package io.sentry; import io.sentry.backpressure.IBackpressureMonitor; import io.sentry.backpressure.NoOpBackpressureMonitor; import io.sentry.cache.IEnvelopeCache; import io.sentry.clientreport.ClientReportRecorder; import io.sentry.clientreport.IClientReportRecorder; import io.sentry.clientreport.NoOpClientReportRecorder; import io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.IDebugMetaLoader; import io.sentry.internal.debugmeta.NoOpDebugMetaLoader; import io.sentry.internal.gestures.GestureTargetLocator; import io.sentry.internal.modules.IModulesLoader; import io.sentry.internal.modules.NoOpModulesLoader; import io.sentry.internal.viewhierarchy.ViewHierarchyExporter; import io.sentry.protocol.SdkVersion; import io.sentry.protocol.SentryTransaction; import io.sentry.transport.ITransportGate; import io.sentry.transport.NoOpEnvelopeCache; import io.sentry.transport.NoOpTransportGate; import io.sentry.util.Platform; import io.sentry.util.SampleRateUtils; import io.sentry.util.StringUtils; import io.sentry.util.thread.IMainThreadChecker; import io.sentry.util.thread.NoOpMainThreadChecker; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class SentryOptions { static final SentryLevel DEFAULT_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL = SentryLevel.DEBUG; private static final String DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = "production"; public static final String DEFAULT_PROPAGATION_TARGETS = ".*"; private boolean attachServerName; private boolean attachStacktrace; private boolean attachThreads; private IBackpressureMonitor backpressureMonitor; private BeforeBreadcrumbCallback beforeBreadcrumb; private BeforeEmitMetricCallback beforeEmitMetricCallback; private BeforeEnvelopeCallback beforeEnvelopeCallback; private BeforeSendCallback beforeSend; private BeforeSendTransactionCallback beforeSendTransaction; private final Set bundleIds; private String cacheDirPath; IClientReportRecorder clientReportRecorder; private IConnectionStatusProvider connectionStatusProvider; private int connectionTimeoutMillis; private final List contextTags; private Cron cron; private SentryDateProvider dateProvider; private boolean debug; private IDebugMetaLoader debugMetaLoader; private final List defaultTracePropagationTargets; private SentryLevel diagnosticLevel; private String dist; private String distinctId; private String dsn; private String dsnHash; private boolean enableAppStartProfiling; private boolean enableAutoSessionTracking; private boolean enableBackpressureHandling; private boolean enableDeduplication; private boolean enableDefaultTagsForMetrics; private boolean enableExternalConfiguration; private boolean enableMetrics; private boolean enablePrettySerializationOutput; private boolean enableScopePersistence; private boolean enableShutdownHook; private boolean enableSpanLocalMetricAggregation; private boolean enableSpotlight; private boolean enableTimeToFullDisplayTracing; private Boolean enableTracing; private boolean enableUncaughtExceptionHandler; private boolean enableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs; private boolean enableUserInteractionTracing; private boolean enabled; private IEnvelopeCache envelopeDiskCache; private IEnvelopeReader envelopeReader; private String environment; private final List eventProcessors; private ISentryExecutorService executorService; private long flushTimeoutMillis; private final FullyDisplayedReporter fullyDisplayedReporter; private final List gestureTargetLocators; private Long idleTimeout; private List ignoredCheckIns; private final Set> ignoredExceptionsForType; private final List inAppExcludes; private final List inAppIncludes; private Instrumenter instrumenter; private final List integrations; private ILogger logger; private IMainThreadChecker mainThreadChecker; private long maxAttachmentSize; private int maxBreadcrumbs; private int maxCacheItems; private int maxDepth; private int maxQueueSize; private RequestSize maxRequestBodySize; private int maxSpans; private long maxTraceFileSize; private IModulesLoader modulesLoader; private final List observers; private final List optionsObservers; private final List performanceCollectors; private boolean printUncaughtStackTrace; private Double profilesSampleRate; private ProfilesSamplerCallback profilesSampler; private int profilingTracesHz; private String proguardUuid; private Proxy proxy; private int readTimeoutMillis; private String release; private Double sampleRate; private SdkVersion sdkVersion; private boolean sendClientReports; private boolean sendDefaultPii; private boolean sendModules; private String sentryClientName; private ISerializer serializer; private String serverName; private long sessionFlushTimeoutMillis; private long sessionTrackingIntervalMillis; private long shutdownTimeoutMillis; private String spotlightConnectionUrl; private SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory; private final Map tags; private boolean traceOptionsRequests; private List tracePropagationTargets; private boolean traceSampling; private Double tracesSampleRate; private TracesSamplerCallback tracesSampler; private TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector; private ITransactionProfiler transactionProfiler; private ITransportFactory transportFactory; private ITransportGate transportGate; private final List viewHierarchyExporters; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface BeforeBreadcrumbCallback { Breadcrumb execute(Breadcrumb breadcrumb, Hint hint); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface BeforeEmitMetricCallback { boolean execute(String str, Map map); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface BeforeEnvelopeCallback { void execute(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope, Hint hint); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface BeforeSendCallback { SentryEvent execute(SentryEvent sentryEvent, Hint hint); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface BeforeSendTransactionCallback { SentryTransaction execute(SentryTransaction sentryTransaction, Hint hint); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Cron { private Long defaultCheckinMargin; private Long defaultFailureIssueThreshold; private Long defaultMaxRuntime; private Long defaultRecoveryThreshold; private String defaultTimezone; public Long getDefaultCheckinMargin() { return this.defaultCheckinMargin; } public Long getDefaultFailureIssueThreshold() { return this.defaultFailureIssueThreshold; } public Long getDefaultMaxRuntime() { return this.defaultMaxRuntime; } public Long getDefaultRecoveryThreshold() { return this.defaultRecoveryThreshold; } public String getDefaultTimezone() { return this.defaultTimezone; } public void setDefaultCheckinMargin(Long l) { this.defaultCheckinMargin = l; } public void setDefaultFailureIssueThreshold(Long l) { this.defaultFailureIssueThreshold = l; } public void setDefaultMaxRuntime(Long l) { this.defaultMaxRuntime = l; } public void setDefaultRecoveryThreshold(Long l) { this.defaultRecoveryThreshold = l; } public void setDefaultTimezone(String str) { this.defaultTimezone = str; } } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface ProfilesSamplerCallback { Double sample(SamplingContext samplingContext); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public enum RequestSize { NONE, SMALL, MEDIUM, ALWAYS } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public interface TracesSamplerCallback { Double sample(SamplingContext samplingContext); } public IBackpressureMonitor getBackpressureMonitor() { return this.backpressureMonitor; } public BeforeBreadcrumbCallback getBeforeBreadcrumb() { return this.beforeBreadcrumb; } public BeforeEmitMetricCallback getBeforeEmitMetricCallback() { return this.beforeEmitMetricCallback; } public BeforeEnvelopeCallback getBeforeEnvelopeCallback() { return this.beforeEnvelopeCallback; } public BeforeSendCallback getBeforeSend() { return this.beforeSend; } public BeforeSendTransactionCallback getBeforeSendTransaction() { return this.beforeSendTransaction; } public Set getBundleIds() { return this.bundleIds; } public IClientReportRecorder getClientReportRecorder() { return this.clientReportRecorder; } public IConnectionStatusProvider getConnectionStatusProvider() { return this.connectionStatusProvider; } public int getConnectionTimeoutMillis() { return this.connectionTimeoutMillis; } public List getContextTags() { return this.contextTags; } public Cron getCron() { return this.cron; } public SentryDateProvider getDateProvider() { return this.dateProvider; } public IDebugMetaLoader getDebugMetaLoader() { return this.debugMetaLoader; } public SentryLevel getDiagnosticLevel() { return this.diagnosticLevel; } public String getDist() { return this.dist; } public String getDistinctId() { return this.distinctId; } public String getDsn() { return this.dsn; } public Boolean getEnableTracing() { return this.enableTracing; } public IEnvelopeCache getEnvelopeDiskCache() { return this.envelopeDiskCache; } public IEnvelopeReader getEnvelopeReader() { return this.envelopeReader; } public String getEnvironment() { String str = this.environment; return str != null ? str : DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT; } public List getEventProcessors() { return this.eventProcessors; } public ISentryExecutorService getExecutorService() { return this.executorService; } public long getFlushTimeoutMillis() { return this.flushTimeoutMillis; } public FullyDisplayedReporter getFullyDisplayedReporter() { return this.fullyDisplayedReporter; } public List getGestureTargetLocators() { return this.gestureTargetLocators; } public Long getIdleTimeout() { return this.idleTimeout; } public List getIgnoredCheckIns() { return this.ignoredCheckIns; } public Set> getIgnoredExceptionsForType() { return this.ignoredExceptionsForType; } public List getInAppExcludes() { return this.inAppExcludes; } public List getInAppIncludes() { return this.inAppIncludes; } public Instrumenter getInstrumenter() { return this.instrumenter; } public List getIntegrations() { return this.integrations; } public ILogger getLogger() { return this.logger; } public IMainThreadChecker getMainThreadChecker() { return this.mainThreadChecker; } public long getMaxAttachmentSize() { return this.maxAttachmentSize; } public int getMaxBreadcrumbs() { return this.maxBreadcrumbs; } public int getMaxCacheItems() { return this.maxCacheItems; } public int getMaxDepth() { return this.maxDepth; } public int getMaxQueueSize() { return this.maxQueueSize; } public RequestSize getMaxRequestBodySize() { return this.maxRequestBodySize; } public int getMaxSpans() { return this.maxSpans; } public long getMaxTraceFileSize() { return this.maxTraceFileSize; } public IModulesLoader getModulesLoader() { return this.modulesLoader; } public List getOptionsObservers() { return this.optionsObservers; } public List getPerformanceCollectors() { return this.performanceCollectors; } public Double getProfilesSampleRate() { return this.profilesSampleRate; } public ProfilesSamplerCallback getProfilesSampler() { return this.profilesSampler; } public int getProfilingTracesHz() { return this.profilingTracesHz; } public String getProguardUuid() { return this.proguardUuid; } public Proxy getProxy() { return this.proxy; } public int getReadTimeoutMillis() { return this.readTimeoutMillis; } public String getRelease() { return this.release; } public Double getSampleRate() { return this.sampleRate; } public List getScopeObservers() { return this.observers; } public SdkVersion getSdkVersion() { return this.sdkVersion; } public String getSentryClientName() { return this.sentryClientName; } public ISerializer getSerializer() { return this.serializer; } public String getServerName() { return this.serverName; } public long getSessionFlushTimeoutMillis() { return this.sessionFlushTimeoutMillis; } public long getSessionTrackingIntervalMillis() { return this.sessionTrackingIntervalMillis; } @Deprecated public long getShutdownTimeout() { return this.shutdownTimeoutMillis; } public long getShutdownTimeoutMillis() { return this.shutdownTimeoutMillis; } public String getSpotlightConnectionUrl() { return this.spotlightConnectionUrl; } public SSLSocketFactory getSslSocketFactory() { return this.sslSocketFactory; } public Map getTags() { return this.tags; } public List getTracePropagationTargets() { List list = this.tracePropagationTargets; return list == null ? this.defaultTracePropagationTargets : list; } public Double getTracesSampleRate() { return this.tracesSampleRate; } public TracesSamplerCallback getTracesSampler() { return this.tracesSampler; } public TransactionPerformanceCollector getTransactionPerformanceCollector() { return this.transactionPerformanceCollector; } public ITransactionProfiler getTransactionProfiler() { return this.transactionProfiler; } public ITransportFactory getTransportFactory() { return this.transportFactory; } public ITransportGate getTransportGate() { return this.transportGate; } public final List getViewHierarchyExporters() { return this.viewHierarchyExporters; } public boolean isAttachServerName() { return this.attachServerName; } public boolean isAttachStacktrace() { return this.attachStacktrace; } public boolean isAttachThreads() { return this.attachThreads; } public boolean isDebug() { return this.debug; } public boolean isEnableAutoSessionTracking() { return this.enableAutoSessionTracking; } public boolean isEnableBackpressureHandling() { return this.enableBackpressureHandling; } public boolean isEnableDeduplication() { return this.enableDeduplication; } public boolean isEnableExternalConfiguration() { return this.enableExternalConfiguration; } public boolean isEnableMetrics() { return this.enableMetrics; } public boolean isEnablePrettySerializationOutput() { return this.enablePrettySerializationOutput; } public boolean isEnableScopePersistence() { return this.enableScopePersistence; } public boolean isEnableShutdownHook() { return this.enableShutdownHook; } public boolean isEnableSpotlight() { return this.enableSpotlight; } public boolean isEnableTimeToFullDisplayTracing() { return this.enableTimeToFullDisplayTracing; } public boolean isEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler() { return this.enableUncaughtExceptionHandler; } public boolean isEnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs() { return this.enableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs; } public boolean isEnableUserInteractionTracing() { return this.enableUserInteractionTracing; } public boolean isEnabled() { return this.enabled; } public boolean isPrintUncaughtStackTrace() { return this.printUncaughtStackTrace; } public boolean isSendClientReports() { return this.sendClientReports; } public boolean isSendDefaultPii() { return this.sendDefaultPii; } public boolean isSendModules() { return this.sendModules; } public boolean isTraceOptionsRequests() { return this.traceOptionsRequests; } public boolean isTraceSampling() { return this.traceSampling; } public void setAttachServerName(boolean z) { this.attachServerName = z; } public void setAttachStacktrace(boolean z) { this.attachStacktrace = z; } public void setAttachThreads(boolean z) { this.attachThreads = z; } public void setBackpressureMonitor(IBackpressureMonitor iBackpressureMonitor) { this.backpressureMonitor = iBackpressureMonitor; } public void setBeforeBreadcrumb(BeforeBreadcrumbCallback beforeBreadcrumbCallback) { this.beforeBreadcrumb = beforeBreadcrumbCallback; } public void setBeforeEmitMetricCallback(BeforeEmitMetricCallback beforeEmitMetricCallback) { this.beforeEmitMetricCallback = beforeEmitMetricCallback; } public void setBeforeEnvelopeCallback(BeforeEnvelopeCallback beforeEnvelopeCallback) { this.beforeEnvelopeCallback = beforeEnvelopeCallback; } public void setBeforeSend(BeforeSendCallback beforeSendCallback) { this.beforeSend = beforeSendCallback; } public void setBeforeSendTransaction(BeforeSendTransactionCallback beforeSendTransactionCallback) { this.beforeSendTransaction = beforeSendTransactionCallback; } public void setCacheDirPath(String str) { this.cacheDirPath = str; } public void setConnectionStatusProvider(IConnectionStatusProvider iConnectionStatusProvider) { this.connectionStatusProvider = iConnectionStatusProvider; } public void setConnectionTimeoutMillis(int i) { this.connectionTimeoutMillis = i; } public void setCron(Cron cron) { this.cron = cron; } public void setDateProvider(SentryDateProvider sentryDateProvider) { this.dateProvider = sentryDateProvider; } public void setDebug(boolean z) { this.debug = z; } public void setDiagnosticLevel(SentryLevel sentryLevel) { if (sentryLevel == null) { sentryLevel = DEFAULT_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL; } this.diagnosticLevel = sentryLevel; } public void setDist(String str) { this.dist = str; } public void setDistinctId(String str) { this.distinctId = str; } public void setEnableAppStartProfiling(boolean z) { this.enableAppStartProfiling = z; } public void setEnableAutoSessionTracking(boolean z) { this.enableAutoSessionTracking = z; } public void setEnableBackpressureHandling(boolean z) { this.enableBackpressureHandling = z; } public void setEnableDeduplication(boolean z) { this.enableDeduplication = z; } public void setEnableDefaultTagsForMetrics(boolean z) { this.enableDefaultTagsForMetrics = z; } public void setEnableExternalConfiguration(boolean z) { this.enableExternalConfiguration = z; } public void setEnableMetrics(boolean z) { this.enableMetrics = z; } public void setEnablePrettySerializationOutput(boolean z) { this.enablePrettySerializationOutput = z; } public void setEnableScopePersistence(boolean z) { this.enableScopePersistence = z; } public void setEnableShutdownHook(boolean z) { this.enableShutdownHook = z; } public void setEnableSpanLocalMetricAggregation(boolean z) { this.enableSpanLocalMetricAggregation = z; } public void setEnableSpotlight(boolean z) { this.enableSpotlight = z; } public void setEnableTimeToFullDisplayTracing(boolean z) { this.enableTimeToFullDisplayTracing = z; } public void setEnableTracing(Boolean bool) { this.enableTracing = bool; } public void setEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler(boolean z) { this.enableUncaughtExceptionHandler = z; } public void setEnableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs(boolean z) { this.enableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs = z; } public void setEnableUserInteractionTracing(boolean z) { this.enableUserInteractionTracing = z; } public void setEnabled(boolean z) { this.enabled = z; } public void setEnvironment(String str) { this.environment = str; } public void setExecutorService(ISentryExecutorService iSentryExecutorService) { if (iSentryExecutorService != null) { this.executorService = iSentryExecutorService; } } public void setFlushTimeoutMillis(long j) { this.flushTimeoutMillis = j; } public void setIdleTimeout(Long l) { this.idleTimeout = l; } public void setInstrumenter(Instrumenter instrumenter) { this.instrumenter = instrumenter; } public void setMainThreadChecker(IMainThreadChecker iMainThreadChecker) { this.mainThreadChecker = iMainThreadChecker; } public void setMaxAttachmentSize(long j) { this.maxAttachmentSize = j; } public void setMaxBreadcrumbs(int i) { this.maxBreadcrumbs = i; } public void setMaxCacheItems(int i) { this.maxCacheItems = i; } public void setMaxDepth(int i) { this.maxDepth = i; } public void setMaxQueueSize(int i) { if (i > 0) { this.maxQueueSize = i; } } public void setMaxRequestBodySize(RequestSize requestSize) { this.maxRequestBodySize = requestSize; } public void setMaxSpans(int i) { this.maxSpans = i; } public void setMaxTraceFileSize(long j) { this.maxTraceFileSize = j; } public void setPrintUncaughtStackTrace(boolean z) { this.printUncaughtStackTrace = z; } public void setProfilesSampler(ProfilesSamplerCallback profilesSamplerCallback) { this.profilesSampler = profilesSamplerCallback; } public void setProfilingTracesHz(int i) { this.profilingTracesHz = i; } public void setProguardUuid(String str) { this.proguardUuid = str; } public void setProxy(Proxy proxy) { this.proxy = proxy; } public void setReadTimeoutMillis(int i) { this.readTimeoutMillis = i; } public void setRelease(String str) { this.release = str; } public void setSdkVersion(SdkVersion sdkVersion) { this.sdkVersion = sdkVersion; } public void setSendDefaultPii(boolean z) { this.sendDefaultPii = z; } public void setSendModules(boolean z) { this.sendModules = z; } public void setSentryClientName(String str) { this.sentryClientName = str; } public void setServerName(String str) { this.serverName = str; } public void setSessionFlushTimeoutMillis(long j) { this.sessionFlushTimeoutMillis = j; } public void setSessionTrackingIntervalMillis(long j) { this.sessionTrackingIntervalMillis = j; } @Deprecated public void setShutdownTimeout(long j) { this.shutdownTimeoutMillis = j; } public void setShutdownTimeoutMillis(long j) { this.shutdownTimeoutMillis = j; } public void setSpotlightConnectionUrl(String str) { this.spotlightConnectionUrl = str; } public void setSslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sSLSocketFactory) { this.sslSocketFactory = sSLSocketFactory; } public void setTraceOptionsRequests(boolean z) { this.traceOptionsRequests = z; } @Deprecated public void setTraceSampling(boolean z) { this.traceSampling = z; } public void setTracesSampler(TracesSamplerCallback tracesSamplerCallback) { this.tracesSampler = tracesSamplerCallback; } public void setTransactionPerformanceCollector(TransactionPerformanceCollector transactionPerformanceCollector) { this.transactionPerformanceCollector = transactionPerformanceCollector; } public void addEventProcessor(EventProcessor eventProcessor) { this.eventProcessors.add(eventProcessor); } public void addIntegration(Integration integration) { this.integrations.add(integration); } public void setDsn(String str) { this.dsn = str; this.dsnHash = StringUtils.calculateStringHash(str, this.logger); } public void setLogger(ILogger iLogger) { this.logger = iLogger == null ? NoOpLogger.getInstance() : new DiagnosticLogger(this, iLogger); } public void setSerializer(ISerializer iSerializer) { if (iSerializer == null) { iSerializer = NoOpSerializer.getInstance(); } this.serializer = iSerializer; } public void setEnvelopeReader(IEnvelopeReader iEnvelopeReader) { if (iEnvelopeReader == null) { iEnvelopeReader = NoOpEnvelopeReader.getInstance(); } this.envelopeReader = iEnvelopeReader; } public String getCacheDirPath() { String str = this.cacheDirPath; if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) { return null; } return this.dsnHash != null ? new File(this.cacheDirPath, this.dsnHash).getAbsolutePath() : this.cacheDirPath; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public String getCacheDirPathWithoutDsn() { String str = this.cacheDirPath; if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) { return null; } return this.cacheDirPath; } public String getOutboxPath() { String cacheDirPath = getCacheDirPath(); if (cacheDirPath == null) { return null; } return new File(cacheDirPath, "outbox").getAbsolutePath(); } public void setSampleRate(Double d) { if (!SampleRateUtils.isValidSampleRate(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value " + d + " is not valid. Use null to disable or values >= 0.0 and <= 1.0."); } this.sampleRate = d; } public void setTracesSampleRate(Double d) { if (!SampleRateUtils.isValidTracesSampleRate(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value " + d + " is not valid. Use null to disable or values between 0.0 and 1.0."); } this.tracesSampleRate = d; } public void addInAppExclude(String str) { this.inAppExcludes.add(str); } public void addInAppInclude(String str) { this.inAppIncludes.add(str); } public void setTransportFactory(ITransportFactory iTransportFactory) { if (iTransportFactory == null) { iTransportFactory = NoOpTransportFactory.getInstance(); } this.transportFactory = iTransportFactory; } public void setTransportGate(ITransportGate iTransportGate) { if (iTransportGate == null) { iTransportGate = NoOpTransportGate.getInstance(); } this.transportGate = iTransportGate; } public void setEnvelopeDiskCache(IEnvelopeCache iEnvelopeCache) { if (iEnvelopeCache == null) { iEnvelopeCache = NoOpEnvelopeCache.getInstance(); } this.envelopeDiskCache = iEnvelopeCache; } public void addScopeObserver(IScopeObserver iScopeObserver) { this.observers.add(iScopeObserver); } public void addOptionsObserver(IOptionsObserver iOptionsObserver) { this.optionsObservers.add(iOptionsObserver); } public void setTag(String str, String str2) { this.tags.put(str, str2); } public boolean isTracingEnabled() { Boolean bool = this.enableTracing; if (bool != null) { return bool.booleanValue(); } return (getTracesSampleRate() == null && getTracesSampler() == null) ? false : true; } public void addIgnoredExceptionForType(Class cls) { this.ignoredExceptionsForType.add(cls); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public boolean containsIgnoredExceptionForType(Throwable th) { return this.ignoredExceptionsForType.contains(th.getClass()); } public void setTransactionProfiler(ITransactionProfiler iTransactionProfiler) { if (this.transactionProfiler != NoOpTransactionProfiler.getInstance() || iTransactionProfiler == null) { return; } this.transactionProfiler = iTransactionProfiler; } public boolean isProfilingEnabled() { return (getProfilesSampleRate() != null && getProfilesSampleRate().doubleValue() > tech.rabbit.r1launcher.BuildConfig.SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE) || getProfilesSampler() != null; } @Deprecated public void setProfilingEnabled(boolean z) { if (getProfilesSampleRate() == null) { setProfilesSampleRate(z ? Double.valueOf(1.0d) : null); } } public void setProfilesSampleRate(Double d) { if (!SampleRateUtils.isValidProfilesSampleRate(d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The value " + d + " is not valid. Use null to disable or values between 0.0 and 1.0."); } this.profilesSampleRate = d; } public String getProfilingTracesDirPath() { String cacheDirPath = getCacheDirPath(); if (cacheDirPath == null) { return null; } return new File(cacheDirPath, "profiling_traces").getAbsolutePath(); } @Deprecated public List getTracingOrigins() { return getTracePropagationTargets(); } @Deprecated public void addTracingOrigin(String str) { if (this.tracePropagationTargets == null) { this.tracePropagationTargets = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); } if (str.isEmpty()) { return; } this.tracePropagationTargets.add(str); } @Deprecated public void setTracingOrigins(List list) { setTracePropagationTargets(list); } public void setTracePropagationTargets(List list) { if (list == null) { this.tracePropagationTargets = null; return; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (String str : list) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { arrayList.add(str); } } this.tracePropagationTargets = arrayList; } public void addBundleId(String str) { if (str != null) { String trim = str.trim(); if (trim.isEmpty()) { return; } this.bundleIds.add(trim); } } public void addContextTag(String str) { this.contextTags.add(str); } public void setSendClientReports(boolean z) { this.sendClientReports = z; if (z) { this.clientReportRecorder = new ClientReportRecorder(this); } else { this.clientReportRecorder = new NoOpClientReportRecorder(); } } public void setModulesLoader(IModulesLoader iModulesLoader) { if (iModulesLoader == null) { iModulesLoader = NoOpModulesLoader.getInstance(); } this.modulesLoader = iModulesLoader; } public void setDebugMetaLoader(IDebugMetaLoader iDebugMetaLoader) { if (iDebugMetaLoader == null) { iDebugMetaLoader = NoOpDebugMetaLoader.getInstance(); } this.debugMetaLoader = iDebugMetaLoader; } public void setGestureTargetLocators(List list) { this.gestureTargetLocators.clear(); this.gestureTargetLocators.addAll(list); } public void setViewHierarchyExporters(List list) { this.viewHierarchyExporters.clear(); this.viewHierarchyExporters.addAll(list); } public boolean isEnableAppStartProfiling() { return isProfilingEnabled() && this.enableAppStartProfiling; } public void setIgnoredCheckIns(List list) { if (list == null) { this.ignoredCheckIns = null; return; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (String str : list) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { arrayList.add(str); } } this.ignoredCheckIns = arrayList; } public void addPerformanceCollector(IPerformanceCollector iPerformanceCollector) { this.performanceCollectors.add(iPerformanceCollector); } public boolean isEnableSpanLocalMetricAggregation() { return isEnableMetrics() && this.enableSpanLocalMetricAggregation; } public boolean isEnableDefaultTagsForMetrics() { return isEnableMetrics() && this.enableDefaultTagsForMetrics; } public static SentryOptions empty() { return new SentryOptions(true); } public SentryOptions() { this(false); } private SentryOptions(boolean z) { CopyOnWriteArrayList copyOnWriteArrayList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.eventProcessors = copyOnWriteArrayList; this.ignoredExceptionsForType = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(); CopyOnWriteArrayList copyOnWriteArrayList2 = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.integrations = copyOnWriteArrayList2; this.bundleIds = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(); this.shutdownTimeoutMillis = 2000L; this.flushTimeoutMillis = 15000L; this.sessionFlushTimeoutMillis = 15000L; this.logger = NoOpLogger.getInstance(); this.diagnosticLevel = DEFAULT_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL; this.envelopeReader = new EnvelopeReader(new JsonSerializer(this)); this.serializer = new JsonSerializer(this); this.maxDepth = 100; this.maxCacheItems = 30; this.maxQueueSize = 30; this.maxBreadcrumbs = 100; this.inAppExcludes = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.inAppIncludes = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.transportFactory = NoOpTransportFactory.getInstance(); this.transportGate = NoOpTransportGate.getInstance(); this.attachStacktrace = true; this.enableAutoSessionTracking = true; this.sessionTrackingIntervalMillis = 30000L; this.attachServerName = true; this.enableUncaughtExceptionHandler = true; this.printUncaughtStackTrace = false; this.executorService = NoOpSentryExecutorService.getInstance(); this.connectionTimeoutMillis = 5000; this.readTimeoutMillis = 5000; this.envelopeDiskCache = NoOpEnvelopeCache.getInstance(); this.sendDefaultPii = false; this.observers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.optionsObservers = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.tags = new ConcurrentHashMap(); this.maxAttachmentSize = 20971520L; this.enableDeduplication = true; this.maxSpans = 1000; this.enableShutdownHook = true; this.maxRequestBodySize = RequestSize.NONE; this.traceSampling = true; this.maxTraceFileSize = 5242880L; this.transactionProfiler = NoOpTransactionProfiler.getInstance(); this.tracePropagationTargets = null; this.defaultTracePropagationTargets = Collections.singletonList(DEFAULT_PROPAGATION_TARGETS); this.idleTimeout = 3000L; this.contextTags = new CopyOnWriteArrayList(); this.sendClientReports = true; this.clientReportRecorder = new ClientReportRecorder(this); this.modulesLoader = NoOpModulesLoader.getInstance(); this.debugMetaLoader = NoOpDebugMetaLoader.getInstance(); this.enableUserInteractionTracing = false; this.enableUserInteractionBreadcrumbs = true; this.instrumenter = Instrumenter.SENTRY; this.gestureTargetLocators = new ArrayList(); this.viewHierarchyExporters = new ArrayList(); this.mainThreadChecker = NoOpMainThreadChecker.getInstance(); this.traceOptionsRequests = true; this.dateProvider = new SentryAutoDateProvider(); this.performanceCollectors = new ArrayList(); this.transactionPerformanceCollector = NoOpTransactionPerformanceCollector.getInstance(); this.enableTimeToFullDisplayTracing = false; this.fullyDisplayedReporter = FullyDisplayedReporter.getInstance(); this.connectionStatusProvider = new NoOpConnectionStatusProvider(); this.enabled = true; this.enablePrettySerializationOutput = true; this.sendModules = true; this.enableSpotlight = false; this.enableScopePersistence = true; this.ignoredCheckIns = null; this.backpressureMonitor = NoOpBackpressureMonitor.getInstance(); this.enableBackpressureHandling = true; this.enableAppStartProfiling = false; this.enableMetrics = false; this.enableDefaultTagsForMetrics = true; this.enableSpanLocalMetricAggregation = true; this.beforeEmitMetricCallback = null; this.profilingTracesHz = 101; this.cron = null; if (z) { return; } this.executorService = new SentryExecutorService(); copyOnWriteArrayList2.add(new UncaughtExceptionHandlerIntegration()); copyOnWriteArrayList2.add(new ShutdownHookIntegration()); copyOnWriteArrayList2.add(new SpotlightIntegration()); copyOnWriteArrayList.add(new MainEventProcessor(this)); copyOnWriteArrayList.add(new DuplicateEventDetectionEventProcessor(this)); if (Platform.isJvm()) { copyOnWriteArrayList.add(new SentryRuntimeEventProcessor()); } setSentryClientName(""); setSdkVersion(createSdkVersion()); addPackageInfo(); } public void merge(ExternalOptions externalOptions) { if (externalOptions.getDsn() != null) { setDsn(externalOptions.getDsn()); } if (externalOptions.getEnvironment() != null) { setEnvironment(externalOptions.getEnvironment()); } if (externalOptions.getRelease() != null) { setRelease(externalOptions.getRelease()); } if (externalOptions.getDist() != null) { setDist(externalOptions.getDist()); } if (externalOptions.getServerName() != null) { setServerName(externalOptions.getServerName()); } if (externalOptions.getProxy() != null) { setProxy(externalOptions.getProxy()); } if (externalOptions.getEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler() != null) { setEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler(externalOptions.getEnableUncaughtExceptionHandler().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getPrintUncaughtStackTrace() != null) { setPrintUncaughtStackTrace(externalOptions.getPrintUncaughtStackTrace().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getEnableTracing() != null) { setEnableTracing(externalOptions.getEnableTracing()); } if (externalOptions.getTracesSampleRate() != null) { setTracesSampleRate(externalOptions.getTracesSampleRate()); } if (externalOptions.getProfilesSampleRate() != null) { setProfilesSampleRate(externalOptions.getProfilesSampleRate()); } if (externalOptions.getDebug() != null) { setDebug(externalOptions.getDebug().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getEnableDeduplication() != null) { setEnableDeduplication(externalOptions.getEnableDeduplication().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getSendClientReports() != null) { setSendClientReports(externalOptions.getSendClientReports().booleanValue()); } for (Map.Entry entry : new HashMap(externalOptions.getTags()).entrySet()) { this.tags.put((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue()); } Iterator it = new ArrayList(externalOptions.getInAppIncludes()).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { addInAppInclude((String); } Iterator it2 = new ArrayList(externalOptions.getInAppExcludes()).iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { addInAppExclude((String); } Iterator it3 = new HashSet(externalOptions.getIgnoredExceptionsForType()).iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { addIgnoredExceptionForType((Class); } if (externalOptions.getTracePropagationTargets() != null) { setTracePropagationTargets(new ArrayList(externalOptions.getTracePropagationTargets())); } Iterator it4 = new ArrayList(externalOptions.getContextTags()).iterator(); while (it4.hasNext()) { addContextTag((String); } if (externalOptions.getProguardUuid() != null) { setProguardUuid(externalOptions.getProguardUuid()); } if (externalOptions.getIdleTimeout() != null) { setIdleTimeout(externalOptions.getIdleTimeout()); } Iterator it5 = externalOptions.getBundleIds().iterator(); while (it5.hasNext()) { addBundleId(; } if (externalOptions.isEnabled() != null) { setEnabled(externalOptions.isEnabled().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.isEnablePrettySerializationOutput() != null) { setEnablePrettySerializationOutput(externalOptions.isEnablePrettySerializationOutput().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.isSendModules() != null) { setSendModules(externalOptions.isSendModules().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getIgnoredCheckIns() != null) { setIgnoredCheckIns(new ArrayList(externalOptions.getIgnoredCheckIns())); } if (externalOptions.isEnableBackpressureHandling() != null) { setEnableBackpressureHandling(externalOptions.isEnableBackpressureHandling().booleanValue()); } if (externalOptions.getCron() != null) { if (getCron() == null) { setCron(externalOptions.getCron()); return; } if (externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultCheckinMargin() != null) { getCron().setDefaultCheckinMargin(externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultCheckinMargin()); } if (externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultMaxRuntime() != null) { getCron().setDefaultMaxRuntime(externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultMaxRuntime()); } if (externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultTimezone() != null) { getCron().setDefaultTimezone(externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultTimezone()); } if (externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultFailureIssueThreshold() != null) { getCron().setDefaultFailureIssueThreshold(externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultFailureIssueThreshold()); } if (externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultRecoveryThreshold() != null) { getCron().setDefaultRecoveryThreshold(externalOptions.getCron().getDefaultRecoveryThreshold()); } } } private SdkVersion createSdkVersion() { SdkVersion sdkVersion = new SdkVersion(BuildConfig.SENTRY_JAVA_SDK_NAME, "7.8.0"); sdkVersion.setVersion("7.8.0"); return sdkVersion; } private void addPackageInfo() { SentryIntegrationPackageStorage.getInstance().addPackage("maven:io.sentry:sentry", "7.8.0"); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Proxy { private String host; private String pass; private String port; private Proxy.Type type; private String user; public String getHost() { return; } public String getPass() { return this.pass; } public String getPort() { return this.port; } public Proxy.Type getType() { return this.type; } public String getUser() { return this.user; } public void setHost(String str) { = str; } public void setPass(String str) { this.pass = str; } public void setPort(String str) { this.port = str; } public void setType(Proxy.Type type) { this.type = type; } public void setUser(String str) { this.user = str; } public Proxy() { this(null, null, null, null, null); } public Proxy(String str, String str2) { this(str, str2, null, null, null); } public Proxy(String str, String str2, Proxy.Type type) { this(str, str2, type, null, null); } public Proxy(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) { this(str, str2, null, str3, str4); } public Proxy(String str, String str2, Proxy.Type type, String str3, String str4) { = str; this.port = str2; this.type = type; this.user = str3; this.pass = str4; } } }