package androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.State; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.ConstraintAnchor; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.ConstraintWidget; import java.util.ArrayList; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class ConstraintReference implements Reference { private Object key; private ConstraintWidget mConstraintWidget; final State mState; private Object mView; int mHorizontalChainStyle = 0; int mVerticalChainStyle = 0; float mHorizontalBias = 0.5f; float mVerticalBias = 0.5f; int mMarginLeft = 0; int mMarginRight = 0; int mMarginStart = 0; int mMarginEnd = 0; int mMarginTop = 0; int mMarginBottom = 0; int mMarginLeftGone = 0; int mMarginRightGone = 0; int mMarginStartGone = 0; int mMarginEndGone = 0; int mMarginTopGone = 0; int mMarginBottomGone = 0; Object mLeftToLeft = null; Object mLeftToRight = null; Object mRightToLeft = null; Object mRightToRight = null; Object mStartToStart = null; Object mStartToEnd = null; Object mEndToStart = null; Object mEndToEnd = null; Object mTopToTop = null; Object mTopToBottom = null; Object mBottomToTop = null; Object mBottomToBottom = null; Object mBaselineToBaseline = null; State.Constraint mLast = null; Dimension mHorizontalDimension = Dimension.Fixed(Dimension.WRAP_DIMENSION); Dimension mVerticalDimension = Dimension.Fixed(Dimension.WRAP_DIMENSION); /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public interface ConstraintReferenceFactory { ConstraintReference create(State state); } public Dimension getHeight() { return this.mVerticalDimension; } public int getHorizontalChainStyle() { return this.mHorizontalChainStyle; } @Override // androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.Reference public Object getKey() { return this.key; } public int getVerticalChainStyle(int i) { return this.mVerticalChainStyle; } public Object getView() { return this.mView; } public Dimension getWidth() { return this.mHorizontalDimension; } public ConstraintReference horizontalBias(float f) { this.mHorizontalBias = f; return this; } public ConstraintReference setHeight(Dimension dimension) { this.mVerticalDimension = dimension; return this; } public void setHorizontalChainStyle(int i) { this.mHorizontalChainStyle = i; } @Override // androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.Reference public void setKey(Object obj) { this.key = obj; } public void setVerticalChainStyle(int i) { this.mVerticalChainStyle = i; } public ConstraintReference setWidth(Dimension dimension) { this.mHorizontalDimension = dimension; return this; } public ConstraintReference verticalBias(float f) { this.mVerticalBias = f; return this; } public void setView(Object obj) { this.mView = obj; ConstraintWidget constraintWidget = this.mConstraintWidget; if (constraintWidget != null) { constraintWidget.setCompanionWidget(obj); } } @Override // androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.Reference public void setConstraintWidget(ConstraintWidget constraintWidget) { if (constraintWidget == null) { return; } this.mConstraintWidget = constraintWidget; constraintWidget.setCompanionWidget(this.mView); } @Override // androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.Reference public ConstraintWidget getConstraintWidget() { if (this.mConstraintWidget == null) { ConstraintWidget createConstraintWidget = createConstraintWidget(); this.mConstraintWidget = createConstraintWidget; createConstraintWidget.setCompanionWidget(this.mView); } return this.mConstraintWidget; } public ConstraintWidget createConstraintWidget() { return new ConstraintWidget(getWidth().getValue(), getHeight().getValue()); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ class IncorrectConstraintException extends Exception { private final ArrayList mErrors; public ArrayList getErrors() { return this.mErrors; } public IncorrectConstraintException(ArrayList arrayList) { this.mErrors = arrayList; } @Override // java.lang.Throwable public String toString() { return "IncorrectConstraintException: " + this.mErrors.toString(); } } public void validate() throws IncorrectConstraintException { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (this.mLeftToLeft != null && this.mLeftToRight != null) { arrayList.add("LeftToLeft and LeftToRight both defined"); } if (this.mRightToLeft != null && this.mRightToRight != null) { arrayList.add("RightToLeft and RightToRight both defined"); } if (this.mStartToStart != null && this.mStartToEnd != null) { arrayList.add("StartToStart and StartToEnd both defined"); } if (this.mEndToStart != null && this.mEndToEnd != null) { arrayList.add("EndToStart and EndToEnd both defined"); } if ((this.mLeftToLeft != null || this.mLeftToRight != null || this.mRightToLeft != null || this.mRightToRight != null) && (this.mStartToStart != null || this.mStartToEnd != null || this.mEndToStart != null || this.mEndToEnd != null)) { arrayList.add("Both left/right and start/end constraints defined"); } if (arrayList.size() > 0) { throw new IncorrectConstraintException(arrayList); } } private Object get(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } return !(obj instanceof ConstraintReference) ? this.mState.reference(obj) : obj; } public ConstraintReference(State state) { this.mState = state; } public ConstraintReference clearVertical() { top().clear(); baseline().clear(); bottom().clear(); return this; } public ConstraintReference clearHorizontal() { start().clear(); end().clear(); left().clear(); right().clear(); return this; } public ConstraintReference left() { if (this.mLeftToLeft != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_LEFT; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } return this; } public ConstraintReference right() { if (this.mRightToLeft != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_RIGHT; } return this; } public ConstraintReference start() { if (this.mStartToStart != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.START_TO_START; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.START_TO_END; } return this; } public ConstraintReference end() { if (this.mEndToStart != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.END_TO_START; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.END_TO_END; } return this; } public ConstraintReference top() { if (this.mTopToTop != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.TOP_TO_TOP; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; } return this; } public ConstraintReference bottom() { if (this.mBottomToTop != null) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_TOP; } else { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM; } return this; } public ConstraintReference baseline() { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BASELINE_TO_BASELINE; return this; } private void dereference() { this.mLeftToLeft = get(this.mLeftToLeft); this.mLeftToRight = get(this.mLeftToRight); this.mRightToLeft = get(this.mRightToLeft); this.mRightToRight = get(this.mRightToRight); this.mStartToStart = get(this.mStartToStart); this.mStartToEnd = get(this.mStartToEnd); this.mEndToStart = get(this.mEndToStart); this.mEndToEnd = get(this.mEndToEnd); this.mTopToTop = get(this.mTopToTop); this.mTopToBottom = get(this.mTopToBottom); this.mBottomToTop = get(this.mBottomToTop); this.mBottomToBottom = get(this.mBottomToBottom); this.mBaselineToBaseline = get(this.mBaselineToBaseline); } public ConstraintReference leftToLeft(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_LEFT; this.mLeftToLeft = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference leftToRight(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_RIGHT; this.mLeftToRight = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference rightToLeft(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_LEFT; this.mRightToLeft = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference rightToRight(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_RIGHT; this.mRightToRight = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference startToStart(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.START_TO_START; this.mStartToStart = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference startToEnd(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.START_TO_END; this.mStartToEnd = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference endToStart(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.END_TO_START; this.mEndToStart = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference endToEnd(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.END_TO_END; this.mEndToEnd = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference topToTop(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.TOP_TO_TOP; this.mTopToTop = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference topToBottom(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.TOP_TO_BOTTOM; this.mTopToBottom = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference bottomToTop(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_TOP; this.mBottomToTop = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference bottomToBottom(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM; this.mBottomToBottom = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference baselineToBaseline(Object obj) { this.mLast = State.Constraint.BASELINE_TO_BASELINE; this.mBaselineToBaseline = obj; return this; } public ConstraintReference centerHorizontally(Object obj) { Object obj2 = get(obj); this.mStartToStart = obj2; this.mEndToEnd = obj2; this.mLast = State.Constraint.CENTER_HORIZONTALLY; this.mHorizontalBias = 0.5f; return this; } public ConstraintReference centerVertically(Object obj) { Object obj2 = get(obj); this.mTopToTop = obj2; this.mBottomToBottom = obj2; this.mLast = State.Constraint.CENTER_VERTICALLY; this.mVerticalBias = 0.5f; return this; } public ConstraintReference width(Dimension dimension) { return setWidth(dimension); } public ConstraintReference height(Dimension dimension) { return setHeight(dimension); } public ConstraintReference margin(Object obj) { return margin(this.mState.convertDimension(obj)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.ConstraintReference$1, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass1 { static final /* synthetic */ int[] $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint; static { int[] iArr = new int[State.Constraint.values().length]; $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint = iArr; try { iArr[State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_LEFT.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_RIGHT.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_LEFT.ordinal()] = 3; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused3) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_RIGHT.ordinal()] = 4; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused4) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.START_TO_START.ordinal()] = 5; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused5) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.START_TO_END.ordinal()] = 6; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused6) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.END_TO_START.ordinal()] = 7; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused7) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.END_TO_END.ordinal()] = 8; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused8) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.TOP_TO_TOP.ordinal()] = 9; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused9) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.TOP_TO_BOTTOM.ordinal()] = 10; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused10) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_TOP.ordinal()] = 11; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused11) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM.ordinal()] = 12; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused12) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.BASELINE_TO_BASELINE.ordinal()] = 13; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused13) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.CENTER_HORIZONTALLY.ordinal()] = 14; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused14) { } try { $SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[State.Constraint.CENTER_VERTICALLY.ordinal()] = 15; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused15) { } } } /* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ public ConstraintReference margin(int i) { if (this.mLast != null) { switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[this.mLast.ordinal()]) { case 1: case 2: this.mMarginLeft = i; break; case 3: case 4: this.mMarginRight = i; break; case 5: case 6: this.mMarginStart = i; break; case 7: case 8: this.mMarginEnd = i; break; case 9: case 10: this.mMarginTop = i; break; case 11: case 12: this.mMarginBottom = i; break; } } else { this.mMarginLeft = i; this.mMarginRight = i; this.mMarginStart = i; this.mMarginEnd = i; this.mMarginTop = i; this.mMarginBottom = i; } return this; } /* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ public ConstraintReference marginGone(int i) { if (this.mLast != null) { switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[this.mLast.ordinal()]) { case 1: case 2: this.mMarginLeftGone = i; break; case 3: case 4: this.mMarginRightGone = i; break; case 5: case 6: this.mMarginStartGone = i; break; case 7: case 8: this.mMarginEndGone = i; break; case 9: case 10: this.mMarginTopGone = i; break; case 11: case 12: this.mMarginBottomGone = i; break; } } else { this.mMarginLeftGone = i; this.mMarginRightGone = i; this.mMarginStartGone = i; this.mMarginEndGone = i; this.mMarginTopGone = i; this.mMarginBottomGone = i; } return this; } public ConstraintReference bias(float f) { if (this.mLast == null) { return this; } switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[this.mLast.ordinal()]) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 14: this.mHorizontalBias = f; break; case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 15: this.mVerticalBias = f; break; } return this; } /* JADX WARN: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */ public ConstraintReference clear() { if (this.mLast != null) { switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[this.mLast.ordinal()]) { case 1: case 2: this.mLeftToLeft = null; this.mLeftToRight = null; this.mMarginLeft = 0; this.mMarginLeftGone = 0; break; case 3: case 4: this.mRightToLeft = null; this.mRightToRight = null; this.mMarginRight = 0; this.mMarginRightGone = 0; break; case 5: case 6: this.mStartToStart = null; this.mStartToEnd = null; this.mMarginStart = 0; this.mMarginStartGone = 0; break; case 7: case 8: this.mEndToStart = null; this.mEndToEnd = null; this.mMarginEnd = 0; this.mMarginEndGone = 0; break; case 9: case 10: this.mTopToTop = null; this.mTopToBottom = null; this.mMarginTop = 0; this.mMarginTopGone = 0; break; case 11: case 12: this.mBottomToTop = null; this.mBottomToBottom = null; this.mMarginBottom = 0; this.mMarginBottomGone = 0; break; case 13: this.mBaselineToBaseline = null; break; } } else { this.mLeftToLeft = null; this.mLeftToRight = null; this.mMarginLeft = 0; this.mRightToLeft = null; this.mRightToRight = null; this.mMarginRight = 0; this.mStartToStart = null; this.mStartToEnd = null; this.mMarginStart = 0; this.mEndToStart = null; this.mEndToEnd = null; this.mMarginEnd = 0; this.mTopToTop = null; this.mTopToBottom = null; this.mMarginTop = 0; this.mBottomToTop = null; this.mBottomToBottom = null; this.mMarginBottom = 0; this.mBaselineToBaseline = null; this.mHorizontalBias = 0.5f; this.mVerticalBias = 0.5f; this.mMarginLeftGone = 0; this.mMarginRightGone = 0; this.mMarginStartGone = 0; this.mMarginEndGone = 0; this.mMarginTopGone = 0; this.mMarginBottomGone = 0; } return this; } private ConstraintWidget getTarget(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Reference) { return ((Reference) obj).getConstraintWidget(); } return null; } private void applyConnection(ConstraintWidget constraintWidget, Object obj, State.Constraint constraint) { ConstraintWidget target = getTarget(obj); if (target == null) { return; } int i = AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[constraint.ordinal()]; switch (AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$androidx$constraintlayout$solver$state$State$Constraint[constraint.ordinal()]) { case 1: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT), this.mMarginLeft, this.mMarginLeftGone, false); return; case 2: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT), this.mMarginLeft, this.mMarginLeftGone, false); return; case 3: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT), this.mMarginRight, this.mMarginRightGone, false); return; case 4: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT), this.mMarginRight, this.mMarginRightGone, false); return; case 5: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT), this.mMarginStart, this.mMarginStartGone, false); return; case 6: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT), this.mMarginStart, this.mMarginStartGone, false); return; case 7: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.LEFT), this.mMarginEnd, this.mMarginEndGone, false); return; case 8: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.RIGHT), this.mMarginEnd, this.mMarginEndGone, false); return; case 9: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.TOP).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.TOP), this.mMarginTop, this.mMarginTopGone, false); return; case 10: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.TOP).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.BOTTOM), this.mMarginTop, this.mMarginTopGone, false); return; case 11: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.BOTTOM).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.TOP), this.mMarginBottom, this.mMarginBottomGone, false); return; case 12: constraintWidget.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.BOTTOM).connect(target.getAnchor(ConstraintAnchor.Type.BOTTOM), this.mMarginBottom, this.mMarginBottomGone, false); return; case 13: constraintWidget.immediateConnect(ConstraintAnchor.Type.BASELINE, target, ConstraintAnchor.Type.BASELINE, 0, 0); return; default: return; } } @Override // androidx.constraintlayout.solver.state.Reference public void apply() { ConstraintWidget constraintWidget = this.mConstraintWidget; if (constraintWidget == null) { return; } this.mHorizontalDimension.apply(this.mState, constraintWidget, 0); this.mVerticalDimension.apply(this.mState, this.mConstraintWidget, 1); dereference(); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mLeftToLeft, State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_LEFT); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mLeftToRight, State.Constraint.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mRightToLeft, State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_LEFT); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mRightToRight, State.Constraint.RIGHT_TO_RIGHT); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mStartToStart, State.Constraint.START_TO_START); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mStartToEnd, State.Constraint.START_TO_END); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mEndToStart, State.Constraint.END_TO_START); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mEndToEnd, State.Constraint.END_TO_END); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mTopToTop, State.Constraint.TOP_TO_TOP); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mTopToBottom, State.Constraint.TOP_TO_BOTTOM); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mBottomToTop, State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_TOP); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mBottomToBottom, State.Constraint.BOTTOM_TO_BOTTOM); applyConnection(this.mConstraintWidget, this.mBaselineToBaseline, State.Constraint.BASELINE_TO_BASELINE); int i = this.mHorizontalChainStyle; if (i != 0) { this.mConstraintWidget.setHorizontalChainStyle(i); } int i2 = this.mVerticalChainStyle; if (i2 != 0) { this.mConstraintWidget.setVerticalChainStyle(i2); } this.mConstraintWidget.setHorizontalBiasPercent(this.mHorizontalBias); this.mConstraintWidget.setVerticalBiasPercent(this.mVerticalBias); } }