package io.sentry; import io.sentry.protocol.User; import io.sentry.util.StringUtils; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class Session implements JsonUnknown, JsonSerializable { private String abnormalMechanism; private final String distinctId; private Double duration; private final String environment; private final AtomicInteger errorCount; private Boolean init; private final String ipAddress; private final String release; private Long sequence; private final UUID sessionId; private final Object sessionLock; private final Date started; private State status; private Date timestamp; private Map unknown; private String userAgent; /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class JsonKeys { public static final String ABNORMAL_MECHANISM = "abnormal_mechanism"; public static final String ATTRS = "attrs"; public static final String DID = "did"; public static final String DURATION = "duration"; public static final String ENVIRONMENT = "environment"; public static final String ERRORS = "errors"; public static final String INIT = "init"; public static final String IP_ADDRESS = "ip_address"; public static final String RELEASE = "release"; public static final String SEQ = "seq"; public static final String SID = "sid"; public static final String STARTED = "started"; public static final String STATUS = "status"; public static final String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; public static final String USER_AGENT = "user_agent"; } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public enum State { Ok, Exited, Crashed, Abnormal } public String getAbnormalMechanism() { return this.abnormalMechanism; } public String getDistinctId() { return this.distinctId; } public Double getDuration() { return this.duration; } public String getEnvironment() { return this.environment; } public Boolean getInit() { return this.init; } public String getIpAddress() { return this.ipAddress; } public String getRelease() { return this.release; } public Long getSequence() { return this.sequence; } public UUID getSessionId() { return this.sessionId; } public State getStatus() { return this.status; } @Override // io.sentry.JsonUnknown public Map getUnknown() { return this.unknown; } public String getUserAgent() { return this.userAgent; } @Override // io.sentry.JsonUnknown public void setUnknown(Map map) { this.unknown = map; } public Session(State state, Date date, Date date2, int i, String str, UUID uuid, Boolean bool, Long l, Double d, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6) { this.sessionLock = new Object(); this.status = state; this.started = date; this.timestamp = date2; this.errorCount = new AtomicInteger(i); this.distinctId = str; this.sessionId = uuid; this.init = bool; this.sequence = l; this.duration = d; this.ipAddress = str2; this.userAgent = str3; this.environment = str4; this.release = str5; this.abnormalMechanism = str6; } public Session(String str, User user, String str2, String str3) { this(State.Ok, DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(), DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(), 0, str, UUID.randomUUID(), true, null, null, user != null ? user.getIpAddress() : null, null, str2, str3, null); } public boolean isTerminated() { return this.status != State.Ok; } public Date getStarted() { Date date = this.started; if (date == null) { return null; } return (Date) date.clone(); } public void setInitAsTrue() { this.init = true; } public int errorCount() { return this.errorCount.get(); } public Date getTimestamp() { Date date = this.timestamp; if (date != null) { return (Date) date.clone(); } return null; } public void end() { end(DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime()); } public void end(Date date) { synchronized (this.sessionLock) { this.init = null; if (this.status == State.Ok) { this.status = State.Exited; } if (date != null) { this.timestamp = date; } else { this.timestamp = DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(); } Date date2 = this.timestamp; if (date2 != null) { this.duration = Double.valueOf(calculateDurationTime(date2)); this.sequence = Long.valueOf(getSequenceTimestamp(this.timestamp)); } } } private double calculateDurationTime(Date date) { return Math.abs(date.getTime() - this.started.getTime()) / 1000.0d; } public boolean update(State state, String str, boolean z) { return update(state, str, z, null); } public boolean update(State state, String str, boolean z, String str2) { boolean z2; boolean z3; synchronized (this.sessionLock) { z2 = true; if (state != null) { try { this.status = state; z3 = true; } catch (Throwable th) { throw th; } } else { z3 = false; } if (str != null) { this.userAgent = str; z3 = true; } if (z) { this.errorCount.addAndGet(1); z3 = true; } if (str2 != null) { this.abnormalMechanism = str2; } else { z2 = z3; } if (z2) { this.init = null; Date currentDateTime = DateUtils.getCurrentDateTime(); this.timestamp = currentDateTime; if (currentDateTime != null) { this.sequence = Long.valueOf(getSequenceTimestamp(currentDateTime)); } } } return z2; } private long getSequenceTimestamp(Date date) { long time = date.getTime(); return time < 0 ? Math.abs(time) : time; } /* renamed from: clone, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public Session m5632clone() { return new Session(this.status, this.started, this.timestamp, this.errorCount.get(), this.distinctId, this.sessionId, this.init, this.sequence, this.duration, this.ipAddress, this.userAgent, this.environment, this.release, this.abnormalMechanism); } @Override // io.sentry.JsonSerializable public void serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, ILogger iLogger) throws IOException { objectWriter.beginObject(); if (this.sessionId != null) {"sid").value(this.sessionId.toString()); } if (this.distinctId != null) {; } if (this.init != null) {; }, this.started);"status").value(iLogger,; if (this.sequence != null) {; }; if (this.duration != null) {"duration").value(this.duration); } if (this.timestamp != null) {"timestamp").value(iLogger, this.timestamp); } if (this.abnormalMechanism != null) {, this.abnormalMechanism); }; objectWriter.beginObject();"release").value(iLogger, this.release); if (this.environment != null) {"environment").value(iLogger, this.environment); } if (this.ipAddress != null) {"ip_address").value(iLogger, this.ipAddress); } if (this.userAgent != null) {, this.userAgent); } objectWriter.endObject(); Map map = this.unknown; if (map != null) { for (String str : map.keySet()) { Object obj = this.unknown.get(str);; objectWriter.value(iLogger, obj); } } objectWriter.endObject(); } /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class Deserializer implements JsonDeserializer { /* JADX WARN: Can't rename method to resolve collision */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to find 'out' block for switch in B:7:0x00c8. Please report as an issue. */ @Override // io.sentry.JsonDeserializer public Session deserialize(JsonObjectReader jsonObjectReader, ILogger iLogger) throws Exception { char c; String str; boolean z; jsonObjectReader.beginObject(); Integer num = null; State state = null; Date date = null; Date date2 = null; ConcurrentHashMap concurrentHashMap = null; String str2 = null; UUID uuid = null; Boolean bool = null; Long l = null; Double d = null; String str3 = null; String str4 = null; String str5 = null; String str6 = null; String str7 = null; while (true) { String str8 = str5; String str9 = str4; String str10 = str3; Double d2 = d; if (jsonObjectReader.peek() != JsonToken.NAME) { if (state == null) { throw missingRequiredFieldException("status", iLogger); } if (date == null) { throw missingRequiredFieldException(JsonKeys.STARTED, iLogger); } if (num == null) { throw missingRequiredFieldException(JsonKeys.ERRORS, iLogger); } if (str6 == null) { throw missingRequiredFieldException("release", iLogger); } Session session = new Session(state, date, date2, num.intValue(), str2, uuid, bool, l, d2, str10, str9, str8, str6, str7); session.setUnknown(concurrentHashMap); jsonObjectReader.endObject(); return session; } String nextName = jsonObjectReader.nextName(); nextName.hashCode(); switch (nextName.hashCode()) { case -1992012396: if (nextName.equals("duration")) { c = 0; break; } break; case -1897185151: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.STARTED)) { c = 1; break; } break; case -1294635157: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.ERRORS)) { c = 2; break; } break; case -892481550: if (nextName.equals("status")) { c = 3; break; } break; case 99455: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.DID)) { c = 4; break; } break; case 113759: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.SEQ)) { c = 5; break; } break; case 113870: if (nextName.equals("sid")) { c = 6; break; } break; case 3237136: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.INIT)) { c = 7; break; } break; case 55126294: if (nextName.equals("timestamp")) { c = '\b'; break; } break; case 93152418: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.ATTRS)) { c = '\t'; break; } break; case 213717026: if (nextName.equals(JsonKeys.ABNORMAL_MECHANISM)) { c = '\n'; break; } break; } c = 65535; switch (c) { case 0: d = jsonObjectReader.nextDoubleOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; break; case 1: date = jsonObjectReader.nextDateOrNull(iLogger); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case 2: num = jsonObjectReader.nextIntegerOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case 3: String capitalize = StringUtils.capitalize(jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull()); if (capitalize != null) { state = State.valueOf(capitalize); } str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case 4: str2 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case 5: l = jsonObjectReader.nextLongOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case 6: try { str = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused) { str = null; } try { uuid = UUID.fromString(str); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused2) { iLogger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "%s sid is not valid.", str); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; } str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; case 7: bool = jsonObjectReader.nextBooleanOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case '\b': date2 = jsonObjectReader.nextDateOrNull(iLogger); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; case '\t': jsonObjectReader.beginObject(); str4 = str9; str3 = str10; while (jsonObjectReader.peek() == JsonToken.NAME) { String nextName2 = jsonObjectReader.nextName(); nextName2.hashCode(); switch (nextName2.hashCode()) { case -85904877: if (nextName2.equals("environment")) { z = false; break; } break; case 1090594823: if (nextName2.equals("release")) { z = true; break; } break; case 1480014044: if (nextName2.equals("ip_address")) { z = 2; break; } break; case 1917799825: if (nextName2.equals(JsonKeys.USER_AGENT)) { z = 3; break; } break; } z = -1; switch (z) { case false: str8 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); break; case true: str6 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); break; case true: str3 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); break; case true: str4 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); break; default: jsonObjectReader.skipValue(); break; } } jsonObjectReader.endObject(); str5 = str8; d = d2; break; case '\n': str7 = jsonObjectReader.nextStringOrNull(); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; default: if (concurrentHashMap == null) { concurrentHashMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); } jsonObjectReader.nextUnknown(iLogger, concurrentHashMap, nextName); str5 = str8; str4 = str9; str3 = str10; d = d2; break; } } } private Exception missingRequiredFieldException(String str, ILogger iLogger) { String str2 = "Missing required field \"" + str + "\""; IllegalStateException illegalStateException = new IllegalStateException(str2); iLogger.log(SentryLevel.ERROR, str2, illegalStateException); return illegalStateException; } } }