package androidx.media3.common.util; import android.content.Context; import android.opengl.GLES20; import androidx.media3.common.util.GlUtil; import; import; import java.nio.Buffer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class GlProgram { private static final int GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_2D_Y2Y_EXT = 35815; private final Map attributeByName; private final Attribute[] attributes; private final int programId; private final Map uniformByName; private final Uniform[] uniforms; public GlProgram(Context context, String str, String str2) throws IOException, GlUtil.GlException { this(loadAsset(context, str), loadAsset(context, str2)); } private static String loadAsset(Context context, String str) throws IOException { InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = context.getAssets().open(str); return Util.fromUtf8Bytes(Util.toByteArray(inputStream)); } finally { Util.closeQuietly(inputStream); } } public GlProgram(String str, String str2) throws GlUtil.GlException { int glCreateProgram = GLES20.glCreateProgram(); this.programId = glCreateProgram; GlUtil.checkGlError(); addShader(glCreateProgram, 35633, str); addShader(glCreateProgram, 35632, str2); GLES20.glLinkProgram(glCreateProgram); int[] iArr = {0}; GLES20.glGetProgramiv(glCreateProgram, 35714, iArr, 0); GlUtil.checkGlException(iArr[0] == 1, "Unable to link shader program: \n" + GLES20.glGetProgramInfoLog(glCreateProgram)); GLES20.glUseProgram(glCreateProgram); this.attributeByName = new HashMap(); int[] iArr2 = new int[1]; GLES20.glGetProgramiv(glCreateProgram, 35721, iArr2, 0); this.attributes = new Attribute[iArr2[0]]; for (int i = 0; i < iArr2[0]; i++) { Attribute create = Attribute.create(this.programId, i); this.attributes[i] = create; this.attributeByName.put(, create); } this.uniformByName = new HashMap(); int[] iArr3 = new int[1]; GLES20.glGetProgramiv(this.programId, 35718, iArr3, 0); this.uniforms = new Uniform[iArr3[0]]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < iArr3[0]; i2++) { Uniform create2 = Uniform.create(this.programId, i2); this.uniforms[i2] = create2; this.uniformByName.put(, create2); } GlUtil.checkGlError(); } private static void addShader(int i, int i2, String str) throws GlUtil.GlException { int glCreateShader = GLES20.glCreateShader(i2); GLES20.glShaderSource(glCreateShader, str); GLES20.glCompileShader(glCreateShader); int[] iArr = {0}; GLES20.glGetShaderiv(glCreateShader, 35713, iArr, 0); GlUtil.checkGlException(iArr[0] == 1, GLES20.glGetShaderInfoLog(glCreateShader) + ", source: " + str); GLES20.glAttachShader(i, glCreateShader); GLES20.glDeleteShader(glCreateShader); GlUtil.checkGlError(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static int getAttributeLocation(int i, String str) { return GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(i, str); } private int getAttributeLocation(String str) { return getAttributeLocation(this.programId, str); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static int getUniformLocation(int i, String str) { return GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(i, str); } public int getUniformLocation(String str) { return getUniformLocation(this.programId, str); } public void use() throws GlUtil.GlException { GLES20.glUseProgram(this.programId); GlUtil.checkGlError(); } public void delete() throws GlUtil.GlException { GLES20.glDeleteProgram(this.programId); GlUtil.checkGlError(); } public int getAttributeArrayLocationAndEnable(String str) throws GlUtil.GlException { int attributeLocation = getAttributeLocation(str); GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(attributeLocation); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return attributeLocation; } public void setBufferAttribute(String str, float[] fArr, int i) { ((Attribute) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.attributeByName.get(str))).setBuffer(fArr, i); } public void setSamplerTexIdUniform(String str, int i, int i2) { ((Uniform) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.uniformByName.get(str))).setSamplerTexId(i, i2); } public void setIntUniform(String str, int i) { ((Uniform) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.uniformByName.get(str))).setInt(i); } public void setFloatUniform(String str, float f) { ((Uniform) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.uniformByName.get(str))).setFloat(f); } public void setFloatsUniform(String str, float[] fArr) { ((Uniform) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.uniformByName.get(str))).setFloats(fArr); } public void bindAttributesAndUniforms() throws GlUtil.GlException { for (Attribute attribute : this.attributes) { attribute.bind(); } for (Uniform uniform : this.uniforms) { uniform.bind(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static int getCStringLength(byte[] bArr) { for (int i = 0; i < bArr.length; i++) { if (bArr[i] == 0) { return i; } } return bArr.length; } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ private static final class Attribute { private Buffer buffer; private final int index; private final int location; public final String name; private int size; public static Attribute create(int i, int i2) { int[] iArr = new int[1]; GLES20.glGetProgramiv(i, 35722, iArr, 0); int i3 = iArr[0]; byte[] bArr = new byte[i3]; GLES20.glGetActiveAttrib(i, i2, i3, new int[1], 0, new int[1], 0, new int[1], 0, bArr, 0); String str = new String(bArr, 0, GlProgram.getCStringLength(bArr)); return new Attribute(str, i2, GlProgram.getAttributeLocation(i, str)); } private Attribute(String str, int i, int i2) { = str; this.index = i; this.location = i2; } public void setBuffer(float[] fArr, int i) { this.buffer = GlUtil.createBuffer(fArr); this.size = i; } public void bind() throws GlUtil.GlException { Buffer buffer = (Buffer) Assertions.checkNotNull(this.buffer, "call setBuffer before bind"); GLES20.glBindBuffer(34962, 0); GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(this.location, this.size, 5126, false, 0, buffer); GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(this.index); GlUtil.checkGlError(); } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ private static final class Uniform { private final float[] floatValue = new float[16]; private int intValue; private final int location; public final String name; private int texIdValue; private int texUnitIndex; private final int type; public void setInt(int i) { this.intValue = i; } public void setSamplerTexId(int i, int i2) { this.texIdValue = i; this.texUnitIndex = i2; } public static Uniform create(int i, int i2) { int[] iArr = new int[1]; GLES20.glGetProgramiv(i, 35719, iArr, 0); int[] iArr2 = new int[1]; int i3 = iArr[0]; byte[] bArr = new byte[i3]; GLES20.glGetActiveUniform(i, i2, i3, new int[1], 0, new int[1], 0, iArr2, 0, bArr, 0); String str = new String(bArr, 0, GlProgram.getCStringLength(bArr)); return new Uniform(str, GlProgram.getUniformLocation(i, str), iArr2[0]); } private Uniform(String str, int i, int i2) { = str; this.location = i; this.type = i2; } public void setFloat(float f) { this.floatValue[0] = f; } public void setFloats(float[] fArr) { System.arraycopy(fArr, 0, this.floatValue, 0, fArr.length); } public void bind() throws GlUtil.GlException { switch (this.type) { case 5124: GLES20.glUniform1i(this.location, this.intValue); return; case 5126: GLES20.glUniform1fv(this.location, 1, this.floatValue, 0); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; case 35664: GLES20.glUniform2fv(this.location, 1, this.floatValue, 0); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; case 35665: GLES20.glUniform3fv(this.location, 1, this.floatValue, 0); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; case 35675: GLES20.glUniformMatrix3fv(this.location, 1, false, this.floatValue, 0); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; case 35676: GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(this.location, 1, false, this.floatValue, 0); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; case 35678: case GlProgram.GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_2D_Y2Y_EXT /* 35815 */: case 36198: if (this.texIdValue == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("No call to setSamplerTexId() before bind."); } GLES20.glActiveTexture(this.texUnitIndex + 33984); GlUtil.checkGlError(); GlUtil.bindTexture(this.type == 35678 ? 3553 : 36197, this.texIdValue); GLES20.glUniform1i(this.location, this.texUnitIndex); GlUtil.checkGlError(); return; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected uniform type: " + this.type); } } } }