSlider); this.virtualViewBounds = new Rect(); this.slider = baseSlider; } @Override // androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper protected int getVirtualViewAt(float f, float f2) { for (int i = 0; i < this.slider.getValues().size(); i++) { this.slider.updateBoundsForVirtualViewId(i, this.virtualViewBounds); if (this.virtualViewBounds.contains((int) f, (int) f2)) { return i; } } return -1; } @Override // androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper protected void getVisibleVirtualViews(List list) { for (int i = 0; i < this.slider.getValues().size(); i++) { list.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } } @Override // androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper protected void onPopulateNodeForVirtualView(int i, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat accessibilityNodeInfoCompat) { accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.addAction(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat.ACTION_SET_PROGRESS); List values = this.slider.getValues(); float floatValue = values.get(i).floatValue(); float valueFrom = this.slider.getValueFrom(); float valueTo = this.slider.getValueTo(); if (this.slider.isEnabled()) { if (floatValue > valueFrom) { accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.addAction(8192); } if (floatValue < valueTo) { accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.addAction(4096); } } accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.setRangeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat.obtain(1, valueFrom, valueTo, floatValue)); accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.setClassName(SeekBar.class.getName()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (this.slider.getContentDescription() != null) { sb.append(this.slider.getContentDescription()).append(","); } String formatValue = this.slider.formatValue(floatValue); String string = this.slider.getContext().getString(R.string.material_slider_value); if (values.size() > 1) { string = startOrEndDescription(i); } sb.append(String.format(Locale.US, "%s, %s", string, formatValue)); accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.setContentDescription(sb.toString()); this.slider.updateBoundsForVirtualViewId(i, this.virtualViewBounds); accessibilityNodeInfoCompat.setBoundsInParent(this.virtualViewBounds); } private String startOrEndDescription(int i) { if (i == this.slider.getValues().size() - 1) { return this.slider.getContext().getString(R.string.material_slider_range_end); } return i == 0 ? this.slider.getContext().getString(R.string.material_slider_range_start) : ""; } @Override // androidx.customview.widget.ExploreByTouchHelper protected boolean onPerformActionForVirtualView(int i, int i2, Bundle bundle) { if (!this.slider.isEnabled()) { return false; } if (i2 == 4096 || i2 == 8192) { float calculateStepIncrement = this.slider.calculateStepIncrement(20); if (i2 == 8192) { calculateStepIncrement = -calculateStepIncrement; } if (this.slider.isRtl()) { calculateStepIncrement = -calculateStepIncrement; } if (!this.slider.snapThumbToValue(i, MathUtils.clamp(this.slider.getValues().get(i).floatValue() + calculateStepIncrement, this.slider.getValueFrom(), this.slider.getValueTo()))) { return false; } this.slider.updateHaloHotspot(); this.slider.postInvalidate(); invalidateVirtualView(i); return true; } if (i2 == 16908349 && bundle != null && bundle.containsKey(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_PROGRESS_VALUE)) { if (this.slider.snapThumbToValue(i, bundle.getFloat(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_ARGUMENT_PROGRESS_VALUE))) { this.slider.updateHaloHotspot(); this.slider.postInvalidate(); invalidateVirtualView(i); return true; } } return false; } } }