package io.sentry.cache; import; import io.sentry.ISerializer; import io.sentry.SentryEnvelope; import io.sentry.SentryEnvelopeItem; import io.sentry.SentryItemType; import io.sentry.SentryLevel; import io.sentry.SentryOptions; import io.sentry.Session; import io.sentry.clientreport.DiscardReason; import io.sentry.util.Objects; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public abstract class CacheStrategy { protected static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName(C.UTF8_NAME); protected final File directory; private final int maxSize; protected final SentryOptions options; protected final ISerializer serializer; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public CacheStrategy(SentryOptions sentryOptions, String str, int i) { Objects.requireNonNull(str, "Directory is required."); this.options = (SentryOptions) Objects.requireNonNull(sentryOptions, "SentryOptions is required."); this.serializer = sentryOptions.getSerializer(); = new File(str); this.maxSize = i; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public boolean isDirectoryValid() { if ( && && { return true; } this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "The directory for caching files is inaccessible.: %s",; return false; } private void sortFilesOldestToNewest(File[] fileArr) { if (fileArr.length > 1) { Arrays.sort(fileArr, new Comparator() { // from class: io.sentry.cache.CacheStrategy$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 @Override // java.util.Comparator public final int compare(Object obj, Object obj2) { int compare; compare = obj).lastModified(), ((File) obj2).lastModified()); return compare; } }); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public void rotateCacheIfNeeded(File[] fileArr) { int length = fileArr.length; if (length >= this.maxSize) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "Cache folder if full (respecting maxSize). Rotating files", new Object[0]); int i = (length - this.maxSize) + 1; sortFilesOldestToNewest(fileArr); File[] fileArr2 = (File[]) Arrays.copyOfRange(fileArr, i, length); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { File file = fileArr[i2]; moveInitFlagIfNecessary(file, fileArr2); if (!file.delete()) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "File can't be deleted: %s", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } private void moveInitFlagIfNecessary(File file, File[] fileArr) { Boolean init; int i; File file2; SentryEnvelope readEnvelope; SentryEnvelopeItem sentryEnvelopeItem; Session readSession; SentryEnvelope readEnvelope2 = readEnvelope(file); if (readEnvelope2 == null || !isValidEnvelope(readEnvelope2)) { return; } this.options.getClientReportRecorder().recordLostEnvelope(DiscardReason.CACHE_OVERFLOW, readEnvelope2); Session firstSession = getFirstSession(readEnvelope2); if (firstSession == null || !isValidSession(firstSession) || (init = firstSession.getInit()) == null || !init.booleanValue()) { return; } int length = fileArr.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { file2 = fileArr[i]; readEnvelope = readEnvelope(file2); if (readEnvelope != null && isValidEnvelope(readEnvelope)) { Iterator it = readEnvelope.getItems().iterator(); while (true) { sentryEnvelopeItem = null; if (!it.hasNext()) { break; } SentryEnvelopeItem next =; if (isSessionType(next) && (readSession = readSession(next)) != null && isValidSession(readSession)) { Boolean init2 = readSession.getInit(); if (init2 != null && init2.booleanValue()) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Session %s has 2 times the init flag.", firstSession.getSessionId()); return; } if (firstSession.getSessionId() != null && firstSession.getSessionId().equals(readSession.getSessionId())) { readSession.setInitAsTrue(); try { sentryEnvelopeItem = SentryEnvelopeItem.fromSession(this.serializer, readSession); it.remove(); break; } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, e, "Failed to create new envelope item for the session %s", firstSession.getSessionId()); } } } } } } return; if (sentryEnvelopeItem != null) { SentryEnvelope buildNewEnvelope = buildNewEnvelope(readEnvelope, sentryEnvelopeItem); long lastModified = file2.lastModified(); if (!file2.delete()) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.WARNING, "File can't be deleted: %s", file2.getAbsolutePath()); } saveNewEnvelope(buildNewEnvelope, file2, lastModified); return; } } private SentryEnvelope readEnvelope(File file) { try { BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); try { SentryEnvelope deserializeEnvelope = this.serializer.deserializeEnvelope(bufferedInputStream); bufferedInputStream.close(); return deserializeEnvelope; } finally { } } catch (IOException e) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Failed to deserialize the envelope.", e); return null; } } private Session getFirstSession(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope) { for (SentryEnvelopeItem sentryEnvelopeItem : sentryEnvelope.getItems()) { if (isSessionType(sentryEnvelopeItem)) { return readSession(sentryEnvelopeItem); } } return null; } private boolean isValidSession(Session session) { return session.getStatus().equals(Session.State.Ok) && session.getSessionId() != null; } private boolean isSessionType(SentryEnvelopeItem sentryEnvelopeItem) { if (sentryEnvelopeItem == null) { return false; } return sentryEnvelopeItem.getHeader().getType().equals(SentryItemType.Session); } private Session readSession(SentryEnvelopeItem sentryEnvelopeItem) { try { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(sentryEnvelopeItem.getData()), UTF_8)); try { Session session = (Session) this.serializer.deserialize(bufferedReader, Session.class); bufferedReader.close(); return session; } finally { } } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Failed to deserialize the session.", th); return null; } } private void saveNewEnvelope(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope, File file, long j) { try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { this.serializer.serialize(sentryEnvelope, fileOutputStream); file.setLastModified(j); fileOutputStream.close(); } finally { } } catch (Throwable th) { this.options.getLogger().log(SentryLevel.ERROR, "Failed to serialize the new envelope to the disk.", th); } } private SentryEnvelope buildNewEnvelope(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope, SentryEnvelopeItem sentryEnvelopeItem) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = sentryEnvelope.getItems().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(; } arrayList.add(sentryEnvelopeItem); return new SentryEnvelope(sentryEnvelope.getHeader(), arrayList); } private boolean isValidEnvelope(SentryEnvelope sentryEnvelope) { return sentryEnvelope.getItems().iterator().hasNext(); } }